I'm sure someones already started this topic but what kind of pets does everyone have? I have a couple snakes and lizards nowadays, and dogs of course.
I'm sure someones already started this topic but what kind of pets does everyone have? I have a couple snakes and lizards nowadays, and dogs of course.
How are the dogs, Ben? I'll bet they've gotten big!
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Originally Posted by HarmNone
yeah ill try to get some pics tonight. i have to buy my current girlfriend a bengal cat this month for her birthday. luckily it will lvie at her house haha.
Oooh! Lucky her! Those are beautiful cats!
I'll look forward to seeing the pictures of the dogs, Ben. I can't remember the name of the little guy you posted pictures of before, but he was sooo cute!
Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.
Originally Posted by HarmNone
the blue is gunnar, the white and black is terror and the bulldog is trouble
I have two cats. Abby and Augie (yes, I have a cat with the same name as my GS character).
Augie's the orange one and Abby's the Calico. The two of them are hysterical together. I am definitely convinced cats are here mainly for our entertainment.
If I had balls, they'd be bigger than yours.
I have a dog named Herbie the Lovepug.
He is awesome. He has more personality than any other dog in existance.
He is too cute to exist.
For after all what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity,
all in relation to nothing
A central point between nothing and all and
Infinitely far from understanding either
Then even nothingness was not, nor existance.
There was no air then, nor the heavens beyond it
What covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping?
Was there then cosmic water, in depths unfathomed?
Hee! Thanks for reminding me, Ben! Gunnar is the one I remembered seeing in the picture and thinking he looked so mischievous. Terror, if I remember right, is beautifully marked. Trouble is just...well, pretty (but don't tell him I said so...).Originally Posted by Ben
Last edited by HarmNone; 07-26-2006 at 01:07 PM.
Pagans are resourceful. We sacrifice our idiots. List of candidates continuously updated.
Yeah, those pics are a little older when her ears were too big for her body. She was the runt of the litter when I got her at 6 weeks old and I had to fatten her up to let her even stand up to Augie.Originally Posted by TheEschaton
She's a lot more proportionate now. But she's still a little runt with a plastic bag fetish heehee. She loves chewin on them things.
If I had balls, they'd be bigger than yours.