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Thread: Some stuff you should buy

  1. #1

    Default Some stuff you should buy

    Getting rid of some items. Flat prices. Cash accepted at $9.00/mil.

    Items available:

    8x handaxe on an ethereal string, superb (25 points) crit weighting, with all the features of an ethereal string. No longer for sale.

    5x per day new style self charging thurfel's ward rod, wave activated. No longer for sale.

    Some ensigiled chain mail armor. 4x ASG changing chain armor. 5m

    An elegant maoral-hafted golvern handaxe: +25/+20 defender, player forged. 17m

    A folded canvas tent: auction quality tent, stays up and all that. Very handy for breaks while hunting in difficult to reach places: No longer for sale.

    A fish-etched brass box with a vultite slab in it: makes hurling shards (daggers or darts): 950k

    If you meet me in Minneapolis/St Paul and put the cash in my hand, you get a $8.00 exchange rate and a free lunch. No items change hands till the coins/dollars have been deposited, (or in the case above, the briefcase of cash has changed hands). Other options may be possible; I'm always willing to listen.

    Sold and delivered items:

    Pinworn 3x per day elemental targeting (425) pin worn, new style self charging, rub activated. 225m SOLD

    A rainbow quartz runestone. 5x per day new style self charging elemental barrier (430) raise activated for longer duration! 80m Sold

    A Wehnimer's Landing shop, "a canvas pavilion". Much easier to find than "shop" etc. Also includes a wall hanging image of Mt Aenatumgana that I'll include later. 30m

    A pair of golvern-studded thick leather gauntlets: 8x enchanted UAC gauntlets. Go punch a demon! 25m

    A vaalin mesh cloak. worn on the back instead of the usual cloak spot. Weighs 5 or so, holds a significant amount: 2.5m

    A murky blue buckler: +15, +10 TD. Ensorcell it and boom, you've effectively got 20TD, which is enough to matter: 4m

    23527 bloodscrip. 25m

    5x per day new style self charging uncurse rod, wave activated. Solve those pesky dauntless hearts all by yourself. 35m
    Last edited by Archigeek; 08-14-2015 at 05:37 PM. Reason: Updated/sold items
    I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Arizona Bay


    Awww man. Kerl's selling out...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Peyton Place


    Missing a bunch of stuff if thats the case.
    Khaladon starts to turn the crystal knob, but stops with a frightened look on his face. He begins shaking uncontrollably and flies across the room, as though by some invisible force.

    **SPLAT!!** Khaladon careens off the far wall, slides down the smooth wood panelling and collapses into a quivering heap on the floor, with only his dignity bruised.

  4. #4


    Background info on ethereal strings, because I know folks will ask:

    Click Here for Krakiipedia link

    In a nut shell, in exchange for stamina and mana, the string increases the weapon's enchant, up to 40x enchanted. Why 40x? Because 40x is the highest enchant that any player in the game can hold. Theoretically if you were over level 100 you could ramp it up higher. Stamina/mana cost is:

    3/3 for +5
    6/6 for +10
    9/9 for +15
    12/12 for +20 etc.

    Just raise the axe to activate, raise again to deactivate. Each attack raises your AS up one enchant till you raise it and it goes back down to zero. You can also raise it when you're not holding it, so you can shut it off even if it's in your sheath.

    With good mana/stamina, you can effectively keep the enchant cycling back and fourth from +5 to +25 through an entire hunt, or, even more fun, in big invasions and what not you can hold it in reserve for bosses and hit them 2-3 times with a few very big blows with an extra +100AS or so.
    Last edited by Archigeek; 06-06-2015 at 01:57 AM. Reason: more info
    I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.

  5. #5


    Not selling out, just selling a few things.
    I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.

  6. Default

    Just selling some ​crap

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    Just selling some ​crap
    Relax, he said it was for sale, not that he'd be sharing his password so you can 'sell' it for him.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Arizona Bay


    Quote Originally Posted by RSR View Post
    Relax, he said it was for sale, not that he'd be sharing his password so you can 'sell' it for him.
    Oh snap! Shots fired.

    Nice stuff kerl. Glad you're not selling out.

  9. Default

    That would be something, Kerl sells out, full fledged hurl review gets released.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Archigeek View Post
    Getting rid of some crap. Flat prices. Cash accepted at $9.50/mil.

    8x handaxe on an ethereal string, superb (25 points) crit weighting, with all the features of an ethereal string. 650m

    An Arcane kilt pin. Has a "House of Arcane Masters" show and the description will be altered if you aren't a member of Arcane. 3x per day elemental targeting (425) pin worn, new style self charging, rub activated. 250m

    A rainbow quartz runestone. 5x per day new style self charging elemental barrier (430) raise activated. 120m

    23527 bloodscrip. 25m

    5x per day new style self charging uncurse rod, wave activated. Solve those pesky dauntless hearts all by yourself. 35m

    5x per day new style self charging thurfel's ward rod, wave activated. 20m

    A Wehnimer's Landing shop, "a canvas pavilion". Much easier to find than "shop" etc. Also includes a wall hanging image of Mt Aenatumgana that I'll include later. 30m

    Some ensigiled chain mail armor. 4x ASG changing chain armor. 15m

    An elegant maoral-hafted golvern handaxe: +25/+20 defender, player forged. 25m

    A folded canvas tent: auction quality tent, stays up and all that. Very handy for breaks while hunting in difficult to reach places: 30m

    If you meet me in Minneapolis/St Paul and put the cash in my hand, you get a $9 exchange rate and a free lunch. No items change hands till the coins/dollars have cleared my bank, (or in the case above, the briefcase of cash has changed hands). Other options may be possible; I'm always willing to listen.

    I'm slightly confused about the stringed axe. You raise it, and then after each attack the enchant increases?

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