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Thread: Is Trump Resigning?

  1. Default

    For once, I'm on Trump's side on this one. If anything, George Washington is worse than Lee. By all accounts, both North and South, Lee was a brilliantly minded military officer, bound by duty to his country, and respectful of both sides. He felt his country was Virginia, and declined command of the Northern forces to take a tertiary leadership position in the Confederate Army. He refused to loot and pillage the North during his invasion, first in Maryland, as he was hoping to garner a number of recruits for the army, which he did, and then in Pennsylvania, because his country was his country and he wasn't going to burn it, say like Sherman did to the South.

    George Washington, by contrast, took no salary, like...let's say...Trump, but then embezzled the shit out of the treasury to the tune of modern day MILLIONS in the costs of liquor alone, and by all accounts was a selfish, alcoholic asshole with anger issues. He was a good military strategist, as was Lee, but putting the two next to each other....I'd take Lee any day, based on historical accounts of character, accomplishment, and overall mindset.

    Edit: To clarify what I mean by Lee taking a tertiary leadership role, since someone's bound to mention it - Lee was given Generalship of the Citizen Army of Virginia to start with, but not command of the entirety of the Confederate forces. That didn't happen until about 2 years into the war, and it was mainly a political move giving Lee overall leadership because Jefferson Davis didn't trust P.T. Beauregard.
    Last edited by Stumplicker; 08-18-2017 at 09:40 AM.

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Stumplicker View Post
    For once, I'm on Trump's side on this one. If anything, George Washington is worse than Lee. By all accounts, both North and South, Lee was a brilliantly minded military officer, bound by duty to his country, and respectful of both sides. He felt his country was Virginia, and declined command of the Northern forces to take a tertiary leadership position in the Confederate Army. He refused to loot and pillage the North during his invasion, first in Maryland, as he was hoping to garner a number of recruits for the army, which he did, and then in Pennsylvania, because his country was his country and he wasn't going to burn it, say like Sherman did to the South.

    George Washington, by contrast, took no salary, like...let's say...Trump, but then embezzled the shit out of the treasury to the tune of modern day MILLIONS in the costs of liquor alone, and by all accounts was a selfish, alcoholic asshole with anger issues. He was a good military strategist, as was Lee, but putting the two next to each other....I'd take Lee any day, based on historical accounts of character, accomplishment, and overall mindset.

    Edit: To clarify what I mean by Lee taking a tertiary leadership role, since someone's bound to mention it - Lee was given Generalship of the Citizen Army of Virginia to start with, but not command of the entirety of the Confederate forces. That didn't happen until about 2 years into the war, and it was mainly a political move giving Lee overall leadership because Jefferson Davis didn't trust P.T. Beauregard.

    In your safe space forums, calling George Washington an asshole would hopefully get you banned.

  3. #43


    There may come a day we take down Washington or Jefferson. If we as a society decide to.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    including that Hillary did not appeal broadly enough, I suppose, but she was still more popular than Trump. You're conveniently forgetting that Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes and beat Trump 48% to 46%. The country as a whole absolutely preferred Hillary.
    Absolutely fucking no, the country as a whole did not prefer Hillary. The country as a whole found Hillary to be highly untrustworthy and her likability numbers are worse than Trumps STILL.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    Absolutely fucking no, the country as a whole did not prefer Hillary. The country as a whole found Hillary to be highly untrustworthy and her likability numbers are worse than Trumps STILL.
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

  6. #46


    I'm calling it here first. Trump resigns before Christmas this year!

  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.
    Listen, you've already established you practically never have a firm grip on reality. Hillary lost for a number of reasons. She lost to Trump. By the way how do you feel about the news that Hillary staff members and DNC operatives were meeting with Ukrainian officials to get dirt on Trump during the election? I mean libs are losing their shit over Trump colluding with Russia but never seem to mention Hillary colluding with foreign states as well.

  8. Default

    There are far more interesting numbers than that 3 million with the popular vote, like how many Democrats quit the D party because of the DNC rigging the primary. How many Democrats didn't vote because they couldn't stand Hillary. How many Democrats voted for Trump because they couldn't stand Hillary.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Gerrymandering won for Trump.
    I'd ask you to explain this.. but we both know you are incapable.. that you just heard that from another retarded liberal (oh, sorry Briarfox... I meant retarded in the same manner you meant "asshole".. in nothing but a loving, appreciative and group hug type of way....)

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Androidpk View Post
    There are far more interesting numbers than that 3 million with the popular vote, like how many Democrats quit the D party because of the DNC rigging the primary. How many Democrats didn't vote because they couldn't stand Hillary. How many Democrats voted for Trump because they couldn't stand Hillary.
    And how many Democrat voters are deceased, how many Democrat voters voted when more votes were cast that voters in the district and so on.
    I asked for neither your Opinion,
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