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  1. Things
  2. 10x t5 dispel flaring longbow
  3. Selling LEGENDARY Tuning Fork: +15 to ALL Sonic Armaments
  4. 7x T5 ensorcel, T3 briar flare handaxe
  5. 8x day heroism and bravery
  6. 2/day undisease/unpoison (113/114) scarab ring
  7. Wand: 1x Mass Blur,Mass Color, and Mass elemental defense
  8. 8x/Day Herosim (Heroic Knight's Clasp)
  9. High End Falchion, High End Handaxe (Both 10x Perfect Forged, T5, & rare Flares)
  10. ASG 9 LBPO, 10x, T5, 15 CER Crit, 6 CER Dmg, 15 TD, Resists)
  11. 8x MBP, +5 TD, 11 CER Crit, 5.5 CER DMG, Maxlight
  12. 6x Perfect Forged Greatsword, T5, 6.5 CER Crit, GEF Vaccuum
  13. x/days, heroism, bravery, cloak of shadows, etc
  14. 5x/day mystic focus and fash themed arkati cloak
  15. 2 heroic knight clasps
  16. Items for sale
  17. Tier 4 Sigil Staff
  18. Premium Points
  19. Some krodera and kroderine chains
  20. Manapool, named SK runestaff.
  21. mana staff
  22. T3 Briar Flares Cert
  23. 10x, t5 sprite bow
  24. 5x veil iron ithzir fullplate
  25. Duskruin Sale (ends AUG 29)
  26. T3 briar flare cert
  27. 10x low steel GUB T5 VHCW no-dachi w/gory script/lesser moods & shadowdeath vambraces
  28. Few things for bloodscrip
  29. 10x Enchanted. 10x Acuity T5 Fully unlocked Sigil Staff.
  30. +22 Thrown Weapons Bonus Arm and Leg Greaves
  31. OPINIONS: 10X, T5 Ensorc, T3 Dispel, 15.5 CER
  32. 10x T5 ensorcel medium shield, T3 dispel flares
  33. SELLING 10x GEF lightning waraxe
  34. 10x HCW blessed spear unlimited bandolier
  35. 100k weightless coin purse
  36. Fusion plate 4x HCP
  37. 3x/day Provoke crumhorn
  38. A few items remaining
  39. 25k weightless coin pouch
  40. 40% WR Lightning Resistance 6/200 Cloak
  41. 10x, t5, hcp, 2 resist, t4 forest brig
  42. WTS Major Bag of Holding 73 unique items, 100 same item, 200lbs, 100% WR
  43. 7x Tier 1 Energy Shield, Krush Flares, +12 Strength
  44. Major Bag of Holding
  45. Last Chance GUB
  46. Coin Hand
  47. Major Bag of Holding 76 unique items, 96 same item, 200lbs, 100% WR
  48. End of the World Sale! MB 1$ High End Auction!
  49. Coolest claid ever
  50. 10x/10x Acuity T5 Ensorcelled T5 Fully unlocked Sigil Staff
  51. 3 room FWI Shop
  52. Bag of Holding (37,23,90,15)
  53. sk 506 with some extra ( call me bards )
  54. a gold-based sleek crystal sphere, unattuned phoenix pet
  55. 6x 10 cer crit / 6 cer damage padded 2slot fusion doubles
  56. dhu kitten
  57. cloaks
  58. +35,T5 Ensorc,T3 Energy Morning Star, GUB (Disintegrate flare), 1 CER Crit, Max Light
  59. +100 locker expansion
  60. 50 CER armor
  61. 10x Handaxe
  62. 9x MBP, T4 Forest, T4 ensorc, 10 CER/7 CER, lightning flares, lesser moods
  63. A chipped brick
  64. SM 618 (Mobility)
  65. 7x MCW short sword
  66. +40 logic daggers Plus, 6x VHCW max light plate, 7x Perfect SWCW maul
  67. 9x, OHE (handaxe base), MCW (16.5 CER), T3 Ensorcell
  68. 7x/day Self Control (613), 8x/day cloak of shadows (712), +30 Constitution Fusion Orb
  69. Looking to sell Fully Unlocked Gnomish Locksmith Bracer
  70. knockout flaring token
  71. Jackpot Find - Gown, Fan and Slipper set
  72. 10x longbow, T5, dispel T1, 11 pt. sighted, +14 dex base, +18 ranged bonus
  73. Two Shops - FWI and Ta'Vaalor
  74. Landing Player Shop
  75. 7x T5 ASG:8 +50 Banshee Flares
  76. 30 constitution fusion orb
  77. 8x SWCW GEF greatsword
  78. Selling some yellowed marble-sized eggs (3x RPA)
  79. Animated (Haunted) Music Stand - Reverse Auction
  80. Few items
  81. WL shop and Lumnis brooch
  82. Selling yellowed marble-sized eggs
  83. 6x T2 Parasite Two-handed Sword with cat D Disintigrate flares
  84. 10x low steel coraesine relic T5 ensorcel rot flare superbly crit weighted battle axe
  85. Heavy Damage Padded Full Plate
  86. 5x/869 EXP Lumnis brooch
  87. Slimming down sale - Items/Chars/Etc
  88. 7x T4 Fighting Knives, T3 ensorc, T2 dispel, 3 CER
  89. +10 mana recovery T4 magic sling
  90. Bacon Skillet
  91. plain jane zelrnon full plate
  92. t1 parasite full plate, +40 (unlocked to +45), 5CER dmg 6CER crit, 410 item diff
  93. scarlet eahnor vambraces
  94. A thing or two for sale, Probably, Most likely. Maybe a few more.
  95. 7x golvern flail 15point damage weighting
  96. 8x OHE, 7X greatshield. See post for details
  97. Landing shop
  98. Unlocked ethereal full plate
  99. 10x GUB 2x boosted handaxe hurling bandoleir
  100. Two items
  101. Stuff for sale
  102. 15 CER Weapons from EG Trove
  103. +34 T3 Sigil Staff with T2 ensorcell
  104. Selling 8600 and 6300 Premium Points
  105. NerveRot Runestaff - T4 (max unlocked) (with Rotflares) 10x Acuity
  106. FS: Some nice brigandine armor
  107. Sigil Set
  108. Hurling bandolier 10x undead
  109. FS: Landing Shop
  110. FS: Another 3 Room Landing Shop
  111. 10x Weighted Lance
  112. Max Unlocked Parasite Full Leathers T3 Affinity 9
  113. Landing Shop
  114. Cash only
  115. Thrakmas Puppy
  116. +12 Blunt Greathelm
  117. 6x/10x T5 nerve staff
  118. Legacy GUB Morning Star - 7x,T5,T3 Energy Weapon
  119. Landing Shop
  120. Gem eating(flares every single swing) 7x, T5, Troll bane, Handaxe
  121. Fully unlocked bag of holding, belt worn, 100% weight reduction.
  122. Fully unlocked Tier 5 Sigil Staff
  123. 905/911/913 item
  124. a blue swimming tunic - 3x Per Day Natural Colors
  125. 7x/day Thurfel's Ward (503)
  126. a blue swimming tunic - 3x Per Day Resist Elements
  127. IMT shop - 3 room
  128. Selling WL Shop
  129. WerePuppy
  130. 9x OHB and Tower Shield
  131. Reimbux for sale!
  132. +43 DS +20 TD Tower Shield
  133. 3200 premie points
  134. T2 Mana-Infused Doubles
  135. Kroderine Armor
  136. +1 Spirit Fully Unlocked Magic Sling
  137. Self Mana Mobility 618
  138. Taking offers on 4 items
  139. 4x/6x UAC Gloves, GEB, Dispel Flares, Knock Out Flares, Rot Flares FCW and LDW T5 Ens
  140. 3 Room Landing Shop in Room 5 on Ebonwood Way
  141. 8x, KO, T5, SWCW - Gloves
  142. Project robes
  143. 10x perfect maul
  144. 3 Things
  145. 10x UAC Boots
  146. 7x Greater Surita staff with T5 ensorcel and T6 acuity
  147. T2 Parasitic Falchion
  148. Fully unlocked gnomish lockpick bracer (trap detecting)
  149. 8x high steel bastard sword...(has more)
  150. account with 13580 premium points
  151. 20 CER Damage Padded Full Plate, 7x, T5
  152. Icemule Shop
  153. 10x, HCP brig
  154. Death metal ore auction ends Sunday, Feb 20.
  155. mana-infused crystal - mana armor adder
  156. Animalistic Spirit add to Armor (vermeil echidna charm)
  157. cursed armor adder
  158. Selling a 7x runestaff w/T5 ensorc, T4 nerve and rotflares. 500k BS.
  159. Surita Sigil Staff
  160. some sculpted ivory vultite vambraces covered in shards of rhimar
  161. A few items
  162. For Sale:
  163. mana armor adder
  164. Greater surita runestaff
  165. elven armor
  166. Sprite set of T2 runestaff and double leather w/ 1point critical padding & 1lb cloak
  167. 8x/6x T5 Surita
  168. Things I need to sell, some prices in scrip and all lower than normal asking
  169. 4x t3 Briar broadsword
  170. Teras Shop for Sale!
  171. Landing Shop for sale!
  172. Solhaven Shop for sale
  173. Last minute fundraising
  174. Gem eating runestaff - 18x acuity possible.
  175. 8x Fully Unlocked Sprite Bow
  176. landing shop
  177. T4 Forest armor Aug chain
  178. 0.5/200/40% WR cloak
  179. 550m silvers available at $3/m
  180. 50 WR 0.5/200 cloak
  181. Closing shop sale
  182. A few items
  183. 7x HCP Shadarl Brig +40 S&H
  184. Big Hammer
  185. Fully Unlocked Ranger Treat Pouch
  186. 10x claidhmore and other thw
  187. Landing shop for sale
  188. 8x perfect KO morning star
  189. The good stuff.
  190. Cleaning up
  191. 7x T5 12 CER/1 CER doubles
  192. Landing Playershop
  193. account with 16800 premium points and a 4x lumnis brooch
  194. 9x Full plate
  195. 10x T5 Blink GUB(Plasma) Battle Axe
  196. a carnelian Tilaok halo
  197. Icemule Shop for sale
  198. Trading 1m REIM (ethereal scrip) for a bulk of Lumnis Entries
  199. Taking Offers
  200. Taking offers - 10x Ghez handaxe
  201. 50% WR Pirate Harness
  202. 16800 premium points
  203. an irregular-surfaced raw gemstone brooch
  204. Taking offers on a longbow
  205. FOR SALE: dimly lit tavern with a winking Faendryl maiden on the sign, WL playershop
  206. 7x t5 ensorcell fully unlocked animalistic shield
  207. 8x Masterfully crit padded/Decently damage padded T3 chain hauberk
  208. raffle's 25% WR backpack (now holds 200 lb)
  209. 1109 1x/day, Dark Purple Amethyst Pendant
  210. 10x superb splitter handaxe S6 flaring
  211. Taking offers on Werepuppy in Platinum
  212. 10x Claidhmore, GEF void
  213. blazestar Lornon halo
  214. Werepuppy in Platinum for sale $200
  215. Yellow witch hunters talons.
  216. 10x perfect rottie axe
  217. Fully unlocked ethereal plate
  218. Brass Bugle - Exhale to summon a fox pet
  219. Dragonfly pet - Pixie Hunt rare
  220. GOAT Cloak (100% WR/Teleportation+Cross Realms)
  221. Black Ora Talisman
  222. brass bugle
  223. a couple high end things you can't lilve without
  224. Pixie Hunt - Dragonfly Pet
  225. 7x T5 10 CER fusion longbow with T3 orbs
  226. Big stick big money
  227. Perfume Shifter/AC Treat bag/Other stuff
  228. 10x T5 VHCP Fully Unlocked Mana Double Leather
  229. Brass Bugle - What does the fox say?
  230. High End Items
  231. a white opal torus - 2x/day Spell Shield (219)
  232. +7 strength bonus scabbard(14 stat) *no level requirement* charge til 2023
  233. 10x/2xOB 2 slot fusion full with t-5 & s-5
  234. Upgraded Animal Spirit UAC set +robes and Fully Unlocked Joshan Hand XBOWS for sale
  235. Few Items for Grabs
  236. Spikestar with all the bells and whistles
  237. a veniom-hilted whitie ora katana with a shimmering crystal edge
  238. vhcw enhancive misericord
  239. Monk only T4 imbued shroud
  240. 7x animal robes
  241. Couple decent items for sale
  242. MCP Brig, Padded Fusion Reinforced Leathers with Orbs, UAC Gear, and So Forth
  243. hair worn db item
  244. FS: A nice OHE axe
  245. a thin-bladed high steel wakizashi engraved with a stylized ki-lun
  246. 10x stuff, 8x stuff, illegal stuff, and more stuff.
  247. FS: 8x T5 DCW Perfect Forged Handaxe
  248. 6x/day Heroism pin
  249. Couple Things
  250. A few Hand Crossbows and misc ranged