View Full Version : Scam Alert - SashaFierce / Alastir

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05-06-2016, 11:51 PM

Alastir scammed an uninformed player out of a golvern segment for 1m silvers (Market price 50-75M). Alastir was aware of the price and the rarity and yet did it anyways. He used an alt of his so he could feign ignorance and present himself as an uninformed buyer. He was using both of his characters to alternate spamming the merchant channel. I've posted the logs below.

Everyone should be very careful when going into new events that have new mechanics. Don't take any offers, be careful of people you don't recognize. If they look like a wolf in a red cape, run away.

And don't buy anything from Alastir/Sashafierce.

Line 11639: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 14365: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 15818: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 15982: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 16171: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 16380: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 16500: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment - offering 11m."
Line 16550: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Well, I'll match any price, I actually have a pendant, and I only need the golvern segment"
Line 17108: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 17265: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 17602: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 18639: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 19021: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 21695: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 6541: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 11549: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 18107: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 26932: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."


More and more people have been posting that its "ok" and that its "legal" and "capitalism." So, first off, the term 'legal' or 'illegal' should be clarified. Legality infers criminal sanctions. There is generally no crimes associated with the above (that I know of) except in the context of abusing the elderly. E.g. Selling ant-aging creams to the elderly.

So, people are probably referring to 'civil liability', the non-criminal side. And, I hate to break it to you, but there is civil liability for buying extremely low and selling extremely high. In fact, there is multitudes of ways to void a contract (reverse the sale) when one party is uninformed or unknowledgeable, and the other the opposite. For any sale there is a contract, written or implied. In order for a contract to be formed, there has to be a 'meeting of the minds.' Parties cannot 'meet' if they do not understand what they are selling, or if one person is at an advantage to the other.

The legal term is called 'unconscionability'. This is an excerpt from a contracts book:

b. Substantive: The "substantive" sort of unconscionability occurs where the clause or contract itself (rather than the process used to arrive at the contract) is unduly unfair and one-sided. [485]

i. Excessive price: An important example of substantive unconscionability is where the seller charges an excessive price. Usually, an excessive price clause only comes about when there is also some sort of procedural unconscionability (e.g., an uneducated consumer who doesn’t understand what he is agreeing to), since otherwise the consumer will usually simply find a cheaper supplier. [485 - 486]

And for the record. 1m to 75m = 7500% mark up.

TL;DR - Anyone who says 'capitalism' or 'its legal' or 'buyer beware' has no fucking clue what they are talking about.

05-06-2016, 11:53 PM

Alastir scammed an uninformed player out of a golvern segment for 1m silvers (Market price 50-75M). Alastir was aware of the price and the rarity and yet did it anyways. He used an alt of his so he could feign ignorance and present himself as an uninformed buyer.

Everyone should be very careful when going into new events that have new mechanics. Don't take any offers, be careful of people you don't recognize. If they look like a wolf in a red cape, run way.

And don't buy anything from Alastir/Sashafierce.


For those new to this thread: If you don't feel like reading 50+ posts, here is what you need to know.

Haldrik/Kalros is obsessed with me, Elyina is a F2P alt he created so he can spam the merchant channel on a 1 hour repeat.
;lnet ignore Kalros and ;lnet ignore Elyina to save yourself a lot of headaches.
One day he asked me how much I bought a golvern segment for, and I unfortunately told him.

When DR started, I was the first person to find a moonstone pendant in the arena.
When I found it, I started to advertise that I was looking for a segment. I had purchased most of the other pieces, and many of them for 1m each.
Someone sent me a PM over LNet saying they found one.
I asked them how much they'd like for it, and they said to make an offer.
I threw out the first offer that came to mind, which was 1 million. (I had paid 1m for 3-4 pieces that I needed at that time.)

Since this happened at the beginning of DR, the only "golvern segment" to sell was here on the PC, for a cash buyout.
Nobody knew they would eventually explode to be worth 50-75m.

When I offered my 1m, the seller accepted, we exchanged, and both parties were satisfied.
I was the first to complete a moonstone pendant, and once I completed it, I posted the spoiler alert: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101702-Moonshard-Pendant-SPOILER-ALERT&highlight=
That way everyone could know what it actually was.
I have a feeling that spoiler alert was also in part, the reason why the segments exploded in value.
Please note the date/time I posted the spoiler alert - 4/24 @ 10:53 PM - Basically the 2nd day of DR.

I posted the spoiler alert on 4/24 @ 10:53 PM, which would be the second full day of Duskruin.

The first OFFICIAL comment by WYROM about the rarity of the segments was made on 4/25 @ 1:04 AM.
With follow up info @ 9:25 PM on 4/25.

The first PC auction for a segment with a 40m starting bid was 4/28.

Did I get a good deal? Yes, obviously.
Did I scam someone? No. The seller hasn't complained, the only person complaining is Kalros.
Did I mislead, or not tell vital information about the segment? No. Again, I posted the spoiler alert telling everyone what they actually were.

The seller said, make me an offer, I made an offer, they said okay, we exchanged, and that was that.

Haldrik/Kalros/Elyina is doing everything they can to "ruin me" but it's nothing more than a child's temper tantrum. Kalros is a talented manipulator and likes to start drama/arguments with most people he comes in contact with.

And apparently there may have been multiple segments that sold for less than what they would eventually end up being worth.

I found one of the govern segments and someone immediately offered me 2k BS when I asked for appraisal, this was Tuesday I believe. No one else said anything, knowing now that they are worth way more, I probably still would have done my deal.

To someone who has never touched a mil but for less than 40 minutes that was something fair to me, I may have missed out on money, but I certainly made use of that 2k bloods rip on some wounded wear that I love and would do it again

Thread Highlights:

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the purchase of a segment. It was started as nothing more than a vendetta.

I can't believe people are actually here scrutinizing a random deal where no one involved in said deal had actually complained prior to the thread.

Haldrik likes to make lowball offers and ask for extortionate prices. No huge problem with that, but then he always has to start screaming when he doesn't get his way. It's just not worth dealing with drama queens like him.

Buying something for less than it's worth is not a scam. How some of you can go through life without understanding such a basic premise is beyond me. I don't care if the seller was talked into it. That's how negotiation works. It's not fraudulent or illegal to get a lower price on something than the buyer might otherwise get if they exercised patience.

Has the seller even chimed in yet? I know I've sold items for far less than they were worth because I needed cash for something else. There's just a whole hell of a lot of speculation and very little fact in this thread.

Also, what everan said. If I'd had the chance I'd totally have done what Sashafierce did.

And I'd have been laughing at your attempts to shame me.

There was no fraud or scam here. Sucks the person didn't research the item they were trying to sell, but it is what it is.

Should SashaFierce maybe have been a little nicer and offered more? Sure, but that isn't his/her job. A price was offered, it was accepted. Worry about your own business.

Honestly, if someone had asked me to make an offer to buy a segment early on, I would have probably offered a million as well. I had a sense that they would be valuable, but I've seen that go both ways. The first run, early rats sold for 3m and not long after were getting 500k and now look at them, worth 250k. You're always better to wait a little bit at the beginning if you think something is rare to see how things are going to shake out. I've dealt with both these guys and I've never had an issue. Do they want a good price? Of course, so do I. All the trash talk afterwards could have gone unsaid.

You can't blame someone for making an offer that was accepted. It's not like he held a gun to anyone's head. People in Plat were giving segments and pendants to each other to help people finish. Maybe the person that sold him the segment was more interested in seeing one completed than making a ton of silver.

05-06-2016, 11:56 PM

100% Truth. You can't even deny it.

05-06-2016, 11:59 PM
fight irl

05-06-2016, 11:59 PM

I love how he doesn't even try to deny it cause he knows it's true. Gold thread 5++ manbabies would read again.

05-07-2016, 12:00 AM
fight irl


05-07-2016, 12:00 AM
Added this thread to my signature, for all time.

05-07-2016, 12:01 AM
If this is true....

Well done, SashaFierce.


05-07-2016, 12:01 AM
I don't think ignorance is an excuse for getting screwed over. Tservin offered 40m for mine when I found it which made me think there might be a market beyond that. Sad to see someone get screwed but I've never had someone tell me "I'll only give you what it's worth, not a penny less"

05-07-2016, 12:02 AM
100% Truth. You can't even deny it.

I was the first one to find a pendant, I said I was looking for a segment on merchant, someone sent me a PM saying they had one, I asked how much they'd like for it, they said make an offer, I made an offer, they accepted.

If you want to call that scamming someone, have at it crackhead bob.

You're trying to tell everyone that there's going to be so many pendants that they'll be worthless, and since you have the only segment, they better sell you a pendant for 10m now. Don't get mad because a ton of people are calling you on your shit.

05-07-2016, 12:07 AM
WTB: a country. Paying some dumb ass indians iron kettles, beads and cloth.

05-07-2016, 12:11 AM
I was the first one to find a pendant, I said I was looking for a segment on merchant, someone sent me a PM saying they had one, I asked how much they'd like for it, they said make an offer, I made an offer, they accepted.

If you want to call that scamming someone, have at it crackhead bob.

You're trying to tell everyone that there's going to be so many pendants that they'll be worthless, and since you have the only segment, they better sell you a pendant for 10m now. Don't get mad because a ton of people are calling you on your shit.

Wow, way to admit you'll rip someone off if you have the chance.

05-07-2016, 12:16 AM
You can't blame someone for making an offer that was accepted. It's not like he held a gun to anyone's head. People in Plat were giving segments and pendants to each other to help people finish. Maybe the person that sold him the segment was more interested in seeing one completed than making a ton of silver.

05-07-2016, 12:17 AM
I was the first one to find a pendant, I said I was looking for a segment on merchant, someone sent me a PM saying they had one, I asked how much they'd like for it, they said make an offer, I made an offer, they accepted.

Haldrik, that's not scamming someone, that's just being a merchant. Does it suck for that person that sold it? Of course. Upon hearing the person was willing to sell it for a mil, should Alastir have said "oh, that's actually way too low, let me give you 75 mil instread"? Of course not, that's idiotic and not the way any free market economy works. If the person had asked Alastir what the going rate was, and he lied, that would be a different story. And if someone is unaware of value, they can certainly post here or ask on lnet to get a general sense, neither of which the seller did and both of which a good merchant typically would.

05-07-2016, 12:17 AM
I was the first one to find a pendant, I said I was looking for a segment on merchant, someone sent me a PM saying they had one, I asked how much they'd like for it, they said make an offer, I made an offer, they accepted.

If you want to call that scamming someone, have at it crackhead bob.

You're trying to tell everyone that there's going to be so many pendants that they'll be worthless, and since you have the only segment, they better sell you a pendant for 10m now. Don't get mad because a ton of people are calling you on your shit.

Your alt was doing the talking. And he was saying "Help me complete my pendant!!!". I've never ever heard your alt talk before that day. It was clearly designed to catch someone offguard and unaware. And it worked. Nicely done. You knew the rarity off the segments because you knew the platinum instance rarity numbers. You knew a segment had sold for 50m already. You knew pendants were going for 25m and segments were far rarer. You used trickery and deceit.

You knew everything, and yet you scammed some guy anyways.

a dishonest scheme; a fraud

05-07-2016, 12:19 AM
Wow, way to admit you'll rip someone off if you have the chance.

Right, it's ripping someone off when you pay a person what they ask for something.

Your alt was doing the talking. And he was saying "Help me complete my pendant!!!". I've never ever heard your alt talk before that day. It was clearly designed to catch someone offguard and unaware. And it worked. Nicely done. You knew the rarity off the segments because you knew the platinum instance rarity numbers. You knew a segment had sold for 50m already. You knew pendants were going for 25m and segments were far rarer. You used trickery and deceit.

You knew everything, and yet you scammed some guy anyways.

a dishonest scheme; a fraud

This was way before the price ballooned on segments, in case you missed it, I was the first person to find and complete a pendant. Values hadn't been established at that point.

05-07-2016, 12:19 AM
There was no fraud or scam here. Sucks the person didn't research the item they were trying to sell, but it is what it is.

Should SashaFierce maybe have been a little nicer and offered more? Sure, but that isn't his/her job. A price was offered, it was accepted. Worry about your own business.

05-07-2016, 12:20 AM
Haldrik, that's not scamming someone, that's just being a merchant. Does it suck for that person that sold it? Of course. Upon hearing the person was willing to sell it for a mil, should Alastir have said "oh, that's actually way too low, let me give you 75 mil instread"? Of course not, that's idiotic and not the way any free market economy works. If the person had asked Alastir what the going rate was, and he lied, that would be a different story. And if someone is unaware of value, they can certainly post here or ask on lnet to get a general sense, neither of which the seller did and both of which a good merchant typically would.

It isn't even the fact he bought the segment for 1m that I care about. I don't even have a dog in this fight. But hes giving Kalros shit for offering to buy a pendant for 10m and calling him a cheap bastard when he bought his segment for 1m off someone who didn't know what they found when what he did is even more morally corrupt.

05-07-2016, 12:21 AM
Right, it's ripping someone off when you pay a person what they ask for something.

This was way before the price ballooned on segments, in case you missed it, I was the first person to find and complete a pendant. Values hadn't been established at that point.

This is why I've always disliked you. You absolutely reek of desperation. The fraud triangle nails down your personality quite well!

The fraud triangle is a model for explaining the factors that cause someone to commit occupational fraud. It consists of three components which, together, lead to fraudulent behavior:

1. Perceived unshareable financial need
2. Perceived opportunity
3. Rationalization

05-07-2016, 12:22 AM
It isn't even the fact he bought the segment for 1m that I care about. I don't even have a dog in this fight. But hes giving Kalros shit for offering to buy a pendant for 10m and calling him a cheap bastard when he bought his segment for 1m off someone who didn't know what they found when what he did is even more morally corrupt.

If they're bragging about it after the fact, that is kinda fucked up. Still, the only person that should be posting a thread like this is the seller, and even then it is only the seller's own fault. Not some random butthurt whiner.

05-07-2016, 12:22 AM
Your alt was doing the talking. And he was saying "Help me complete my pendant!!!". I've never ever heard your alt talk before that day. It was clearly designed to catch someone offguard and unaware. And it worked. Nicely done. You knew the rarity off the segments because you knew the platinum instance rarity numbers. You knew a segment had sold for 50m already. You knew pendants were going for 25m and segments were far rarer. You used trickery and deceit.

You knew everything, and yet you scammed some guy anyways.

a dishonest scheme; a fraud

I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices that you rant and rave about something new every week. It's like you get off on starting arguments.

You should really find something better to do with your time.

The only person who is dishonest, is the guy who wasn't involved in any part of the transaction, but started a thread to "warn" people about me.

You only know what I've told you. It's pretty funny that you're creating your own version of what happened to attempt to make me look bad because you're angry I posted in your thread.

05-07-2016, 12:23 AM
Your alt was doing the talking. And he was saying "Help me complete my pendant!!!". I've never ever heard your alt talk before that day. It was clearly designed to catch someone offguard and unaware. And it worked. Nicely done. You knew the rarity off the segments because you knew the plat numbers. You knew a segment had sold for 50m already. You knew pendants were going for 25m and segments were far rarer. You used trickery and deceit.

You knew everything, and yet you scammed some guy anyways.

a dishonest scheme; a fraud

This is again, bullshit. Before just last week, I had only once before bought something from SashaFierce in game. After that time, I forgot SashaFierce even was Alastir until I bought something again last week, at which point he communicated to me both through Alastir and an alt. SashaFierce is very active here of course, but I don't see a shit ton of merchanting going on in game. I have one slightly well known character and like 5 alts and I communicate on lnet using each one depending on which one is the one looking to buy or sell something. I don't think you can assume that just because someone buys/sells via an alt means they are specifically looking to deceive.

05-07-2016, 12:24 AM
I'm sure I'm not the only one who notices that you rant and rave about something new every week. It's like you get off on starting arguments.

You should really find something better to do with your time.

The only person who is dishonest, is the guy who wasn't involved in any part of the transaction, but started a thread to "warn" people about me.

You only know what I've told you. It's pretty funny that you're creating your own version of what happened to attempt to make me look bad because you're angry I posted in your thread.

Actually, I know what happened from multiple parties that knew of and know of the transaction.

Keep attacking me to deflect, but this train is about you being a dirt bag. Try and keep it on topic.

05-07-2016, 12:25 AM
Haldrick reminds me of those white people that get offended for other races about things that even people of that race don't care about.

05-07-2016, 12:25 AM
Actually.. it's really funny that you only brought this up after I commented in your thread.

You know.. the thread where you called me a hypocrite, I showed I wasn't and am still waiting for you to explain how I am.

05-07-2016, 12:26 AM
Actually, I know what happened from multiple parties that knew of and know of the transaction.

Keep attacking me to deflect, but this train is about you being a dirt bag. Try and keep it on topic.

Right, so in this court of law you're presenting heresay as fact.

This train is nothing more than a shining example of how bat-shit crazy you are.

05-07-2016, 12:31 AM
When he asked you to make an offer and you floated one less than 2 percent the going rate you qualified as a total dickhead. Nothing illegal about it but definitely something people should keep in mind for future negotiations.

05-07-2016, 12:35 AM
When he asked you to make an offer and you floated one less than 2 percent the going rate you qualified as a total dickhead. Nothing illegal about it but definitely something people should keep in mind for future negotiations.

Kalros isn't the seller, if you're confused about that.

The only segment that had sold at that point was a full Makiri moon, which was sold on an undisclosed cash buyout.

If someone is selling something, and asks for an offer, and I make one, and they accept it, I'm not sure how that makes me a dickhead. Do you always start negotiations at your maximum price? I don't.

Is the guy who buy the full Makiri moon for $85 a dickhead also? Since he didn't pay the full price of what a segment eventually turned out to be worth?

05-07-2016, 12:36 AM
This is again, bullshit. Before just last week, I had only once before bought something from SashaFierce in game. After that time, I forgot SashaFierce even was Alastir until I bought something again last week, at which point he communicated to me both through Alastir and an alt. SashaFierce is very active here of course, but I don't see a shit ton of merchanting going on in game. I have one slightly well known character and like 5 alts and I communicate on lnet using each one depending on which one is the one looking to buy or sell something. I don't think you can assume that just because someone buys/sells via an alt means they are specifically looking to deceive.

Stay with me here. He was using two characters at the same time to chat on merchant to buy a segment.

He completely changed his tone, sentence structure, words, attitude, to make himself appear more "likable".

05-07-2016, 12:40 AM
Actually.. it's really funny that you only brought this up after I commented in your thread.

You know.. the thread where you called me a hypocrite, I showed I wasn't and am still waiting for you to explain how I am.

This nothing to do with you. I decided you are too stupid to argue with.

05-07-2016, 12:42 AM
Stay with me here. He was using two characters at the same time to chat on merchant to buy a segment.

He completely changed his tone, sentence structure, words, attitude, to make himself appear more "likable".

Sorry I didn't inform you of every alt I have.

05-07-2016, 12:42 AM
Line 11639: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 14365: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 15818: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 15982: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 16171: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 16380: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 16500: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment - offering 11m."
Line 16550: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Well, I'll match any price, I actually have a pendant, and I only need the golvern segment"
Line 17108: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 17265: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 17602: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 18639: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 19021: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 21695: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 6541: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 11549: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 18107: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 26932: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."

05-07-2016, 12:43 AM
Stay with me here. He was using two characters at the same time to chat on merchant to buy a segment.

He completely changed his tone, sentence structure, words, attitude, to make himself appear more "likable".

But that sounds completely subjective. How was Alastir himself communicating that made him come across less "likable"?

05-07-2016, 12:43 AM

05-07-2016, 12:44 AM
If you were ignorant of the value yourself then nope you aren't a dick. If you open all your negotiations at 2 percent market rate to gauge your chances at fucking someone, yep, you are a dick.

05-07-2016, 12:46 AM
But that sounds completely subjective. How was Alastir himself communicating that made him come across less "likable"?

Posted the logs.

05-07-2016, 12:47 AM
I paid 1m for the kakore strip, and paid more than 1m for a few of the other items. I guess people scammed me because they turned out to be worth 100k in the end.

I will now be searching logs and naming names, all you scammers have been warned.

05-07-2016, 12:49 AM
Line 11639: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 14365: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 15818: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 15982: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a thin kakore strip and a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment"
Line 16171: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 16380: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 16500: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment - offering 11m."
Line 16550: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Well, I'll match any price, I actually have a pendant, and I only need the golvern segment"
Line 17108: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 17265: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 17602: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 18639: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 19021: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 21695: [Merchant]-GSIV:Sivalis: "I found a pendant, help me fill it! -- Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment! Last piece needed! Paying well!"
Line 6541: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 11549: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 18107: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."
Line 26932: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Looking for a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment. Offering silvers, bloodscrip, whatever."

So publicly Alastir himself had offered 11m, so the information was at least out there in some form that the value was north of 1 mil. I won't argue the fact that offering 1 mil on something that the potential buyer knew was worth a lot more than that wasn't a particularly "nice" thing to do. But how do we judge that people should be nice when it comes to business dealings. The fact still remains that the seller had resources available to confirm approximate worth that went unutilized.

05-07-2016, 12:49 AM
But that sounds completely subjective. How was Alastir himself communicating that made him come across less "likable"?

Could I, and would I, have paid more? Sure.

But the seller was satisfied at the time or they wouldn't have accepted.

Nobody knew what the prices would be come, I was the first to get a pendant and the first to complete it.

I'm probably also partially responsible for why the segments jumped so high in price, because people were saying I was paying 50m for a segment.

I also posted the SPOILER ALERT about the pendants, so everyone knew what they were when completed.

05-07-2016, 12:50 AM
If you were ignorant of the value yourself then nope you aren't a dick. If you open all your negotiations at 2 percent market rate to gauge your chances at fucking someone, yep, you are a dick.

But you're putting all of the responsibility on the buyer and none on the seller. I think some responsibility has to be placed on the seller to be prudent in their dealings as well.

05-07-2016, 12:54 AM
The buyer deserved to get fucked over by a dick, no argument there. But don't waste your time claiming that dick was just a finger, cause he stuck that shit all the way in.

05-07-2016, 12:56 AM
The buyer deserved to get fucked over by a dick, no argument there. But don't waste your time claiming that dick was just a finger, cause he stuck that shit all the way in.

Hard to argue with that logic!

05-07-2016, 12:59 AM
So publicly Alastir himself had offered 11m, so the information was at least out there in some form that the value was north of 1 mil. I won't argue the fact that offering 1 mil on something that the potential buyer knew was worth a lot more than that wasn't a particularly "nice" thing to do. But how do we judge that people should be nice when it comes to business dealings. The fact still remains that the seller had resources available to confirm approximate worth that went unutilized.

He bought the segment before the 11M offer was up. Alastir snagged the 1M pendant and then hoped to get more with the same tactic.

05-07-2016, 01:01 AM
He bought the segment before the 11M offer was up. Alastir snagged the 1M pendant and then hoped to get more with the same tactic.

I was the only person to find 2 pendants, why wouldn't I try to buy a segment for the second pendant?

I ended up selling my pendant to the guy who bought the Makiri moon for $85. I guess that guy is a scammer also.

05-07-2016, 01:02 AM
I think most people can judge for themselves, taking advantage of the ignorant isn't exactly a "scam" per se but don't try to pretend you aren't a piece of shit for it. I could've done the same thing multiple times, last time being when a noob found a vultite claid in seekers. I didn't scam him cause I'm not a huge piece of shit, unlike Alastir who obviously can justify it to himself easily.

05-07-2016, 01:07 AM
I think most people can judge for themselves, taking advantage of the ignorant isn't exactly a "scam" per se but don't try to pretend you aren't a piece of shit for it. I could've done the same thing multiple times, last time being when a noob found a vultite claid in seekers. I didn't scam him cause I'm not a huge piece of shit, unlike Alastir who obviously can justify it to himself easily.

You're the king of buying things for cheap and then flipping them for big profits. Just look at your list of items for sale.

If the seller has an issue with the deal, they can contact me. They haven't contacted me, and when people were talking about how much the segments were going for on lnet (at the end of DR), the seller laughed and said they sold one for 1m.

05-07-2016, 01:13 AM
You're the king of buying things for cheap and then flipping them for big profits. Just look at your list of items for sale.

This is a joke right? Your prices are by far way WORSE and out of bounds. Luntz has been completely reasonable in my dealings. Remember that time no one wanted to buy your ugly shit 1000lb bag for 100m? You had to concoct a raffle scheme so you could really squeeze out that extra 10m.

No, you are basically IW at this point. Hell, at least IW doesn't hide it. At least he doesn't stink of desperation. Every time you sell something I wonder if you will be able to buy food for dinner.

05-07-2016, 01:14 AM
No I think my analogy was pretty spot on, I had a noob ask me "is this a good thing" when he found a vultite claid in seekers and I told him the actual value, then made him a decent offer, which he refused but after hearing several other offers, later accepted. But I guess not being a huge piece of shit is too much to ask of you.

05-07-2016, 01:18 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Hey Alastir, remember that one time you went into cavernhold and got all your shit stolen?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Remember when I went invis and stole at least half of it? Oh wait, you shouldn't since I never told you."

This is the guy leading a crusade about bad people. LOL

05-07-2016, 01:24 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Hey Alastir, remember that one time you went into cavernhold and got all your shit stolen?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Remember when I went invis and stole at least half of it? Oh wait, you shouldn't since I never told you."

This is the guy leading a crusade about bad people. LOL

Why are you posting the same thing in every thread? Fucking scrub. Master of deflection. You are quite talented.

Thanks for taking the bait. I only play a rogue, no invis here. Plus that doesn't work in cavernhold. I'd be just as likely to get my shit stolen. Do you ever stop and think? Even once?

05-07-2016, 07:26 AM
Buying things for cheap is different than scamming some uninformed idiot out of at least 60m silver. That's really fucked up and your conscious should have been going crazy as you were doing it telling you it was wrong. If it wasn't, and you were in fact getting a rush out of it, you're just a bad dude. You stole 500$. How does if feel?

05-07-2016, 07:31 AM
I'm only 2 pages into this thread but I've already concluded that you two need to just suck each other off and get it over with.

05-07-2016, 07:53 AM
I'm only 2 pages into this thread but I've already concluded that you two need to just suck each other off and get it over with.


05-07-2016, 07:53 AM
Buying things for cheap is different than scamming some uninformed idiot out of at least 60m silver. That's really fucked up and your conscious should have been going crazy as you were doing it telling you it was wrong. If it wasn't, and you were in fact getting a rush out of it, you're just a bad dude. You stole 500$. How does if feel?

Did you read any part of this thread? Because from your comments, it appears that you didn't.

Step 1: I was the first to find a pendant.
Step 2: I advertised that I was looking for a segment way before any segments sold for more than 10m.
Step 3: Read Step 1 and Step 2 about a million times.

Step99: I'm pretty sure I'm the only reason segments jumped so high, because not only did I post a spoiler alert telling everyone what the pendants were, people were spreading around that I was paying 50m for a segment, when I wasn't.

05-07-2016, 08:23 AM
Confirmed luntz = haldrik.

05-07-2016, 08:29 AM
If you want to call that scamming someone, have at it crackhead bob.

Quotable quote's.

05-07-2016, 08:42 AM
Confirmed luntz = haldrik.

Based on my past experience with this troglodyte, he has got to be the biggest douchebag in the game. There's a lot to be said about reaching that level of douchebaggery considering GS is like a douchebag specialty shop.

05-07-2016, 09:16 AM
i've always suspected SashaFierce as being Inspire

05-07-2016, 10:03 AM
Luntz is the dude from Pawn Stars. Some people think he's an scumbag for buying shit up cheap from people who want a quick buck, then re-listing it for a higher price than most people want to pay. That's not a scam. That's just business. If you have a pile of silvers to get started and patience, you could do the same thing.

Confirmed luntz = haldrik.

If Luntz is Haldrik, then he's playing a long con by getting himself pasted in OTF to throw us off the scent.

05-07-2016, 10:14 AM
buncha butthurt faggots itt

05-07-2016, 10:16 AM
I'm curious I see people reference IW as a douche or terrible human being, I have scanned old posts and my only thought is IW is iorake war hammer, am I correct? Just curious for my own sake

05-07-2016, 10:28 AM
I'm curious I see people reference IW as a douche or terrible human being, I have scanned old posts and my only thought is IW is iorake war hammer, am I correct? Just curious for my own sake

He came back as Luftstreitkräfte here on PC.

05-07-2016, 10:36 AM
buncha butthurt faggots itt

As you can see, he's also highly intelligent.

05-07-2016, 10:39 AM
But is IW = iorake? Was curious as this will catch me up on an acronym

05-07-2016, 10:43 AM
Thanks for taking the bait. I only play a rogue, no invis here. Plus that doesn't work in cavernhold. I'd be just as likely to get my shit stolen. Do you ever stop and think? Even once?

This doesn't actually prove anything. Invisibility can easily be imbedded and people can dump their gear on a mule to ensure nothing gets stolen. Just saying.

But is IW = iorake? Was curious as this will catch me up on an acronym

IW = IorakeWarhammer, yeah



05-07-2016, 10:43 AM
Ah yes I have seen the lufte guy, was wondering how people get soooo much neg rep that their id is red, do yellow bars exist or grey or is it green or red only?

05-07-2016, 11:26 AM
i've always suspected SashaFierce as being Inspire

I suspect all new people of being either Inspire or wrathbringer.

05-07-2016, 11:27 AM
Also, it wasn't fucking fraud. Jesus.

05-07-2016, 11:36 AM
Ah yes I have seen the lufte guy, was wondering how people get soooo much neg rep that their id is red, do yellow bars exist or grey or is it green or red only?

Confirmed enuch = iw

05-07-2016, 12:15 PM
Confirmed enuch = iw

I wish. IW means IorakeWarhammer. I r legend. I don't make alts anymore because I don't want to be banned.

05-07-2016, 01:08 PM
Wrathbringer is not worth it. Don't even bother.

05-07-2016, 01:19 PM
(To the OP) You can't just be pissed after a buy, dude. If it was a buy and not a hack well it's done.

05-07-2016, 01:22 PM
Seems like a good deal.

05-07-2016, 01:28 PM
I wish. IW means IorakeWarhammer. I r legend. I don't make alts anymore because I don't want to be banned.

You can get banned for alts? Huh. The more you know.

05-07-2016, 02:32 PM
You can get banned for alts? Huh. The more you know.

IW is a special case because of the incredible amounts of fail he's performed over the years.

05-07-2016, 02:46 PM
Haldrick reminds me of those white people that get offended for other races about things that even people of that race don't care about.


05-07-2016, 06:20 PM
Also, it wasn't fucking fraud. Jesus.

Not fraud, just a fucked up thing to do to another person.

05-07-2016, 06:21 PM
Not fraud, just a fucked up thing to do to another person.

I haven't seen that person complain. Just everyone else complaining for them.

05-07-2016, 06:24 PM
Countless people have paid too little or too much in the history of GS. Provided people were honest it is distinctly different than theft. The person could quite naturally be pissed. The person could also likely get away with having people demolish the eventual sale of the item.

05-07-2016, 07:06 PM
There was no fraud or scam here. Sucks the person didn't research the item they were trying to sell, but it is what it is. Should SashaFierce maybe have been a little nicer and offered more? Sure, but that isn't his/her job. A price was offered, it was accepted. Worry about your own business.Mankind is your business. The common welfare is your business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, are all your business. The dealings of your trade are but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of your business.

Elves can go screw.


05-07-2016, 07:08 PM
Mankind is your business. The common welfare is your business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, are all your business. The dealings of your trade are but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of your business.

Elves can go screw.



05-07-2016, 07:53 PM
Mankind is your business. The common welfare is your business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, are all your business. The dealings of your trade are but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of your business.

Elves can go screw.


I think I'd like to visit Iceland. Carry on.

05-07-2016, 09:40 PM
i've always suspected SashaFierce as being Inspire

Not to stir the pot, but it's most certainly an Inspire-kind of move to be as large of a douchenozzle then misdirect towards others instead of actually admitting to be a complete shitbag of a person.

Twice in the past six months he's done his normal "I'm a cheap ass-spelunker I'll post I want it for half, derp derp" routine that he's done in the past on PC. Same MO, script a wizard like crazy when going by separate handles here on PC. I find it hilarious that if this indeed Inspire he's had such a anti-MA stance this incarnation after getting absolutely raked over the coals by Kitsun.

Someone can repost his sob-story quote if they want to. It's funny that he's already made a separate handle.

05-07-2016, 10:21 PM
Let me repost this again for those that can't be bothered to read the entire thread.

I was the first to find a pendant, I advertised I was looking for a segment.
Someone sent a PM saying to make an offer.
I made an offer of 1m, they accepted.
(The only segment that sold at that time was a full Makiri moon for cash on a buyout.)
When I paid 1m for my segment, the full moon had sold for 10m.

The seller isn't here complaining.
Haldrik/Kalros is just angry I posted in his thread.
He was having fun throwing around that I scammed someone, so I created a thread saying he was trying to scam people out of their pendant by offering 10m for something that has been selling for 25m.

I've already said the seller can get in touch with me if they are upset about the transaction. The segments didn't explode in value until the end of duskruin, after I posted the spoiler alert telling everyone what they were, I got my segment at the start.

05-07-2016, 10:33 PM
Let me repost this again for those that can't be bothered to read the entire thread.

I was the first to find a pendant, I advertised I was looking for a segment.
Someone sent a PM saying to make an offer.
I made an offer of 1m, they accepted.
(The only segment that sold at that time was a full Makiri moon for cash on a buyout.)
When I paid 1m for my segment, the full moon had sold for 10m.

The seller isn't here complaining.
Haldrik/Kalros is just a whiney bitch who is angry I posted in his thread.
He was having fun throwing around that I scammed someone, so I created a thread saying he was trying to scam people out of their pendant by offering 10m for something that has been selling for 25m.

If people want to keep riding my dick like it's the best roller coaster ride they've ever been on, have fun with that.

I've already said the seller can get in touch with me if they are upset about the transaction. The segments didn't explode in value until the end of duskruin, after I posted the spoiler alert telling everyone what they were, I got my segment at the start.

So you made a shitbag offer that you knew due to the rarity of the item was a shitbag offer.

No, that's not shady at all. I'm sorry I interrupted your robo-calling of retirement homes to sell the elderly on bear patrol taxes.

Please, by all means go return to answering the 1-800-411-PAIN line so you can "help" people in need at a mere 90% profit after court costs.

That will make the Aston Martin drive smoother, I promise.

The whole premise of your stance makes riding into 90 degree hills seem brilliant, and the fact you are completely oblivious to it makes me really hope you don't procreate.

05-07-2016, 10:36 PM
So you made a shitbag offer that you knew due to the rarity of the item was a shitbag offer.

Nobody knew how rare anything was going to be. Did you miss the part where I got everything first?

Nobody knew there would be more pendants than segments.

Nobody knew the segments would be so rare.

If paying a seller the price they ask for is shady, then you're an idiot.

You're as fucked in the head as Kalros.

05-07-2016, 11:00 PM
tl;dr, SashaFierce is literally Hitler and won't somebody please think of the children?

05-07-2016, 11:53 PM
Nobody knew how rare anything was going to be. Did you miss the part where I got everything first?

Nobody knew there would be more pendants than segments.

Nobody knew the segments would be so rare.

If paying a seller the price they ask for is shady, then you're an idiot.

You're as fucked in the head as Kalros.

All lies. You knew the rarity of it from the platinum numbers. You knew everything about the pendant because you were following it, you were making posts, reading all the officials. Pendants had been selling for for 25m and Wyrom told us the golvern segments were more rare then the pendants.

Again, you knew the golvern segment drop rates from platinum runs. You also knew a full pendant had sold for 50m.

TL;DR - You are a piece of shit.

05-08-2016, 12:01 AM
To be fair, Wyrom posted that the numbers I had calculated for Platinum were wrong.

05-08-2016, 12:10 AM
All lies. You knew the rarity of it from the platinum numbers. You knew everything about the pendant because you were following it, you were making posts, reading all the officials. Pendants had been selling for for 25m and Wyrom told us the golvern segments were more rare then the pendants.

Again, you knew the golvern segment drop rates from platinum runs. You also knew a full pendant had sold for 50m.

TL;DR - You are a piece of shit.

TL;DR - You are a shit-stirrer who created a thread to get back at me for calling you cheap because you offered 10m for a pendant.

I was the first person to get a pendant, I was the first person to complete a pendant, I was the first person to sell a completed pendant. (It didn't sell for 50m.) Pendants hadn't sold when I completed my pendant, because I was the first one.

You must be in some special world where time passes at your own pace because nothing happened in the time frame you believe it happened.

05-08-2016, 12:30 AM
to get back at me for calling you cheap because you offered 10m for a pendant.

You called him cheap for offering 10m for a pendant when you paid 1m for the rarer segment.....

05-08-2016, 12:57 AM
Also you are Inspire

05-08-2016, 01:52 AM
Let me repost this again for those that can't be bothered to read the entire thread.

I was the first to find a pendant, I advertised I was looking for a segment.
Someone sent a PM saying to make an offer.
I made an offer of 1m, they accepted.
(The only segment that sold at that time was a full Makiri moon for cash on a buyout.)
When I paid 1m for my segment, the full moon had sold for 10m.

The seller isn't here complaining.
Haldrik/Kalros is just a whiney bitch who is angry I posted in his thread.
He was having fun throwing around that I scammed someone, so I created a thread saying he was trying to scam people out of their pendant by offering 10m for something that has been selling for 25m.

If people want to keep riding my dick like it's the best roller coaster ride they've ever been on, have fun with that.

I've already said the seller can get in touch with me if they are upset about the transaction. The segments didn't explode in value until the end of duskruin, after I posted the spoiler alert telling everyone what they were, I got my segment at the start.

I have heard this repeated half a dozen times , just wonder if you are trying to convince yourself of this since apparently you aren't doing a great job convincing anyone else

05-08-2016, 10:20 AM


05-08-2016, 10:24 AM


Erm, what does that prove?

05-08-2016, 10:33 AM
That IW helped get Inspire banned from the grave, and is therefore a white walker.

05-08-2016, 01:36 PM
Not fraud, just a fucked up thing to do to another person.


A buyer is under no ethical or moral obligation to inform the seller of how much their item is worth. It is always the sellers responsibility to investigate and set an accurate price, never the buyers.

05-08-2016, 01:41 PM
This thread is so pointless that there's literally a 500 year old Latin saying that should have prevented it from ever existing.

05-08-2016, 02:02 PM
Also you are Inspire

What's the tl;dr version of why Inspire was so bad?

05-08-2016, 03:49 PM
Buying things for cheap is different than scamming some uninformed idiot out of at least 60m silver. That's really fucked up and your conscious should have been going crazy as you were doing it telling you it was wrong. If it wasn't, and you were in fact getting a rush out of it, you're just a bad dude. You stole 500$. How does if feel?

I watch Antiques Roadshow a lot and one thing you see quite commonly is people who bring something that turns out to be a treasure and one of the questions they are asked on air is "how did you come by this item?" Often they will say they found it at a yard sale, garage sale, or at a second hand store. Do you believe they have an obligation then to return to the place of purchase and give the previous owners the money they should have asked for originally?

No, of course not because that would be ridiculous.

05-08-2016, 06:35 PM

A buyer is under no ethical or moral obligation to inform the seller of how much their item is worth. It is always the sellers responsibility to investigate and set an accurate price, never the buyers.


05-08-2016, 06:51 PM

Yes, because clearly this is comparable to deliberate financial fraud of the elderly.


05-08-2016, 06:58 PM
Still haven't seen the seller come on here and lodge a complaint.

05-08-2016, 07:09 PM
I do think it's funny how some people have suddenly grown consciences and act like they don't dream of deals like the one SF/Alastir got.

Sounds like a load of butthurt and sour grapes.

05-08-2016, 07:16 PM
I do think it's funny how some people have suddenly grown consciences and act like they don't dream of deals like the one SF/Alastir got.

Sounds like a load of butthurt and sour grapes.

And hell, if SF is to be believed, it wasn't really that huge of a deal at the time, because the items weren't really known in price. Either way, I only feel there is one person that can really call out SF on this, and they haven't done that.

05-08-2016, 07:24 PM
Honestly, if someone had asked me to make an offer to buy a segment early on, I would have probably offered a million as well. I had a sense that they would be valuable, but I've seen that go both ways. The first run, early rats sold for 3m and not long after were getting 500k and now look at them, worth 250k. You're always better to wait a little bit at the beginning if you think something is rare to see how things are going to shake out. I've dealt with both these guys and I've never had an issue. Do they want a good price? Of course, so do I. All the trash talk afterwards could have gone unsaid.

05-08-2016, 10:16 PM
Sounds like a load of butthurt and sour grapes.


05-08-2016, 10:19 PM
Yes, because clearly this is comparable to deliberate financial fraud of the elderly.


I figured you wouldn't click the link. Scamming an informed player is the same as scamming an elderly person with anti-aging cream. But buyer beware right?

05-08-2016, 10:28 PM
I figured you wouldn't click the link. Scamming an informed player is the same as scamming an elderly person with anti-aging cream. But buyer beware right?

I have excellent anti-virus software.

So, since making a profit by selling something for less than market value is comparable to scamming the elderly, why are there no legal protections against it? I mean, there are legal protections for seniors, so why not all of us?

That's right, because it's not comparable.

05-08-2016, 10:32 PM
I have excellent anti-virus software.

So, since making a profit by selling something for less than market value is comparable to scamming the elderly, why are there no legal protections against it? I mean, there are legal protections for seniors, so why not all of us?

That's right, because it's not comparable.

Lol. Uninformed consumer vs uninformed player. Specifically targeted.

Sounds similar to me.

05-08-2016, 10:33 PM
Also, what everan said. If I'd had the chance I'd totally have done what Sashafierce did.

And I'd have been laughing at your attempts to shame me.

05-08-2016, 10:34 PM
Lol. Uninformed consumer vs uninformed player. Specifically targeted.

Sounds similar to me.

Why do you suppose it's legal in all states to buy low and sell high? Just wondering how you reason.

05-08-2016, 10:35 PM
Lol. Uninformed consumer vs uninformed merchant. Specifically targeted.

Sounds similar to me.


Except scamming the elderly is usually selling them something, not calling them to find out if they have an antique or something they want to sell for a dollar.

05-08-2016, 10:36 PM
Also, what everan said. If I'd had the chance I'd totally have done what Sashafierce did.

And I'd have been laughing at your attempts to shame me.

Clearly if you are doing stuff like this then you wouldn't feel any shame. And you wouldn't be shitting on my sales threads and calling other people scammers either.

05-08-2016, 10:37 PM
Why do you suppose it's legal in all states to buy low and sell high? Just wondering how you reason.

Lol, are we in a u.s. court? Crawl back into the hole you came from. Everyone knows Alastir is a piece of shit. You would do the same thing, great. Piece of shit too. Obvious.

05-08-2016, 10:38 PM
Lol, are we in a u.s. court? Crawl back into the hole you came from. Everyone knows Alastir is a piece of shit. You would do the same thing, great. Piece of shit too. Obvious.

Oh I see now. You have no interest in a debate. You just want to whine like a sniveling child. Well, carry on.

05-08-2016, 10:40 PM
Holy fuck this is a pretty epic thread

05-08-2016, 10:51 PM
I hope Haldrick never develops an interest in buying and selling stocks.

05-08-2016, 10:52 PM
This may need a sticky, a poll and a random political tangent, someone get Tgo1 we need some politics in this bitch!!

(FYI I secretly love Tgo1)

05-08-2016, 10:58 PM

Wtf happened that that other guy needs to be doing whatever that is he's doing?

What is he doing anyway besides something that I guess fixes butthurt?

05-08-2016, 11:01 PM
Still haven't seen the seller come on here and lodge a complaint.

So here's the thing.

Profit? I don't mind at all. I enjoyed a vast amount of wealth in game for a long, long time.

Buy low, sell high? It's the 'Murican way! No problem.

My stance on the matter is this. He KNOWINGLY took advantage of someone. He claims he didn't know their value, because no one ever had one. Except he follows the same path of life most pieces of shit do, by manufacturing. The crux of the arguement is "I didn't know" but he recites and dodges accountability because he was the FIRST to know. "If I put it all together, it's like a cool glamour crystal and those sold for a bunch of money, and I have the only one!", he cries aloud to the echo of the basement, nearly knocking over his tepid Hot Pockets from his Dixie paper plate.

Every festival has something new that can be inflated. It's part of Gemstone, and I'm not arguing that point. But common sense ( I know, a stretch ) tells us that if a glamour crystal can sell for 75 million and upwards, 1/5 of it is worth ALOT more than 1 million silvers. Past profit, past merchantism...That's like selling chickenpox blankets to fucking Indians.

In my opinion, that makes SashaFiercely-Inspire(like) a complete and utter piece of shit. He likes to say "Oh, people don't read hur hur hur", but he himself goes full retard and offers half of a MB, or for his stake, Minimum Bid. I don't care if he is or isn't him, because it acts like him, talks like him, reacts like him. The fact is, no matter who he says he is over the internet, that is beyond redemption.

Second edit, for Gelston - People shouldn't have to come forth to the enjoyment of us ( generally ) calling them a moron to say they got screwed. They shouldn't have gotten screwed in the first place. That mentality is disappointing.

05-08-2016, 11:08 PM
Wtf happened that that other guy needs to be doing whatever that is he's doing?

What is he doing anyway besides something that I guess fixes butthurt?


its soccer, he literally just fell over.

05-08-2016, 11:15 PM
I was on eBay looking for some MTG cards. Stumbled across an auction that had just been posted, for a set of 4 power nine cards from the Beta edition, and the seller was asking 300 dollars. I took several seconds to scrutinize the pictures the best I could, then I pulled the trigger. They were in fair condition. I had them authenticated and not even a few weeks later sold them for a few thousand dollars in a profit.

I don't feel bad and don't think I am a douche for knowingly taking advantage of anything. The seller had a price, and if I didn't buy them for that price, someone else would have. If you think I should have messaged the buyer and let him know his cards were worth thousands, you're dumb.

05-08-2016, 11:19 PM
You can google and get an estimated price for MTG cards. I know, in middle school I was Red deckin like a motherfucker.

But to use his own argument against him, the person who got fleeced could not have been able to google his item and get a price.

This comparison would be akin to you working at Wizards of the Coast and fleecing someone at a flea market.

05-08-2016, 11:21 PM
Second edit, for Gelston - People shouldn't have to come forth to the enjoyment of us ( generally ) calling them a moron to say they got screwed. They shouldn't have gotten screwed in the first place. That mentality is disappointing.

I'm not saying for our "enjoyment." I'm saying the only person that should reasonably be upset by this is the seller. That they haven't complained means to me that they are cool with what happened. People should really stop getting offended for other people.

05-08-2016, 11:24 PM
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with the purchase of a segment. It was started as nothing more than a vendetta.

I can't believe people are actually here scrutinizing a random deal where no one involved in said deal had actually complained prior to the thread.

05-08-2016, 11:31 PM
From now on, all transactions must be done with the approval of the Gemstone Merchant Council to ensure everyone is being paid exact market value and no one's feelings are hurt.

05-08-2016, 11:43 PM
You can google and get an estimated price for MTG cards. I know, in middle school I was Red deckin like a motherfucker.

But to use his own argument against him, the person who got fleeced could not have been able to google his item and get a price.

I would think that, given it's a new item and there is nothing to use as a comparison, that caution should have been used by the seller.

This comparison would be akin to you working at Wizards of the Coast and fleecing someone at a flea market.

And that would be the smart move. I like this show called Flea Market Flip and one of the most important parts of winning the competition is to buy something as low as you can and then selling it as high as possible. Today they were talking about how hot weather is better for getting good deals because sellers don't want to drag their items back home. One set of contestants got three pieces of furniture for 12 dollars. There was a bunch of high fiving and exclamations of happiness. There was no sympathy for the seller or expressions of guilt at all.

05-08-2016, 11:45 PM
From now on, all transactions must be done with the approval of the Gemstone Merchant Council to ensure everyone is being paid exact market value and no one's feelings are hurt.

love it. the question becomes though, if this is implemented where will the butthurt then be channeled?

05-08-2016, 11:47 PM
I mean really, Stunseed, if you saw a rare comic worth hundreds of dollars but it was shuffled in with a bunch of regular comic books underneath a sign that says, ".50 ea." that you'd tell the seller what it was actually worth?

05-08-2016, 11:48 PM
Merchant council will happily accept a voluntarily mandatory silver donation of 20%

05-08-2016, 11:48 PM
I'm no fan of Inspire, he's an ass, but he didn't do anything wrong this time. Give it time and I'm sure he will do something to deserve this kind of thread though.

05-08-2016, 11:52 PM
I'm no fan of Inspire, he's an ass, but he didn't do anything wrong this time. Give it time and I'm sure he will do something to deserve this kind of thread though.

He called Kalros a cheap bastard for only offering 10m for a pendant when he paid 1m for a golvern segment which started this whole war.

05-08-2016, 11:53 PM
He called Kalros a cheap bastard for only offering 10m for a pendant when he paid 1m for a golvern segment which started this whole war.

What's wrong with trash talking? I'm quite a fan of trash talking.

05-08-2016, 11:54 PM
You can google and get an estimated price for MTG cards. I know, in middle school I was Red deckin like a motherfucker.

But to use his own argument against him, the person who got fleeced could not have been able to google his item and get a price.

This comparison would be akin to you working at Wizards of the Coast and fleecing someone at a flea market.

But couldn't the seller have asked for an appraisal on lnet or posted here for an appraisal?

05-08-2016, 11:56 PM
What's wrong with trash talking? I'm quite a fan of trash talking.


05-09-2016, 12:37 AM
I do think it's funny how some people have suddenly grown consciences and act like they don't dream of deals like the one SF/Alastir got.

Sounds like a load of butthurt and sour grapes.

Actually, he likely didn't care till I posted in his thread. Then he suddenly grew a conscience. Not to mention he tried to make me look like a bad guy for offering a sewer running service to save people money from buying scrip, until I pointed out that people that hire me spend a lot less then if they bought the scrip from him.

He also tried to use math (and failed) as to why it is ALWAYS worse to do sewers over arena... then spent 2000$ doing sewers. frankly, I think he is just pissed at himself for being stupid.

05-09-2016, 01:09 AM
Actually, he likely didn't care till I posted in his thread. Then he suddenly grew a conscience. Not to mention he tried to make me look like a bad guy for offering a sewer running service to save people money from buying scrip, until I pointed out that people that hire me spend a lot less then if they bought the scrip from him.

He also tried to use math (and failed) as to why it is ALWAYS worse to do sewers over arena... then spent 2000$ doing sewers. frankly, I think he is just pissed at himself for being stupid.

I never failed at any math. You are just too retarded to understand. Me arguing that the arena is always better then the sewers is not inconsistent with me running the sewers.

05-09-2016, 03:27 AM
Sometimes people get scammed, it sucks. Having been scammed out of around 100m before by a "reputable" merchant, it pretty much just confirmed to me that a large degree of GS merchants will do whatever they can to get ahead. I will never do business with the player in question again, nor will I ever advise anyone else to.

Both parties are equally responsible for ensuring they get what they desire out of a transaction. I got what I wanted/asked for and didn't learn until later that I was scammed. It was a good lesson, and basically ensured I won't ever let it happen again.

I didn't go pointing a finger or crying about it, though. As you can see, I'm still allowing them to keep their anonymity in this regard. People have a right to be scumbags over text items if they want, sad as that is. This happened 7 years ago, and this is the first time I'm even mentioning it.

05-09-2016, 03:56 AM
Sometimes people get scammed, it sucks. Having been scammed out of around 100m before by a "reputable" merchant, it pretty much just confirmed to me that a large degree of GS merchants will do whatever they can to get ahead. I will never do business with the player in question again, nor will I ever advise anyone else to.

Both parties are equally responsible for ensuring they get what they desire out of a transaction. I got what I wanted/asked for and didn't learn until later that I was scammed. It was a good lesson, and basically ensured I won't ever let it happen again.

I didn't go pointing a finger or crying about it, though. As you can see, I'm still allowing them to keep their anonymity in this regard. People have a right to be scumbags over text items if they want, sad as that is. This happened 7 years ago, and this is the first time I'm even mentioning it.

People are often embarrassed about being scammed. But they shouldn't be. It's about experience vs inexperience. It's easy for the peanut gallery saying "They should have done XYZ", but often people are too inexperienced to even do that. The scammer makes the person feel good about the deal, but only because of the complete one sided nature of the transaction. Only later does the victim found out they were duped.

It's funny, a lot of people are saying "Why isn't the victim coming forward!?" Of course they aren't coming forward. It's fucking embarrassing getting duped. Plus, most of the posters in this thread would tear the person apart, call them stupid, dumb, give them 2342432 ways they could have avoided it. Yeah, they aren't coming forward and no one should expect them to.

I wouldn't be surprised if Alastir has a lot more victims that are too scared to speak up.

05-09-2016, 04:06 AM
Speaking personally, I wasn't embarrassed. I was very disappointed though, since this person came recommended via an even more "respectable" merchant.

I doubted anyone would believe me or care then, and I doubt it no less now. As you pointed out, the slew of opinions about how it was my fault and how should have known better is irrelevant. I had never dealt with an item this expensive or desirable before and I (wrongly) expected these two "upatanding" members of the merchant community to give me a fair shake.

05-09-2016, 04:18 AM
Speaking personally, I wasn't embarrassed. I was very disappointed though, since this person came recommended via an even more "respectable" merchant.

I doubted anyone would believe me or care then, and I doubt it no less now. As you pointed out, the slew of opinions about how it was my fault and how should have known better is irrelevant. I had never dealt with an item this expensive or desirable before and I (wrongly) expected these two "upatanding" members of the merchant community to give me a fair shake.

My first close call with a "scammer" was Tsin back in 2006. When i won something at the airship auction i didn't really want, but just tossed my token in cause what the hell, he offered me 10 mill for it. Now.. I rarely had that kind of coin back then really, so I was tempted, but I wanted to play with it first. he then offered me 20.. so I knew something was up. he then offered me 30, and I knew I wouldn't sell to him.

Course I later sold it to someone who still hasn't paid me for it almost 10 years later, but, what ya gana do. Things happen. (more of a RL issue then a game one)

of course.. if you got what you wanted, they didn't exactly scam you. Unless you thought you had a worthless item, and you were getting the better end of the deal. Personally, while I tell people if their item is worth more then they think it is, it really is up to the seller to know what an item is worth.

I am sure 99.9% of us would not tell a person, if we found an unopened box of beta MtG cards at a yard sale for 5 bucks.

The seller of the segment may not have been on Lnet, merchant channel, or read these forums. Unlikely, but possible.

05-09-2016, 04:39 AM
Maybe I'm just a sucker with a guilty conscience, but I couldn't take strangers(or anyone) for thousands of dollars like that.

I wrongly assumed that Gemstone is a small and isolated community, that would in theory want to take care of their own.

The reality is, some of the ugliest and most degenerate people I've ever had the displeasure of knowing play this game right alongside some of the most awesome and kind I've ever had the privilege of knowing. It's a total crap shoot which you're going to deal with.

05-09-2016, 04:45 AM
Maybe I'm just a sucker with a guilty conscience, but I couldn't take strangers for thousands of dollars like that.

I wrongly assumed that Gemstone is a small and isolated community, that would in theory want to take care of their own.

The reality is, some of the ugliest and most degenerate people I've ever had the displeasure of knowing play this game right alongside some of the most awesome and kind I've ever had the privilege of knowing. It's a total crap shoot which you're going to deal with.

Well, I didn't say all of us.

I would also like to point out someone mentioned Pawn Stars.

Almost all of the time, people want 100x what the item is worth. there was at least one time where a lady asked for a LOT less then it was worth, and Rick told her he would love to give her that, but couldn't because of his conscience. It was a Pin, black widow, made by Faberge. So yeah.. even professional "scammers" are not really scammers. (course, it could have been done just to make the show look good... but with a business like that, if you scam someone for tons of money, word gets out and less people go there)

And yeah, it's a total crap shoot, just like life.

Worst "scam" I ever got taken on was in Dragon Realms actually. I bought a char there, paid few hundred bucks, used him for like 3-4 months. Suddenly I get locked out of the char. Get an email from Simu that the char was stolen, and returned to the rightful owner. First ever bad experience for me in a SIMU game involving cash. I haven't been hosed yet in GS. Of course if the deal is even remotely large, I look into the person involved.

05-09-2016, 07:32 AM
I found one of the govern segments and someone immediately offered me 2k BS when I asked for appraisal, this was Tuesday I believe. No one else said anything, knowing now that they are worth way more, I probably still would have done my deal.

To someone who has never touched a mil but for less than 40 minutes that was something fair to me, I may have missed out on money, but I certainly made use of that 2k bloods rip on some wounded wear that I love and would do it again

05-09-2016, 08:34 AM
My last post was premature. I got too excited..

Having had some time to think about the situation, I suppose it would be an entirely different matter altogether if the seller hadn't already advertised an item with a set price and, instead, I was the one throwing some bait out there saying "Hey my collection is almost complete, please help!" just to enter some skewed negotiations. Tough call. On one hand, the owner's ignorance isn't your fault; do you have an obligation to let them know what something is worth? Debatable. I think maybe if they outright ask or suggest they have no idea, completely. But if they're saying make me an offer from the get go, I'm not sure you can hate on someone for trying to get the best deal they can. I can see how it's ripping someone off, I can, but deep down we're all greedy to some extent, and like someone just pointed out, 1 million is a lot to some people, and their own greed caused that seller to accept the offer before asking anymore questions or doing their homework. It's win-win, in a way, even if the act of the bait-and-switcher is a bit detestable.

05-09-2016, 11:31 AM
a dishonest scheme; a fraud

Free Market System (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/freemarket.asp): A completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual agreement on price.

Hmm, sounds like they both had a mutual agreement, and further, that they did not need someone all up in their business. So, they made the deal, agreed on the deal, and completed the deal. ALL without anyone's help. Yup ... scammers ... more like ... busy bodies ... mind your own business, and they will mind theirs.


05-09-2016, 11:34 AM
Free Market System (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/freemarket.asp): A completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual agreement on price.

Hmm, sounds like they both had a mutual agreement, and further, that they did not need someone all up in their business. So, they made the deal, agreed on the deal, and completed the deal. ALL without anyone's help. Yup ... scammers ... more like ... busy bodies ... mind your own business, and they will mind theirs.


There is no free market in the U.S.. Completely free market. LOL.

05-09-2016, 11:47 AM
The fact still remains that the seller had resources available to confirm approximate worth that went unutilized.

Sounds like an assumption to me. For all you know (unless of course you were the seller), the seller knew the value, or perhaps had already gauged the market by getting input, and perhaps the seller didn't care, and sold the item at the price that was agreed on for his/her own personal reasons. BUT, it doesn't matter anyway for three reasons, 1) It is not anyone's business but the individuals involved in the transaction, 2) It is always the buyers job to get the best deal possible (unless you are an idiot) and the sellers job to get the best deal possible (unless they are an idiot), and 3) It is no ones bloody business!


05-09-2016, 12:18 PM
The amusing part of this thread is the people standing up to defend Alastir. Put them on a list somewhere and be wary whenever dealing with them. This is basically becoming a con-artist circle jerk.

And don't worry, they aren't the majority. They are just the loud obnoxious types who will rationalize anything so they can continue to be shady. Aka Trump supporters.

Don't worry nice guys and little people. I will stand up for you!

05-09-2016, 12:20 PM
I think the better thing to do would be to not do any business with either of you two.

05-09-2016, 12:23 PM
I think the better thing to do would be to not do any business with either of you two.

How will Alastir pay his rent?

05-09-2016, 12:23 PM
How will Alastir pay his rent?

That isn't my problem or my business. Or anyone else's.

05-09-2016, 12:40 PM
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Hey Alastir, remember that one time you went into cavernhold and got all your shit stolen?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Kalros: "Remember when I went invis and stole at least half of it? Oh wait, you shouldn't since I never told you."

Um, that is accepted and allowable game mechanics put in place by Simutronics. How is calling someone out for stealing, an accepted game mechanic, being a bad person? As long as it fits the RP (not the person). Also, this is a different topic, then the topic of the original post, even if they went OOC in performing the act of stealing. Just saying.


05-09-2016, 12:42 PM
I mean really, Stunseed, if you saw a rare comic worth hundreds of dollars but it was shuffled in with a bunch of regular comic books underneath a sign that says, ".50 ea." that you'd tell the seller what it was actually worth?

I am by no means a saint. But in a scenario like this, I'd verify it belonged there in that bin. I wouldn't offer him a dollar for the whole set to mask I was fleecing him.

I don't collect comic books, so I couldn't speak with knowledge on flipping them. I'll admit bias to this as I know someone who owns a local comic shop and who has put his life into it.

Also, I have zero dog in this fight, I barely play anymore and haven't in years. But I own an opinion, and based on the information provided and on actions/reactions by SF, I would say seeing this transaction, he's a piece of shit. If he hadn't been a complete douche and tried to bid half of a minimum bid of something I was selling, I might not have even read this thread.

Whether or not Haldrik is, I don't know. He seems a bit overdramatic and tinfoil-ish, but I don't have anything to go on besides reading on this forum. If SF-Inspire has goaded him, based on his tirades on the officials and past times here, I can understand as I've had my own run-ins with Inspire and in general the common thought was he needed to be banned.

In my opinion, I find the transaction spoken about in this thread deplorable, and I'm glad other people have an opinion. I don't fault people for that, but I will not relent on my own stance. It's fucked up, and SF knows it, which is why he is constantly deflecting to other issues at hand. It's a classic Inspire move so when others mentioned he was Inspire, I can see the resemblance. Mainly, that he could drink a Drain-o smoothie and I could care less.

05-09-2016, 12:45 PM
Maybe I'm just a sucker with a guilty conscience, but I couldn't take strangers(or anyone) for thousands of dollars like that.

I wrongly assumed that Gemstone is a small and isolated community, that would in theory want to take care of their own.

The reality is, some of the ugliest and most degenerate people I've ever had the displeasure of knowing play this game right alongside some of the most awesome and kind I've ever had the privilege of knowing. It's a total crap shoot which you're going to deal with.

That's a pretty good summary of Gemstone right there. I've done a lot of deals, and while I've most of the time tried to turn a profit, I've never tried to fuck someone over to the tune of 7000%. The "I didn't know what it was worth" argument is bullshit. I've told more than one person to ask around before they sell, and to always beware of buyout offers.

Having said all that, at the end of the day, you're the only one responsible for your buying and selling.

05-09-2016, 12:45 PM
There's a lot to be said about reaching that level of douchebaggery considering GS is like a douchebag specialty shop.

Pot ... meet Kettle ... ???

No clue about you, but that train of logic only leads people to the above statement. - I mean for me, most folks here in GS are pretty cool, so I wouldn't make it to that particular statement.


05-09-2016, 12:56 PM
Pot ... meet Kettle ... ???

No clue about you, but that train of logic only leads people to the above statement. - I mean for me, most folks here in GS are pretty cool, so I wouldn't make it to that particular statement.


Not sure what you mean by pot...meet kettle, of course I would be more than happy to have an open and honest discussion about it, honest being the key word here. I'll even start the thread if you wish, we can name it "How Neathon hurt my feelings"

There are a few decent people left in GS, but honestly it's on a downturn.

05-09-2016, 01:02 PM
People should really stop getting offended for other people.


05-09-2016, 01:14 PM
just to chime in on my GS experience:

back when i played GSIII, i met a 'friend' in game. We basically spoke every day through AIM and shared accounts, and leveled together from like level 10 (GSIII). I power hunted my wiz to a pretty high lvl at the time and since we shared accounts, he had access to mine and i had access to his account. We basically knew each other for like ~2 years

one day he basically sold off my high level main guy and basically fleeced all my GSIII work. he had some issues in real life and some financial problems thats why he sold. This is when characters sold for more than they do these days so he made off with like $600-800. It hurt since I was young and too trusting (high school kid, no money). I look back and blame myself. It was a good life lesson about trusting people online and me being stupid in general.

Since i come back after a 17 year hiatus, i definitely come across pretty aggressive people in game trying to make deals. Just need to becareful i guess and be smart. Nothing different than real life in big cities. Lots of sharks out there for sure but lots of nice people too. Most people that I done deals with have been fair. lot less con-artists compared to the GSIII days in my opinion.

I think it pays to be fair and reputable long term. I been presented with lots of good private deals because i been fair. It's important to protect your reputation if you plan to be a merchant long term. Lots of the good deals happen outside the PC boards and only if you have a good reputation anyways.

05-09-2016, 01:18 PM
Not sure what you mean by pot...meet kettle, of course I would be more than happy to have an open and honest discussion about it, honest being the key word here. I'll even start the thread if you wish, we can name it "How Neathon hurt my feelings"

There are a few decent people left in GS, but honestly it's on a downturn.

Who/What the hell is "Neathon", quick Google search returned a lot of trip advisor hotel/motels.

I suppose to be honest, I have no clue what the populace is like in GS anymore. I come. Stay a month or three. Then go. Guess I am a hanger on of what things were like ages ago, and like to keep thinking that way about the people in GS. :shrug:

Ebber Wut Ever.


05-09-2016, 01:23 PM
Who/What the hell is "Neathon", quick Google search returned a lot of trip advisor hotel/motels.


I'm well traveled.

I had no idea either when I made the character. I was big into the Matrix when I made him and derived it from Neo.

05-09-2016, 01:29 PM
:chuckle: Fair enough.


05-09-2016, 01:33 PM
The amusing part of this thread is the people standing up to defend Alastir. Put them on a list somewhere and be wary whenever dealing with them. This is basically becoming a con-artist circle jerk.

And don't worry, they aren't the majority. They are just the loud obnoxious types who will rationalize anything so they can continue to be shady. Aka Trump supporters.

Don't worry nice guys and little people. I will stand up for you!

This from the guy offering only 10 mil for something that was selling for 25, or requesting 100 mil for something that sold at 75 mill max. (which I still believe was a little unlikely)

Yup... looking out for the little guy. (Are you referring to yourself, or your dick?)

05-09-2016, 01:35 PM
I'm assuming you played Finiswolf?

You used to hang out with him and Deev before they made RR their home. lol

05-09-2016, 01:39 PM
Haldrik likes to make lowball offers and ask for extortionate prices. No huge problem with that, but then he always has to start screaming when he doesn't get his way. It's just not worth dealing with drama queens like him.

05-09-2016, 01:40 PM
Haldrik likes to make lowball offers and ask for extortionate prices. No huge problem with that, but then he always has to start screaming when he doesn't get his way. It's just not worth dealing with drama queens like him.

Hey.. how did you like how they updated our properties? I was hoping for 1 day to Teras for my boat, got 1 hour. Way nice.

05-09-2016, 01:43 PM
Hey.. how did you like how they updated our properties? I was hoping for 1 day to Teras for my boat, got 1 hour. Way nice.

They did what now? I'm paying rent on something useful???

05-09-2016, 01:50 PM
They did what now? I'm paying rent on something useful???

Yes, yes you are.

<So.. how exactly will my ship be affected by this? Seems exceedingly silly to keep my boat on a 2-3 day turn around time for moving it when you are reducing times. 2 days to go from Landing to Solhaven? 3 days to go from Landing to Teras? Yes, I know this would be phase two, but it would be nice to discuss it before you make a decision. Elrodin

We agreed, so the airship and the boat mobile properties have been sped up considerably. Exact times depend on distance, of course, but the boat will now take 20 minutes to 1 hour to make trips, and the airship will take 20 minutes to 3 hours. No more waiting days for your home to arrive! This is now live in Prime and Plat.

~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru

Love that they updated them, would have been nice to get an email. I mean.. it's not like there are dozens/hundreds of people to contact.

05-09-2016, 01:54 PM
Yes, yes you are.

<So.. how exactly will my ship be affected by this? Seems exceedingly silly to keep my boat on a 2-3 day turn around time for moving it when you are reducing times. 2 days to go from Landing to Solhaven? 3 days to go from Landing to Teras? Yes, I know this would be phase two, but it would be nice to discuss it before you make a decision. Elrodin

We agreed, so the airship and the boat mobile properties have been sped up considerably. Exact times depend on distance, of course, but the boat will now take 20 minutes to 1 hour to make trips, and the airship will take 20 minutes to 3 hours. No more waiting days for your home to arrive! This is now live in Prime and Plat.

~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru

Love that they updated them, would have been nice to get an email. I mean.. it's not like there are dozens/hundreds of people to contact.

!!! Now I can have the 1-hour round trip parties I always dreamt of.

Thanks for the heads-up, Jarvan!

05-09-2016, 02:01 PM
!!! Now I can have the 1-hour round trip parties I always dreamt of.

Thanks for the heads-up, Jarvan!

Well, you would be 3 hours crossing the spine, but yeah. Much better for parties and events.

05-09-2016, 02:05 PM
Well, you would be 3 hours crossing the spine, but yeah. Much better for parties and events.

True, but still. Airship and boat are finally the replacements for other travel methods that they always should have been. Nice!

05-09-2016, 02:07 PM
Who/What the hell is "Neathon", quick Google search returned a lot of trip advisor hotel/motels.

I suppose to be honest, I have no clue what the populace is like in GS anymore. I come. Stay a month or three. Then go. Guess I am a hanger on of what things were like ages ago, and like to keep thinking that way about the people in GS. :shrug:

Ebber Wut Ever.



Bam, Neathon.

05-09-2016, 02:27 PM
Buying something for less than it's worth is not a scam. How some of you can go through life without understanding such a basic premise is beyond me. I don't care if the seller was talked into it. That's how negotiation works. It's not fraudulent or illegal to get a lower price on something than the buyer might otherwise get if they exercised patience.

Has the seller even chimed in yet? I know I've sold items for far less than they were worth because I needed cash for something else. There's just a whole hell of a lot of speculation and very little fact in this thread.

05-09-2016, 02:30 PM
I think people are letting their (justified) dislike of Inspire color their opinion here.

05-09-2016, 02:44 PM
He called Kalros a cheap bastard for only offering 10m for a pendant when he paid 1m for a golvern segment which started this whole war.

He also for whatever reason decided to start calling me a scammer, in threads and on the merchant channel. Before this thread.

Don't be scammed by Haldrik/Kalros. Pendants have sold for 25m.

Line 24256: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Keep trying to scam a pendant out of someone for 10m" (20:37:11)
Line 24883: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "Kalros is just trying to scam someones pendant for 10m" (20:41:05)

After all of this, I really thought, "Does he even know what a scam is?" It also really made me question his integrity as a merchant. Could he be this oblivious to his own faults? And then I got more information how about his scam went down. I really hate people taking advantage of the uninformed.

Perhaps this all harkans back to when I was scammed in 5th grade. When I firsted started playing TMG I went into a comic book store and bought my first 3rd edition booster pack. I pulled a white/black double land. Some older guy in the store saw it and offered me a White Knight. He said white knights were immune to black decks because of protection from black. It was awesome, and totally worth the trade for the double land. So I traded. And then when my father found out I made a trade, I received a very stern lecture about a variety of issues, unethical people, scammers, being informed, etc. Turns out I traded a $20 card for a .05 cent card.

Yes, we can educate and inform those uneducated, unsophisticated, and/or innocent sellers and buyers. But that doesn't mean the advantaged parties should get a pass. And they don't. Not here, not in the legal system either.

Tisket wanted to have an argument thats buying an item for $1 and selling for $1million (or whatever) is OK in our U.S. legal system. I didn't feel like taking the bait. But more and more people have been posting that its "ok" and that its "legal" and "capitalism." So, first off, the term 'legal' or 'illegal' should be clarified. Legality infers criminal sanctions. There is generally no crimes associated with the above (that I know of) except in the context of abusing the elderly. E.g. Selling ant-aging creams to the elderly.

So, Tisket is probably referring to 'civil liability', the non-criminal side. And, I hate to break it to you, but there is civil liability for buying extremely low and selling extremely high. In fact, there is multitudes of ways to void a contract (reverse the sale) when one party is uninformed or unknowledgeable, and the other the opposite. For any sale there is a contract, written or implied. In order for a contract to be formed, there has to be a 'meeting of the minds.' Parties cannot 'meet' if they do not understand what they are selling, or if one person is at an advantage to the other.

The legal term is called 'unconscionability'. This is an excerpt from a contracts book:

b. Substantive: The "substantive" sort of unconscionability occurs where the clause or contract itself (rather than the process used to arrive at the contract) is unduly unfair and one-sided. [485]

i. Excessive price: An important example of substantive unconscionability is where the seller charges an excessive price. Usually, an excessive price clause only comes about when there is also some sort of procedural unconscionability (e.g., an uneducated consumer who doesn’t understand what he is agreeing to), since otherwise the consumer will usually simply find a cheaper supplier. [485 - 486]

And for the record. 1m to 75m = 7500% mark up.

TL;DR - Anyone who says 'capitalism' or 'its legal' or 'buyer beware' has no fucking clue what they are talking about.


05-09-2016, 02:49 PM
Buying something for less than it's worth is not a scam. How some of you can go through life without understanding such a basic premise is beyond me. I don't care if the seller was talked into it. That's how negotiation works. It's not fraudulent or illegal to get a lower price on something than the buyer might otherwise get if they exercised patience.

Has the seller even chimed in yet? I know I've sold items for far less than they were worth because I needed cash for something else. There's just a whole hell of a lot of speculation and very little fact in this thread.

I agree. I have sold things for less then they are worth to get a quick influx of capital for other deals already. Of course, I usually do this with known people or friends.

I think people are letting their (justified) dislike of Inspire color their opinion here.

One of them is inspire?

05-09-2016, 02:54 PM
Buying something for less than it's worth is not a scam. How some of you can go through life without understanding such a basic premise is beyond me. I don't care if the seller was talked into it. That's how negotiation works. It's not fraudulent or illegal to get a lower price on something than the buyer might otherwise get if they exercised patience.

How you can go through life assuming you are so right when you are so very very very wrong is beyond me.

05-09-2016, 03:01 PM
To me this isn't about what's a scam and what isn't a scam, it's about what's good business and what isn't. If you plan on sticking around, you're much better off making deals where both parties are satisfied. It doesn't mean you take a bath, or don't make a profit, as that is an unreasonable expectation, but it does mean fair dealing. Ask anyone who runs an established business, (like say, me), and they'll tell you that long term relationships and trust are keys to success. In the long run, you're better off doing a good deal with the newb than fucking them over for one big score, because if they stick around, you'll do a lot of business with them, and other future customers will trust you as well. Fuck them over and word gets around, and you lose business. Simple as that.

05-09-2016, 03:38 PM
How you can go through life assuming you are so right when you are so very very very wrong is beyond me.


05-09-2016, 03:47 PM
I agree. I have sold things for less then they are worth to get a quick influx of capital for other deals already. Of course, I usually do this with known people or friends.

One of them is inspire?

I guess? At least that's the conclusion others have reached. I couldn't care less one way or another but his/her posts under the handle, Sashafierce, haven't too terribly irritating so who knows.

05-09-2016, 03:57 PM

its soccer, he literally just fell over.

This is why most Americans associate soccer with being a pussy.

05-09-2016, 03:59 PM
You can google and get an estimated price for MTG cards. I know, in middle school I was Red deckin like a motherfucker.

But to use his own argument against him, the person who got fleeced could not have been able to google his item and get a price.

This comparison would be akin to you working at Wizards of the Coast and fleecing someone at a flea market.

LNet, the officials, and the PC are the in-game equivalent of Google.

05-09-2016, 04:03 PM
People are often embarrassed about being scammed. But they shouldn't be. It's about experience vs inexperience. It's easy for the peanut gallery saying "They should have done XYZ", but often people are too inexperienced to even do that. The scammer makes the person feel good about the deal, but only because of the complete one sided nature of the transaction. Only later does the victim found out they were duped.

It's funny, a lot of people are saying "Why isn't the victim coming forward!?" Of course they aren't coming forward. It's fucking embarrassing getting duped. Plus, most of the posters in this thread would tear the person apart, call them stupid, dumb, give them 2342432 ways they could have avoided it. Yeah, they aren't coming forward and no one should expect them to.

I wouldn't be surprised if Alastir has a lot more victims that are too scared to speak up.

What is this, a rape trial?

05-09-2016, 04:09 PM
< LNet, the officials, and the PC are the in-game equivalent of Google >

According to SF, no one could verify the price because it was super sekret. Nobody [allegedly] could provide a figure, therefore it is justified by offering what it did.

Can't use the same argument both ways, from my point of view. Either it used previous knowledge from Plat runs and the figures posted to know its rarity prior to obtaining a pendant, or it knew what the pendant did and therefore knew a relative value. Both methods makes it a shit-stain of a human being.

As an aside, I wouldn't call the officials very reliable anymore given how dated some of the topics are. I've never downloaded or used Lich, so I can't comment one way or the other. I'd love to echo what Kerl has posted, but in the age of the internet someone can reinvent themselves in the face of having a good/bad reputation.

05-09-2016, 04:21 PM
According to SF, no one could verify the price because it was super sekret. Nobody [allegedly] could provide a figure, therefore it is justified by offering what it did.

Even more reason for the seller to take a wait and see approach.

As an aside, I wouldn't call the officials very reliable anymore given how dated some of the topics are.

Considering that Krakii still posts there, I can agree with that.

Last year I sold someone a set of 4x HCP robes for 37.5m. He was on lnet looking for padded robes, and I jokingly told him 40m for mine. He offered 30m, settled at 37.5m. I knew they were worth maybe 10m, I'm pretty sure he did too, and no fucks were given on either side before, during, or after the transaction.

He posts here regularly and I'm pretty sure still gives no fucks about it.

Besides, the fact that they were owned by me makes them worth 40m alone, before factoring in the enchant and padding. So in reality he got quite a deal.

05-09-2016, 04:28 PM
No argument from me. The problem is that even not taking rarity into effect, which I have no knowledge of as I don't play in GS events anymore, is that your sale while a bit drastic, is peanuts in comparison. To make things even to the event that went down, you would have had to offer 150 million for your robes and no counter offer given.

4x HCP robes have a known, researchable value. If the person didn't give a damn, more money for you.

SF fleeced someone and when called on it deflects any type of accountability for being a sad sack of shit for a human being.

05-09-2016, 06:59 PM
I'm assuming you played Finiswolf?

You used to hang out with him and Deev before they made RR their home. lol

Only one that has ever played Finiswolf / Filswolf is me.

Who the 'ell is Deev? :shrug: Afraid you are confusing me and my chars with someone else, because I don't know either of the names, sorry.


05-09-2016, 07:02 PM

Bam, Neathon.

Ahh, thanks Everan. And long time. :-)


05-09-2016, 07:06 PM
From: GameMaster Wyrom [mailto:gswyrom@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2016 3:02 PM
To: Me
Subject: Segment Fiasco

Hey Alastir,

Just wanted to let you know, saw the comments on the PC, as well as had a few emails about the situation come my way. Typically I don't really get involved with these things, but wanted to drop you a note. A good point to bring up here is that no one really knew just how rare that piece was at the time. And since I followed the first pendant through completion, I was curious how it would play out.

I've made a number of pets and collectibles at events. The will-o'-wisp at Coraesine Field, for example, I thought would be worth far more than they ended up selling for in the player markets. But we can never know how desired or coveted something will be, we can just try to control the rarity.

Anyway, just giving you a heads up that I don't think what you did was wrong.


05-09-2016, 07:08 PM
From: GameMaster Wyrom [mailto:gswyrom@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2016 12:32 PM
To: Me
Subject: Jealousy

Hey Peppwyn,

You're probably the best player/person I've ever met. Frankly, I am jealous of your lifestyle and everything about you.


05-09-2016, 07:09 PM
If you want a copy of the actual email, send me your email address and I'll forward it to you.

05-09-2016, 07:09 PM
But seriously, can this thread die already?

05-09-2016, 07:14 PM
That's really odd. All the emails I've ever received from Simutronics staff has been from play.net accounts. Are you sure that's a real email?

05-09-2016, 07:15 PM
That's really odd. All the emails I've ever received from Simutronics staff has been from play.net accounts. Are you sure that's a real email?

Yes, I talk to Wyrom through email all the time. A lot of the GM's have gmail accounts. Kenstrom has a yahoo account. Jainna has an aim.com account.

05-09-2016, 07:26 PM
Only one that has ever played Finiswolf / Filswolf is me.

Who the 'ell is Deev? :shrug: Afraid you are confusing me and my chars with someone else, because I don't know either of the names, sorry.



No, reason to be sorry. Still pretty certain we did, but meh.

05-09-2016, 07:44 PM
if ur cool with GMs y spill the beans n make them look dumb0?

edit: Wyrom is LORD

05-09-2016, 07:44 PM
That's really odd. All the emails I've ever received from Simutronics staff has been from play.net accounts. Are you sure that's a real email?

When I had questions about the acuity at duskruin his replies came from a gmail account. Not saying the e-mail is real, but it could be.

05-09-2016, 07:54 PM
Verified Peppwyn's story...
Wyrom does use a gmail account, Elidi, Viduus also use gmail, Estild and Konacon use their play.net

Kind of a grab bag based on what they want

05-09-2016, 07:58 PM
if ur cool with GMs y spill the beans n make them look dumb0?

edit: Wyrom is LORD

How does his email make him look dumb?

05-09-2016, 08:08 PM
if ur cool with GMs y spill the beans n make them look dumb0?

edit: Wyrom is LORD

How does copying and pasting an email make Wyrom look dumb? He would know better than anyone the time line for the pendants.

"A good point to bring up here is that no one really knew just how rare that piece was at the time. And since I followed the first pendant through completion, I was curious how it would play out."

I've already stated this in my own words, and instead of speaking for him, I let you know exactly what he said. The information about the pendants wasn't released when DR opened. People like Durakar apparently knew what they were, because he was the first to post the want ads looking for pieces. I just happened to find a pendant first, find a segment first, and complete it. Which is when I posted the spoiler alert so everyone knew what they actually were. Do I know that glamour crystals are valuable? Yes. Did I know that a completed pendant was a glamour crystal when I completed it? No. But I did let everyone know as soon as I found out.

Reading back through this thread, it seems like a few people were eager to attack someone, and it could have been anyone.
Kalros is butthurt because I called him cheap and I posted once, in 1 of his sales threads where he's trying to get a pendant for 10m when they've sold for 25m.
Stunseed is apparently angry because I offered him 10 million for a 3x weighted trident. I offered what I thought it was worth. At least I know why he's filled with rage now. If someone paid more than 10m for a 3x weighted trident, someone got screwed.
Luntz is luntz, there's not really anything to comment about there.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks I'm a big time merchant. I mostly buy things I want or need, and sell the things I no longer want or need. I'm not actively seeking out deals to turn for profit, that is what Luntz does. I don't sell items or silvers for cash, I will occasionally sell silvers for gifts of adventure to pay my account forward for 6-8 months. Luntz would again, be the guy that is constantly selling silvers/items to buy drugs or pay rent.

05-09-2016, 11:16 PM
You're just mad I could've taken all your shit and got 7mil out of your pocket without you even knowing it was me, bitter dumbass dickbag ahahaha

05-09-2016, 11:19 PM
Okay, here's the deal. I still don't think Alastir is right but apparently this has turned into such a shit-show/issue that people have been emailing Wyrom. And he felt the need to send an email to Alastir. GM's have better shit to do then read emails regarding LNET threads. I'd rather them be doing GM stuff.

So let's call this done. I'll stop poking the bear and let's try and move on with our lives.

05-09-2016, 11:27 PM
You're just mad I could've taken all your shit and got 7mil out of your pocket without you even knowing it was me, bitter dumbass dickbag ahahaha

That... doesn't sound like something to be mad at...

05-09-2016, 11:31 PM
You're just mad I could've taken all your shit and got 7mil out of your pocket without you even knowing it was me, bitter dumbass dickbag ahahaha

I was happy to tip Ryjel(Zaoloo/Luntz) for returning all of the valuable items I had lost. You spent an hour+ as Ryjel going back and forth in the cavernhold pretending to look for it.

The fact that you kept a ring and sold it for 4m reflects on your character. Stealing from someone you dislike doesn't make it okay, or you a good person.

If you remember, prior to you getting banned for AFK scripting (again), I returned your enhancive shield you lost in OTF after dying. (After you admitted to stealing the ring which was replaced.)

05-09-2016, 11:59 PM
Okay, here's the deal. I still don't think Alastir is right but apparently this has turned into such a shit-show/issue that people have been emailing Wyrom. And he felt the need to send an email to Alastir. GM's have better shit to do then read emails regarding LNET threads. I'd rather them be doing GM stuff.

So let's call this done. I'll stop poking the bear and let's try and move on with our lives.

Ignore this post. Alastir is still talking shit. He hasn't learned his lesson.

[Merchant]-You: "looking for celerity self-knowledge, +7 bonus con/dex/ag fusion orbs. empty duskruin pendant." (20:56:17)
[Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (20:56:53)

Yeah, fuck you buddy.

05-10-2016, 12:02 AM
I was happy to tip Ryjel(Zaoloo/Luntz) for returning all of the valuable items I had lost. You spent an hour+ as Ryjel going back and forth in the cavernhold pretending to look for it.

The fact that you kept a ring and sold it for 4m reflects on your character. Stealing from someone you dislike doesn't make it okay, or you a good person.

If you remember, prior to you getting banned for AFK scripting (again), I returned your enhancive shield you lost in OTF after dying. (After you admitted to stealing the ring which was replaced.)

shut your dumbass bitch ass up

05-10-2016, 12:09 AM
shut your dumbass bitch ass up

Careful, he could jump off a bridge.

05-10-2016, 12:11 AM
Ignore this post. Alastir is still talking shit. He hasn't learned his lesson.

[Merchant]-You: "looking for celerity self-knowledge, +7 bonus con/dex/ag fusion orbs. empty duskruin pendant." (20:56:17)
[Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (20:56:53)

Yeah, fuck you buddy.

Haha, you created this antipathy by being an idiot. You have only yourself to blame. I'd do what I could to undermine your merchant attempts too if you had done to me what you attempted to do to SashaFierce. Just desserts.

05-10-2016, 12:12 AM

05-10-2016, 12:13 AM
Haha, you created this antipathy by being an idiot. You have only yourself to blame. I'd do what I could to undermine your merchant attempts too if you had done to me what you attempted to do to SashaFierce. Just desserts.

I see you don't have much reading comprehension. He was doing this before the thread was created.

05-10-2016, 12:19 AM
And I'm happy to see him continue if it means causing irritation to you.

05-10-2016, 12:28 AM
Haha, you created this antipathy by being an idiot. You have only yourself to blame. I'd do what I could to undermine your merchant attempts too if you had done to me what you attempted to do to SashaFierce. Just desserts.

you sound like a whiny bitch

05-10-2016, 12:43 AM
Ignore this post. Alastir is still talking shit. He hasn't learned his lesson.

[Merchant]-You: "looking for celerity self-knowledge, +7 bonus con/dex/ag fusion orbs. empty duskruin pendant." (20:56:17)
[Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (20:56:53)

Yeah, fuck you buddy.


05-10-2016, 12:48 AM
you sound like a whiny bitch

Who are you? No, seriously, I haven't any idea.

05-10-2016, 01:00 AM
Wyrom email seems fake.

05-10-2016, 01:04 AM
He tracked you down via email (with your 500 scripting violations from Inspire days) to message you about message board drama and to give you a pat on the back? Yeah OK.

05-10-2016, 01:14 AM
Who are you? No, seriously, I haven't any idea.


05-10-2016, 01:16 AM

05-10-2016, 01:17 AM
drauz wins this thread.

05-10-2016, 01:18 AM

05-10-2016, 01:35 AM

God Damned Jews and their talent for the silver screen.

05-10-2016, 02:13 AM
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "Looking for +7 bonus orbs. let me know what ya got"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "Beware! Alastir is a known scammer. See http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "Wow, a post from a guy who hates Alastir saying he's a scammer. How reliable."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "wait... 9000 fame... Kalros you shifty sam did you make a new character just so you could get a link to all the people who already have you ignored?"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "clearly a mule Eshielle."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."

He's now creating F2P alts to spam the merchant channel since I have him ignored.

I apologize for anyone that is annoyed by his full retard mode.

05-10-2016, 02:13 AM
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "Looking for +7 bonus orbs. let me know what ya got"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "Beware! Alastir is a known scammer. See http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "Wow, a post from a guy who hates Alastir saying he's a scammer. How reliable."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Eshielle: "wait... 9000 fame... Kalros you shifty sam did you make a new character just so you could get a link to all the people who already have you ignored?"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Kalros: "clearly a mule Eshielle."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."

He's now creating F2P alts to spam the merchant channel since I have him ignored.

I apologize for anyone that is annoyed by his full retard mode.

Just creating a script to match yours. You spam me, I'll fuck you back. Simple math. Do you not understand how the world works? You fuck with me, I fuck with you. This isn't a "Alastir can do whatever he wants with no repercussions."

I was legit done with you til you spammed my merchant chats at least 5 times tonight. Or did you forget about that? Convenient.

And posting a message every hour isn't spamming. Or you would be banned a loooong time ago.
Are you coming here to cry for some back-up from the circle jerk crew?

05-10-2016, 02:19 AM
Just creating a script to match yours. You spam me, I'll fuck you back. Simple math. Do you not understand how the world works? You fuck with me, I fuck with you. This isn't a "Alastir can do whatever he wants with no repercussions."

I was legit done with you til you spammed my merchant chats at least 5 times tonight. Or did you forget about that? Convenient.

And posting a message every hour isn't spamming. Or you would be banned a loooong time ago.
Are you coming here to cry for some back-up from the circle jerk crew?

This is seriously starting to get funny.

05-10-2016, 02:26 AM
This is seriously starting to get funny.

No. No it's not.

05-10-2016, 02:38 AM
Just creating a script to match yours. You spam me, I'll fuck you back. Simple math. Do you not understand how the world works? You fuck with me, I fuck with you. This isn't a "Alastir can do whatever he wants with no repercussions."

I was legit done with you til you spammed my merchant chats at least 5 times tonight. Or did you forget about that? Convenient.

And posting a message every hour isn't spamming. Or you would be banned a loooong time ago.
Are you coming here to cry for some back-up from the circle jerk crew?

Both of you just:


05-10-2016, 02:47 AM
No. No it's not.

It's more.. http://i.imgur.com/FyEd7HC.gif

05-10-2016, 02:58 AM
Okay, here's the deal. I still don't think Alastir is right but apparently this has turned into such a shit-show/issue that people have been emailing Wyrom. And he felt the need to send an email to Alastir. GM's have better shit to do then read emails regarding LNET threads. I'd rather them be doing GM stuff.

So let's call this done. I'll stop poking the bear and let's try and move on with our lives.

And then....

[Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (20:56:53)
Line 22482: [Merchant]-You: "Paying 20m for an empty DR pendant." (21:27:34)
Line 22537: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (21:27:51)

Line 1263: [Merchant]-You: "Looking for a DR pendant. 20m" (21:45:26)
Line 1320: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (21:45:39)
Line 2526: [Merchant]-You: "buying a DR pendant. 5 0 0 0 0million coppers" (21:54:20)
Line 2537: [Merchant]-You: "buying a DR pendant. 20m" (21:54:35)
Line 2539: [Merchant]-GSIV:Alastir: "PSA: empty duskruin pendants have sold for 25 million silvers" (21:54:42)

05-10-2016, 03:30 AM

05-10-2016, 03:45 AM

05-10-2016, 05:00 AM
I suggest a challenge duel, agree to depart forcefully should you lose, win or lose consider the matter closed. Chose a 2nd, negotiate the details, die with honor.

And post it here to end the thread.

05-10-2016, 06:18 AM
Years down the line we're going to find out Alastir and Kalros are played by the same person and he/she is just running the year's most committed prolonged troll.

'Till then I will continue to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

05-10-2016, 06:19 AM
For anyone who doubts my timeline and wants to believe Haldriks fantasy:

When I completed my pendant, I posted the spoiler alert, which was on 4/24 @ 10:53 PM, that would be the second full day of Duskruin.

The first official comment by Wyrom about the rarity of the segments was made on 4/25 @ 1:04 AM.
With follow up info @ 9:25 PM on 4/25.

The first PC auction for a segment with a 40m starting bid was 4/28.

I've updated my second post in this thread with the important information.

05-10-2016, 07:32 AM
Andraste emailed me once and cyber-raped me.

Was traumatizing.

05-10-2016, 08:18 AM
Andraste emailed me once and cyber-raped me.

Was traumatizing.

that is a lot more believable.

05-10-2016, 08:21 AM
Years down the line we're going to find out Alastir and Kalros are played by the same person and he/she is just running the year's most committed prolonged troll.

'Till then I will continue to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Yes, this would be a classic.

05-10-2016, 08:24 AM
Alastir your a cock monger, you are a fucking snake and i'm glad that someone is calling you on your bullshit. Its funny how the tides change ain't it? karma is a bitch!

05-10-2016, 08:25 AM
Thing must be getting serious up in here, got me a grey rep, they must be mad because they forgot to you know, make a comment.

05-10-2016, 08:52 AM
Alastir your a cock monger, you are a fucking snake and i'm glad that someone is calling you on your bullshit. Its funny how the tides change ain't it? karma is a bitch!


05-10-2016, 09:57 AM
Thing must be getting serious up in here, got me a grey rep, they must be mad because they forgot to you know, make a comment.

If you leave neg rep you have to leave a comment (even if it's just a '.'), so they were agreeing with whatever it is you posted.

05-10-2016, 11:24 AM
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[server]: "Your default channel is now Merchant."
[Merchant]-You: "ffs people haven't shut up about that dumb shit yet?"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Rozy: "It's a script."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Meriman: "I kind of admire the tenacity"
[LNet]-GSIV:Nairdin: "i was originally 26th or so in line. i'm now 15"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Archales: "says the wizard"
[Private]-GSIV:Alastir: "Kalros created an AFK spam bot"


05-10-2016, 11:40 AM
[Merchant]-GSIV:Elyina: "SCAMMER ALERT: Alastir/Sashafierce will do ANYTHING to make a dollar. Proof here! http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?101988-Scam-Alert-SashaFierce-Alastir."
[server]: "Your default channel is now Merchant."
[Merchant]-You: "ffs people haven't shut up about that dumb shit yet?"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Rozy: "It's a script."
[Merchant]-GSIV:Meriman: "I kind of admire the tenacity"
[LNet]-GSIV:Nairdin: "i was originally 26th or so in line. i'm now 15"
[Merchant]-GSIV:Archales: "says the wizard"
[Private]-GSIV:Alastir: "Kalros created an AFK spam bot"


Omg lol

05-10-2016, 11:46 AM
[Private]-GSIV:Alastir: "Kalros created an AFK spam bot"


You might want to think about changing your locks SF, I'm pretty sure the next step is him breaking into your house and boiling your pet rabbit.

05-10-2016, 12:25 PM

You might want to think about changing your locks SF, I'm pretty sure the next step is him breaking into your house and boiling your pet rabbit.

Yeah, I never thought he would take it this far. Thankfully, I own a gun.

Still waiting for him to respond to this, now that I've proven his whole fabricated time line is nothing but a lie. Will he drop it now that everyone can clearly see he's a liar?

For anyone who doubts my timeline and wants to believe Haldriks fantasy:

When I completed my pendant, I posted the spoiler alert, which was on 4/24 @ 10:53 PM, that would be the second full day of Duskruin.

The first official comment by Wyrom about the rarity of the segments was made on 4/25 @ 1:04 AM.
With follow up info @ 9:25 PM on 4/25.

The first PC auction for a segment with a 40m starting bid was 4/28.

I've updated my second post in this thread with the important information.

05-10-2016, 12:33 PM
give it a rest

05-10-2016, 12:34 PM
give it a rest

If you find it annoying, you could always avoid opening this thread.

05-10-2016, 12:38 PM
If you find it annoying, you could always avoid opening this thread.

Shut up, Tisket! You and your relentless logic.

05-10-2016, 12:43 PM
Is there a way to ignore threads so they dont show up on 'what's new'?

05-10-2016, 12:57 PM
Is there a way to ignore threads so they dont show up on 'what's new'?

Believe me, I've tried (not just for this thread, but for past ones as well). There's not. Unless someone else knows differently. If so, please share your knowledge.