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Thread: My journal

  1. Default

    Today I got woke up by my boy Tyrone from down the road bangin' on my window.

    Tyrone brought a bag of weed and some 40's.

    Today me and Tyrone smoked blunts and drank 40's on the porch.

    Today we didn't see the PO-lice.

    Today is a good day.

  2. #12


    Every time African American posts it reminds of one of Chris Rock's characters on SNL, Nat-X.

    Nat X: Peace, borthers and sisters! I'm Nat X, and welcome to "The Dark Side", the only fifteen-minute show on TV. Why only fifteen? 'Cause the Man would never give me an hour! Oh, the Man will give "Lame Ass" Rick Dees an hour, or the Man will give Bob Hope, a man so old he used to own slaves, an hour, vut he can only take me for fifteen minutes! I think we all know who the Man is I'm talking about. I'm talking about the same man that calls a black cat bad luck, and a white cat pussy. I'm talking about the same man that teaches us if you squeeze hard into a black piece of coal long enough, you can turn it into a white diamond! Which goes to show, if you put enough pressure on any brother, you can tuen him into Bryant Gumbel.
    Parkbandit: "I'm now Rush Limbaugh? I'm flattered actually"

    Daniel: "If you want I can ask my mom at the U of Chicago"

  3. Default

    I don't quite know what to make of AA's posts, gruesome car accident comes to mind...

  4. #14


    That post is again the TOS.

    I request it to be erased as it's the most racist thing ever seen on this thread.

    Originally posted by StrayRogue
    I\\'ll take a few mill off you if you are still selling.

  5. #15


    Originally posted by Xcalibur
    That post is again the TOS.

    I request it to be erased as it's the most racist thing ever seen on this thread.
    u2u an admin
    Parkbandit: "I'm now Rush Limbaugh? I'm flattered actually"

    Daniel: "If you want I can ask my mom at the U of Chicago"

  6. #16


    Already done.

    They're fast to close useless thread that aren't against the TOS.

    But they're slow editing things against the TOS.

    Originally posted by StrayRogue
    I\\'ll take a few mill off you if you are still selling.

  7. #17


    Originally posted by Xcalibur
    Already done.

    They're fast to close useless thread that aren't against the TOS.

    But they're slow editing things against the TOS.
    Patience is a virtue.
    Parkbandit: "I'm now Rush Limbaugh? I'm flattered actually"

    Daniel: "If you want I can ask my mom at the U of Chicago"

  8. #18


    No, no, I don't care about it, i'm not even black.

    I find it strange that I got around 5 posts and 2 threads removed (that weren't against the TOS)

    And that racist post isn't.

    Weird, but normal.

    Originally posted by StrayRogue
    I\\'ll take a few mill off you if you are still selling.

  9. Default

    Yo sup,

    Today I had chili dogs and some chicken wings for lunch yaknowhasayin? Was some good shit but it gave me the farts and now my house smells like rotten onions yaknowhasayin?

    And they was them red onions ya heard me? I ain't spendin no money on WHITE onions yaknokwhasayin?

  10. #20


    You're not really african american are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Artha View Post
    What do you even do when you max all your skills?

    I guess you try to detach yourself from your chair and sob openly, but aside from that.
    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalTears View Post
    Am I not allowed to use the plural, or do I have to have explicit examples for you? Christ. Go take your tightasshattery somewhere else. Good grief.

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