View Full Version : Allow Open Carry at RNC in July

03-27-2016, 10:24 AM
The link is to a change.org petition (https://www.change.org/p/quicken-loans-arena-allow-open-carry-of-firearms-at-the-quicken-loans-arena-during-the-rnc-convention-in-july-2) asking the Quicken Loans Arena, the GOP, and the NRA to allow legal open carry at the Republican National Convention in July.

I have signed it. I would encourage everyone to read the entire petition before they decide if they should sign it or not. So far it has been signed by over 30k people.

Some excerpts...


SUMMARY: In July of 2016, the GOP will host its convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. Though Ohio is an open carry state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_Ohio), which allows for the open carry of guns, the hosting venue—the Quicken Loans Arena—strictly forbids the carry of firearms on their premises.

According to the policy on their website (http://www.theqarena.com/arena-info/faqs), "firearms and other weapons of any kind are strictly forbidden on the premises of Quicken Loans Arena."

This is a direct affront to the Second Amendment and puts all attendees at risk. As the National Rifle Association has made clear, "gun-free zones" such as the Quicken Loans Arena are "the worst and most dangerous of all lies (http://www.guns.com/2016/03/04/3019791/)." The NRA, our leading defender of gun rights, has also correctly pointed out that "gun free zones... tell every insane killer in America... (the) safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk." (March 4, 2016 and Dec. 21, 2012)

03-27-2016, 11:43 AM
Wow. You're a raging moron who has absolutely no concept of how the Bill of Rights works. Please don't breed. Ever.

03-27-2016, 11:48 AM
Wow. You're a raging moron who has absolutely no concept of how the Bill of Rights works. Please don't breed. Ever.

Thats a tad bit harsh. It's just a petition. What has you so riled up?

03-27-2016, 12:09 PM
Thats a tad bit harsh. It's just a petition. What has you so riled up?

I agree. I'm for more gun control, but all he did was link to a change.org petition he happens to agree with and encouraged people to read and see if they agreed and may want to sign. I wish more gun rights advocates had the same demeanor as that post did when it came to discussing the issue.

It's Easter Sunday... Be eat peace my child...and have a Cadbury egg.

03-27-2016, 12:15 PM
I agree. I'm for more gun control, but all he did was link to a change.org petition he happens to agree with and encouraged people to read and see if they agreed and may want to sign. I wish more gun rights advocates had the same demeanor as that post did when it came to discussing the issue.

Back doesn't really agree with the petition, the whole petition is a troll by gun control fanatical Democrats because apparently they recognize the fact that some of their members simply can't be trusted with firearms so they are hoping someone shoots Trump or shoots another person at the event so it makes Trump look bad.

Kind of sickening if you think about it.

03-27-2016, 12:34 PM
Back doesn't really agree with the petition, the whole petition is a troll by gun control fanatical Democrats because apparently they recognize the fact that some of their members simply can't be trusted with firearms so they are hoping someone shoots Trump or shoots another person at the event so it makes Trump look bad.

Kind of sickening if you think about it.

Without condoning... or condemning. I understand. (Maybe someone can find the clip, I couldn't)

03-27-2016, 12:55 PM
The NRA has been publishing re-imagined Grimm's Fairy Tales (http://www.nrafamily.org/articles/2016/1/13/little-red-riding-hood-has-a-gun/) in modern day settings. Basically they have added guns to these children's stories. Ironically they have undermined the real message these stories were written for.

Editor's Note: Most of us probably grew up having fairy tales read to us as we drifted off to sleep. But how many times have you thought back and realized just how, well, grim some of them are? Did any of them ever make your rest a little bit uneasy? Have you ever wondered what those same fairy tales might sound like if the hapless Red Riding Hoods, Hansels and Gretels had been taught about gun safety and how to use firearms? The author of this piece, Amelia Hamilton has—and NRA Family is proud to announce that we’ve partnered with the author to present her twist on those classic tales. We hope you and your children enjoy this first installment!

Little Red Riding Hood (Has a Gun) (http://www.nrafamily.org/articles/2016/1/13/little-red-riding-hood-has-a-gun/)

How does that relate to this thread? The NRA supports getting rid of "gun free zones". They obviously think re-writing children's tales to include guns is a good idea. Why wouldn't the NRA or any gun rights supporter sign this petition?

03-27-2016, 12:57 PM
How does that relate to this thread? The NRA supports getting rid of "gun free zones". They obviously think re-writing children's tales to include guns is a good idea. Why wouldn't the NRA or any gun rights supporter sign this petition?


03-27-2016, 01:39 PM

Do you disagree with the argument set forth by this petition? Does the author of this petition have any relevance at all to the argument it makes?

03-27-2016, 01:46 PM
Do you disagree with the argument set forth by this petition? Does the author of this petition have any relevance at all to the argument it makes?

A) The second amendment can't compel a private organization to allow firearms on their private property. The "gun free zones" people typically talk about are in fact found on public land.

B) There are some situations where it does indeed make sense to ban guns, like for example...oh I don't know...where someone who holds a position that typically gets assassinated or as a very high chance of being assassinated, you know, like presidents and presidential candidates.

C) Likewise the "gun free zones" people typically talk about are NOT at places where there is already an armed presence, again, you know, like secret service agents or police officers/security guards at a court house, and etc.

D) You are failing miserably at this. I suggest you rethink your life and try to make changes while there is still hope.

E) It's not even Tuesday!

03-27-2016, 02:09 PM
A) The second amendment can't compel a private organization to allow firearms on their private property. The "gun free zones" people typically talk about are in fact found on public land.

Please let the anti vaxxers know about this sort of issue. They've loudly declared that the Tribeca Film Festival has violated their first amendment rights by not showing the anti vax movie from their hoaxer doctor guy.

...as a general note, open carry zones that serve alcohol bother me. I don't like the pro gun lobby's stance on that. There'll probably be quite a lot of alcohol at the convention, even if there are foolish people who lobby for that sort of thing.

All that aside though, I absolutely respect the Republican Party's desire not to have guns around Presidential candidates. Would Back be so comfortable with people toting guns around Hillary/Bernie?

03-27-2016, 02:25 PM
Please let the anti vaxxers know about this sort of issue. They've loudly declared that the Tribeca Film Festival has violated their first amendment rights by not showing the anti vax movie from their hoaxer doctor guy.

What makes you think I'm an anti vaxxer or that I agree with anything they do? :/

03-27-2016, 03:15 PM
What makes you think I'm an anti vaxxer or that I agree with anything they do? :/

I certainly don't think that. I was just annoyed at driving through the local college and seeing anti-vax bs and it was on my mind because you were talking about sensible issues with amendments and private property and they were jabbering about their first amendment rights.

03-27-2016, 03:15 PM
I certainly don't think that. I was just annoyed at driving through the local college and seeing anti-vax bs and it was on my mind because you were talking about sensible issues with amendments and private property and they were jabbering about their first amendment rights.

Well give me their names and phone numbers and I'll set them straight.

03-27-2016, 05:17 PM
Well give me their names and phone numbers and I'll set them straight.


03-27-2016, 05:23 PM
Did you sell your gun yet Back?

03-27-2016, 05:51 PM
I certainly don't think that. I was just annoyed at driving through the local college and seeing anti-vax bs and it was on my mind because you were talking about sensible issues with amendments and private property and they were jabbering about their first amendment rights.

They just show http://www.jennymccarthybodycount.com/ for however long the movie was in its place.

03-27-2016, 05:56 PM
They just show http://www.jennymccarthybodycount.com/ for however long the movie was in its place.

That site is still amazing.

03-28-2016, 07:46 PM
B) There are some situations where it does indeed make sense to ban guns, like for example...oh I don't know...where someone who holds a position that typically gets assassinated or as a very high chance of being assassinated, you know, like presidents and presidential candidates.Wait wait wait wait wait.


You think banning guns prevents people from using them to murder people? ROFL sheeple. I'll leave you with this absolutely true quote of Thomas Jefferson: "if guns are assassinated, only assassins will have guns."

03-28-2016, 08:00 PM
You think banning guns prevents people from using them to murder people?

No. But I'm assuming at an event where the secret service is involved with protecting a presidential candidate that they actually search people before allowing them into the venue. In that case yes, physically preventing people from bringing guns onto private property would indeed stop people from using guns on said property.

Now does this mean someone can't show up and just start shooting up the place? Of course not.

If people aren't being searched for weapons prior to being allowed into the event then yes, the ban is pretty pointless anyways.

03-28-2016, 08:01 PM
Wait wait wait wait wait.


You think banning guns prevents people from using them to murder people? ROFL sheeple. I'll leave you with this absolutely true quote of Thomas Jefferson: "if guns are assassinated, only assassins will have guns."

Gosh you're right. In the same way that banning totally reduced alcohol and marijuana usage.

03-28-2016, 08:57 PM
The Secret Service says people attending the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this July will not be allowed to carry guns.

The statement comes in response to a petition that calls for allowing open carry of guns inside Quicken Loans Arena, the host venue.

More... (http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/274473-secret-service-no-guns-in-convention)

How infuriating! I can only imagine how much this must upsets the remaining Republican candidates. They all know that they would be safer if all of the good guys in Cleveland had guns.

03-29-2016, 09:07 AM
How infuriating! I can only imagine how much this must upsets the remaining Republican candidates. They all know that they would be safer if all of the good guys in Cleveland had guns.

If you need a gun to feel protected, make one out of a Pop-tart.

Anyone who is enlightened and intelligent knows that guns only promote violence. Get rid of all guns and the violence goes with them.

03-29-2016, 02:46 PM
Just make negative feelings illegal problem solved.

03-29-2016, 08:12 PM
Gosh you're right. In the same way that banning totally reduced alcohol and marijuana usage.Shows what your know, Thomas Jefferson was teetotal. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson.

03-29-2016, 09:11 PM
Shows what your know, Thomas Jefferson was teetotal. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson.

he had other vices to keep him busy

03-29-2016, 09:24 PM
Just make negative feelings illegal problem solved.

Progressives are working towards this already.