View Full Version : Do Nothing Congress: Its McConnell and the Republicans

11-29-2019, 01:31 PM
Throw the lying snowflake selfish fool crook out and lets get back to work to really make America great again.


House Democrats have passed nearly 400 bills. Trump and Republicans are ignoring them.Legislative paralysis gripped Capitol Hill well before impeachment started.

For months, President Donald Trump has fired off tweet missives accusing House Democrats of “getting nothing done in Congress,” and being consumed with impeachment.

Trump may want to look to the Republican-controlled Senate instead. Democrats in the House have been passing bills at a rapid clip; as of November 15, the House has passed nearly 400 bills, not including resolutions. But the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee estimates 80 percent of those bill have hit a snag in the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is prioritizing confirming judges over passing bills.

Much of this agenda is sitting in the Senate. There have been a few things House Democrats and Senate Republicans have agreed on: disaster relief aid, reopening the government after the shutdown, the resolution to end US involvement in the Yemen war, a bill to protect public lands, and a resolution disapproving of Trump’s use of emergency powers.

But on major policy issues — like health care and infrastructure, or even bipartisan ones like net neutrality, the Equal Pay Act, or even a simple reauthorization of the longstanding Violence Against Women Act — Democrats’ bills are continuing to languish in the Senate. House Democrats are expecting to take up H.R.3, a major health care bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs, before the Christmas break. Although we’re not going to list all 400 bills for brevity’s sake, here’s a list of major bills and resolutions the House has passed so far.

Health care

H.R.259 — Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019
House Resolution 271 — Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care
H.R.986 — Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act of 2019
H.R.987 — Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act
H.R.1520, the Purple Book Continuity Act (bill aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs)
H.R.1503, the Orange Book Transparency Act of 2019 (bill aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs)

Civil rights

H.R.1 — For the People Act of 2019
H.R.5 — Equality Act
H.R.6 — American Dream and Promise Act
H.R.7 — Paycheck Fairness Act
H.R.124 — Expressing opposition to banning service in the Armed Forces by openly transgender individuals

Gun control

H.R.8 — Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
H.R.1112 — Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019


H.R.9 — Climate Action Now Act
H.R.1331 — Local Water Protection Act
S.47 — National Resources Management Act
H.R.2578 — National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2019
H.R.205, 1146, 1941 — Banning Offshore Drilling on Atlantic, Pacific, Eastern Gulf and ANWR Coasts

Military/foreign affairs

H.R.840 — Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act
HJ Res. 37 — Directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress
SJ Res. 7 — To direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress
H.R.31 — Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019
HJ Res. 30 — Disapproving the President’s proposal to take an action relating to the application of certain sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation
H.R.4695 — Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act
H.R.676 — NATO Support Act
H.R.549 — Venezuela TPS Act

Mueller report

H.Con.Res. 24 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the report of Special Counsel Mueller should be made available to the public and to Congress

Other major legislation

H.R.1585 — Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019
H.R.987 — Raise the Wage Act
H.R.1500 — Consumers First Act
H.R.1994 — SECURE Act/Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act
H.R.2722 — Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act
H.R.4617 — Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act
H.R.1644 — Save the Internet Act of 2019
H.R.2157 — Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2019
H.R.397 — Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act (The Butch Lewis Act)
H.R.2513 — The Corporate Transparency Act
H.R.269 — Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
H.R.251 — Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program Extension Act
S.24 — Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019
H.R.430 — TANF Extension Act of 2019
Concurring in the Senate Amendments to HR 251 — Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard Program Extension Act
H.R.790 — Federal Civilian Workforce Pay Raise Fairness Act of 2019
HJ Res. 46 — Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019
H Res. 183 — Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States, as amended
H Res. 194 — Rule Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1644 and H.R. 2021
H.R.2480 — Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
H.R.375 — To amend the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian Tribes (also known as the “Carcieri Fix”)

11-29-2019, 02:06 PM
Throw the lying snowflake selfish fool crook out and lets get back to work to really make America great again.



Back, we can't help you if you don't provide some specifics as to what is going on with your butthurt. Please, help us help you, Back.


11-29-2019, 02:06 PM
Throw the lying snowflake selfish fool crook out and lets get back to work to really make America great again.



Much of this agenda is sitting in the Senate.

I'm going to guess that "much" in this case, to Vox, means a number much less than what they want retards like you to think, and were intentionally vague about it specifically because they know retards like you will accept whatever dildo they shove up your ass.

But I'm willing to be proven wrong. Exactly how much of "this agenda" is sitting in the Senate and how many are sitting in the House? How much is "much" in the context of this article?

This is your big chance Back. Don't fuck it up by deflecting or telling me to do my own research on the vague information you presented as fact.

You can do it! I believe in you buddy!


11-29-2019, 02:25 PM
I'm going to guess that "much" in this case, to Vox, means a number much less than what they want retards like you to think, and were intentionally vague about it specifically because they know retards like you will accept whatever dildo they shove up your ass.

But I'm willing to be proven wrong. Exactly how much of "this agenda" is sitting in the Senate and how many are sitting in the House? How much is "much" in the context of this article?

This is your big chance Back. Don't fuck it up by deflecting or telling me to do my own research on the vague information you presented as fact.

You can do it! I believe in you buddy!

Yeah, no. You are more than welcome to refute the facts outlined the article but thats a secondary point.

Can you guess what the original point of my posting this is?

11-29-2019, 02:52 PM
Lol Vox

Even the “highlights” they choose to focus on we see roughly 50% deal directly with Trump in some manner and roughly the other 50% are is meaningless virtue signaling. Sounds about right.

PS: stop reading Vox, although it really explains your brainwashing.

11-29-2019, 02:57 PM
Yeah, no. You are more than welcome to refute the facts outlined the article but thats a secondary point.

"Many" is a broad term and is meaningless in that context without additional information.

You didn't present any facts, because the info they gave was intentionally vague because they know they can count on morons like you to run with it for them without question, like a good NPC.

Can you guess what the original point of my posting this is?

Yes. The original point of you posting this was to remind us that you're really stupid and gullible and will swallow anything the media feeds you as long as the theme is Orange Man Bad.

11-29-2019, 03:30 PM
Lol Vox

Even the “highlights” they choose to focus on we see roughly 50% deal directly with Trump in some manner and roughly the other 50% are is meaningless virtue signaling. Sounds about right.

PS: stop reading Vox, although it really explains your brainwashing.

House Resolution 271 — Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care

H.R.1 — For the People Act of 2019
H.R.5 — Equality Act
H.R.6 — American Dream and Promise Act
H.R.7 — Paycheck Fairness Act
H.R.124 — Expressing opposition to banning service in the Armed Forces by openly transgender individuals

H.R.9 — Climate Action Now Act
H.R.205, 1146, 1941 — Banning Offshore Drilling on Atlantic, Pacific, Eastern Gulf and ANWR Coasts

HJ Res. 30 — Disapproving the President’s proposal to take an action relating to the application of certain sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation

H.Con.Res. 24 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the report of Special Counsel Mueller should be made available to the public and to Congress

H.R.1644 — Save the Internet Act of 2019

HJ Res. 46 — Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019

H Res. 183 — Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States, as amended


Some of these might as well just be called ORANGE MAN BAD and/or BUTTHURT APPROPRIATIONS ACT

Hey BacKKKlash, tell us more about how bills like "Disapproving the President’s proposal to take an action relating to the application of certain sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation" are so important.

11-29-2019, 03:44 PM
Lol Vox

Even the “highlights” they choose to focus on we see roughly 50% deal directly with Trump in some manner and roughly the other 50% are is meaningless virtue signaling. Sounds about right.

PS: stop reading Vox, although it really explains your brainwashing.

When you can't refute the facts blame the messenger.

11-29-2019, 03:46 PM

Some of these might as well just be called ORANGE MAN BAD and/or BUTTHURT APPROPRIATIONS ACT

Hey BacKKKlash, tell us more about how bills like "Disapproving the President’s proposal to take an action relating to the application of certain sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation" are so important.

You're still missing the point.

Trump lied about Democrats in Congress.

Look at yourself and Tgo, and every other rapid Trump cultist who refuse to believe reality and instead cling to the lies of the false leader as sacred.

11-29-2019, 03:48 PM
When you can't refute the facts blame the messenger.

Lol Vox

Lol at thinking the "House Resolution 271 — Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care" counts as "passing legislation", this is of course after the Vox article you slurped up said there were oh so many bills passed that weren't resolutions yet still felt the need to include this resolution.

And again:

Lol Vox

Lol Back

Several people were murdered today in Britain in a terrorist attack, Back. Shouldn't you be condemning that? Or are you holding out it was somehow a white supremacist attack before you condemn since you know Islamic terrorism apparently isn't a problem in the world anymore?

11-29-2019, 04:01 PM
*angry Republican muttering* It's not real news unless it's from the Conservative press!

11-29-2019, 04:12 PM
Lol Vox

Lol at thinking the "House Resolution 271 — Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care" counts as "passing legislation", this is of course after the Vox article you slurped up said there were oh so many bills passed that weren't resolutions yet still felt the need to include this resolution.

And again:

Lol Vox

Lol Back

Several people were murdered today in Britain in a terrorist attack, Back. Shouldn't you be condemning that? Or are you holding out it was somehow a white supremacist attack before you condemn since you know Islamic terrorism apparently isn't a problem in the world anymore?

Strawman. A totally different topic. You are more than welcome to start a thread on that.

This is about Trump lying and you believing it.

11-29-2019, 04:33 PM
Strawman. A totally different topic. You are more than welcome to start a thread on that.

This is about Trump lying and you believing it.

Naww I'll say it right here: you are a fucking lunatic who is the biggest danger to society at large. Not Islamic terrorists, because white guilt morons such as yourself allow Islamic terrorists to fester and murder. You should be ashamed but something tells me you don't have the ability to feel shame anymore.

11-29-2019, 05:22 PM
Naww I'll say it right here: you are a fucking lunatic who is the biggest danger to society at large. Not Islamic terrorists, because white guilt morons such as yourself allow Islamic terrorists to fester and murder. You should be ashamed but something tells me you don't have the ability to feel shame anymore.

I'm not your enemy. The liar in chief and his puppets are deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy and its just not true. There is nothing further from the truth. We have to stick together. They don't want you to believe science, they don't want you to believe higher education, they don't want you to believe journalists, they don't want you to believe anyone but them, and they are lying to you and using you to consolidate their wealth and power. You are nothing to them, we are nothing to them, but pawns to control, and you are playing into their hands by believing their lies and viewing your fellow citizens as the enemy.

11-29-2019, 05:23 PM
Speaking of you being useless, Back, a Muslim in France murdered a Jewish woman in an Antisemitic fit of rage. He most likely won't stand trial for this murder/hate crime because the prosecution says he was "too high" on marijuana at the time and can't be held responsible for his actions.

But Orange Man bad! But we live in a different world today! Muslims are peaceful and we all have to check under our beds at night for the white supremacists!

11-29-2019, 05:24 PM
I'm not your enemy.

If you're denying the very real threat of Islamic terrorism which kills tens of thousands of people every year, most of which are Muslims, you are the enemy of the entire world, and especially an enemy to Muslims everywhere.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-29-2019, 05:27 PM
When you can't refute the facts blame the messenger.

That's not how adults debate. You see, first you provide proof, and then we discuss it.

Otherwise, you are just a pedophile, like all the tags show.

11-29-2019, 05:35 PM
If you're denying the very real threat of Islamic terrorism which kills tens of thousands of people every year, most of which are Muslims, you are the enemy of the entire world, and especially an enemy to Muslims everywhere.

There you go again with strawmen. Thats not the topic of this thread or what I am trying to convey. Start another thread about it if you want. Its obvious that when confronted with reality you need to change the subject.

The thing about lies is you can throw them out there and never need to prove anything. Someone will believe it and tell someone else who will believe it and so on and so on. Pop that into the internet echo chamber and it is amplified millions of times and spreads like wildfire. People with money and power know this. They use it to their advantage. They use it to manipulate people into fighting each other and electing people who tell them what to fear.

11-29-2019, 06:12 PM
There you go again with strawmen. Thats not the topic of this thread or what I am trying to convey. Start another thread about it if you want. Its obvious that when confronted with reality you need to change the subject.

Nope, you don't get to avoid being the enemy of the entire world by saying "But not in this thread!"

You are a racist, evil bigoted human being who doesn't care at all about the people you pretend to care about. You're the worst kind of white savior.

11-29-2019, 06:31 PM
Nope, you don't get to avoid being the enemy of the entire world by saying "But not in this thread!"

You are a racist, evil bigoted human being who doesn't care at all about the people you pretend to care about. You're the worst kind of white savior.

Don't believe their lies. We are stronger together. When we are stronger together we are stronger than them. When we are united they cannot win.

11-29-2019, 06:53 PM
Don't believe their lies. We are stronger together. When we are stronger together we are stronger than them. When we are united they cannot win.

For once you say something smart but as usual it's just empty words when you say it because you don't practice what you preach.

11-29-2019, 08:01 PM
Can you guess what the original point of my posting this is?

To express your butthurt?

11-29-2019, 08:05 PM
Don't believe their lies. We are stronger together. When we are stronger together we are stronger than them. When we are united they cannot win.

Pretty sure Shillary said this. Right before Trump and America won.

11-29-2019, 08:31 PM
Throw the lying snowflake selfish fool crook out and lets get back to work to really make America great again.



Yeah, no. You are more than welcome to refute the facts outlined the article but thats a secondary point.

Can you guess what the original point of my posting this is?


You're still missing the point.

Trump lied about Democrats in Congress.

Look at yourself and Tgo, and every other rapid Trump cultist who refuse to believe reality and instead cling to the lies of the false leader as sacred.


I'm not your enemy. The liar in chief and his puppets are deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy and its just not true. There is nothing further from the truth. We have to stick together. They don't want you to believe science, they don't want you to believe higher education, they don't want you to believe journalists, they don't want you to believe anyone but them, and they are lying to you and using you to consolidate their wealth and power. You are nothing to them, we are nothing to them, but pawns to control, and you are playing into their hands by believing their lies and viewing your fellow citizens as the enemy.


11-29-2019, 08:32 PM
Don't believe their lies. We are stronger together. When we are stronger together we are stronger than them. When we are united they cannot win.

There is literally not a single group of people that adds you to it that is stronger.

Stop being a fucking sock puppet.

Go read Vox some more you fucking retard.

11-29-2019, 08:39 PM
There are about 6500 "migrant" kids currently in federal custody and according to Democrats such as Back and Seran this proves Trump is a cruel tyrant who loves to tear families apart.

Remember last week when the news whined about Trump because of the UN study that said there were so many kids in US custody but then deleted the story when it turns out the report was from 2015? Yeah, over 100,000 kids were detained in federal custody in a single year under Obama.

6500 under Trump, over 100k under Obama, but Trump is the evil dictator who hates children!

Your party is a joke, Back.

11-29-2019, 08:51 PM
Speaking of you being useless, Back, a Muslim in France murdered a Jewish woman in an Antisemitic fit of rage. He most likely won't stand trial for this murder/hate crime because the prosecution says he was "too high" on marijuana at the time and can't be held responsible for his actions.

Looks like this Islamic murderer gets away with his murderous hate crime because of his cannabis use. Yup, this piece of shit, who admitted to breaking into her home, seeing her Torah then feeling "persecuted" because of the Torah he saw BECAUSE HE BROKE INTO HER HOME, then admitted to beating her and throwing her out of a window while reciting verses from the Quran, will get away with it completely because he supposedly had a "psychotic episode" due to smoking cannabis.

But you don't care about that Jewish lady do you, Back? You can't bash Islamic terrorism because you're deathly afraid of being called an Islamophobe and being kicked out of your exclusive club filled with degenerates like you. So you'll claim the world is now a different place and it's those evil white supremacists who are the real problem because Clinton and every current Democratic presidential candidate told you to worry about that. You are more than useless, you are dangerous. At least a useless person just sits around all day and does nothing and doesn't hurt anyone, but your actions actively hurt people because you vote for this shit to happen while repeating "Orange Man Bad!" like a good trained monkey because you think you're a white savior.

11-29-2019, 09:15 PM
Looks like this Islamic murderer gets away with his murderous hate crime because of his cannabis use. Yup, this piece of shit, who admitted to breaking into her home, seeing her Torah then feeling "persecuted" because of the Torah he saw BECAUSE HE BROKE INTO HER HOME, then admitted to beating her and throwing her out of a window while reciting verses from the Quran, will get away with it completely because he supposedly had a "psychotic episode" due to smoking cannabis.

But you don't care about that Jewish lady do you, Back? You can't bash Islamic terrorism because you're deathly afraid of being called an Islamophobe and being kicked out of your exclusive club filled with degenerates like you. So you'll claim the world is now a different place and it's those evil white supremacists who are the real problem because Clinton and every current Democratic presidential candidate told you to worry about that. You are more than useless, you are dangerous. At least a useless person just sits around all day and does nothing and doesn't hurt anyone, but your actions actively hurt people because you vote for this shit to happen while repeating "Orange Man Bad!" like a good trained monkey because you think you're a white savior.

Strawman after strawman. When confronted with the truth that Trump has lied about "do nothing democrats" you deflect and turn to grasping at anything you can to perpetuate the myth that your worst enemy is your fellow American. Trump does not deserve your obedience. You should not give him your obedience. You deserve his. We deserve his obedience. He is elected by us and is paid with and spends our tax dollars so he owes us his obedience.

Unfortunately his only obedience is to himself. His ego is too fragile to handle things like a man with confidence. He nurses his fragile ego with money and power that you are too willing to give him. He does not give a fuck about you, anyone else, or anything else but himself. So he lies to manipulate you into believing he will save you.

11-29-2019, 09:16 PM
See Back, I take a different tack on it. I know the House doesn't do much worth shit, I know the Senate blocks a metric fuck ton of their retardation from ever seeing the light of day. I know that they both work to get less and less done. I also know that America is safer when less comes out of congress since in the past 20 years they have gone to hell in a hand basket with the meaningless virtue signaling, the free stuff for whatever and the idiotic and ineffective firearms restrictions and all the rest. Courts pretty much ignore the laws anyway because of "muh feels" and our previous President made a mockery of following the law with the fraudulent investigations, the DACA order to ignore the law and so many other things that it wasn't even funny. So we have a dysfunctional government and that is safer for Americans in regards to a lot of domestic policy.

I agree, we should vote a lot of them out. Every Leftist crybully with a virtue signaling SJW agenda, every Antifa supporter, every defender of Hillary's crimes and Bills sexual predations, every never Trumper who votes like a Leftist in order to virtue signal just enough to avoid the media lens and finally, every piece of shit out there that wants to incite, excuse or enable illegals to come in and stay. They all need to go because they are failing their oaths of office on our dime.

Too bad term limits don't apply but then again there are terrible side effects from those as well. Also, too bad we can't have a national voter ID to keep foreign governments from swaying our elections.

You are barking up the wrong osage orange tree and it's stabbing you in your mangyna.

11-29-2019, 09:19 PM
Strawman after strawman. When confronted with the truth that Trump has lied about "do nothing democrats" you deflect and turn to grasping at anything you can to perpetuate the myth that your worst enemy is your fellow American. Trump does not deserve your obedience. You should not give him your obedience. You deserve his. We deserve his obedience. He is elected by us and is paid with and spends our tax dollars so he owes us his obedience.

Unfortunately his only obedience is to himself. His ego is too fragile to handle things like a man with confidence. He nurses his fragile ego with money and power that you are too willing to give him. He does not give a fuck about you, anyone else, or anything else but himself. So he lies to manipulate you into believing he will save you.

Oh come on, Back, if this had been a white supremacist literally getting away with murdering a Jewish woman you would be screaming "white supremacy is bad!" at the top of your lungs.

But it's a black Muslim literally getting away with murdering a Jewish woman so you bury your head so far into the sand you wound up in China.

Keep on being a retard, retard.

11-29-2019, 09:26 PM
Oh come on, Back, if this had been a white supremacist literally getting away with murdering a Jewish woman you would be screaming "white supremacy is bad!" at the top of your lungs.

But it's a black Muslim literally getting away with murdering a Jewish woman so you bury your head so far into the sand you wound up in China.

Keep on being a retard, retard.

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Start a thread. Post a link. Initiate a conversation the way normal people do instead of throwing around wildly inaccurate accusations.

11-29-2019, 09:30 PM
I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. Start a thread. Post a link. Initiate a conversation the way normal people do instead of throwing around wildly inaccurate accusations.

All you have to do is admit that Islamic supremacy is one of the biggest threats facing the world right now. But you can't do that because you've been brainwashed by the likes of Vox to check under your bed at night for the scary white supremacist who might say mean words.

11-29-2019, 09:36 PM
All you have to do is admit that Islamic supremacy is one of the biggest threats facing the world right now. But you can't do that because you've been brainwashed by the likes of Vox to check under your bed at night for the scary white supremacist who might say mean words.

They are both threats to America along with a few other things. We can make a top 10 and talk about that.

Right up near the top, maybe number 1, is lies from the governing elite that keep us fighting each other instead of fixing the issues we all face as humans, like the environment, affordable healthcare for everyone, living wages, ending starvation, wars, and murder to name a few.

11-29-2019, 09:39 PM
I love you guys. I really do. You’re brilliant, industrious, and motivated. And yet, given the opportunity, you bitch and argue with each other instead of proposing a single goddamned solution. Why the fuck are you wasting your time squabbling on a text based rpg forum? You’re not even debating the politics; you’re each chewing up your favorite logical fallacy and shitting it down the others’ throats... like a level 110 fecalocious retarded centipede. Go fucking DO something.

11-29-2019, 09:43 PM
Right up near the top, maybe number 1, is lies from the governing elite that keep us fighting each other instead of fixing the issues we all face as humans, like the environment, affordable healthcare for everyone, living wages, ending starvation, wars, and murder to name a few.

You're a tool.

11-29-2019, 09:45 PM
I love you guys. I really do. You’re brilliant, industrious, and motivated. And yet, given the opportunity, you bitch and argue with each other instead of proposing a single goddamned solution. Why the fuck are you wasting your time squabbling on a text based rpg forum? You’re not even debating the politics; you’re each chewing up your favorite logical fallacy and shitting it down the others’ throats... like a level 110 fecalocious retarded centipede. Go fucking DO something.

I vote and I put Back in his place. I'm doing my part!

11-29-2019, 09:52 PM
I vote and I put Back in his place. I'm doing my part!

I will take my ROFL sandwich and go home now. ��

11-29-2019, 11:16 PM
All you have to do is admit that Islamic supremacy is one of the biggest threats facing the world right now. But you can't do that because you've been brainwashed by the likes of Vox to check under your bed at night for the scary white supremacist who might say mean words.

Islamic extremism is one of the largest threats the world is facing, largely due to the fanaticism which ignores every formal convention of war. Civilians as hostages, using children as weapons, putting their bases in the middle of population centers to avoid airstrikes, these are acts of madmen. Whether or not this is the largest external threat to our country is debatable, but the strong-arm approach to destroying it is key. Obama taking out Bin Laden, Trump taking out Al Baghdadi, these actions are a step forward, but one that will only be finalized by the wholesale destruction of the militants. For the record, peace talks with the Taliban are a nonstarter as well.

11-30-2019, 12:00 AM
Islamic extremism is one of the largest threats the world is facing

See, Back, this is why your title is safe. Even Seran has no problem saying this.

For the record, peace talks with the Taliban are a nonstarter as well.

I think diplomacy should always at least be tried. I gave credit to Obama for trying a diplomatic approach with Iran, of course he fucked that up so badly it almost made me rethink my "always give diplomacy a chance" stance.

Why do you think peace talks with the Taliban are a nonstarter?

11-30-2019, 02:51 AM
I think diplomacy should always at least be tried. I gave credit to Obama for trying a diplomatic approach with Iran, of course he fucked that up so badly it almost made me rethink my "always give diplomacy a chance" stance.

Why do you think peace talks with the Taliban are a nonstarter?

The Taliban is an extremist organization trying to overthrow the recognized government of Afghanistan and has committed countless terrorist attacks. Our policy of not negotiating with terrorist organizations means trying to negotiate a power-sharing agreement between terrorists and the Afghan government shouldn't happen.

11-30-2019, 07:59 AM
I love you guys. I really do. You’re brilliant, industrious, and motivated. And yet, given the opportunity, you bitch and argue with each other instead of proposing a single goddamned solution. Why the fuck are you wasting your time squabbling on a text based rpg forum? You’re not even debating the politics; you’re each chewing up your favorite logical fallacy and shitting it down the others’ throats... like a level 110 fecalocious retarded centipede. Go fucking DO something.

You are bitching about people making the exact same post as you made here.

11-30-2019, 09:18 AM
You're still missing the point.

Trump lied about Democrats in Congress.

Look at yourself and Tgo, and every other rapid Trump cultist who refuse to believe reality and instead cling to the lies of the false leader as sacred.

sOmEtHiNg Is BeTtEr ThAn NoThInG!!!!!!!!

You're praising democrats for a bunch of bullshit virtue signaling "my feelings are hurt" so called "legislation" in an article that is intentionally vague about what's still in the House and what's in the Senate, and retards like you are too stupid to ever think of a question like "How many is many?" from a site like Vox of all places.

You are the most useful of useful idiots. The best part for them is that you're too stupid and gullible to ever realize it.

11-30-2019, 09:23 AM
Strawman. A totally different topic. You are more than welcome to start a thread on that.

This is about Trump lying and you believing it.

You're so stupid you probably look at Simu's list of "accomplishments," see that like 80% of it is old bug and typo fixes, and then agree with Simu about OMG LOOK HOW MUCH NON-P2W DEV WE DO!!!!!!!

Your Vox list is the equivalent of that. Because you're stupid and don't understand the difference between meaningless virtue signaling butthurt legislation, and actual meaningful legislation, things like fixing the immigration system, etc. instead of "House Resolution 43287402 Condemning Trump For Winning the Election and Causing Us All This Butthurt"

The only good thing I can say about you is that despite how pathetic your chronically growing stupidity is, you always manage to present it in unintentionally hilarious ways. Which is a side effect of said stupidity and lack of any self awareness.

You're the same type of retard that Hitler fooled.

I'm not your enemy. The liar in chief and his puppets are deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy and its just not true. There is nothing further from the truth. We have to stick together. They don't want you to believe science, they don't want you to believe higher education, they don't want you to believe journalists, they don't want you to believe anyone but them, and they are lying to you and using you to consolidate their wealth and power. You are nothing to them, we are nothing to them, but pawns to control, and you are playing into their hands by believing their lies and viewing your fellow citizens as the enemy.

What specifically has Trump said to make people think half the country are our enemies? Bet you can't provide any quotes. Like at all.

11-30-2019, 10:39 AM
I love you guys. I really do. You’re brilliant, industrious, and motivated. And yet, given the opportunity, you bitch and argue with each other instead of proposing a single goddamned solution. Why the fuck are you wasting your time squabbling on a text based rpg forum? You’re not even debating the politics; you’re each chewing up your favorite logical fallacy and shitting it down the others’ throats... like a level 110 fecalocious retarded centipede. Go fucking DO something.

Back actually did do something. He changed his sig once to say "Resist white supremacy."


11-30-2019, 10:43 AM
Hey BacKKKlash, what do you think about this?



Please give us your thoughts.

11-30-2019, 01:26 PM
You're so stupid you probably look at Simu's list of "accomplishments," see that like 80% of it is old bug and typo fixes, and then agree with Simu about OMG LOOK HOW MUCH NON-P2W DEV WE DO!!!!!!!

Your Vox list is the equivalent of that. Because you're stupid and don't understand the difference between meaningless virtue signaling butthurt legislation, and actual meaningful legislation, things like fixing the immigration system, etc. instead of "House Resolution 43287402 Condemning Trump For Winning the Election and Causing Us All This Butthurt"

The only good thing I can say about you is that despite how pathetic your chronically growing stupidity is, you always manage to present it in unintentionally hilarious ways. Which is a side effect of said stupidity and lack of any self awareness.

You're the same type of retard that Hitler fooled.

Again, the content of the bills are not really the point. The point, again, is that Trump lied when he said "do nothing democrats". They have been working and trying to pass legislation but are getting cockblocked by McConnell and the republicans.

I'll repeat it yet again since you seem too dense to understand the point of this conversation. Trump lies when he says democrats are not doing anything in congress while it is his own party that is not getting anything done. So not only is he lying about democrats doing nothing he is lying about the fact that its the republican's fault nothing is getting done.

You may disagree with the actual legislation. Sure. Not everyone sees everything the same, or place equal value on everything. Some legislation may not be passed for this very legitimate reason. No arguments here and none made in previous posts. But as the article reports, there are bipartisan bills being held up by the republicans, and Trump lies to paint the democrats as bad to cover for the failure of the republicans.

But on major policy issues — like health care and infrastructure, or even bipartisan ones like net neutrality, the Equal Pay Act, or even a simple reauthorization of the longstanding Violence Against Women Act — Democrats’ bills are continuing to languish in the Senate. House Democrats are expecting to take up H.R.3, a major health care bill to lower the cost of prescription drugs, before the Christmas break. Although we’re not going to list all 400 bills for brevity’s sake, here’s a list of major bills and resolutions the House has passed so far.

What specifically has Trump said to make people think half the country are our enemies? Bet you can't provide any quotes. Like at all.

At this point what HASN'T he said that is driving a wedge between the American people? What HASN'T he lied about?

11-30-2019, 01:37 PM
Hey BacKKKlash, what do you think about this?



Please give us your thoughts.

Trump is deceiving you, again. A quick search on this shows that the democrats are currently negotiating the terms of this bill with the White House. This bill is not languishing on Pelosi's desk collecting dust. Thats a lie designed to make you mad at democrats.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-30-2019, 01:37 PM
At this point what HASN'T he said that is driving a wedge between the American people? What HASN'T he lied about?

The fact that you can't think of one thing Trump has been truthful on, that hasn't "driven a wedge" is 100% proof of your partisan blindness.

That, and I DID hear him call you a pedophile, so on that at least, he hasn't lied.

11-30-2019, 01:50 PM
Again, the content of the bills are not really the point. The point, again, is that Trump lied when he said "do nothing democrats". They have been working and trying to pass legislation but are getting cockblocked by McConnell and the republicans.

I'll repeat it yet again since you seem too dense to understand the point of this conversation. Trump lies when he says democrats are not doing anything in congress while it is his own party that is not getting anything done. So not only is he lying about democrats doing nothing he is lying about the fact that its the republican's fault nothing is getting done.

You may disagree with the actual legislation. Sure. Not everyone sees everything the same, or place equal value on everything. Some legislation may not be passed for this very legitimate reason. No arguments here and none made in previous posts. But as the article reports, there are bipartisan bills being held up by the republicans, and Trump lies to paint the democrats as bad to cover for the failure of the republicans.

Legislation to declare butthurt isn't real legislation. By definition it is, but we're talking about legislation that's about more than democrats expressing that they're still upset over losing an election 3 years ago.

You know, actual meaningful legislation. The shit you're posting is pretty much the equivalent of Republicans under Obama holding 482370423 "We hate Obamacare!" votes which was nothing but symbolic go nowhere bullshit, but with more flavors of butthurt.

Quality over quantity and all.

Not surprising that you can't understand the difference though. This is expected from you, the retard champion.

Trump is deceiving you, again. A quick search on this shows that the democrats are currently negotiating the terms of this bill with the White House. This bill is not languishing on Pelosi's desk collecting dust. Thats a lie designed to make you mad at democrats.

Are you saying it wasn't signed a year ago today then? Because he signed it a year ago today and all I've seen democrats doing since the election is cry and shriek about impeachment. But sure, fill me in on the details of how democrats are currently negotiating the terms of this bill with the WH, and what they're wanting to change. And send me the same link you did all this research on, to avoid any confusion and so that we're on the same page. You can do it Back, I have faith in you!

At this point what HASN'T he said that is driving a wedge between the American people? What HASN'T he lied about?

Quote 3 things that Trump said that's driving a wedge between the American people.

If you can't do that, then quote 2 things.

If you can't do that, then quote 1 thing.

Otherwise just accept the fact that you're really stupid and full of shit and stfu.

11-30-2019, 02:06 PM
Legislation to declare butthurt isn't real legislation. By definition it is, but we're talking about legislation that's about more than democrats expressing that they're still upset over losing an election 3 years ago.

You know, actual meaningful legislation. The shit you're posting is pretty much the equivalent of Republicans under Obama holding 482370423 "We hate Obamacare!" votes which was nothing but symbolic go nowhere bullshit, but with more flavors of butthurt.

Quality over quantity and all.

Not surprising that you can't understand the difference though. This is expected from you, the retard champion.

I have to repeat myself again because you are still focused on the content of a few bills, which I have already conceded can be held up due to disagreements on the actual legislation, and reposted a quote from the article that shows the bipartisan bills being held up by the republicans to make my point that Trump is lying when he says democrats are doing nothing. Democrats are doing the jobs they were elected to do and republicans are stalling it in the Senate.

Are you saying it wasn't signed a year ago today then? Because he signed it a year ago today and all I've seen democrats doing since the election is cry and shriek about impeachment. But sure, fill me in on the details of how democrats are currently negotiating the terms of this bill with the WH, and what they're wanting to change. And send me the same link you did all this research on, to avoid any confusion and so that we're on the same page. You can do it Back, I have faith in you!

This is you believing Trump's lies. A quick search shows the bill is being actively negotiated. I said that in the last post. Here is a link describing Pelosi meeting with a US Trade negotiator THIS MONTH.


U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer met with Pelosi and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) later on Thursday, but a final deal remained out of reach.

Neal said that of five outstanding issues, they had reached agreement on roughly half of them and would continue negotiations next week.

He remained hopeful, however, that the deal could be finalized and signed into law before the New Year.

For months, Democrats have negotiated with the White House on enforcement provisions in the deal, which they say are critical to earn their support.

Quote 3 things that Trump said that's driving a wedge between the American people.

If you can't do that, then quote 2 things.

If you can't do that, then quote 1 thing.

Otherwise just accept the fact that you're really stupid and full of shit and stfu.

Good people on both sides, go back where you came from, China should investigate Biden.

Want more? Mexico will pay for it, no quid pro quo, fake news.

Want more?

11-30-2019, 02:22 PM
I have to repeat myself again because you are still focused on the content of a few bills, which I have already conceded can be held up due to disagreements on the actual legislation, and reposted a quote from the article that shows the bipartisan bills being held up by the republicans to make my point that Trump is lying when he says democrats are doing nothing. Democrats are doing the jobs they were elected to do and republicans are stalling it in the Senate.

This is you believing Trump's lies. A quick search shows the bill is being actively negotiated. I said that in the last post. Here is a link describing Pelosi meeting with a US Trade negotiator THIS MONTH.


Good people on both sides, go back where you came from, China should investigate Biden.

Want more? Mexico will pay for it, no quid pro quo, fake news.

Want more?

I have more!

"Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election!"
"Judge Kavanaugh is a rapist!"
"Trump used quid quo pro with Ukraine!"

You're being lied to... but you are just too fucking stupid to realize it.

11-30-2019, 03:23 PM
I have to repeat myself again because you are still focused on the content of a few bills

Well yeah, it's the content of the bills that matter you fucking dumbass, not how many bills there are. Jesus Christ. :lol:

Ever consider it could be a bunch of those useless "feelings" bills that are being ignored in the Senate? Perhaps you should ask Vox to clarify their use of the word "many," mainly to provide something that's not overwhelmingly vague, and to point out to you which bills on that list are part of "many" and which aren't.

You won't though, because you're just too dumb and gullible to question anything as long as it agrees with your feelings, which is just Orange Man Bad like always.

Good people on both sides

One side wasn't 100% white supremacists and the other side wasn't 100% Antifa/communists. Most of the retards on each side may have been, but that's the point Trump was making. Because guess what, Antifa aren't good people either, they're pieces of shit actually just like white supremacists, yet you think they're all pure and innocent and you never call out their violent shit. At best you'll make some super vague "Violence is bad" post or something after having your hypocrisy called out for like 3 days or whatever, but never actually call out Antifa specifically for it when they do it. You only do that with right wing groups. Kind of like how you wouldn't stfu about the El Paso shooting but didn't have shit to say about the Ohio shooting from the same day once you realized it was some left wing Bernie bro that did it.

But anyway, not everyone in Charlottesville on the left was some Antifa asshole, just like not everyone there on the right was some white supremacist asshole.

So yeah, there most likely were some people in Charlottesville on both sides that were "good people" in the sense that they were neither a white supremacist or some Antifa jackoff. What's it like to never put thought into anything and just have your TV spoon feed you your daily programming?

But yes Orange Man Bad and Antifa good and everyone else is a white supremacist, right? Dumbass. It's amazing that you still don't get why nobody, not even other democrats here, except for maybe Seran because he's almost as butthurt as you are, can take you seriously.

go back where you came from

Here's what he really said, which you'd know if you weren't such a retarded gullible dishonest fuckface. This is also old news, so you're either really clueless, or really dishonest. Which is it? I know the overall answer is both, but I'm just referring to this specific issue right now.


China should investigate Biden.

Don't know much about this, but I don't see why not, Hunter made out like a bandit with them too if I'm remembering correctly. Either way, this still isn't a "Trump deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy" issue either. Most people don't really give a shit about it.

If anything, it's retards like you and your violent Antifa terrorist pals + the MSM not even trying to hide how biased and full of shit they are about everything that does that, attacking anyone they even think might not agree with them. Emphasis on "think," because there has been more than one instance where they attacked another democrat just because they thought he was a republican because he said something they disagreed with.

Those people and your piece of shit democrat party who has done nothing but encourage that shit and cry and pull hoax after hoax for 3 years now are the ones doing all the dividing. You're just so dumb and full of yourself that you can't fathom ever being wrong about something, despite the fact that 99% of your "knowledge" comes from CNN or MSNBC or whoever uploading NPC code straight to your little bird brain.

Especially when it's in some shithole city with a leftist mayor forcing the cops to stand down and/or only fuck with people who fight back against Antifa, while allowing Antifa commit all the violence and vandalism they want with no consequences. You're a fucking joke just like them. The only "good" thing about your stupidity is you typically keep it confined to your keyboard.

Want more? Mexico will pay for it

When it's all said and done with, they probably will. It won't be in the form of them handing over cash, but probably in some other way(s). Either way, this also isn't a "Trump deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy" issue either and most people who are in favor of the wall don't give a shit if Mexico pays for it or not. You're just really stupid.

TLDR of your 3 quotes that you think proves that "Trump is deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy":


11-30-2019, 04:11 PM
Well yeah, it's the content of the bills that matter you fucking dumbass, not how many bills there are. Jesus Christ. :lol:

Ever consider it could be a bunch of those useless "feelings" bills that are being ignored in the Senate? Perhaps you should ask Vox to clarify their use of the word "many," mainly to provide something that's not overwhelmingly vague, and to point out to you which bill on that list are part of "many" and which aren't.

You won't though, because you're just too dumb and gullible to question anything as long as it agrees with your feelings, which is just Orange Man Bad like always.

Trump lied about democrats doing nothing to divert the blame away from the republicans. Democrats, and republicans, have sent over 400 bills to the Senate where McConnell and the republicans have let them sit. You may not agree with them, the Senate may not agree with some, but there are bipartisan bills that they are not passing. Bipartisan. Bills. Not. Passing. The. Senate.

Trump lies. You believe.

Now you go into strawman arguments. My fault for letting you derail the conversation. But anyway...

One side wasn't 100% white supremacists and the other side wasn't 100% Antifa/communists.

This is bullshit. Pure bullshit. Trump knows it. You know it. Everyone knows it.

Anyone marching that day was 100% aware of what that was about. Anyone marching that day was 100% aware of what that was about. Anyone marching that day was 100% aware of what that was about.

Trump knew it too. This is why Trump is associated with racism. He downplayed the most serious white nationalist march of our decade where a neo-nazi ran his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters and murdered Heather Heyer. Trump's comment came after that neo-nazi drove his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters and murdered Heather Heyer.

Most of the retards on each side may have been, but that's the point Trump was making. Because guess what, Antifa aren't good people either, they're pieces of shit actually just like white supremacists, yet you think they're all pure and innocent and you never call out their violent shit. At best you'll make some super vague "Violence is bad" post or something, but never actually call out Antifa specifically for it when they do it. You only do that with right wing groups. But anyway, not everyone in Charlottesville on the left was some Antifa asshole, just like not everyone there on the right was some white supremacist asshole.

So yeah, there most likely were some people in Charlottesville on both sides that were "good people" in the sense that they were neither a white supremacist or some Antifa jackoff. What's it like to never put thought into anything and just have your TV spoon feed you your daily programming?

But yes Orange Man Bad and Antifa good and everyone else is a white supremacist, right? Dumbass. It's amazing that you still don't get why nobody, not even other democrats here, except for maybe Seran because he's almost as butthurt as you are, can take you seriously.

This is pure strawman. I will not defend a position I have not taken.

Here's what he really said, which you'd know if you weren't such a retarded gullible dishonest fuckface. This is also old news, so you're either really clueless, or really dishonest. Which is it? I know the overall answer is both, but I'm just referring to this specific issue right now.


Which reinforces my statement, that you requested I provide, of things Trump says to divide us.

Don't know much about this, but I don't see why not, Hunter made out like a bandit with them too if I'm remembering correctly. Either way, this still isn't a "Trump deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy" issue either. Most people don't really give a shit about it.

Suggesting a foreign adversarial government investigate a US citizen? We have to disagree. I think its treasonous.

If anything, it's retards like you and your violent Antifa terrorist pals + the MSM not even trying to hide how biased and full of shit they are about everything that does that, attacking anyone they even think might not agree with them. Emphasis on "think," because there has been more than one instance where they attacked another democrat just because they thought he was a republican.

Those people and your piece of shit democrat party who has done nothing but encourage that shit and cry and pull hoax after hoax for 3 years now are the ones doing all the dividing. You're just so dumb and full of yourself that you can't fathom ever being wrong about something, despite the fact that 99% of your "knowledge" comes from CNN or MSNBC or whoever uploading NPC code straight to your little bird brain.

Especially when it's in some shithole city with a leftist mayor forcing the cops to stand down and/or only fuck with people who fight back against Antifa, while allowing Antifa commit all the violent and vandalism they want with no consequences. You're a fucking joke just like them. The only "good" thing about your stupidity is you typically keep it confined to your keyboard.

More strawmen. Not even going to get into any of that bullshit that you just spewed all over the place. Trump has brought everything on himself because he is ignorant of how the government works, is more interested in himself than the people or the country, and has a fragile snowflake ego that makes him a wannabe dictator like Putin or any other major asshole currently on this planet.

When it's all said and done with, they probably will. It won't be in the form of them handing over cash, but probably in some other way(s). Either way, this also isn't a "Trump deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy" issue either and most people who are in favor of the wall don't give a shit if Mexico pays for it or not. You're just really stupid.

Another Trump lie that you let him get away with. How many people in this country do you think have friends or family from south of the border? How is what he has said about immigrants from Mexico, or other shit hole countries, not a direct attack on every American with friends and family from south of the border, or any of those shit hole countries? But you don't. Right? It does not bother you so it must be ok? Guess what? He insulted you, your family, your friends, and your fellow Americans too. But you let him get away with it.

TLDR of your 3 quotes that you think proves that "Trump is deceiving you and half the country into thinking your fellow Americans are your enemy":

tl;dr - Methais is ok with a president who lies and divides the nation.

11-30-2019, 04:16 PM

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/fa/fa0b33bd146fd20f4ac4c80ae258f893fa3ee5f25fe83c888a b54496995f0021.jpg

11-30-2019, 04:30 PM
Trump lied about democrats doing nothing to divert the blame away from the republicans. Democrats, and republicans, have sent over 400 bills to the Senate where McConnell and the republicans have let them sit. You may not agree with them, the Senate may not agree with some, but there are bipartisan bills that they are not passing. Bipartisan. Bills. Not. Passing. The. Senate.

Which bills specifically on that Vox list you posted are collecting dust in the Senate, and which aren't? Be specific, instead of extra vague like Vox just saying "many," which could literally mean anything.

Trump lies. You believe.

Irony, considering you're the dumbest and most gullible person in PC history.

Now you go into strawman arguments. My fault for letting you derail the conversation. But anyway...

There was nothing strawman about that. You're just allergic to thinking and questioning anything that CNN feeds you.

This is bullshit. Pure bullshit. Trump knows it. You know it. Everyone knows it.

Look how mad you are over shit you know nothing about.

Anyone marching that day was 100% aware of what that was about. Anyone marching that day was 100% aware of what that was about. Anyone marching that day was 100% aware of what that was about.

Not everyone who was there was marching. This applies to both sides. Stop being stupid. White supremacists suck, Antifa sucks. Antifa is also a much larger and more violent movement in 2019.

Trump knew it too. This is why Trump is associated with racism. He downplayed the most serious white nationalist march of our decade where a neo-nazi ran his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters and murdered Heather Heyer. Trump's comment came after that neo-nazi drove his car into a crowd of peaceful protesters and murdered Heather Heyer.

Funny how Trump didn't become "associated with racism" until he announced that he was running for President as a republican.

That said, were minorities as a whole better off under Obama? Or under Trump? Because the numbers are overwhelmingly not in Obama's favor. Not only is Trump the worst "Russian agent" ever, but he's also the worst "white supremacist" ever.

This is pure strawman. I will not defend a position I have not taken.

There are literally threads on here of this happening and you doing this. Strawman my ass. I know your brain doesn't work right, but just try a little bit at least.

Which reinforces my statement, that you requested I provide, of things Trump says to divide us.

Only the most retarded of retards would equate Trump's (paraphrased) "Go fix the country you came from then come back and show us how it's done" to "Go back to where you came from."

All it requires is changing Trump's words, and then removing the "and then come back and show us how it's done" part. Emphasis on the words "then come back."

You are amazingly stupid.

Suggesting a foreign adversarial government investigate a US citizen? We have to disagree. I think its treasonous.

Post the definition of "treason" because until you understand what that word means, this will go nowhere. Much like your life as a whole.

More strawmen. Not even going to get into any of that bullshit that you just spewed all over the place. Trump has brought everything on himself because he is ignorant of how the government works, is more interested in himself than the people or the country, and has a fragile snowflake ego that makes him a wannabe dictator like Putin or any other major asshole currently on this planet.

Everything I just said was true. But feel free to break down each part of it and explain to me why it's incorrect. You won't, and we know why. You'll just WAAH WAAH WHITE SUPREMACY AND STUFF instead because that's all you know how to do.

Another Trump lie that you let him get away with. How many people in this country do you think have friends or family from south of the border? How is what he has said about immigrants from Mexico, or other shit hole countries, not a direct attack on every American with friends and family from south of the border, or any of those shit hole countries? But you don't. Right? It does not bother you so it must be ok? Guess what? He insulted you, your family, your friends, and your fellow Americans too. But you let him get away with it.

Because immigrants and illegal immigrants are the same thing right?

Answer this question: Are illegal immigrants the same as legal immigrants?

tl;dr - Methais is ok with a president who lies and divides the nation.

I actually stand Obama, but thanks for tarding it up some more for my own personal entertainment. That's literally all you're good for.

11-30-2019, 05:12 PM
Which bills specifically on that Vox list you posted are collecting dust in the Senate, and which aren't? Be specific, instead of extra vague like Vox just saying "many," which could literally mean anything.

Read the article already. You keep asking for information thats already there in your effort to refute the fact the Trump has lied about democrats doing nothing in congress to cover for the republicans who are the ones stalling.

Not everyone who was there was marching. This applies to both sides. Stop being stupid. White supremacists suck, Antifa sucks. Antifa is also a much larger and more violent movement in 2019.

This is an astoundingly lame argument. You will never be able to back up any of that with any facts.

There are literally threads on here of this happening and you doing this. Strawman my ass. I know your brain doesn't work right, but just try a little bit at least.

Prove it.

Only the most retarded of retards would equate Trump's (paraphrased) "Go fix the country you came from then come back and show us how it's done" to "Go back to where you came from."

All it requires is changing Trump's words, and then removing the "and then come back and show us how it's done" part. Emphasis on the words "then come back."

You are amazingly stupid.

Post the definition of "treason" because until you understand what that word means, this will go nowhere. Much like your life as a whole.

Everything I just said was true. But feel free to break down each part of it and explain to me why it's incorrect. You won't, and we know why. You'll just WAAH WAAH WHITE SUPREMACY AND STUFF instead because that's all you know how to do.

Because immigrants and illegal immigrants are the same thing right?

Answer this question: Are illegal immigrants the same as legal immigrants?

More insults and strawmen to distract from the fact that Trump has lied about democrats doing nothing in Congress to cover for the republicans in the Senate stalling bipartisan legislation.

I actually stand Obama, but thanks for tarding it up some more for my own personal entertainment. That's literally all you're good for.

Whoop-die fucking do. Want a medal?

11-30-2019, 06:02 PM
Read the article already. You keep asking for information thats already there in your effort to refute the fact the Trump has lied about democrats doing nothing in congress to cover for the republicans who are the ones stalling.

This is an astoundingly lame argument. You will never be able to back up any of that with any facts.

Prove it.

More insults and strawmen to distract from the fact that Trump has lied about democrats doing nothing in Congress to cover for the republicans in the Senate stalling bipartisan legislation.

Whoop-die fucking do. Want a medal?

I'm starting to think Back doesn't know what a fact is...

11-30-2019, 06:22 PM
Trump is deceiving you, again. A quick search on this shows that the democrats are currently negotiating the terms of this bill with the White House. This bill is not languishing on Pelosi's desk collecting dust. Thats a lie designed to make you mad at democrats.

"Negotiating" with the White House. You really are the most useful idiot the Democrats could ever hope for.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-30-2019, 09:26 PM
Why do you guys try and debate a retard pedophile? He's literally the stupidest person on this board. Like no one even comes close to how stupid Backrash is. I think Bethany threw him a pity fuck only because she needed a place to stay.

Seriously people, he's 55? years old and dumber than anything here. It's not worth your time.

Also, Bethany told me he's a pedophile.

11-30-2019, 09:29 PM
Why do you guys try and debate a retard pedophile? He's literally the stupidest person on this board. Like no one even comes close to how stupid Backrash is. I think Bethany threw him a pity fuck only because she needed a place to stay.

Seriously people, he's 55? years old and dumber than anything here. It's not worth your time.

Also, Bethany told me he's a pedophile.

Who is Bethany?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-30-2019, 09:30 PM

11-30-2019, 09:32 PM

This must be before my time on the board, neither name rings a bell. I miss out on all the good drama :(

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-30-2019, 09:34 PM
Bethany moved to VA and lived with me for 8 or 9 months. When we broke up and I asked her to move out Backrash swooped in and "helped" her. There's tons more awesome shit to share but out of respect for Bethany I won't bother. Peam is also my eskimo brother.

11-30-2019, 10:23 PM
Bethany moved to VA and lived with me for 8 or 9 months. When we broke up and I asked her to move out Backrash swooped in and "helped" her. There's tons more awesome shit to share but out of respect for Bethany I won't bother. Peam is also my eskimo brother.

Backlash and Peam are your eskimo brothers.

Let that sink in for a bit...


12-02-2019, 08:26 AM
Read the article already. You keep asking for information thats already there in your effort to refute the fact the Trump has lied about democrats doing nothing in congress to cover for the republicans who are the ones stalling.

This is an astoundingly lame argument. You will never be able to back up any of that with any facts.

Prove it.

More insults and strawmen to distract from the fact that Trump has lied about democrats doing nothing in Congress to cover for the republicans in the Senate stalling bipartisan legislation.

Whoop-die fucking do. Want a medal?

You're literally too stupid to even bother with. Let's just accept that I'm right and you're wrong. Or at the very least, you're wrong. 100% of the time. In every post. In every thread.

Bethany moved to VA and lived with me for 8 or 9 months. When we broke up and I asked her to move out Backrash swooped in and "helped" her. There's tons more awesome shit to share but out of respect for Bethany I won't bother. Peam is also my eskimo brother.

She also said Back had a tiny dick.

12-02-2019, 10:58 AM
You're literally too stupid to even bother with. Let's just accept that I'm right and you're wrong. Or at the very least, you're wrong. 100% of the time. In every post. In every thread.

She also said Back had a tiny dick.


Thanks for playing. Buh bye.

12-02-2019, 11:00 AM

Thanks for playing. Buh bye.

I like how you think you're doing some victory dance when you're still wrong about everything. You're just too stupid to process anything you don't agree with.

There's a reason why other democrats here also agree that you're the biggest retard in PC history. :lol:

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-02-2019, 11:26 AM
Like I said, you are talking to a child. What does a child do when confronted with contrary evidence to their opinion?

"ha ha ha, buh bye"

12-02-2019, 12:05 PM
Like I said, you are talking to a child. What does a child do when confronted with contrary evidence to their opinion?

"ha ha ha, buh bye"

Oh I know. It's just fun watching him try to look smart, because 100% of the time he makes himself look even dumber than usual in the process while being convinced that he's the smartest guy in every room he enters. Which I'm sure if he walks into the right room at the right mental hospital at the right time, could prove true for the first time ever.

But barring that, yeah. :lol:

12-02-2019, 03:14 PM

Thanks for playing. Buh bye.

You literally would have been better off not posting anything...


12-02-2019, 07:50 PM
Oh I know. It's just fun watching him try to look smart, because 100% of the time he makes himself look even dumber than usual in the process while being convinced that he's the smartest guy in every room he enters. Which I'm sure if he walks into the right room at the right mental hospital at the right time, could prove true for the first time ever.

But barring that, yeah. :lol:

An empty room?

12-02-2019, 08:57 PM
I wonder why the left is so surprised about this, hell the right learned the tactic from Dingy Harry, he was the one that started using the senate as a stranglehold to block things for the President. I guess now that the shoe is on the other foot though it is an evil tactic, right, got it.

12-05-2019, 12:09 PM
Oh hey, looks like democrats and republicans are actually doing something outside of arguing about impeachment...


Senate passes bipartisan bill to permanently fund historically black colleges

A bipartisan bill to permanently fund historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions passed in the Senate Thursday.

The bill intends to provide $255 million annually for these institutions using money obtained from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Act. It will also simplify the FAFSA application by removing 22 questions and get rid of the “bureaucratic verification nightmare for most students,” according to a release.

12-05-2019, 12:20 PM
Oh hey, looks like democrats and republicans are actually doing something outside of arguing about impeachment...


But I thought republicans were evil racists who hate all black people? What happened? How can this be Back?