View Full Version : Surviving a School Lockdown

10-31-2019, 10:18 AM
I almost did not post this because Certain People in this forum are notorious for not treating important matters with appropriate seriousness. I decided you deserve a chance.


Is this sign taped in school bathroom stalls helpful? Apparently you take off your shoes? There is a code word?

10-31-2019, 10:28 AM
I almost did not post this because Certain People in this forum are notorious for not treating important matters with appropriate seriousness. I decided you deserve a chance.


Is this sign taped in school bathroom stalls helpful? Apparently you take off your shoes? There is a code word?

They forgot two vital steps:

- Reach into the toilet bowl and grab the biggest log you've dumped

- Throw it in shooter's face, then disarm him while he's distracted