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Thread: You want something done right, do it yourself.

  1. #1

    Default You want something done right, do it yourself.

    I've decided to make my own MUD so that every time I think, "hey, things should be this way," I have the power to make it so. Suggestions would be welcome. Here are some of the basic concepts I've got so far:

    1. No limiting professions. Every character can learn any skill they want to, but they have to practice it. If you don't practice a skill, it will slowly degenerate - hence you can't be a master at every single skill possible, though you can definitely learn and maintain quite a few.

    2. No general experience. You don't go out and slaughter a bunch of sentient creatures, then use that "experience" to raise your climbing and herb-foraging skill. Your skills can improve in 3 ways: Practice, study and being taught by others (both NPCs or other players). Whether a skill you use gets better depends on the challenge. If you're an expert swordsman, going around fighting giant rats (for example) isn't going to improve your combat or swordsmanship skills. You can't learn from a book or teacher if you aren't near their skill level, whether above or below that level.

    3. While there aren't any set professions, there will be optional guilds, universities and other groups you can join for opportunities to learn a specific set of skills. There will be a cost associated with the guilds, and a maximum number you can belong to at one time. Also, if you're in the Cult of the Evil Dark Scary Sorcerers of Doom, you probably won't be welcome in the Circle of Happy Bunny Healers.

    4. NPC factions. Not every single NPC outside of town will immediately be hostile (though of course some will be). You can do certain things to make them mad or make them happy. Get in good with the kobolds and they'll sell you their famed dirt-covered sacks, and if you're in really good with them, maybe the kobold shaman will spell you up with or even teach you some unique spells that only his people know.

    5. Player factions. This would be the basis for organized PvP play. While great in theory, it'll likely be a supreme pain to keep both sides happy and "balanced." This will likely only be worked on after most of the other aspects of the MUD are well-developed, if it still seems doable.

    6. Not a combat-centric game. As mentioned before, you improve skill through practice, so you could spend your whole life away from combat but still be a legendary enchanter, alchemist, healer, blackmsith, ale brewer, or whatever. No need to go out and kill things for experience (unless you want to get better at going out and killing things, of course). I've got ideas for fun and involved non-combat systems, including the typical blacksmithing, alchemy, etc. as well as things like farming both crops and livestock, animal taming, cooking, etc.

    The greatest thing about all this is that I've already managed to program a basic MUD engine from scratch (so I understand completely how it works and can easily modify/redesign if necessary) and have got it running on a server, so it's not all a pipe dream.

    Questions, comments and suggestions are all welcome (in fact, they're encouraged).

    Edit: For newcomers, here's the connection info:

    Port: 4000
    Last edited by Farn; 08-07-2011 at 12:03 PM. Reason: Address changed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Behind the Green Door


    My best honest advice is to not bother.

    Many have tried here. All have failed. The best two examples would be: Unwritten Legends or whatever the hell it was called. Basically it got closest to being a GS clone. It still totally failed.

    Second was Jamus' super new game. RSN now Jamus?
    Xcalibur - The fool that enter a fool's game is fooler.
    PB - 9000 is 95% of 18000

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Farn View Post
    Questions, comments and suggestions are all welcome (in fact, they're encouraged).
    1. Make everything breakable.
    2. Don't let Tsin play.
    3. Wouldn't the Cult of the Evil Dark Scary Sorcerers of Doom be a rather hush-hush society? And wouldn't it seem like one of them should perhaps be able to infiltrate the Circle of Happy Bunny Healers.

  4. #4


    Ah, well even if it never gets a player base larger than a couple of my personal friends, I'm partially doing it to teach myself to program, so it's still well worth it to me.

    Learn by practice.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by StrayRogue View Post
    My best honest advice is to not bother.

    Many have tried here. All have failed. The best two examples would be: Unwritten Legends or whatever the hell it was called. Basically it got closest to being a GS clone. It still totally failed.

    Second was Jamus' super new game. RSN now Jamus?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Farn View Post
    6. Not a combat-centric game. As mentioned before, you improve skill through practice, so you could spend your whole life away from combat but still be a legendary enchanter, alchemist, healer, blackmsith, ale brewer, or whatever. No need to go out and kill things for experience (unless you want to get better at going out and killing things, of course). I've got ideas for fun and involved non-combat systems, including the typical blacksmithing, alchemy, etc. as well as things like farming both crops and livestock, animal taming, cooking, etc.
    Oh, and make a skill so if you choose to not fight, you still have a shot at making it from town to town without being slaughtered by critters on the way.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Jorddyn View Post
    1. Make everything breakable.
    2. Don't let Tsin play.
    3. Wouldn't the Cult of the Evil Dark Scary Sorcerers of Doom be a rather hush-hush society? And wouldn't it seem like one of them should perhaps be able to infiltrate the Circle of Happy Bunny Healers.
    1. I'm planning on a maintenance system for gear. Some special items will be unbreakable, but for the most part you'll have to work to keep things in working condition, and there will likely be a chance for catastrophic breakage and things like that that are unavoidable.

    2. Heh.

    3. Depends on what kind of evil dark scary sorcerers of doom they are (some are just in it for attention). Good point, though. There will be chances for subterfuge and the like. I've got a disguise system in the works.

    Possibly relating to 1 and 2: I've got a graduated economics major friend that I'm hoping can help me maintain a stable game economy.
    Last edited by Farn; 06-17-2009 at 06:38 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Jorddyn View Post
    Oh, and make a skill so if you choose to not fight, you still have a shot at making it from town to town without being slaughtered by critters on the way.
    Well, I always thought it was funny that major caravan roads were plagued by hostile creatures. If it's a route that's majorly responsible for the economic success of its destination points, it'll be kept quite safe (excepting the occasional raid, robbery and such). If you want to be able to safely run off into the Bone-Strewn Plains of Death and Despair to forage some rare herbs, however, you'll either have to be able to defend yourself or find someone that can defend you while you travel and forage around. Sorry.
    Last edited by Farn; 06-17-2009 at 06:43 PM.

  9. #9


    By the way, how did "Unwritten Legends" totally fail? Was it because nobody ended up playing (if so, any insights as to why nobody liked it?), was it because the game never got to a playable state, or something else?

  10. Default

    I heard it was abandoned and that the lead designer was too hard to work for.
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