View Full Version : Trump’s exonomy is a debt fueled LIE

10-18-2020, 08:42 AM
Notice when debt begins to cross over national GDP.


10-18-2020, 09:14 AM
Gee, I wonder what could have suddenly happened to massively contract the GDP and increase the debt all at once? What could it be?

10-18-2020, 12:02 PM
Notice when debt begins to cross over national GDP.



10-18-2020, 12:28 PM
Gee, I wonder what could have suddenly happened to massively contract the GDP and increase the debt all at once? What could it be?

Yes, Trump.

So vote him out, kthx.

10-18-2020, 12:51 PM
Looks about 2013 or 2014 is when it starts. I wonder who, possibly, could have been in office during that timeframe.


10-18-2020, 05:14 PM
Trollguyver. Isn’t it time to make a new account? Or you’re good with all the ones you have already?

10-19-2020, 08:59 AM
The graph would be better showing annual debt as a percentage of GDP.

2009 is a spike when Obama and Biden rescued the automotive and banking industries from collapse.

Things stabilize and being level out until 2017 when you see spikes in debt as Trump borrows to fix the shortfall in federal revenue from his tax give away. Interestingly, GDP doesn't spike (stock markets did, because tax give aways line investors pockets and do not "trickle down") like the debt did.

Then you get to 2020, which as others point out is COVID related.

It's not fair to put all the blame on Trump for failing to respond to COVID.

Local government also could have done a better job dealing with COVID. See, e.g., Ron DeSantis shitting the bed in Florida.

10-19-2020, 09:17 AM
Meanwhile the interest expense on the debt is less than twice what it was between the start and end dates of this chart, and GDP clearly more than doubles over the same period. Comparing the cumulative total of deficit spending for all time with an annual income is already disingenuous no matter who it is you're trying to make look bad. Shitty arguments like this make the good arguments for why Trump administration spending is fucking bullshit less powerful.

10-19-2020, 12:55 PM
Meanwhile the interest expense on the debt is less than twice what it was between the start and end dates of this chart, and GDP clearly more than doubles over the same period. Comparing the cumulative total of deficit spending for all time with an annual income is already disingenuous no matter who it is you're trying to make look bad. Shitty arguments like this make the good arguments for why Trump administration spending is fucking bullshit less powerful.

It's macgyver though. Nothing he posts from any of his accounts should be taken seriously.

Macgyver is like Backlash, except macgyver knows he's a fucking moron and embraces it in his endless quest for attention.