View Full Version : Chick-fil-A going full woke!

06-20-2020, 12:51 AM

White Christians should repent for racism and fight for their black brothers and sisters, Chick-fil-A's CEO urged, after weeks of protests over police brutality and the death of Rayshard Brooks.

The son of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy said the company has had "about a dozen Chick-fil-A restaurants vandalized in the last week, but my plea would be for the white people, rather than point fingers at that kind of criminal effort, would be to see the level of frustration and exasperation and almost the sense of hopelessness that exists on some of those activists within the African-American community."

Speaking with Louie Giglio, Passion City founder, and Lecrae, a Christian rapper, Cathy said, "we as caucasians, until we’re willing to just pick up the baton and fight for our black, African-American brothers and sisters, which they are as one human race, we’re shameful. We’re just adding to it."

Earlier this month, Chick-fil-A apologized for a viral photo of an employee wearing a "Back the blue" shirt. The company was criticized as "racist," but the shirt actually was supporting a local football team and the picture was several years old.

So let's be honest, Democrats, are any of you going to now start eating at Chick-fil-A with all of this wokeness flowing from their CEO? Or are they still evil for supposedly forcing any gays who enter their restaurant into conversion therapy?

Let's face it, it's the latter. I'll never understand why businesses (or people for that matter) seek to pander to a segment of society that hates them and will forever hate them. Like what's the point? Best case scenario nothing changes and life goes on. Worst case scenario you alienate the people who DON'T hate your guts and make things worse for yourself. So what's the point?

Let's get real, do you think people like time4fun or Seran will EVER post a positive story about Chick-fil-A and say "Good on them. I think I'll buy some Christian chicken sandwiches this week."

06-20-2020, 12:56 AM
They should, because those sandwiches are delicious.

06-20-2020, 12:57 AM
They should, because those sandwiches are delicious.


06-20-2020, 01:00 AM
Isn't Chick-fil-A the anti-gay sandwich place?

They leaned way hard into the ad campaign this time.

06-20-2020, 02:13 AM

So let's be honest, Democrats, are any of you going to now start eating at Chick-fil-A with all of this wokeness flowing from their CEO? Or are they still evil for supposedly forcing any gays who enter their restaurant into conversion therapy?

Let's face it, it's the latter. I'll never understand why businesses (or people for that matter) seek to pander to a segment of society that hates them and will forever hate them. Like what's the point? Best case scenario nothing changes and life goes on. Worst case scenario you alienate the people who DON'T hate your guts and make things worse for yourself. So what's the point?

Let's get real, do you think people like time4fun or Seran will EVER post a positive story about Chick-fil-A and say "Good on them. I think I'll buy some Christian chicken sandwiches this week."

No thank you, I generally avoid false idols. Chicken isn't my God, but apparently is yours.

06-20-2020, 02:42 AM
No thank you, I generally avoid false idols. Chicken isn't my God, but apparently is yours.

See what I mean? What does Chick-fil-A hope to accomplish with this?

06-20-2020, 02:45 AM
The hope to gain back the market loss they had to Popeye's and avoid more loss to KFC and anyone else with a new premium chicken sandwich. It is always about the money with these sorts of announcements. Also Popeye's sandwich is also excellent.

06-20-2020, 09:20 AM
The hope to gain back the market loss they had to Popeye's and avoid more loss to KFC and anyone else with a new premium chicken sandwich. It is always about the money with these sorts of announcements. Also Popeye's sandwich is also excellent.

Do you still have to wait hours to get one? Been wanting to try it.

06-20-2020, 11:22 AM
Did not when I got one, though that was months ago while on the road.

06-20-2020, 12:04 PM
The hope to gain back the market loss they had to Popeye's and avoid more loss to KFC and anyone else with a new premium chicken sandwich. It is always about the money with these sorts of announcements. Also Popeye's sandwich is also excellent.

Before the pandemic, the Chick-Fil-A near me had constant long lines and the drivethrough was always busy. Now with the pandemic, the drivethrough line sometimes pours into the street. This doesn't count the parking for the Grubhub and Doordash drivers who get their food delivered to their cars. This huge business occurs even with two other Chick-Fil-A resturants located within seven miles.

I expect the owners are making a fortune and aren't worried about market loss to anyone.

06-20-2020, 12:35 PM
Every business everywhere is worried about market loss, it is the nature of big business. If they didn't care about market share they wouldn't have thousands fo stores all over the country, they'd have a few stores where they could make quality or something else their priority.

06-20-2020, 01:30 PM
Do you still have to wait hours to get one? Been wanting to try it.

So-so on the waiting. They are legit though, especially if you ask to have it made spicy? That is leeeeggit

06-20-2020, 01:32 PM
Yeah I agree, spicy is the way to go, a top 5 sandwich for me, with most of the other 4 all being lobster rolls.

06-20-2020, 06:21 PM
The Chick-fil-a here always has lines wrapping around the building. Even at the height of the lockdown.

06-20-2020, 06:39 PM
The Chick-Fil-A here by me in an office park area gets so slammed at noon every workday due to about 50k people working desk jobs in a 1 mile radius, yet the line never takes more than 5-10 minutes to get your food. 4 drive thru lanes, workers taking orders and payment walking the lines, it really is incredible how efficient it is. They all have branded masks now, and it's even faster.

06-20-2020, 06:41 PM
The Chick-Fil-A here by me in an office park area gets so slammed at noon every workday due to about 50k people working desk jobs in a 1 mile radius, yet the line never takes more than 5-10 minutes to get your food. 4 drive thru lanes, workers taking orders and payment walking the lines, it really is incredible how efficient it is. They all have branded masks now, and it's even faster.

The line is fast as fuck. It stays long, but you move through it quick.

06-20-2020, 07:03 PM
See I wonder if that is a region thing, one closest to me has no line, it is steady but not anything above 2 or 3 cars, Closest Popeye's regularly has a longer line

06-20-2020, 07:11 PM
See I wonder if that is a region thing, one closest to me has no line, it is steady but not anything above 2 or 3 cars, Closest Popeye's regularly has a longer line

Popeyes was only ever busy here when people were retarded over the chicken sandwich. Chick-fil-a is busy the entire time it is open here. Popeyes and Raising Canes are both very busy during lunch hours, but not all times of the day like Chick-fil-a. This is in Louisiana.

06-20-2020, 07:20 PM
Popeyes was only ever busy here when people were retarded over the chicken sandwich.


06-20-2020, 07:33 PM
Chick-fil-A CEO: White people should show their 'sense of shame' for racism by shining black people's shoes (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/chick-fil-a-ceo-white-people-should-show-their-sense-of-shame-for-racism-by-shining-black-peoples-shoes)

Uh, yeah, no, I won't be doing that.

Why do so many white people have so much white guilt? It's kind of disgusting how far the left has gone with this, they even roped the CEO of Chick-fil-A of all places to go along with this madness.

How many of you crackers have shined a black person's shoes to absolve your guilt of racism? I bet zero! You all make me sick!