View Full Version : Georgia

11-07-2020, 06:01 PM
Lets assume nothing happens and Biden wins.

Georgia is huge for Republicans. I was thinking that only the perdue seat was in play where he won but has to have a run off. However if you look at the special race there were 45 percent of the vote between 2 republicans. So since only 2 people run that will make that race very interesting as well.

11-07-2020, 06:15 PM
Biden will win. There aren't enough uncounted votes to change things.

Historically, Dems have performed badly in Georgia state-wide special elections. So if you're placing bets, the safest bets are on the GOP keeping both seats. Candidly, odds are that Trump lost because some Republicans split their tickets to get him out of office. They would almost assuredly vote for the GOP candidates.

Having said that, there are enough weird variables here that I'm not really sure how this will play out. Trump's constant attacks on the integrity of our elections may convince some Republicans to stay home. He may also start lashing out at Republicans who refuse to pretend like he didn't lose the election. A good 30-40% of Republican voters see themselves as Trump supporters first and foremost, not Republicans. That could depress turnout.

And a few months of Trump acting even crazier and more unhinged then normal may convince independent voters to turn out and vote against the GOP.

11-07-2020, 06:17 PM
I wasn't referring to uncounted votes. Yeah Georgia and the way Trump acts will be interesting

11-07-2020, 07:35 PM
I wasn't referring to uncounted votes. Yeah Georgia and the way Trump acts will be interesting

Honestly though- both of those races are in play on paper.

But they're probably not actually in play.

I'm not sure I'm ready to believe that Georgia really is the next Arizona. But I do hope I'm wrong. (Though I know you don't)

11-07-2020, 11:30 PM
I think the Dems will take one seat in Georgia... if they manage to take two... bad news for the republicans.

11-08-2020, 12:01 AM
its definetly possible on the 1. will be interesting. as techincally the democrat lost big in both. 32 percent to 45 percent for republican and 49 to 47 percent. If the Democratz win both then I may have to move out of the country lol

11-08-2020, 12:03 AM
its definetly possible on the 1. will be interesting. as techincally the democrat lost big in both. 32 percent to 45 percent for republican and 49 to 47 percent. If the Democratz win both then I may have to move out of the country lol

I think Purdue is going to be toast, Ossoff looks to be a really good candidate and in my opinion a future leader of the Democratic Party.

11-08-2020, 12:09 AM
he won by 2 percent and i am sure georgia republicans will be scared *(*&*(* and get out and vote. I mean anything is possible of course

11-08-2020, 12:12 AM
he won by 2 percent and i am sure georgia republicans will be scared *(*&*(* and get out and vote. I mean anything is possible of course

I think the majority of republicans are pretty dejected from the presidential loss, and may not come out at all.
The huge turn out was for Trump, and only Trump... I see a major fall in republicans voting for this run off, for both run offs

Stacy Abrams is a god damn machine too, she will make sure EVERY democrat shows up to vote.

11-08-2020, 12:12 AM
You know, there's a literal pandemic that has killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans and which has shut our economy down. And so far Democrats have pushed legitimate aid packages for small businesses, people out of work, hospitals, and state & local governments. They've also pushed mask mandates and enforced social distancing to keep people from dying.

And there are Republicans who spent their time convincing people to think the pandemic was a hoax, have *actively* tried to stop cities and states from enacting the kind of policies that epidemiologists told us would save lives (and which, according to university and government studies DID save lives), refused to pass any additional aid packages, and whose politicians held DOZENS of super spreader events *and* who engaged in dozens of lawsuits around the country aimed at making it harder to vote by mail, forcing people to congregate together during a fucking pandemic just to exercise their fundamental right to vote.

And as a result, we are 4% of the world's population but have had over 20% of the GLOBAL COVID-related deaths and are now at over 100,000 new COVID cases (and over 1000 deaths) every single day.

And, I'm sorry, you're going to move if **Democrats** get those Senate seats instead of Republicans? Because...you like Republican tax breaks? You just really want gay people not to get married? You want to make sure that asylum-seeking children are separated from their parents and put in cages so they don't come into our country? Because you just really feel strongly that the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is threatening somehow?

You have actually read about Jesus, right? He had a few things to tell us that you should probably pay attention to.

11-08-2020, 12:28 AM
You should keep your drivel to the other pages this is about georgia. i think you are on the wrongpage. We may be on different sides but for the most part we get along. take your crap to the other posts thanks

11-08-2020, 12:29 AM
that was a #($*#($*I#(#)( JOKE VISHRA ABOUT MOVING. LEARN TO READ HOW IT"S PUT BECAUSE OF ALL THE DEMOCRATZ who were going to leave when Trump won. Seriously take a chill pill

Peolsi is why another aid package didn't pass. However enough about you and your loves. this is about Georgia and how I am interested, not about your 3 page lecture

11-08-2020, 01:28 AM
I think the majority of republicans are pretty dejected from the presidential loss, and may not come out at all.
The huge turn out was for Trump, and only Trump... I see a major fall in republicans voting for this run off, for both run offs

Stacy Abrams is a god damn machine too, she will make sure EVERY democrat shows up to vote.

Is she still whining about the 2018 election being stolen from her? Or has she shut her mouth now for obvious reasons? Probably not, since most Democrats have a magical hypocrisy force-field around their brain. There is no chance that the 33-year-old supernerd and the 32-percent Reverend are going to win those seats.

11-08-2020, 06:26 AM
There is no chance that the 33-year-old supernerd and the 32-percent Reverend are going to win those seats.

There’s a decent chance of it. After the last Governor’s election, there was an interesting article in a small Athens paper (I think written by a UGA poli sci professor), about the changing voting demographics in the state. The conclusion I had from it is that the Democrats can control a statewide election if they can get their people to the polls. Had they gotten their people to the polls in Henry County at just the statewide average, Stacy Abrams would be our Governor today.

Another thing that’s mind boggling to me is that two generations ago, Cobb County was the most conservative county in the country, now it is staunchly blue. Gives you an idea of the number of carpet baggers that have moved into the Atlanta area.

11-08-2020, 06:54 AM
There’s a decent chance of it. After the last Governor’s election, there was an interesting article in a small Athens paper (I think written by a UGA poli sci professor), about the changing voting demographics in the state. The conclusion I had from it is that the Democrats can control a statewide election if they can get their people to the polls. Had they gotten their people to the polls in Henry County at just the statewide average, Stacy Abrams would be our Governor today.

Another thing that’s mind boggling to me is that two generations ago, Cobb County was the most conservative county in the country, now it is staunchly blue. Gives you an idea of the number of carpet baggers that have moved into the Atlanta area.

Exactly, that’s what I meant when I say Abrams is a god damn machine, the entire Democratic base is giving her the credit for turning Georgia blue this election, and honestly the work she has done... she deserves the credit. She’s going to make sure every fucking Democrat comes out for these two run off elections.

I can see Ossoff winning, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems took both seats, I also wouldn’t be surprised if they lost one of them. But I got a feeling they will win at least one.

11-08-2020, 07:09 AM
Peolsi is why another aid package didn't pass. However enough about you and your loves. this is about Georgia and how I am interested, not about your 3 page lecture

I disagree, Pelosi was part of the problem, but she was far from the only reason another aid package didn’t pass.

11-08-2020, 07:56 AM
Raphael Warnock has one huge wild card on his side in the other race, he holds the job Martin Luther King Jr, once held at Ebenezer Baptist Church, there is literally no way to know how that will effect a race between just the two of them. Add in Abrams and I think there is a very real chance the Dems can pull of a double, the double insider trading scandal for both GOP candidates is nto going to help them as the lack of an Aid Package drags on.

11-08-2020, 08:29 AM
Then why did he only get 32 percent?

11-08-2020, 08:56 AM
Raphael Warnock has one huge wild card on his side in the other race, he holds the job Martin Luther King Jr, once held at Ebenezer Baptist Church, there is literally no way to know how that will effect a race between just the two of them. Add in Abrams and I think there is a very real chance the Dems can pull of a double, the double insider trading scandal for both GOP candidates is nto going to help them as the lack of an Aid Package drags on.

Hunter and Joe Biden are in bed with the ChiComs and you think that insider trading rumors are going to do in a candidate? People do not care anymore about what their side did so long as it is THEIR side.

Our country is so polarized that I expect a shooting war to start sooner rather than later. That is why I predict one of the first things Harris does as president is to enact radical gun control measures and yes I know what I typed. JoePa is a figurehead, anyone that thinks otherwise is delusional.

11-08-2020, 10:00 AM
The Bidens are in Bed with the ChiComs? How is it you don't comment that the Trump family is in bed with the ChiComs? They literally have business deals with them and have received dozens of trademarks from them.

11-08-2020, 11:11 AM
The Bidens are in Bed with the ChiComs? How is it you don't comment that the Trump family is in bed with the ChiComs? They literally have business deals with them and have received dozens of trademarks from them.

Business deals done while you are a private citizen with no familial or special connections are not the same as all deals being done while family is in high government office and most of them being finalized after that family member makes political trips to the country in question. Your Leftist corruption blinders are showing.

11-08-2020, 12:09 PM
The Bidens are in Bed with the ChiComs? How is it you don't comment that the Trump family is in bed with the ChiComs? They literally have business deals with them and have received dozens of trademarks from them.

That may be true, but the HUGE difference is that it happened prior to being an elected official. The Biden family used his position as an elected official to leverage business dealings with China. Biden is a bought and payed for dyed in the wool politician, anyone that says otherwise is not looking at his half a century in office. He is the perfect example of why we need to shoot them all in the head, pile the bodies in the streets and tell the next ones, 'Do better or this will happen to you too.'

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get any better. Unfortunately I lost all my guns in a boating accident so I will have to try and find more before Kamala tries to make them illegal.

As for the Georgia race, for whatever reason, republicans seem to do better in special elections than democrats, not sure why that is, but it just seems to be the case, so it is very unlikely that democrats will win both seats.

11-08-2020, 12:13 PM
Business deals done while you are a private citizen with no familial or special connections are not the same as all deals being done while family is in high government office and most of them being finalized after that family member makes political trips to the country in question. Your Leftist corruption blinders are showing.

Ummm, but you were ok with the Trump family doing massive business deals while a member was president.

11-08-2020, 12:27 PM
That may be true, but the HUGE difference is that it happened prior to being an elected official. The Biden family used his position as an elected official to leverage business dealings with China. Biden is a bought and payed for dyed in the wool politician, anyone that says otherwise is not looking at his half a century in office. He is the perfect example of why we need to shoot them all in the head, pile the bodies in the streets and tell the next ones, 'Do better or this will happen to you too.'

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get any better. Unfortunately I lost all my guns in a boating accident so I will have to try and find more before Kamala tries to make them illegal.

As for the Georgia race, for whatever reason, republicans seem to do better in special elections than democrats, not sure why that is, but it just seems to be the case, so it is very unlikely that democrats will win both seats.

Okay so a few things. First- the whole Biden/China whatever conspiracy theory is...exactly that: a conspiracy theory. (https://www.factcheck.org/2019/10/trumps-claims-about-hunter-biden-in-china/)

President Donald Trump has repeatedly accused Hunter Biden, without evidence, of making millions of dollars in a “payoff” from China, after accompanying his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on a 2013 diplomatic trip to Beijing.

The claim involves a cross-border private equity fund involving some state-owned financial companies in China. Biden served on the management company’s board while his father was vice president, but his attorney says that was an unpaid position, that he did not create the company and has not yet received any money, let alone millions. The attorney says Hunter Biden only acquired a minority stake in the investment management company after his father left office.

We have found no evidence to contradict that, and Trump hasn’t provided any. We also found no evidence that Joe Biden used his position as vice president to enrich his son.

The DoJ actually looked into this years ago and found no wrongdoing. Why do you think Trump tried to blackmail the Ukraine into announcing a fake investigation into the Bidens?

When it comes to Trump and his family, however, they failed to disclose NUMEROUS business connections with foreign governments. Remember Jared and Ivanka having to revise their disclosure forms numerous times? (https://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-financial-disclosure-1386395) Meanwhile, Trump maintained bank accounts in other nations- like China- that he never disclosed. (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/20/us/trump-taxes-china.html)

Here's some of what the NYT found out about Trump's business dealings:

As for the former vice president, his public financial disclosures, along with the income tax returns he voluntarily released, show no income or business dealings of his own in China. However, there is ample evidence of Mr. Trump’s efforts to join the myriad American firms that have long done business there — and the tax records for him and his companies that were obtained by The Times offer new details about them.

As with Russia, where he explored hotel and tower projects in Moscow without success, Mr. Trump has long sought a licensing deal in China. His efforts go at least as far back as 2006, when he filed trademark applications in Hong Kong and the mainland. Many Chinese government approvals came after he became president. (The president’s daughter Ivanka Trump also won Chinese trademark approvals for her personal business after she joined the White House staff.)

After effectively planting his flag there, Mr. Trump found a partner in the State Grid Corporation, one of the nation’s largest government-controlled enterprises. Agence France-Presse reported in 2016 that the partnership would have involved licensing and managing a development in Beijing. Mr. Trump was reportedly still pursuing the deal months into his first presidential campaign, but it was abandoned after State Grid became ensnared in a corruption investigation by Chinese authorities.

But Mr. Trump’s plans in China have been largely driven by a different company, Trump International Hotels Management — the one with a Chinese bank account.

In 2017, the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue — some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years’ combined. It was accompanied by a $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account.

And not long after winning the 2016 election, Mr. Trump reported selling a penthouse in one of his Manhattan buildings for $15.8 million to a Chinese-American businesswoman named Xiao Yan Chen, who bought the unit, previously occupied by Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, in an off-market transaction. Ms. Chen runs an international consulting firm and reportedly has high-level connections to government and political elites in China.

Mr. Trump’s tax records show that he reported a capital gain of at least $5.6 million from the penthouse sale in 2017, his first year as president.

Here's the thing to know about Trump- whenever he accuses someone of doing something corrupt, it virtually always turns out Trump is actually doing that very thing. Remember this is the same man who was trying to do business with Russia **while running for President** and "forgot" to mention it to anyone.

11-08-2020, 12:31 PM
Business deals done while you are a private citizen with no familial or special connections are not the same as all deals being done while family is in high government office and most of them being finalized after that family member makes political trips to the country in question. Your Leftist corruption blinders are showing.

For the love of god go spend 5 minutes on a fact checking site.

Of course you won't because you know it'll tell you that you're just trucking along with a conspiracy theory that has no basis in reality, and you can't have that can you?

Of course you could prove me wrong. Go read a damn fact checking site or two about the Hunter Biden story and then come back and tell us why you still think it's true.

11-08-2020, 12:36 PM
For the love of god go spend 5 minutes on a fact checking site.

Of course you won't because you know it'll tell you that you're just trucking along with a conspiracy theory that has no basis in reality, and you can't have that can you?

Of course you could prove me wrong. Go read a damn fact checking site or two about the Hunter Biden story and then come back and tell us why you still think it's true.

Everyone in Ukraine, knew that, that prosecutor was corrupt. Everyone wanted him fired. He refused to do anything. Ukrainian people were/are sick of Russian puppets corrupting their system

11-08-2020, 12:39 PM
Ivanka Trump has received Trademarks in every year her father was President in China, while working as his advisor. His sons sgned a massive deal in Indonesia thta is financed by a Bhinese national bank, while he was President. Seriously read some actual news and not Fox and Breitbart.

11-08-2020, 04:58 PM
Ummm, but you were ok with the Trump family doing massive business deals while a member was president.

Or qatar bailing out his son in law while he was part of the administration.