View Full Version : Biden's VP

06-18-2020, 01:12 PM
I've been over the entire list. The best choice would be Val Demings. Second choice would be Tammy Baldwin.

Demings has a long police background. She still has a police haircut. She is tough.

Baldwin is the safest of the rest of the list.

A lot of people want him to pick Warren. Don't do it. For the same reason he shouldn't pick Warren, he shouldn't pick Stacey Abrams. They are both very smart and very articulate. But they are also the sort of people who motivate the other side.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-18-2020, 04:17 PM
He's backed himself into having to pick a minority woman, regardless of her qualifications or any merit based evaluation. That alone should terrify you if you are a Democrat.

06-18-2020, 07:01 PM
If he picks anyone but Warren I’m voing Trump. The dude is a Republican all but in name; always has been since the Lincoln administration. Remember what he told that group of super rich donors at the fundraiser ,”don’t worry guys, nothing is fundamentally going to change.” He is a corporate plant and was always the backup if/when the Trump milk gets too sour.

06-19-2020, 12:28 AM
If he picks anyone but Warren I’m voing Trump. The dude is a Republican all but in name; always has been since the Lincoln administration. Remember what he told that group of super rich donors at the fundraiser ,”don’t worry guys, nothing is fundamentally going to change.” He is a corporate plant and was always the backup if/when the Trump milk gets too sour.

Yeah he's the same as having a Republican in office.

I mean, unless you're queer, trans, a person of color, a woman, have pre-existing health conditions, care about the environment, think the 1st Amendment is important, believe in a woman's right to choose, don't think that religious institutions should be setting our policies, don't want to see our entire Judicial system hijacked by the Federalist Society of unqualified but totally dutiful judges, think that asylum seeking children shouldn't be in cages, believe black lives matter, think that it's of critical importance that foreign governments NOT routinely be invited to attack our elections, think voter suppression is a significant civil rights issue, think that we should be using science to deal with things like pandemics, don't want to see the government employing the death penalty against its own citizens, believe that there should be a social safety net to protect people from poverty, think that sick people should have access to affordable health care, believe that people who work 40 hours a week deserve a living wage, don't think corporations are people, believe that an educated society is a better society, don't think elected officials should tell literally thousands of lies a year, think everyone deserves equal access to education regardless of the zip code they were born in, believe in net neutrality, don't want a President who thinks concentration camps for religious minorities are a good idea, think it's wrong for the Federal government to attack peaceful protesters, don't think the President should be retweeting people saying that people in the opposition party should be killed, don't want to see people arming our teachers with guns, think that all children should be able to eat 3 basic meals every day, believe in Government transparency, understand that NATO helps keep us all safe, or is uncomfortable with their President getting cozy with dictators.

But aside from those things, yes- a vote for Biden and a vote for Trump are more or less the same thing.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
06-19-2020, 08:16 AM
Someone is triggered.

06-19-2020, 08:28 AM
Someone is triggered.

time4fun is just defending the title from a possible challenger.

A preemptive punch in the face, so to speak.

08-01-2020, 09:44 AM
The media seems convinced that Biden will pick Kamala Harris. Picking Harris would be evidence of overthinking and overstrategizing. Some people think it will be Susan Rice. Rice would be the terrible horrible absolute worst choice. I've already given Biden free advice in this thread about whom he should pick.

08-01-2020, 09:54 AM
Not going to be Harris. I think it’s Warren. He’s already got the black vote in lock mainly due to his opponent. He needs to convince the progressives in his party to vote for him a corporate stealth-repub fiscal conservative.

08-01-2020, 10:59 AM
Not going to be Harris. I think it’s Warren. He’s already got the black vote in lock mainly due to his opponent. He needs to convince the progressives in his party to vote for him a corporate stealth-repub fiscal conservative.

So the rich, old white man pick the rich, old white woman as his vp? Who would've thought.

08-01-2020, 11:03 AM
I am still expecting Harris. Every argument I have seen for her sounds like the dumbest thing I can imagine and all the arguments against make sense to me. Also, it is 2020.

08-01-2020, 11:08 AM
Biden is going to win the black vote no matter what, but I highly doubt black people will turn out at the numbers he needs unless he picks a black vice president.

I really think a lot of black people (and probably even some white radicals) will be pissed if he doesn't pick a black VP. Honestly he's pretty much screwed no matter, he either picks Warren and pisses off black people but appeases the Bernie bros, or he doesn't pick Warren and pisses off the Bernie bros. He also runs the risk of alienating a lot of moderates with a Warren pick, not to mention a lot of decent people in general with picking Chief Shitting Bull.

08-01-2020, 12:29 PM
So the rich, old white man pick the rich, old white woman as his vp? Who would've thought.

Um... she had a DNA test and she is officially .001% Native American and therefore a POC.. of which she has identified for decades.

08-01-2020, 02:23 PM
Yeah he's the same as having a Republican in office.

I mean, unless you're queer, trans, a person of color, a woman, have pre-existing health conditions, care about the environment, think the 1st Amendment is important, believe in a woman's right to choose, don't think that religious institutions should be setting our policies, don't want to see our entire Judicial system hijacked by the Federalist Society of unqualified but totally dutiful judges, think that asylum seeking children shouldn't be in cages, believe black lives matter, think that it's of critical importance that foreign governments NOT routinely be invited to attack our elections, think voter suppression is a significant civil rights issue, think that we should be using science to deal with things like pandemics, don't want to see the government employing the death penalty against its own citizens, believe that there should be a social safety net to protect people from poverty, think that sick people should have access to affordable health care, believe that people who work 40 hours a week deserve a living wage, don't think corporations are people, believe that an educated society is a better society, don't think elected officials should tell literally thousands of lies a year, think everyone deserves equal access to education regardless of the zip code they were born in, believe in net neutrality, don't want a President who thinks concentration camps for religious minorities are a good idea, think it's wrong for the Federal government to attack peaceful protesters, don't think the President should be retweeting people saying that people in the opposition party should be killed, don't want to see people arming our teachers with guns, think that all children should be able to eat 3 basic meals every day, believe in Government transparency, understand that NATO helps keep us all safe, or is uncomfortable with their President getting cozy with dictators.

But aside from those things, yes- a vote for Biden and a vote for Trump are more or less the same thing.

Must suck having to vote blue no matter who. Sucker!

No medicare for all. No change on the drug war. No end to foreign wars. No changes to the racist crime bill he wrote. Old rich white guy. 12 years of progressive work, out the door.

08-01-2020, 03:54 PM
Must suck having to vote blue no matter who. Sucker!

No medicare for all. No change on the drug war. No end to foreign wars. No changes to the racist crime bill he wrote. Old rich white guy. 12 years of progressive work, out the door.

You're supporting a President who sends in Federal forces to cities without their permission to attack peaceful protesters and who floated the idea of delaying our elections in order to keep himself in power longer. The same President had Federal forces abducting protesters in unmarked vans and driving them to undisclosed locations while the administration referred to them as "preemptive" arrests. The same President who is currently trying to de-legitimize our upcoming election so he can contest the results if they aren't what he wants.

And you're making fun of other peoples' voting choices?

My god you are so far gone at this point that there's no saving you.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-01-2020, 03:56 PM
You're supporting a President who sends in Federal forces to cities without their permission to attack peaceful protesters and who floated the idea of delaying our elections in order to keep himself in power longer. The same President had Federal forces abducting protesters in unmarked vans and driving them to undisclosed locations while the administration referred to them as "preemptive" arrests. The same President who is currently trying to de-legitimize our upcoming election so he can contest the results if they aren't what he wants.

And you're making fun of other peoples' voting choices?

My god you are so far gone at this point that there's no saving you.


08-01-2020, 04:01 PM
You're supporting a President who sends in Federal forces to cities without their permission to attack peaceful protesters and who floated the idea of delaying our elections in order to keep himself in power longer. The same President had Federal forces abducting protesters in unmarked vans and driving them to undisclosed locations while the administration referred to them as "preemptive" arrests. The same President who is currently trying to de-legitimize our upcoming election so he can contest the results if they aren't what he wants.

And you're making fun of other peoples' voting choices?

My god you are so far gone at this point that there's no saving you.

Ummm..I'm not supporting anyone. I didn't vote in 2016. I have told you many times that I have voted Democrat 5 out of the 7 presidential elections in my lifetime. People like you have driven us away, Democrats would literally steamroll every election if they stopped killing babies. It would be that simple.

08-01-2020, 04:08 PM
You're supporting a President who sends in Federal forces to cities without their permission to attack peaceful protesters and who floated the idea of delaying our elections in order to keep himself in power longer. The same President had Federal forces abducting protesters in unmarked vans and driving them to undisclosed locations while the administration referred to them as "preemptive" arrests. The same President who is currently trying to de-legitimize our upcoming election so he can contest the results if they aren't what he wants.

And you're making fun of other peoples' voting choices?

My god you are so far gone at this point that there's no saving you.

The Federal Government does not need permission to protect Federal property from sustained attack when local forces are unable or in this case, unwilling to protect said Federal property. Peaceful protesters don't carry weapons, hurl weapons, use improvised explosives and riot, commit assault, arson and murder. At no point is there any evidence that people who were detained not given their civil rights, this even comes from the witness accounts of the people being detained. The media has been pushing election interference, big tech is clearly interfering and useful idiots like you decry when the President mentions there are security risks, like the ones the previous POTUS failed to address.

Stop gaslighting you arrogant bitch and look in the mirror. You have no god other than power and the totalitarian state you seek to institute and it both fail you miserably in the coming days.

Goebbels would be proud, you are a very skilled student.

08-05-2020, 06:37 PM
Ummm..I'm not supporting anyone. I didn't vote in 2016. I have told you many times that I have voted Democrat 5 out of the 7 presidential elections in my lifetime. People like you have driven us away, Democrats would literally steamroll every election if they stopped killing babies. It would be that simple.

I voted for the baby killing drive thru, personally.