View Full Version : Taxes

02-11-2019, 10:39 AM
I laughed all weekend reading tweets tagged #GOPTaxScam (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GOPTaxScam). It's a bunch of people who are shocked that their refunds are smaller even though their salary stayed the same. This is the first year to prepare taxes under the new law. If your refund is smaller, it's because you were too dumb to do your taxes right. Under the new law, there's lower corporate tax rates, new deductions for private jets, lots of new deductions for commercial real estate, big tax breaks for firing your human employees and replacing them with robots, and so many more that at least one of them is bound to apply to you. Don't forget that your estate taxes are a lot lower now too.

About the only way to lose under the new law is to own a house on which you pay state property taxes, incur legal fees as the victim of sexual assault, or if your job is so repetitive that a robot could learn to do it.

02-11-2019, 01:37 PM
Refunds are smaller because you sent less money to the IRS throughout the year... making so you overpaid by less.

The net is still more money in more people’s pockets.

02-11-2019, 01:51 PM
Which at the end of the day is the right thing to do. No one should get an interest free loan.

02-11-2019, 02:10 PM
Who the fuck gets a refund? Even while I was still in college (toward the end) I ended up paying instead of getting a refund. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to realize that if you're paying more in during the year you have less liquid with which to grow your money. That seems like it should be more important for low income individuals filing (and thus getting refunds), not less.

Edit to add: I owe ~4k this year and have until April 19th to pay it. From 2018 to mid 2019, 4k pretty easily turns into 6k even conservatively invested. It halves the cost of your taxes just to hold onto it.

02-11-2019, 02:10 PM
I laughed all weekend reading tweets tagged #GOPTaxScam (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23GOPTaxScam). It's a bunch of people who are shocked that their refunds are smaller even though their salary stayed the same. This is the first year to prepare taxes under the new law. If your refund is smaller, it's because you were too dumb to do your taxes right. Under the new law, there's lower corporate tax rates, new deductions for private jets, lots of new deductions for commercial real estate, big tax breaks for firing your human employees and replacing them with robots, and so many more that at least one of them is bound to apply to you. Don't forget that your estate taxes are a lot lower now too.

About the only way to lose under the new law is to own a house on which you pay state property taxes, incur legal fees as the victim of sexual assault, or if your job is so repetitive that a robot could learn to do it.

The amount of return is how you gauge whether or not you paid more or less taxes, you seriously think that? Are you really that big of an idiot or do you just play one on the boards?

I do not know my final numbers yet, but it looks like my rate dropped from around 28% to just under 20%. I would call that pretty significant, but an idiot like you would say my rates went up because I have to write Uncle Sam a bigger check this year.

02-11-2019, 09:19 PM
Being a single property owner is the best way to owe a lot more in taxes thanks to the so-called tax cuts. For those of us in states with large property tax payments, you can expect a lot of Republicans being voted out of office for having passed it in the first place.

02-11-2019, 09:22 PM
Being a single property owner is the best way to owe a lot more in taxes thanks to the so-called tax cuts. For those of us in states with large property tax payments, you can expect a lot of Republicans being voted out of office for having passed it in the first place.

So they're going to vote the Republican US politicians out of congress instead of voting the Democrat state politicians out of office for implementing high property taxes in the first place?

02-11-2019, 10:06 PM
Actually Whig Party, who was enfolded into the established Republican Party) held the majority in the first legislature who established the California direct tax. Learn some history.

02-11-2019, 10:21 PM
Actually Whig Party, who was enfolded into the established Republican Party) held the majority in the first legislature who established the California direct tax. Learn some history.

Well since we're going back to the beginning I guess we can blame those darn founding fathers for going against the English crown!!!

02-11-2019, 10:50 PM
Well since we're going back to the beginning I guess we can blame those darn founding fathers for going against the English crown!!!

And you call yourself a patriot....

02-11-2019, 10:53 PM
And you call yourself a patriot....


02-11-2019, 11:11 PM
Who the fuck gets a refund? Even while I was still in college (toward the end) I ended up paying instead of getting a refund. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to realize that if you're paying more in during the year you have less liquid with which to grow your money. That seems like it should be more important for low income individuals filing (and thus getting refunds), not less.

Edit to add: I owe ~4k this year and have until April 19th to pay it. From 2018 to mid 2019, 4k pretty easily turns into 6k even conservatively invested. It halves the cost of your taxes just to hold onto it.

Sometimes it's unavoidable...you can only claim so many exemptions.

With children, charitable donations and mortgage interests deductions/credits I pretty much get a refund each year.

02-12-2019, 01:08 AM
Yeah, refute knowledge with sarcasm. You're an idiot.