View Full Version : Trump Administration Says Dog People > Cat People

01-22-2020, 03:45 PM
The U.S. Department of Transportation Wednesday released a proposed rule that would let airlines ban most "emotional support" animals in airplane cabins and board only specially trained service dogs to assist people with disabilities.

More... (http://www.rollcall.com/news/policy/emotional-support-animals-banned-planes-dot)

Just dogs. No cats. An no emotional support peacocks.

01-22-2020, 03:54 PM
Just dogs. No cats. An no emotional support peacocks.

They are already allowed to ban emotional support animals, as emotional support animals are not service animals.

01-22-2020, 04:01 PM
They are already allowed to ban emotional support animals, as emotional support animals are not service animals.

The whole thing about emotional support animals is silly. I love my dogs, and they do support my emotional health, but I can function just fine without them, and this thing with people bringing exotic/unusual animals on a plane and calling it an emotional support animal? Sorry, 300 pound pigs are not emotional support animals.

01-22-2020, 04:02 PM
The whole thing about emotional support animals is silly. I love my dogs, and they do support my emotional health, but I can function just fine without them, and this thing with people bringing exotic/unusual animals on a plane and calling it an emotional support animal? Sorry, 300 pound pigs are not emotional support animals.

Too many people fuck around with it irresponsibly too. They use it as an excuse to bring their untrained dog or whatever animal wherever they want to go. This is one of the few things I'd like to see a federal licensing for. It'll cut down on weird questions and stop people abusing it.

01-22-2020, 04:14 PM
Dogs are better than cats in every way.

01-22-2020, 04:24 PM
Dogs are better than cats in every way.

ClydeR doesn't agree because he's the biggest pussy here.

01-22-2020, 05:32 PM
Well damn, there goes my plan to bring my emotional support skunk on a flight to Tasmania.

01-22-2020, 05:39 PM
Well damn, there goes my plan to bring my emotional support skunk on a flight to Tasmania.

Yeah, that's where the smell is coming from. His skunk.

01-22-2020, 05:41 PM
Saw a lady with a cat on a leash in the airport not long ago. Then there was a dog who took a dump right as the owner passed through security. Ok, no problem... except the owner walked off leaving it there in the middle of the concourse and completely ignored anyone who tried to stop him to pick it up.

Counter-proposal - Pet owners like the one above should be put on a ban list so they can never own pets, and their current pet should be re-homed to someone that knows how to be responsible.

01-22-2020, 05:50 PM
I have a rental unit with a clear "No Pets" policy in the lease.

One day I found out that a tenant had three dogs in the unit. He said that the first dog was an emotional support dog. When I asked about the other two dogs, he replied that the other two dogs were emotional support dogs for the emotional support dog.

I have a different tenant now.

01-22-2020, 05:57 PM
Saw a lady with a cat on a leash in the airport not long ago. Then there was a dog who took a dump right as the owner passed through security. Ok, no problem... except the owner walked off leaving it there in the middle of the concourse and completely ignored anyone who tried to stop him to pick it up.

Counter-proposal - Pet owners like the one above should be put on a ban list so they can never own pets, and their current pet should be re-homed to someone that knows how to be responsible.

Most airports have a rule that pets need to be kept in a travel carrier.

But I know this is also very lax, when I travel with my dog, if there is a long delay I let him out to stretch. And never been confronted once. Then again, I clean up after my dog.

01-22-2020, 05:58 PM
Is it unreasonable to walk out of a restaurant because of an animal?

01-22-2020, 06:00 PM
Is it unreasonable to walk out of a restaurant because of an animal?

Not at all. I love animals, but restaurants should be a no go area for people taking their pets.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-22-2020, 06:00 PM
Is it unreasonable to walk out of a restaurant because of an animal?

Why would it be? You can walk out for any reason.

01-22-2020, 06:10 PM
Why would it be? You can walk out for any reason.

"Sir, your bill?"
"Nah bitch, SHM says I can walk out for any reason!"

I imagine you want to be reasonable with your walk out and having an animal at home but being offended by an animal at a restaurant is kinda weird.

Not at all. I love animals, but restaurants should be a no go area for people taking their pets.

Explain. Because I can sit and eat steak on a couch with animals, no problem.

01-22-2020, 06:15 PM
I don't have issues with well behaved and trained service animals being at a restaurant. A lot of people abuse the ;aw on service animals and walk around with "emotional support animals", which have little to no training and are, you know, regular animals doing regular animal stuff.

01-22-2020, 06:26 PM
Explain. Because I can sit and eat steak on a couch with animals, no problem.

So can I, with my animals. But I wouldn't expect everyone who is spending their money to be as comfortable at a public place.

01-22-2020, 06:30 PM
So can I, with my animals. But I wouldn't expect everyone who is spending their money to be as comfortable at a public place.

There are places where that's the gimmick. I mean, I don't see a lot of places welcoming dogs or cats in when food is served but I can't imagine being so offended by their presence that I'd bounce.

01-22-2020, 06:32 PM
There are places where that's the gimmick. I mean, I don't see a lot of places welcoming dogs or cats in when food is served but I can't imagine being so offended by their presence that I'd bounce.

If that is their gimmick sure, I never said I was offended, I said it's a person's choice to choose where they spend money, and if they are uncomfortable with animals where they are eating, it's their choice not to be a patron there. No fault is on them.

If I owned a restaurant, barring local laws, I would only accept registered service animals, if a patron decided to leave because an animal is present, I wouldn't begrudge them.

At the end of the day, a person has to right to or not to spend money where they choose.

I'll give you a different example. If I'm spending $300 per person at a high end steak joint, and someone brings in their young misbehaving child there. I'm probably going to leave if my food hasn't already been ordered. I don't have any problem with people taking their kids out, parents need the chance to go out also, but I don't go out for others comfort, I go out for mine. I know a lot of parents have a problem with this, as its rude not to accept their children, but I'm also of the mindset there is a time and place for everything.

01-22-2020, 06:35 PM
If that is their gimmick sure, I never said I was offended, I said it's a person's choice to choose where they spend money, and if they are uncomfortable with animals where they are eating, it's their choice not to be a patron there. No fault is on them.

I didn't mean to imply that I thought you were offended.

The biggest thing I could think of would be allergies as a main reason. That, I can totally understand.

01-22-2020, 06:41 PM
I didn't mean to imply that I thought you were offended.

The biggest thing I could think of would be allergies as a main reason. That, I can totally understand.

Sorry, sometimes it's hard to read the subtle context with just words.

Yeah, I think that is the biggest reason for why animals are usually banned in places that serve food anyways.

01-22-2020, 06:53 PM
If that is their gimmick sure, I never said I was offended, I said it's a person's choice to choose where they spend money, and if they are uncomfortable with animals where they are eating, it's their choice not to be a patron there. No fault is on them.

If I owned a restaurant, barring local laws, I would only accept registered service animals, if a patron decided to leave because an animal is present, I wouldn't begrudge them.

At the end of the day, a person has to right to or not to spend money where they choose.

I'll give you a different example. If I'm spending $300 per person at a high end steak joint, and someone brings in their young misbehaving child there. I'm probably going to leave if my food hasn't already been ordered. I don't have any problem with people taking their kids out, parents need the chance to go out also, but I don't go out for others comfort, I go out for mine. I know a lot of parents have a problem with this, as its rude not to accept their children, but I'm also of the mindset there is a time and place for everything.

There is no official service dog registry in the US.

01-22-2020, 07:00 PM
There is no official service dog registry in the US.

Ah didn't know that, I'm pretty sure there is in Canada, but unsure if it is centralized or done by different groups like for guide dogs for the blind, etc.

Then again I don't know much about it. But there is always some example in the news about people with 'service' dogs getting denied service, which probably has to do with the mismatch of people accrediting them.

01-22-2020, 08:03 PM
Ah didn't know that, I'm pretty sure there is in Canada, but unsure if it is centralized or done by different groups like for guide dogs for the blind, etc.

Then again I don't know much about it. But there is always some example in the news about people with 'service' dogs getting denied service, which probably has to do with the mismatch of people accrediting them.
We have “registries” that are in no way official. Mostly scams that give you a service dog ID card that has no official standing.

01-22-2020, 08:03 PM
I didn't mean to imply that I thought you were offended.

The biggest thing I could think of would be allergies as a main reason. That, I can totally understand.

People can have traumatic experiences with dogs. Guy at my work is terrified of them. He won't go within 50 ft of one. Hes a driver at the company and another driver had his dog in the car and let him out, dude straight up ran inside and wouldn't come back out until the dog was back in the car.

01-22-2020, 09:56 PM
Dog and cat people are weird.

01-23-2020, 08:53 AM
I have a rental unit with a clear "No Pets" policy in the lease.

One day I found out that a tenant had three dogs in the unit. He said that the first dog was an emotional support dog. When I asked about the other two dogs, he replied that the other two dogs were emotional support dogs for the emotional support dog.

I have a different tenant now.

You're a bad liar. And a retard.

01-23-2020, 10:01 AM
You're a bad liar. And a retard.

I didn't even notice that post. It was so retarded I mentally skipped it, I guess.

01-23-2020, 10:59 AM
People can have traumatic experiences with dogs. Guy at my work is terrified of them. He won't go within 50 ft of one. Hes a driver at the company and another driver had his dog in the car and let him out, dude straight up ran inside and wouldn't come back out until the dog was back in the car.

I see that as a legitimate reason too.

01-23-2020, 01:50 PM
The whole thing about emotional support animals is silly. I love my dogs, and they do support my emotional health, but I can function just fine without them, and this thing with people bringing exotic/unusual animals on a plane and calling it an emotional support animal?

Not that I really have a problem with it, because fuck airlines in general, but people were abusing the shit out of that whole thing.

Sorry, 300 pound pigs are not emotional support animals.