View Full Version : Another attack in France

07-14-2016, 07:02 PM

07-14-2016, 07:10 PM
Fucking trucks, we need to ban assault trucks. There is no reason to have a truck so powerful it can run over dozens of people. Law abiding citizens do not need trucks this powerful.

Seriously tho, this really sucks. I feel bad for France.

07-14-2016, 07:19 PM
I want to hear about their traffic barrier plans. Yes, i know it was a big truck, but there are barriers that are quick and easy to place around large gatherings of people that'll at least disable the truck after a certain point.

In this one, he just rammed the crowd, hopped out and opened fire, hopped back in, drive somewhere else crowded and repeated.

These folks are being unpredictable though.

07-14-2016, 07:22 PM
France is starting to sound like the beginning of the Insurgency period in Iraq.

07-14-2016, 07:28 PM
France is starting to sound like the beginning of the Insurgency period in Iraq.

Yes. It will continue to get worse as well, not just in France. As daesh loses territory in Syria and Iraq all of those foreign fighters are going to start heading home.

07-14-2016, 08:34 PM
Yes. It will continue to get worse as well, not just in France. As daesh loses territory in Syria and Iraq all of those foreign fighters are going to start heading home.

A sadly poignant prediction, even if it's a bit early to attribute this attach to ISIS directly.

07-14-2016, 08:45 PM
A sadly poignant prediction, even if it's a bit early to attribute this attach to ISIS directly.

Doesn't matter if it was ISIS or another asshole group of radical Islamic fuckheads.

Unless you think it was a frog that was pissed that the local cafe didn't have his favorite wine.

07-14-2016, 08:51 PM
Was this another attack from the religion of peace?

I wonder how desperate the truck driver was according to time4fun? Maybe she'll drop by to share some of her insight.

07-14-2016, 08:58 PM
Was this another attack from the religion of peace?

Which uh, which religion is that? Here's a helpful list of the top 5. They all preach peace, and they all have radical groups. So you're going to need to be more specific.

1 Christianity 2.1 billion
2 Islam 1.3 billion
3 Hinduism 900 million
4 Buddhism 376 million
5 Sikhism 23 million

Edit to add: And might I add, Judaism might have been in that number five spot if Christianity hadn't pretty effectively genocided it during the second world war. That is, if you blame 2.1 billion Christians for Hitler's Third Reich, of course. But that's just silly, right?

07-14-2016, 09:00 PM
Doesn't matter if it was ISIS or another asshole group of radical Islamic fuckheads.

Unless you think it was a frog that was pissed that the local cafe didn't have his favorite wine.

I think the specific motivations of the attacker are important. Lumping all islamic terrorism together won't help to solve anything.

07-14-2016, 09:01 PM
I think the specific motivations of the attacker are important. Lumping all islamic terrorism together won't help to solve anything.

Motives asides from kill as many people as possible?

07-14-2016, 09:03 PM
Which uh, which religion is that? Here's a helpful list of the top 5. They all preach peace, and they all have radical groups. So you're going to need to be more specific.

1 Christianity 2.1 billion
2 Islam 1.3 billion
3 Hinduism 900 million
4 Buddhism 376 million
5 Sikhism 23 million

So not only are you a BLM murdering cop apologist you are also an Islamic terrorist apologist.

Perfect. And somehow I'm the hateful one. I fucking love it.

07-14-2016, 09:03 PM
Rough year for France.

07-14-2016, 09:06 PM
So not only are you a BLM murdering cop apologist you are also an Islamic terrorist apologist.

Perfect. And somehow I'm the hateful one. I fucking love it.

Where did I say any of that? Go ahead and quote me. What I'm asking is, Are you blaming all 1.3 billion Islamic people for this attack?

07-14-2016, 09:07 PM
Motives asides from kill as many people as possible?

Yes. Was it a solo act or coordinated? Is the person part of cell? How were they funded? How was the attack planned? Were they aware of any countermeasures in place? etc etc.

07-14-2016, 09:08 PM
What I'm asking is, Are you blaming all 1.3 billion Islamic people for this attack?

Oh my mistake, you're not an Islamic terrorist apologist you're just one of those fucking morons who engages in this strawman bullshit where if you DO blame Islamic terrorists you are blaming all Muslims.

Spare me anymore of your the bullshit you parrot back from listening/watching your favorite leftist pundits.

07-14-2016, 09:12 PM
Oh my mistake, you're not an Islamic terrorist apologist you're just one of those fucking morons who engages in this strawman bullshit where if you DO blame Islamic terrorists you are blaming all Muslims.

Spare me anymore of your the bullshit you parrot back from listening/watching your favorite leftist pundits.

Again, not what I said. What you originally posted:

Was this another attack from the religion of peace?

Suggests that "The religion of peace attacked", from your wording. Not mine.

My question is: Is this the case?

Are all 1.3 billion Islamic people responsible for this attack? It's not a difficult question. It's only got two answers. Yes, you can explain the whys and hows, and I encourage that, but your first post suggested the answer is "Yes.". If the answer is "No, I blame Islamic terrorism, and Islam on the whole in a number of countries does filter people towards this line of thinking" then that would be a legitimate "No" answer with valid reasoning.

But you haven't yet said either, except for the first post, which again, reads as "Yes.".

If the answer is "No", I'd like to know your feelings on it. If it is yes, I'd also like to know your feelings on it. Hence, the question. Yes. Or No?

07-14-2016, 09:13 PM
Europe should further limit mobility.

Islam is supposed to have a strong tradition of charity. Why aren't the wealthy and at peace Islamic countries taking these people in?

Awful for France. They have a lot of issues with their own citizenry.

07-14-2016, 09:17 PM
Europe should further limit mobility.

Islam is supposed to have a strong tradition of charity. Why aren't the wealthy and at peace Islamic countries taking these people in?

Awful for France. They have a lot of issues with their own citizenry.

Because Islam isn't one giant entity. Shia, Sunni, Wahhabism, Salafism.. ect ect.

07-14-2016, 09:23 PM
So not only are you a BLM murdering cop apologist you are also an Islamic terrorist apologist.

Perfect. And somehow I'm the hateful one. I fucking love it.

Well when you make comments like..

Was this another attack from the religion of peace?

What else do you expect? Praise?

07-14-2016, 09:24 PM
Suggests that "The religion of peace attacked", from your wording. Not mine.

Yeah no fucking shit I suggested that. If this was a terrorist attack (and let's get real, it was) what are the chances it's one of the other religions you listed?

Go on, do the math and get back to me. The number is probably pretty damn close to zero isn't it?

Me: "Hey was this another attack from the 'religion of peace'"?
You: "WHICH ONE?! ALL religions have radical elements to it!"

You are an Islamic terrorist apologist. Fuck's sake.

Let me guess, you need me to Google shit for you to show just how truly backwards and savage a lot of Islamic areas of the world are, right?

Just like you couldn't pull your own head out of your ass long enough to see the hatred being spread around in the BLM movement and insisted the problem was really I'm just a hate filled racist.

Look, maybe this shit flies in your echo chamber of friends where all you have to do is blame anything and everything on cis gendered straight white males and Republicans and everyone cheers you on and pats you on the back. But here in the real world we can see shit for what it is, and a lot of shit the left is spewing and defending recently is fucking disgusting.

07-14-2016, 09:25 PM
Well when you make comments like..

What else do you expect? Praise?

I don't expect praise, but I don't expect someone to actually come along and be an Islamic terrorist apologist. Are you one too?

07-14-2016, 09:27 PM
Because Islam isn't one giant entity. Shia, Sunni, Wahhabism, Salafism.. ect ect.

Absolutely correct. I feel like most of these groups have reach past just one border though.

But here in the real world we can see shit for what it is, and a lot of shit the left is spewing and defending recently is fucking disgusting.

Specifics? Or, you know, alternately, folks could work to stop the attackers.

07-14-2016, 09:29 PM
I don't expect praise, but I don't expect someone to actually come along and be an Islamic terrorist apologist. Are you one too?

Who is being a terrorist apologist? Pointing out that your comment is dull and pointless does not make one an islamic terrorist apologist.

07-14-2016, 09:30 PM
Firstly, I am a straight white male Republican, so if I'm blaming them for everything, I don't have to look too far. I too can see shit for what it really is, and I do not blame 1.3 billion people for attacking France today. I do not blame 1.3 billion people for attacking the US on September 11th 2001. I do not blame 2.1 billion people for attacking the US on July 27, 2008.

If you want to place blame on Islam on the whole, you need to back your argument up. And no "Anyone who's not an idiot can see it's all their fault" is not an adequate reason for me to damn 1.3 billion people. Maybe "They're truly backwards and savage" is an adequate reason for you, but that reasoning has not panned out for ANYONE in the history of the planet, so forgive me for not taking you at your word.

07-14-2016, 09:35 PM
Firstly, I am a straight white male Republican, so if I'm blaming them for everything, I don't have to look too far. I too can see shit for what it really is, and I do not blame 1.3 billion people for attacking France today. I do not blame 1.3 billion people for attacking the US on September 11th 2001. I do not blame 2.1 billion people for attacking the US on July 27, 2008.

If you want to place blame on Islam on the whole, you need to back your argument up. And no "Anyone who's not an idiot can see it's all their fault" is not an adequate reason for me to damn 1.3 billion people. Maybe "They're truly backwards and savage" is an adequate reason for you, but that reasoning has not panned out for ANYONE in the history of the planet, so forgive me for not taking you at your word.

Sense doesn't belong in political discussion on the PC. Or pretty much anywhere. Keep up the good fight though.

07-14-2016, 09:38 PM
I'm going to have to come down on Tgo01's side in at least one respect here. Asking that question is a pretty pointed (and satirical) reminder that a large number of people in positions of power are purposefully ignoring the motivations of these attacks. You cannot combat an organization or movement by being purposefully ignorant of why they are doing things like this. Trying to do so is no less stupid than blaming uninvolved people who happen to be of the same religion.

Attorney General Lynch: Pulse Jihadi’s True Motive ‘May Never Be Known’ (http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/21/ag-lynch-promises-doj-money-orlando-fema-funds-denied/)

Obama: “I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter” in Dallas (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/07/09/obama-i-think-its-very-hard-to-untangle-the-motives-of-this-shooter-in-dallas/)

Edit to add: At least that is how I read his post, seeing as the above mentioned folks are quick to describe Islam as the religion of peace and he used the same phrase.

07-14-2016, 09:41 PM
Asking that question is a pretty pointed reminder that a large number of people in positions of power are purposefully ignoring the motivations of these attacks. You cannot combat an organization or movement by being purposefully ignorant of why they are doing things like this.

That would mean politicians would have to take responsibility for their terrible actions.

07-14-2016, 09:41 PM
Firstly, I am a straight white male Republican, so if I'm blaming them for everything, I don't have to look too far. I too can see shit for what it really is, and I do not blame 1.3 billion people for attacking France today. I do not blame 1.3 billion people for attacking the US on September 11th 2001. I do not blame 2.1 billion people for attacking the US on July 27, 2008.

If you want to place blame on Islam on the whole, you need to back your argument up. And no "Anyone who's not an idiot can see it's all their fault" is not an adequate reason for me to damn 1.3 billion people. Maybe "They're truly backwards and savage" is an adequate reason for you, but that reasoning has not panned out for ANYONE in the history of the planet, so forgive me for not taking you at your word.


07-14-2016, 09:43 PM
That would mean politicians would have to take responsibility for their terrible actions.

Nonsense, we can just blame the climate deniers! That sort of sweeping generalization is just fine.

Making terrorism link, Obama says climate instability can lead to ‘dangerous’ ideology (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/12/04/making-terrorism-link-obama-says-climate-instability-can-lead-to-dangerous-ideology/)

Or maybe it is those lax European gun/driving license/explosives laws?

07-14-2016, 09:44 PM
I'm going to have to come down on Tgo01's side in at least one respect here. Asking that question is a pretty pointed (and satirical) reminder that a large number of people in positions of power are purposefully ignoring the motivations of these attacks. You cannot combat an organization or movement by being purposefully ignorant of why they are doing things like this. Trying to do so is no less stupid than blaming uninvolved people who happen to be of the same religion.

Attorney General Lynch: Pulse Jihadi’s True Motive ‘May Never Be Known’ (http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/21/ag-lynch-promises-doj-money-orlando-fema-funds-denied/)

Obama: “I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter” in Dallas (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/07/09/obama-i-think-its-very-hard-to-untangle-the-motives-of-this-shooter-in-dallas/)

Edit to add: At least that is how I read his post, seeing as the above mentioned folks are quick to describe Islam as the religion of peace and he used the same phrase.

We should absolutely look at their motivations... but as mentioned before there are extraordinary variations in that entire population, much less within terrorist attackers. Generalizing the group is equally a trap.

07-14-2016, 09:47 PM
We should absolutely look at their motivations... but as mentioned before there are extraordinary variations in that entire population, much less within terrorist attackers. Generalizing the group is equally a trap.

I am pretty sure Tgo was using a bit of hyperbole to satirize the current asinine PC response. If he was not, I would be happy to do so. Oh wait, I think I might have in my last post already.

07-14-2016, 09:50 PM
Also, Androidpk. Even though it has nothing to do with reality, I still always think of the aniplex title screen when I read your name. It is like you have set up some diabolical almost anagram to paralyze me. For that reason alone I just cannot argue effectively against you.


Listen to how they say it and look at your own name. I'm onto you.

07-14-2016, 09:52 PM
I am pretty sure Tgo was using a bit of hyperbole to satirize the current asinine PC response. If he was not, I would be happy to do so. Oh wait, I think I might have in my last post already.

For some reason I have an easier time seeing that coming from you. Probably because you seem less frothy/arm wavy but fair point.

07-14-2016, 09:52 PM
Also, Androidpk. Even though it has nothing to do with reality, I still always think of the aniplex title screen when I read your name. It is like you have set up some diabolical almost anagram to paralyze me. For that reason alone I just cannot argue effectively against you.


Listen to how they say it and look at your own name. I'm onto you.

Indeed, now show me your tits or GTFO.

07-14-2016, 09:53 PM
For some reason I have an easier time seeing that coming from you. Probably because you seem less frothy/arm wavy but fair point.

I have my screaming at they sky moments as well.


07-14-2016, 09:55 PM
Firstly, I am a straight white male Republican

I had to stop reading your lies right here.

Now you're pulling a Latrin here, spew obvious left rhetoric, get called out on it, then insist "No guys, I'm really a Republican!"

Honestly I saw this coming a mile away, I almost put it into my last post too suggesting you were going to come around and claim to be a Republican.

07-14-2016, 09:56 PM
I had to stop reading your lies right here.

Now you're pulling a Latrin here, spew obvious left rhetoric, get called out on it, then insist "No guys, I'm really a Republican!"

Honestly I saw this coming a mile away, I almost put it into my last post too suggesting you were going to come around and claim to be a Republican.

Latrin voted for Bush twice. Weren't there two elections you skipped?

07-14-2016, 09:56 PM
I had to stop reading your lies right here.

Now you're pulling a Latrin here, spew obvious left rhetoric, get called out on it, then insist "No guys, I'm really a Republican!"

Honestly I saw this coming a mile away, I almost put it into my last post too suggesting you were going to come around and claim to be a Republican.

It really doesn't matter to me what you think I am or am not. I put it out there, and it's true based on my voting track record, though I would call myself more of an independent by nature. I could give two shits if you believe it or not.

07-14-2016, 09:56 PM
Edit to add: At least that is how I read his post, seeing as the above mentioned folks are quick to describe Islam as the religion of peace and he used the same phrase.

You hit the nail on the head. My posts were pretty clear as to the point I was making, some people like Wesley just need to quickly go into the strawman outright lies bullshit to keep furthering their agenda.

07-14-2016, 10:02 PM
My girlfriend wants to point out that Germany got 1 million asylum seekers last year. She thinks Daesh is desperate but Europe is in for a rough time because they didn't learn a thing from the Trojan Horse. She's worried for her Mom in Denmark because Sweden has been another hub.

07-14-2016, 10:05 PM
I had to stop reading your lies right here.

Now you're pulling a Latrin here, spew obvious left rhetoric, get called out on it, then insist "No guys, I'm really a Republican!"

Honestly I saw this coming a mile away, I almost put it into my last post too suggesting you were going to come around and claim to be a Republican.

Thread: Another attack in France

Poor taste to make an accusation like that. -kcostell

Poor taste accusing someone of being a Democrat? I agree, that is a pretty low blow now that I think about it.

07-14-2016, 10:11 PM
My girlfriend wants to point out that Germany got 1 million asylum seekers last year. She thinks Daesh is desperate but Europe is in for a rough time because they didn't learn a thing from the Trojan Horse. She's worried for her Mom in Denmark because Sweden has been another hub.

That has been a huge concern of mine for awhile.

07-14-2016, 10:14 PM

07-14-2016, 11:13 PM
Europe should further limit mobility.

But but, the EU promises free movement, we can't go against our evil overlords in Brussels.

Islam is supposed to have a strong tradition of charity. Why aren't the wealthy and at peace Islamic countries taking these people in?

Because they are filled with as many or more hypocrites than the Christian religion.

Awful for France. They have a lot of issues with their own citizenry.

Yeah, not a good situation by any measure. Sorry the people have to pay the price for the years of their government's lack of will to do what is right with France. Funny, the US is following right along the EU path to ruin. So much for being more European.

07-14-2016, 11:16 PM
But but, the EU promises free movement, we can't go against our evil overlords in Brussels.

Because they are filled with as many or more hypocrites than the Christian religion.

Yeah, not a good situation by any measure. Sorry the people have to pay the price for the years of their government's lack of will to do what is right with France. Funny, the US is following right along the EU path to ruin. So much for being more European.

We'll see. Maybe I'm excessively Amerocentric but I think we're stronger than the European Union for all our faults and divisions.

I'm not positive that Europe will be at all proactive. For all the economic downsides Brexit may be smart for England in the end.

07-14-2016, 11:23 PM
We'll see. Maybe I'm excessively Amerocentric but I think we're stronger than the European Union for all our faults and divisions.

I hope so.

I'm not positive that Europe will be at all proactive. For all the economic downsides Brexit may be smart for England in the end.

Nope, they won't and they will continue the same path they are on until pretty much the whole ship sinks and becomes a second/third world entity and they will try and force the US to support them even more through the UN. It's gonna be bad here as the economy takes a dump, it will be a lot worse there and China is nearing the end of their bubble driven ghost economy so that is not going to end well either.

On a positive note, Cabela's is selling 22LR ammo for 21.99 for 325 rounds with no limits. I stocked up.

07-15-2016, 12:24 AM
On a positive note, Cabela's is selling 22LR ammo for 21.99 for 325 rounds with no limits. I stocked up.

Damn... that's not bad at all. Gonna persuade me to go East instead of West for my ammo for once. Thanks!

07-15-2016, 12:35 AM
WTF you gonna do with .22LR? Kill squirrels?

07-15-2016, 12:43 AM
WTF you gonna do with .22LR? Kill squirrels?

Fire my MK II with it. It's most of the shooting I do outside of hunting season. It's fun. Secondary purpose... bother my relatives who believe it is an "automatic pistol!"

07-15-2016, 01:17 AM
Again, not what I said. What you originally posted:

Suggests that "The religion of peace attacked", from your wording. Not mine.

My question is: Is this the case?

Are all 1.3 billion Islamic people responsible for this attack? It's not a difficult question. It's only got two answers. Yes, you can explain the whys and hows, and I encourage that, but your first post suggested the answer is "Yes.". If the answer is "No, I blame Islamic terrorism, and Islam on the whole in a number of countries does filter people towards this line of thinking" then that would be a legitimate "No" answer with valid reasoning.

But you haven't yet said either, except for the first post, which again, reads as "Yes.".

If the answer is "No", I'd like to know your feelings on it. If it is yes, I'd also like to know your feelings on it. Hence, the question. Yes. Or No?

You know what... I DO blame all Muslims. Why?

Because ultimately... these fucking asshole radicals are their responsibility. THEY don't do enough to stop this. If they stomped down hard anytime one of these groups popped up, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems now as we do. But... they don't. Way too many Muslims either don't care, or cheer for the Terrorists. The liberals are actually right about one thing... it isn't America's problem to solve.. but the Muslim world really isn't interested in solving it either. Well.. Except for Iran who actually want to just take their place.

07-15-2016, 01:29 AM
All the attacks France has had are by Muslims, I blame them. France needs to kick them out. Sorry if it rubs on your sensibilities, but French citizens are dying.

07-15-2016, 01:48 AM
You know what... I DO blame all Muslims. Why?

Because ultimately... these fucking asshole radicals are their responsibility. THEY don't do enough to stop this. If they stomped down hard anytime one of these groups popped up, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems now as we do. But... they don't. Way too many Muslims either don't care, or cheer for the Terrorists. The liberals are actually right about one thing... it isn't America's problem to solve.. but the Muslim world really isn't interested in solving it either. Well.. Except for Iran who actually want to just take their place.


I will give the iraqi's fighting Isis in Iraq credit though. It's not enough however. Most of the countries over there cone off as weak or simply disinterested in the whole situation. Fucking mess.

07-15-2016, 02:03 AM
All the attacks France has had are by Muslims, I blame them. France needs to kick them out. Sorry if it rubs on your sensibilities, but French citizens are dying.

Most mass shootings in the US are carrier out by white males. Lets kick out all white males and make this country safe again.

07-15-2016, 02:05 AM
You know what... I DO blame all Muslims. Why?

Because ultimately... these fucking asshole radicals are their responsibility. THEY don't do enough to stop this. If they stomped down hard anytime one of these groups popped up, we wouldn't have nearly as many problems now as we do. But... they don't. Way too many Muslims either don't care, or cheer for the Terrorists. The liberals are actually right about one thing... it isn't America's problem to solve.. but the Muslim world really isn't interested in solving it either. Well.. Except for Iran who actually want to just take their place.


I will give the iraqi's fighting Isis in Iraq credit though. It's not enough however. Most of the countries over there cone off as weak or simply disinterested in the whole situation. Fucking mess.

Refer back to my post where I say Islam isn't one giant entity. Don't be an idiot.

07-15-2016, 02:10 AM
Most mass shootings in the US are carrier out by white males. Lets kick out all white males and make this country safe again.

The majority of white people will condemn it though, that is the difference you seem to be missing. There aren't entire states that have a festival after major mass shootings.

07-15-2016, 02:14 AM
WTF you gonna do with .22LR? Kill squirrels?

Shoot whatever I want with it until it dies.

07-15-2016, 02:26 AM
The majority of white people will condemn it though, that is the difference you seem to be missing. There aren't entire states that have a festival after major mass shootings.

I'm not missing anything. If you don't think Muslims condemn Islamic terrorist attacks then you are either ignorant or just stupid.

07-15-2016, 02:37 AM
I'm not missing anything. If you don't think Muslims condemn Islamic terrorist attacks then you are either ignorant or just stupid.

So you're ignorant. Got it.

07-15-2016, 02:40 AM
So you're ignorant. Got it.

Yeah, sure.

07-15-2016, 02:54 AM
Most mass shootings in the US are carrier out by white males. Lets kick out all white males and make this country safe again.

Most Single Homicides are carried out by Black Males, lets kick out black males and make this country safe again.

07-15-2016, 02:55 AM
I'm not missing anything. If you don't think Muslims condemn Islamic terrorist attacks then you are either ignorant or just stupid.

Most Muslims don't.

07-15-2016, 09:10 AM
Most Single Homicides are carried out by Black Males, lets kick out black males and make this country safe again.

Here here! Seconded.

07-15-2016, 09:36 AM
We still don't know if this is a alluah ackbar motherfucker do we? I assumed in the beginning it was, but haven't seen any official report on it. I read he was known to local authorities for petty crime.

07-15-2016, 09:40 AM
I'm not missing anything. If you don't think Muslims condemn Islamic terrorist attacks then you are either ignorant or just stupid.

Who gives a shit about condemning? How about they clean up that cesspool of theirs? Get some fucking control. Nah fuck it, it's all "God's plan". Idiots.

07-15-2016, 09:40 AM
That would mean politicians would have to take responsibility for their terrible actions.

That's the world I want to live in.

07-15-2016, 09:49 AM
Which uh, which religion is that? Here's a helpful list of the top 5. They all preach peace, and they all have radical groups. So you're going to need to be more specific.

1 Christianity 2.1 billion
2 Islam 1.3 billion
3 Hinduism 900 million
4 Buddhism 376 million
5 Sikhism 23 million

Edit to add: And might I add, Judaism might have been in that number five spot if Christianity hadn't pretty effectively genocided it during the second world war. That is, if you blame 2.1 billion Christians for Hitler's Third Reich, of course. But that's just silly, right?

It's not silly, it's downright retarded.

But hey, retarded is where you dwell.

07-15-2016, 09:50 AM
Firstly, I am a straight white male Republican



07-15-2016, 09:54 AM
My girlfriend wants to point out that Germany got 1 million asylum seekers last year. She thinks Daesh is desperate but Europe is in for a rough time because they didn't learn a thing from the Trojan Horse. She's worried for her Mom in Denmark because Sweden has been another hub.

If they didn't take in the refugees, they would clearly be racist and they didn't want to be labeled like that.

I'm sure taking in hundreds of thousands of people you know nothing about from an area of the world that hates the western ways is perfectly safe for the current citizens. What could possibly go wrong?

07-15-2016, 09:56 AM
The majority of white people will condemn it though, that is the difference you seem to be missing. There aren't entire states that have a festival after major mass shootings.

To be fair.. do we still consider Michigan a real state anymore?

07-15-2016, 09:58 AM
We still don't know if this is a alluah ackbar motherfucker do we? I assumed in the beginning it was, but haven't seen any official report on it. I read he was known to local authorities for petty crime.

I don't think they've reported what the motivation was, but if it smells like a goat and sounds like a goat.. it's probably a goat.

07-15-2016, 10:02 AM
Which uh, which religion is that? Here's a helpful list of the top 5. They all preach peace, and they all have radical groups. So you're going to need to be more specific.

1 Christianity 2.1 billion
2 Islam 1.3 billion
3 Hinduism 900 million
4 Buddhism 376 million
5 Sikhism 23 million

Edit to add: And might I add, Judaism might have been in that number five spot if Christianity hadn't pretty effectively genocided it during the second world war. That is, if you blame 2.1 billion Christians for Hitler's Third Reich, of course. But that's just silly, right?

I'm not sure how you're connecting hitler to Christianity. A simple google search will explain hitler had no connection Christianity.

Its fairly easy to connect the guys who yell "Alluah Ackbar" before they murder people to Islam.

07-15-2016, 10:11 AM
I don't think they've reported what the motivation was, but if it smells like a goat and sounds like a goat.. it's probably a goat.

Mohamad Lahouaiej Bouhel. How shocking there's a Mohamad in there!

07-15-2016, 10:16 AM
I'm not sure how you're connecting hitler to Christianity. A simple google search will explain hitler had no connection Christianity.

Logic and common sense clearly are traits Wesley lacks.

Its fairly easy to connect the guys who yell "Alluah Ackbar" before they murder people to Islam.

You must be a racist then.

07-15-2016, 10:23 AM
Most Muslims don't.

No? got a source on that?

07-15-2016, 10:47 AM
No? got a source on that?

Didn't you see the celebrations in New Jersey during 9/11?

07-15-2016, 10:56 AM
Didn't you see the celebrations in New Jersey during 9/11?

Donald Trump did.

07-15-2016, 11:12 AM
Only humans commit mass murder and atrocities. Lets ban all humans.

07-15-2016, 11:17 AM
Only humans commit mass murder and atrocities. Lets ban all humans.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods..... duh.

07-15-2016, 11:20 AM
Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods..... duh.

---> global warming ---> humans = kill all the humans!

07-15-2016, 11:28 AM
---> global warming ---> humans = kill all the humans!

I blame it on the Mako reactors.

07-15-2016, 11:38 AM
I blame it on the Mako reactors.

Invented, built and operated by humans! you keep making my point!

07-15-2016, 11:41 AM

07-15-2016, 12:02 PM
I'm not sure how you're connecting hitler to Christianity. A simple google search will explain hitler had no connection Christianity.

Hitler, at various points, aligned himself with and against Christianity. He explicitly refers to God, and Christianity, in several of speeches, was raised Catholic and the church never excommunicated him for his actions.

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

07-15-2016, 12:48 PM
not directly related but supposedly "the 28 pages" will be released to the public today, though I'm sure with a healthy dose of redaction

07-15-2016, 12:53 PM
Hitler, at various points, aligned himself with and against Christianity. He explicitly refers to God, and Christianity, in several of speeches, was raised Catholic and the church never excommunicated him for his actions.

It was all bullshit. I was raised Catholic and baptized and I knew in the 3rd grade religion was nonsense. Hitler wasn't a practicing Christian and was skeptical of all religion.

Anything he said in a speech or in public was to gain favor with those that were religious. How very similar to modern day politicians! Religious people are easily fooled. Obviously...

07-15-2016, 02:30 PM
It was all bullshit. I was raised Catholic and baptized and I knew in the 3rd grade religion was nonsense. Hitler wasn't a practicing Christian and was skeptical of all religion.

Anything he said in a speech or in public was to gain favor with those that were religious. How very similar to modern day politicians! Religious people are easily fooled. Obviously...

Probably not EVERYONE that was religious, more likely just the Christians...based on the actions following but I get the gist of your argument.

07-15-2016, 04:03 PM
---> global warming ---> humans = kill all the humans!

Actually.. Global Warming is caused by Physics... lets ban Physics.

07-15-2016, 04:08 PM
Hitler, at various points, aligned himself with and against Christianity. He explicitly refers to God, and Christianity, in several of speeches, was raised Catholic and the church never excommunicated him for his actions.

What you are saying is... if I someone were to blow up several hundred people, and claim that Buddha told him to do it, and he was doing it in the name of Buddha... that would make him a Buddhist?

On the other hand... most of these fucktards that scream Allah Akbar before killing people attend mosque regularly, are very religious, and commit these acts because their religious leader tells them to.

Of course... I am SURE you can find a quote somewhere where the pope told Hitler to kill jews. Or any Religious leader of Christianity that wasn't a member of his 3rd Reich.

07-15-2016, 04:39 PM
Hitler, at various points, aligned himself with and against Christianity. He explicitly refers to God, and Christianity, in several of speeches, was raised Catholic and the church never excommunicated him for his actions.

So it IS the Christian's fault.

Glad that's cleared up.

07-15-2016, 04:56 PM
What you are saying is... if I someone were to blow up several hundred people, and claim that Buddha told him to do it, and he was doing it in the name of Buddha... that would make him a Buddhist?

On the other hand... most of these fucktards that scream Allah Akbar before killing people attend mosque regularly, are very religious, and commit these acts because their religious leader tells them to.

Of course... I am SURE you can find a quote somewhere where the pope told Hitler to kill jews. Or any Religious leader of Christianity that wasn't a member of his 3rd Reich.

Do I believe that Hitler did what he did out of religious fervor? No, I don't. Like Shaft said, he was a political opportunist who made convenient use of many groups.

Although, I'd argue that many of the evangelical Christian right of the 21st century are also politically opportunistic and don't have anything in common with the core teachings of Christianity that Jesus ostensibly exemplified. If an evangelical Christian conservative campaigns on a PRAISE JEEBUS platform, gets elected by those voters, then tries to legislate their morality.. and is subsequently exposed as an adulterous, hedonistic monster in his personal life -- who's to "blame" for the results of his actions? The religion? The man himself? The voters?

So it IS the Christian's fault.

Glad that's cleared up.

I'm presuming you meant "Christianity's fault," there. I'm not sure that you can fully divorce the historical Christian antipathy of Jews that likely, in some way, contributed to the climate in which Hitler thrived -- but no, again, I don't think he acted out of religious fervor in persecuting the Jews.

I frequently see apologists for Christianity try to claim that "Hitler was an atheist, so atheism is responsible for the deaths in WWII," which is silly. DIE, IN THE NAME OF NOTHING!! has probably never been uttered by any human being before murdering someone. On the flip side, many have died in the name of Islam, and in centuries past, the name of Christianity (and a handful today).

07-15-2016, 05:02 PM
Do I believe that Hitler did what he did out of religious fervor? No, I don't. Like Shaft said, he was a political opportunist who made convenient use of many groups.

Although, I'd argue that many of the evangelical Christian right of the 21st century are also politically opportunistic and don't have anything in common with the core teachings of Christianity that Jesus ostensibly exemplified. If an evangelical Christian conservative campaigns on a PRAISE JEEBUS platform, gets elected by those voters, then tries to legislate their morality.. and is subsequently exposed as an adulterous, hedonistic monster in his personal life -- who's to "blame" for the results of his actions? The religion? The man himself? The voters?

I'm presuming you meant "Christianity's fault," there. I'm not sure that you can fully divorce the historical Christian antipathy of Jews that likely, in some way, contributed to the climate in which Hitler thrived -- but no, again, I don't think he acted out of religious fervor in persecuting the Jews.

I frequently see apologists for Christianity try to claim that "Hitler was an atheist, so atheism is responsible for the deaths in WWII," which is silly. DIE, IN THE NAME OF NOTHING!! has probably never been uttered by any human being before murdering someone. On the flip side, many have died in the name of Islam, and in centuries past, the name of Christianity (and a handful today).

So what you are saying is you have no fucking clue what you are saying.. since you just said that you did not believe Hitler did what he did for a Religious reason... in response to someone else saying how they connected Hitler to Christianity which was in response to someone else saying that Christians tried to wipe out the jews.

I do love when people try to blame the WWII Jew deaths on Christianity. I know now that you aren't.. tho you had a fucked up way of getting there.

As for "Die, in the name of Nothing!"... it's simple. Since people DON'T say die in the name of SOMETHING when they kill people, they are therefore saying Die in the name of NOTHING. Since they you know... said nothing. More people die for non religious reasons, then for religious ones now a days. Except with Muslims.. oddly enough. You know.. the Religion of PEACE.

07-15-2016, 05:06 PM
I was never "blaming" Christianity for Hitler's actions. I simply pointed out that Hitler did indeed have a "connection" to Christianity, which Shaft said a "quick Google search would show you isn't true." Hitler did have a connection to Christianity, however loose it may have been.

Islam is definitely the most destructive religion on the planet in 2016. It's not just the religion causing the violence, but magical thought that isn't based on evidence enables lots of undesirable outcomes.

Edit: I see what you're talking about, the person who said "Christianity 'genocided' (the Jews)." I don't agree with that contention. Like I said, I'm not sure you can FULLY divorce the historical antipathy towards Judaism that Christians have had for 2,000 years, but blaming "Christianity" for the Holocaust is rather indefensible in my book.

07-15-2016, 06:41 PM
I'm presuming you meant "Christianity's fault," there. I'm not sure that you can fully divorce the historical Christian antipathy of Jews that likely, in some way, contributed to the climate in which Hitler thrived -- but no, again, I don't think he acted out of religious fervor in persecuting the Jews.

I frequently see apologists for Christianity try to claim that "Hitler was an atheist, so atheism is responsible for the deaths in WWII," which is silly. DIE, IN THE NAME OF NOTHING!! has probably never been uttered by any human being before murdering someone. On the flip side, many have died in the name of Islam, and in centuries past, the name of Christianity (and a handful today).

Apologizing for Islam is something I simply don't understand from liberals. I honestly do not get it.

They marginalize gays, women, Jews, and yes Christians. Is that the lure, the marginalization of Christians that attracts the liberal mind?

If you have to go back to "B-b-b-but the Crusades" to make a valid historical point (and no, you're wrong about the Nazi / Christian connection), you've lost. Like lost badly.

It's as bad as your ilk saying "B-b-b-but Trump wants to bring back slavery!"

07-15-2016, 06:44 PM
Apologizing for Islam is something I simply don't understand from liberals. I honestly do not get it.

They marginalize gays, women, Jews, and yes Christians. Is that the lure, the marginalization of Christians that attracts the liberal mind?

If you have to go back to "B-b-b-but the Crusades" to make a valid historical point (and no, you're wrong about the Nazi / Christian connection), you've lost. Like lost badly.

It's as bad as your ilk saying "B-b-b-but Trump wants to bring back slavery!"

The Crusades were a response to Islamic invasion that made it into parts of Italy most of Spain and almost to France. Sure, Christians killed a bunch in the Crusades, but Muslims were the champs in that department too.

07-15-2016, 06:53 PM
The Crusades were a response to Islamic invasion that made it into parts of Italy most of Spain and almost to France. Sure, Christians killed a bunch in the Crusades, but Muslims were the champs in that department too.

Yeah. They're a pretty dubious claim for the "evils the west has done." On that front complaining about Britain and France dividing up the region and the creation of Israel are far more legitimate.

All their shed tears for Saddam are ridiculous. He was absolutely secular.

07-15-2016, 06:54 PM
Apologizing for Islam is something I simply don't understand from liberals. I honestly do not get it.

They marginalize gays, women, Jews, and yes Christians. Is that the lure, the marginalization of Christians that attracts the liberal mind?

If you have to go back to "B-b-b-but the Crusades" to make a valid historical point (and no, you're wrong about the Nazi / Christian connection), you've lost. Like lost badly.

It's as bad as your ilk saying "B-b-b-but Trump wants to bring back slavery!"

So basically they're like the GOP.

07-15-2016, 07:03 PM
So basically they're like the GOP.

Yes. The GOP is just like the Muslims. You nailed it!

07-15-2016, 07:05 PM
Yes. The GOP is just like the Muslims. You nailed it!

That explains the GOP platform.

07-15-2016, 07:13 PM
The GOP uses the actual political process and generally obeys the rule of law. They don't murder people.

The GOP doesn't marginalize Jews and Christians... and Mike Huckabee's slavery would've been for all races.

07-15-2016, 07:15 PM
They put Jews and Christians on a pedestal, fuck everyone else.

07-15-2016, 07:24 PM
I'm like fuck it all man, just fuck it all. Fuck Islam, fuck Christianity, fuck religion. Fuck fuck fuck.

What good is it really doing anyone?

07-15-2016, 07:27 PM
I'm like fuck it all man, just fuck it all. Fuck Islam, fuck Christianity, fuck religion. Fuck fuck fuck.

What good is it really doing anyone?

It gives people an easy scapegoat for why they hate people.

07-15-2016, 07:29 PM
So what you are saying is you have no fucking clue what you are saying.. since you just said that you did not believe Hitler did what he did for a Religious reason... in response to someone else saying how they connected Hitler to Christianity which was in response to someone else saying that Christians tried to wipe out the jews.

I do love when people try to blame the WWII Jew deaths on Christianity. I know now that you aren't.. tho you had a fucked up way of getting there.

As for "Die, in the name of Nothing!"... it's simple. Since people DON'T say die in the name of SOMETHING when they kill people, they are therefore saying Die in the name of NOTHING. Since they you know... said nothing. More people die for non religious reasons, then for religious ones now a days. Except with Muslims.. oddly enough. You know.. the Religion of PEACE.


07-15-2016, 07:31 PM
I'm like fuck it all man, just fuck it all. Fuck Islam, fuck Christianity, fuck religion. Fuck fuck fuck.

What good is it really doing anyone?

They make some people very rich/powerful.

07-15-2016, 07:42 PM
It gives people an easy scapegoat for why they hate people.

We wouldn't know any of those people.

07-15-2016, 07:47 PM
We wouldn't know any of those people.

I'm agnostic, I don't need religion as an excuse to hate people.

07-15-2016, 08:05 PM
I'm agnostic


07-15-2016, 08:06 PM

Why is that funny to you? What have I ever (seriously) said that would lead you to believe I'm religious?

07-15-2016, 08:08 PM
Why is that funny to you? What have I ever (seriously) said that would lead you to believe I'm religious?

"There is only one God, and Muhammad is his prohpet." - Tgo01, 1 September, 2013

07-15-2016, 08:32 PM
"There is only one God, and Muhammad is his prohpet." - Tgo01, 1 September, 2013

God dammit! I thought I deleted that.

07-15-2016, 09:45 PM
Apologizing for Islam is something I simply don't understand from liberals. I honestly do not get it.

They marginalize gays, women, Jews, and yes Christians. Is that the lure, the marginalization of Christians that attracts the liberal mind?

If you have to go back to "B-b-b-but the Crusades" to make a valid historical point (and no, you're wrong about the Nazi / Christian connection), you've lost. Like lost badly.

It's as bad as your ilk saying "B-b-b-but Trump wants to bring back slavery!"

I don't recall providing apologetics for Islam -- I have nothing especially positive to say about Islam (or about any religion, really). The reasonableness of the person is inversely related to how literally they interpret and follow their religion. Whether that's ISIS, or the Westboro Baptist Church, or ultra-Orthodox Jews.

FYI, I never said "Nazi/Christian connection." That's a straw man. I spoke about Hitler, the man, himself. The man was baptized, partook in confirmation, spoke about his goals in terms of enacting the faith through the Nazi platform, in speeches, wrote about it in his book, etc. Whether or not he was "sincere" is inherently subjective. If none of that were true, you could say there was "no connection." There is a connection, even if it's not a significant one.

07-15-2016, 09:47 PM
The reasonableness of the person is inversely related to how literally they interpret and follow their religion. Whether that's ISIS, or the Westboro Baptist Church, or ultra-Orthodox Jews.

+1 gold star cookie

07-15-2016, 11:57 PM
I don't recall providing apologetics for Islam -- I have nothing especially positive to say about Islam (or about any religion, really). The reasonableness of the person is inversely related to how literally they interpret and follow their religion. Whether that's ISIS, or the Westboro Baptist Church, or ultra-Orthodox Jews.

FYI, I never said "Nazi/Christian connection." That's a straw man. I spoke about Hitler, the man, himself. The man was baptized, partook in confirmation, spoke about his goals in terms of enacting the faith through the Nazi platform, in speeches, wrote about it in his book, etc. Whether or not he was "sincere" is inherently subjective. If none of that were true, you could say there was "no connection." There is a connection, even if it's not a significant one.

Well put.

07-16-2016, 12:23 AM
The reasonableness of the person is inversely related to how literally they interpret and follow their religion. Whether that's ISIS, or the Westboro Baptist Church, or ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Reasonable by whos standards? Would it be reasonable to commit atrocities if you believed they were commanded by your god?

07-16-2016, 12:49 AM
They make some people very rich/powerful.

This. Exactly this.

07-16-2016, 05:38 AM
Looks like ISIS was indeed behind the attack, at the very least they are claiming responsibility for it.


Islamic State claimed responsibility for the truck attack on the French city of Nice on Saturday as French police arrested three people there in connection with the carnage that claimed the lives of at least 84 people.

"The person who carried out the operation in Nice, France, to run down people was one of the soldiers of Islamic State," the news agency Amaq, which supports Islamic State, said via its Telegram account.

"He carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of states that are part of the coalition fighting Islamic State," the statement said.

Gee, who saw that coming?

Tell me more about the radical elements in the Buddhist faith though, Wesley.

07-16-2016, 05:54 AM
Tell me more about the radical elements in the Buddhist faith though, Wesley.

There are indeed radical Buddhist groups.

07-16-2016, 05:56 AM
There are indeed radical Buddhist groups.

Okay. Were they the ones behind the Nice attack?

07-16-2016, 06:05 AM
Okay. Were they the ones behind the Nice attack?

Does it matter? I don't believe anyone claimed it was Buddhist terrorist groups.

07-16-2016, 06:07 AM
Does it matter? I don't believe anyone claimed it was Buddhist terrorist groups.

No, Wesley just tried this deflection bullshit on the first page of this thread to try and downplay Islamic terrorists being behind this.

That's sort of my whole point. Are you high at the moment?

07-16-2016, 06:11 AM
No, Wesley just tried this deflection bullshit on the first page of this thread to try and downplay Islamic terrorists being behind this.

That's sort of my whole point. Are you high at the moment?

He wasn't deflecting, he was asking a pointed question. Are you foaming at the mouth at the moment?

07-16-2016, 06:15 AM
He wasn't deflecting, he was asking a pointed question.

He asked a pointed question.

One would have to be suffering from a massive head wound to not have known my very sarcastic question was referring to Islam.

So either Wesley (and now yourself with your defense of him) suffers from a massive head wound or he was indeed engaging in deflection bullshit by saying "Well other religions have radical elements too!"

But we both know it was the latter.

Are you foaming at the mouth at the moment?

Ah yes, I'm just an agitated, angry ol' Islamaphobe. More classic deflection bullshit.

07-16-2016, 06:16 AM
You're like WB except instead of shouting republicans it's deflection and strawmen!

07-16-2016, 06:19 AM
You're like WB except instead of shouting republicans it's deflection and strawmen!

If you would stop deflecting and setting up strawmen then I would stop calling you out on your bullshit. Try having a normal, rational discussion based on facts, sources, and evidence, and leave the bullshit out of it.

Think you can manage that?

07-16-2016, 06:21 AM
If you would stop deflecting and setting up strawmen then I would stop calling you out on your bullshit. Try having a normal, rational discussion based on facts, sources, and evidence, and leave the bullshit out of it.

Think you can manage that?

I have normal, rational discussions based on facts every day. Just not with ignorant twats like yourself.

07-16-2016, 06:26 AM
Think you can manage that?

Just not with ignorant twats like yourself.

So the answer is no.


07-16-2016, 08:02 AM
This is how you know we are bound to lose to these people. Spineless pukes coddling the enemy.

They have said numerous times they wish to destroy western civilization, you would think by now dumb fucks like WB, Time4fun and the likes would start to take them seriously. But fuck no, they will suck the dick of the enemy just so they can reflect their anti American coolness.

Christians did this once upon a time, so we must allow the Muslims to do it, even though you know, Muslims have been doing this shit since its founding.

No question in my mind that they are radical Muslim apologists.

07-16-2016, 08:43 AM
This is how you know we are bound to lose to these people. Spineless pukes coddling the enemy.

They have said numerous times they wish to destroy western civilization, you would think by now dumb fucks like WB, Time4fun and the likes would start to take them seriously. But fuck no, they will suck the dick of the enemy just so they can reflect their anti American coolness.

Christians did this once upon a time, so we must allow the Muslims to do it, even though you know, Muslims have been doing this shit since its founding.

No question in my mind that they are radical Muslim apologists.

So I take it you didn't read any of my input on the issue? Got it.

07-16-2016, 08:52 AM
Looks like ISIS was indeed behind the attack, at the very least they are claiming responsibility for it.

Gee, who saw that coming?

Tell me more about the radical elements in the Buddhist faith though, Wesley.

I think ISIS will accept responsibility for any terrorism that happens in the name of Islam.

But, in full disclosure, I called not only the radical group correctly.. I also named the first name of the terrorist correctly.

Yes, prior to it being reported.. I somehow knew it was Mohomed.

I'm fucking clairvoyant.

07-16-2016, 08:54 AM
So I take it you didn't read any of my input on the issue? Got it.

No Wb, I have been reading your limp wristed writing for over 3 years now. To fucking late to all of a sudden be all Go Team USA.

Honestly I see little difference between you and Time4fun, at least you have the balls to not hide in the corner after spewing the same rhetoric as the shooter in Dallas.

It would be a cold day in hell to hear any of you repudiate your anti-american and racist hate speech.

07-16-2016, 09:24 AM
This is how you know we are bound to lose to these people. Spineless pukes coddling the enemy.

They have said numerous times they wish to destroy western civilization, you would think by now dumb fucks like WB, Time4fun and the likes would start to take them seriously. But fuck no, they will suck the dick of the enemy just so they can reflect their anti American coolness.

Christians did this once upon a time, so we must allow the Muslims to do it, even though you know, Muslims have been doing this shit since its founding.

No question in my mind that they are radical Muslim apologists.

Is that the motivation of the extreme liberal though? "Worship" the radical Muslims because they don't like America anymore than they do?

I seriously don't get it. You would think that a radical Islamic type of government would be better for your "Cause" du jour?

07-16-2016, 09:25 AM
No Wb, I have been reading your limp wristed writing for over 3 years now. To fucking late to all of a sudden be all Go Team USA.

Honestly I see little difference between you and Time4fun, at least you have the balls to not hide in the corner after spewing the same rhetoric as the shooter in Dallas.

It would be a cold day in hell to hear any of you repudiate your anti-american and racist hate speech.

Don't worry.. you aren't missing anything.

I'm guessing the post he is talking about has the words "Republican" or "Conservative" or "Trump" or "Teacher" in it.

07-16-2016, 09:31 AM
No Wb, I have been reading your limp wristed writing for over 3 years now. To fucking late to all of a sudden be all Go Team USA.

Honestly I see little difference between you and Time4fun, at least you have the balls to not hide in the corner after spewing the same rhetoric as the shooter in Dallas.

It would be a cold day in hell to hear any of you repudiate your anti-american and racist hate speech.

That's cute. So there's more than one of you.

07-16-2016, 09:32 AM
Is that the motivation of the extreme liberal though? "Worship" the radical Muslims because they don't like America anymore than they do?

I seriously don't get it. You would think that a radical Islamic type of government would be better for your "Cause" du jour?

Honestly, just take a few minutes to look at liberal policies, dam near every position they take is anti-human or anti-american.

07-16-2016, 09:34 AM
Honestly, just take a few minutes to look at liberal policies, dam near every position they take is anti-human or anti-american.

Dem policies = Republican policies on every important issue. It's the stupid areas like which bathroom people should choose where they differ.

07-16-2016, 09:37 AM
Honestly, just take a few minutes to look at liberal policies, dam near every position they take is anti-human or anti-american.

I love it when the invisible chair versions of us get debated. I'd actually say Hillary is far more interventionist than Obama if you like that sort of thing. She's one of the few Americans who can actually say they tried to help the movement against Erdogan, who, in spite of our ally status, is one of daesh's biggest allies.

07-16-2016, 11:57 AM
This is how you know we are bound to lose to these people. Spineless pukes coddling the enemy.

They have said numerous times they wish to destroy western civilization, you would think by now dumb fucks like WB, Time4fun and the likes would start to take them seriously. But fuck no, they will suck the dick of the enemy just so they can reflect their anti American coolness.

Christians did this once upon a time, so we must allow the Muslims to do it, even though you know, Muslims have been doing this shit since its founding.

No question in my mind that they are radical Muslim apologists.

What makes you take them more serious than WB and T4F? Have you signed up with a foreign militia yet? Are you doing your part besides armchairing?

07-16-2016, 11:58 AM
Honestly, just take a few minutes to look at liberal policies, dam near every position they take is anti-human or anti-american.

Have you seen the GOP platform??

07-16-2016, 12:23 PM
Have you seen the GOP platform??

Gays and whores aren't people, and they certainly aren't American.

07-16-2016, 12:29 PM
Gays and whores aren't people, and they certainly aren't American.


07-16-2016, 12:31 PM
Gays and whores aren't people, and they certainly aren't American.

Wait.. what's the Republican's platform on whores?

What's the Democrat's?

07-16-2016, 02:28 PM
Wait.. what's the Republican's platform on whores?

What's the Democrat's?

People who work in porn are paid to have sex. AKA Whores.

07-16-2016, 03:19 PM
What's the Democrat's?

Nominate her for POTUS.

07-16-2016, 04:13 PM
Party platforms are really just pandering to the extremes of the party. Really has nothing much to do with the election.

07-16-2016, 05:44 PM
Party platforms are really just pandering to the extremes of the party. Really has nothing much to do with the election.

That's not a very good excuse.

07-16-2016, 06:53 PM
I'm going to have to come down on Tgo01's side in at least one respect here. Asking that question is a pretty pointed (and satirical) reminder that a large number of people in positions of power are purposefully ignoring the motivations of these attacks. You cannot combat an organization or movement by being purposefully ignorant of why they are doing things like this. Trying to do so is no less stupid than blaming uninvolved people who happen to be of the same religion.

Attorney General Lynch: Pulse Jihadi’s True Motive ‘May Never Be Known’ (http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/21/ag-lynch-promises-doj-money-orlando-fema-funds-denied/)

Obama: “I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter” in Dallas (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/07/09/obama-i-think-its-very-hard-to-untangle-the-motives-of-this-shooter-in-dallas/)

Edit to add: At least that is how I read his post, seeing as the above mentioned folks are quick to describe Islam as the religion of peace and he used the same phrase.Hitler called himself a Christian. Does that mean the Holocaust was motivated by Christianity?

Omar Mateen called himself a Muslim. Does that mean his mass murder was motivated by Islam?

Is it internally coherent to have different answers to those two questions?
Latrin voted for Bush twice. Weren't there two elections you skipped?Only once... I was 15 in 2000 so I couldn't vote for Bush then. T_T
Of course... I am SURE you can find a quote somewhere where the pope told Hitler to kill jews. Or any Religious leader of Christianity that wasn't a member of his 3rd Reich."The Jewish people fell from the heights because of their faithlessness and condemned their Redeemer to a shameful death. Their godlessness has assumed such forms that, for the salvation of our own people, it becomes necessary to prevent their disease." Pope (and Saint!) Pius V
Apologizing for Islam is something I simply don't understand from liberals. I honestly do not get it. They marginalize gays, women, Jews, and yes Christians. Is that the lure, the marginalization of Christians that attracts the liberal mind?Your misunderstanding derives from the fact that you do not accurately describe Islam.

07-16-2016, 07:01 PM
Hitler called himself a Christian. Does that mean the Holocaust was motivated by Christianity?

Omar Mateen called himself a Muslim. Does that mean his mass murder was motivated by Islam?

Is it internally coherent to have different answers to those two questions?

This deflection brought to you by a Democrat who claims to be a Republican.

07-16-2016, 07:03 PM
Hitler called himself a Christian. Does that mean the Holocaust was motivated by Christianity?


07-16-2016, 07:04 PM
This deflection brought to you by a Democrat who claims to be a Republican.

That got oddly self referential there.

07-16-2016, 07:05 PM
That got oddly self referential there.

Your face is oddly self referential!

07-16-2016, 07:07 PM
Your face is oddly self referential!


07-17-2016, 01:37 PM
For all the Leftist multicultural western culture apologists.


07-17-2016, 01:46 PM
blah blah blah, that's all I'm hearing.

07-17-2016, 03:48 PM
blah blah blah, that's all I'm hearing.


07-17-2016, 03:49 PM

Exactly, thank you.

07-17-2016, 04:26 PM

That's the Position PK takes for his "Happy Time".

07-17-2016, 04:30 PM

Where does the line start?

07-17-2016, 04:46 PM
That's the Position PK takes for his "Happy Time".

happy time?

07-17-2016, 04:48 PM
happy time?

He is saying you liked to get fucked in the ass.

07-17-2016, 04:50 PM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_HitlerI appreciate the buttress but I find it inconceivable that anyone could have disagreed in the first place.

07-17-2016, 04:58 PM
He is saying you liked to get fucked in the ass.

Who doesn't?

07-17-2016, 05:04 PM
Who doesn't?

Good people.

07-17-2016, 05:20 PM
For all the Leftist multicultural western culture apologists.

Infowars.com? Cool story bro.

This attack, like all terror, and police shootings, is just blowback. As long as brown people are getting fucked with you'll see this crap happening.

07-17-2016, 05:53 PM
Infowars.com? Cool story bro.

This attack, like all terror, and police shootings, is just blowback. As long as brown people are getting fucked with you'll see this crap happening.

So what you are saying is "brown people" need to stop having sex?

Hmm... well, while it's unorthodox... I guess that would solve the problem in 60-70 years when they are all gone due to lack of procreation.

07-17-2016, 06:18 PM
Good people.

What about the Romans?

07-17-2016, 06:21 PM
What about the Romans?

The Romans were some horrible people, until they embraced Christianity.

Also, most men didn't fancy getting fucked in the ass.

07-17-2016, 06:22 PM
The Romans were some horrible people, until they embraced Christianity.

Also, most men didn't fancy getting fucked in the ass.



07-17-2016, 06:25 PM


Monty Python isn't an acceptable historical reference. Try again.

07-17-2016, 07:04 PM
Monty Python isn't an acceptable historical reference. Try again.

They are the ultimate authority on the Womans.

07-17-2016, 07:05 PM
They are the ultimate authority on the Womans.

No, that is Latrin.

07-18-2016, 06:18 PM
Looks like a terrorist attack in Germany with an axe now.

This shit is getting crazy.

07-18-2016, 06:19 PM
Looks like a terrorist attack in Germany with an axe now.

This shit is getting crazy.

I think I'm going to start training TWC for real life situations now.

07-18-2016, 06:22 PM
I think I'm going to start training TWC for real life situations now.

You're going to be an Elanthia terrorist?

07-18-2016, 06:23 PM
17 year old Afghan person, shot dead by police. 3 critical, 17 injured.

07-18-2016, 06:30 PM
You're going to be an Elanthia terrorist?

Don't give anyone ideas. This kinda talk will get people setting off boomer traps during Dreavenings.

07-18-2016, 06:31 PM
Don't give anyone ideas. This kinda talk will get people setting off boomer traps during Dreavenings.


07-18-2016, 06:33 PM
Don't give anyone ideas. This kinda talk will get people setting off boomer traps during Dreavenings.

Meh, we used to yell Allah Ackbar and set off traps in TSC and the Crypt and stuff before. GMs weren't pleased by the blatent OOCness and the killing of players.

07-18-2016, 06:50 PM
The new cool thing is to fill a disk with granola, flip it, yell Allahu Snackbar then open 720.

07-22-2016, 02:24 PM
Looks like yet ANOTHER terrorist attack in Germany:


To be fair they don't know for sure if it's Islamist terrorism yet so Democrats still have time to try and twist the narrative like they did with the Orlando terrorist attack.

07-22-2016, 03:58 PM
Looks like yet ANOTHER terrorist attack in Germany:


To be fair they don't know for sure if it's Islamist terrorism yet so Democrats still have time to try and twist the narrative like they did with the Orlando terrorist attack.

Saw a cellphone video of one of the shooters. Guy looked white, but it was from across the street, so not entirely clear. It's the third or fourth post on the NYT's live blog.


07-22-2016, 04:05 PM
Saw a cellphone video of one of the shooters. Guy looked white, but it was from across the street, so not entirely clear. It's the third or fourth post on the NYT's live blog.



White ✔

Male ✔

Christian :fingers:

Nazi :fingers:

Trump Connection :fingers:

07-22-2016, 04:18 PM
Saw a cellphone video of one of the shooters. Guy looked white, but it was from across the street, so not entirely clear. It's the third or fourth post on the NYT's live blog.


He does look white... of course Islam is a Religion, not a race.

That being said.. for all we know at this point, it could have been a heist gone bad.

As for PK's wish list... the Trump connection...

The shooters once lost 50 bucks in a Trump Casino. Trump is the Cause of Terrorism!!!11!!!1

07-22-2016, 04:19 PM
of course Islam is a Religion, not a race.

You sound like a racist.

07-22-2016, 04:31 PM

White ✔

Male ✔

Christian :fingers:

Nazi :fingers:

Trump Connection :fingers:

As an actual liberal, here's my wishlist for terrorists:

07-22-2016, 05:01 PM
This just in....

blow me, tranny

PK Likes BJ's from trannies and dudes.

07-22-2016, 05:08 PM
Just heard the Munich shooter referred to as a "Right Winger".

07-22-2016, 10:55 PM
So the shooter was an 18 year old man with dual German and Iranian citizenship.

Yeah. I'm still going with Muslim terrorist.

07-22-2016, 11:04 PM
So the shooter was an 18 year old man with dual German and Iranian citizenship.

Yeah. I'm still going with Muslim terrorist.

I bet it was rap music and the NRA.

07-22-2016, 11:05 PM
I bet it was rap music and the NRA.

Not Republicans? Get outta here.

07-22-2016, 11:06 PM
He does look white... of course Islam is a Religion, not a race.

That being said.. for all we know at this point, it could have been a heist gone bad.

As for PK's wish list... the Trump connection...

The shooters once lost 50 bucks in a Trump Casino. Trump is the Cause of Terrorism!!!11!!!1

Don't have a list, certainly not one with Trump on it.

07-22-2016, 11:07 PM
Germany already heavily censors violent video games so it can't be that.

07-25-2016, 01:03 AM
Jesus Christ, 2 bombings in Germany today.

They haven't said if they were Muslim terrorists yet but one they know was a suicide bombing by a Syrian.

07-25-2016, 01:08 AM
Jesus Christ, 2 bombings in Germany today.

They haven't said if they were Muslim terrorists yet but one they know was a suicide bombing by a Syrian.

My bad, apparently it was just one bombing. I read earlier today that a bar was bombed and then I read a few minutes ago that a bomb went off outside a concert but apparently it's the same incident.

Still, Germany has been going through hell this past week.

07-25-2016, 01:21 AM
My bad, apparently it was just one bombing. I read earlier today that a bar was bombed and then I read a few minutes ago that a bomb went off outside a concert but apparently it's the same incident.

Still, Germany has been going through hell this past week.

Pretty tame compared to the events in Yemen.

07-25-2016, 01:26 AM
Pretty tame compared to the events in Yemen.

Yeah but those are brown people so who cares.

07-25-2016, 01:34 AM
Yeah but those are brown people so who cares.

So edgy.

07-25-2016, 08:07 AM
Yeah but those are brown people so who cares.


07-25-2016, 08:37 AM
Pretty tame compared to the events in Yemen.

Yemen is pretty tame compared to events in Mexico. That isn't the point. There are things where this is a lot more common and expected occurrence, and Western Europe is not one of them. Don't be obtuse.

07-25-2016, 10:20 AM
Yemen is pretty tame compared to events in Mexico. That isn't the point. There are things where this is a lot more common and expected occurrence, and Western Europe is not one of them. Don't be obtuse.

How is Mexico more tame? Is it being bombarded by a foreign country?

07-25-2016, 10:22 AM
How is Mexico more tame? Is it being bombarded by a foreign country?

I said Yemen was more tame.

And it wouldn't surprise me if we have done a few strikes on cartels.

Either way, this is going off the entire point of my post.

07-25-2016, 10:52 AM
I said Yemen was more tame.

And it wouldn't surprise me if we have done a few strikes on cartels.

Either way, this is going off the entire point of my post.

you know what I meant. Is mexico a breeding ground for islamic terrorists?

07-25-2016, 11:13 AM
you know what I meant. Is mexico a breeding ground for islamic terrorists?

Islamic terrorists aren't the only source of violence in the world. And again, you are going off the point. Just because shit is worse somewhere else in the world doesn't mean that the things happening in Germany and France aren't significant. It isn't NEARLY as common there, so it is pretty significant.

07-25-2016, 11:15 AM
Islamic terrorists aren't the only source of violence in the world..

Right, don't forget about blacks.

Eta: and mexicans.

07-26-2016, 03:28 PM
Yet another terrorist attack in France:


I guess Germany and France are just kind of getting used to this being the new normal now. I mean shit, between the two countries this has been happening almost daily for two weeks now.

07-26-2016, 03:33 PM
Yet another terrorist attack in France:


I guess Germany and France are just kind of getting used to this being the new normal now. I mean shit, between the two countries this has been happening almost daily for two weeks now.

Let me fix all of it with this one simple song:
