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I almost (almost) feel bad for Democrats this time around. They seem so defeated.
Remember in 2017 they were assaulting Republicans openly in the streets, rioting, burning cars, and looting. You had Maxine Waters screaming at Democrats to attack Trump and his administration whenever they were in public. You had Democrats canceling anyone who dared to openly push back against their insanity. They had all major social media companies silence anyone they didn't like. MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the lunatic left-wing media were growing their viewership each time they basically said "Fuck Donald Trump!" on air. They felt embolden to go onto ANY space to express their disgust of Trump and Republicans and the people in charge were too afraid to stop them.
Now what is the left doing this time around? Apparently having some social media "expert" craft dumb speeches for them to repeat on social media and everyone just laughs at them. No one is taking their threats of canceling seriously this time. Many places are telling them to knock their stupid shit off (even the official GS Discord put a stop to their dumb shit within just a few hours of them starting it up this time around.) MSNBC and CNN aren't just bleeding viewers this time, they are firing their hosts left and right.
2017 it seemed like they felt powerful in the face of defeat.
2025 they just look defeated.