Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.
That's weird. Can you name one law or executive order Trump signed that mandated social distancing and outlawed gatherings with threat of arrest?
Because from what I remember only states and cities did that. But I would love to see you cite a single instance of Trump doing that.
I'm glad you brought this up because I was going to mention it in response to your posts about the extreme examples of people being arrested during the pandemic. Those rare instances happened in both red and blue states.
In my experience our republican governor called for and enforced a lockdown in our state. I have nothing but respect for him for how he handled everything but I would never vote for him because of his stances on taxes, education, and women's rights.
Good people were making decisions during a very stressful time doing what they thought was best for public safety. Thats all it was. Unfortunately there are people on the internet who want to stir up shit by flooding social media with lies and misinformation for nefarious purposes because it sure ain't helping anyone who's not running for office. Its a shame too because good people have been and still are being hurt by all the anonymous BS.
My point being that it was not some big Democratic Party conspiracy.
Last edited by Methais; 03-11-2025 at 06:19 PM.