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Thread: Pets

  1. #31


    Black calico named Sinchilla. Nicknames: Sinchi, Sinch-belly, Whacko Nut Cat, Demon Spawn, The Sinchmeister. 5 years old, female. Favorite food: Sausage pizza, though she likes chewing on plastic bags (especially the red ones that the newspaper comes in) and cardboard boxes. Favorite treat: The catnip I grow in my garden for her every spring/summer.

  2. #32
    Merji Guest


    We have a zoo...

    I have
    Dawn-part chow, part everything else, my oldest friend. Very pretty
    Angel-Part chow, part everything else, looks like scooby doo, a pup from my oldest dog (she's 7 years old now)
    Cole-llaso Apsu(sp?)-cute indignate..and bossy, given to my daughter
    Rocko-Little tiny thing Chiweiner (everyone in the house loves him, I just don't know how I got talked into keeping him)

    Jaquar-very pretty kitty I saved, grey and black stripes(in fact all my kitties are rescues)
    Travis-Orange and white Tabby, very sweet but timid
    Patches-well he's black and patches

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    The Great Smokies


    I've got a Cur, a 1/2 chiuaua/pomeranian, 3 stupid cats, a snapping turtle, and shit load of fiddler crabs.

    We'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight! Hey!

  4. #34


    Got two pups.

    Callahan, Jack Russell Terrier, about 5 years old. He's a complete jerk but he's my best friend. Also my most successful training exercise. He knows sit, heel (which is big for a terrier), place, down, "Callahan, get up!" and "Callahan, help me!" at which point he'll attack the male nearest me.

    And Sparta, a Bernese Mountain Dog/Border Collie mix. This picture is a couple of months old. She's now around fifty pounds. She could eat Callahan in one bite but she's too easy going to do so, even if he is a total asshole.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina, USA


    Two cuties, Dextra!
    Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Carolina, USA


    Umm, Xyelin...neither of those dogs in the picture looks like a chihuahua/pomeranian mix. Oh, and does the darker brown one have a grass snake on his head, or is that my imagination running away with me?
    Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    7th Circle of Hell


    Back when I worked at Petsmart, at one time we had:

    37 gallon fishtank
    5 gallon fishtank
    one-legged finch
    finch with feathers missing from back of head
    one-eyed frog
    horned mountain dragon
    two dogs

    Yeah, I'd always take home the animal rejects at work, I'd feel so bad for them!

    Since then, the fishtanks have been dismantled, rabbit was given to a friend, birds were donated to an open aviary, and Frankie <sneef> died.

    So now we have two dogs, and the tortiose. I like exotics and Scott has allergies so no cats. . I'm trying to push for some sugar gliders or I'm going to reset up the 37 gallon tank. I think I've already posted pictures of my dogs, but they're at my myspace if you really want to see them.
    Last edited by Shari; 07-26-2006 at 07:15 PM.
    A friggin' huge war griffin says, "Dude, stop attacking me."
    A friggin' huge war griffin asks, "Srsly, wtf?"

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Olanan
    I have a dog named Herbie the Lovepug.

    He is awesome. He has more personality than any other dog in existance.

    He is too cute to exist.
    In honor of your dog, I'm glad to post a link to

    Pug bowling
    [11:16] Harmnone: Wezas, shut the fuck up
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobmuhthol
    My girlfriend plays World of Warcraft better than I do.
    Favorite myspace site:

  9. Default

    Dogs from when my Mom came and visited -- she brought he two white dogs. The porn star is a dog I found, Misty

    Toska, the lab, in her usual spot on the downstairs couch, and then the upstairs couch.
    Click the link above to see how much you owe the government.

    "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
    -Superracist, Joe Biden

    “If you don’t believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate for what they stand for, then you don’t believe in free speech.”
    -My favorite liberal

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    The Great Smokies


    Quote Originally Posted by HarmNone
    Umm, Xyelin...neither of those dogs in the picture looks like a chihuahua/pomeranian mix. Oh, and does the darker brown one have a grass snake on his head, or is that my imagination running away with me?

    Lol the buckskin on the left was my Pit that was killed a couple years ago and I have no idea where the green thing came from when scanning the photo. The one the right is my Cur Mick.

    Cur's are bred with several different breeds usually a mastiff and a hound and usually hunting dogs. Mick is a variant that my brother in Gainsville breeds specifically for hunting hog.. red nose pit and hound dog. Great dog and is very loyal and intelligent but extremely protective especially around my girls.

    I dug up some pics of the lil rat.

    We'll drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink, and drink and fight! Hey!

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