View Full Version : Trump campaign gives up on winning Virginia

10-13-2016, 12:50 PM
Donald Trump's campaign is "pulling out of Virginia," a move that stunned staff in the battleground state, three sources with knowledge of the decision told NBC News.

The decision came from Trump's headquarters in New York and was announced on a conference call late Wednesday that left some Republican Party operatives in the state blindsided. Two staffers directly involved in the GOP's efforts in Virginia confirmed the decision.

The move to pull out of Virginia shows Trump is "running essentially a four state campaign," with the focus now shifting to battlegrounds critical to his chances in November: Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, a source with knowledge of the decision told NBC News.

Hilarious. Here's a right-wing analysis for those of you too jaded to read something that isn't:

Donald Trump’s campaign has decided to pull its field operation out of Virginia, all but conceding the state to Democrat Hillary Clinton, an adviser to Mr. Trump confirmed.

The move came Wednesday night as Mr. Trump faced a new avalanche of allegations from women who told several different publications that the Republican nominee had groped or touched them without consent.