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Thread: DOGE Spending Cuts

  1. #111
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Jesus Christ dude, get a grip.

    In my area gas is cheaper and food has not gotten anymore expensive, at least not by a noticeable amount, and honestly I'm perfectly happy with that.

    Do you live in California or NY or something? If so blame the politicians you voted into office for why gas and food prices are still skyrocketing.
    With the amount of federal employees he claims are around him, he is in DC, North Virginia, Maryland or Kansas City MO.
    I asked for neither your Opinion,
    your Acceptance
    nor your Permission.

    "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
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  2. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    With the amount of federal employees he claims are around him, he is in DC, North Virginia, Maryland or Kansas City MO.
    Honestly, any area with a larger military base is going to have a lot of federal employees.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  3. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Jesus Christ dude, get a grip.

    In my area gas is cheaper and food has not gotten anymore expensive, at least not by a noticeable amount, and honestly I'm perfectly happy with that.

    Do you live in California or NY or something? If so blame the politicians you voted into office for why gas and food prices are still skyrocketing.
    Last I remember he lives/lived in New York.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  4. #114


    Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager. Please do not send any classified information, links, or attachments.
    DOGE sent the above demand to federal employees on Saturday, February 22. Musk says that any federal employees who to not submit the requested information will be deemed to have resigned. Can you figure out what week it is asking about? Is it asking about the week ending Saturday, Feb. 15, or about the week ending Saturday, Feb. 22?

    And do you understand the prohibition in the second sentence? Does it prohibit including classified information, classified links and classified attachments? Or does it prohibit all links, all attachments and classified information?

    You'd think Musk would be less careless in his writing, especially when the livelihoods of federal employees are at stake.

  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClydeR View Post
    DOGE sent the above demand to federal employees on Saturday, February 22. Musk says that any federal employees who to not submit the requested information will be deemed to have resigned. Can you figure out what week it is asking about? Is it asking about the week ending Saturday, Feb. 15, or about the week ending Saturday, Feb. 22?

    And do you understand the prohibition in the second sentence? Does it prohibit including classified information, classified links and classified attachments? Or does it prohibit all links, all attachments and classified information?

    You'd think Musk would be less careless in his writing, especially when the livelihoods of federal employees are at stake.
    If you were a federal employee, you definitely would fail the DOGE assignment & be fired for obvious retardation.

  6. #116


    What do you guys expect to see from these actions? An actual check of some kind? Lower prices on goods/services? Lower interest rates? Lower home/car prices? Serious question.

  7. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    What do you guys expect to see from these actions? An actual check of some kind? Lower prices on goods/services? Lower interest rates? Lower home/car prices? Serious question.
    Check? No.
    Lower prices? No, hopefully slower inflation increases though.
    Lower interest rates? Possible.
    Lower home/car prices? Doubtful, but again hopefully home and car prices won't increase by as much as they have been under Biden.

    Honest question for YOU: do you really think there is nothing wrong with the government spending seemingly as much money as it wants? I mean why stop at 36 trillion dollars in debt or whatever we are up to? Why not spend 36 trillion dollars EVERY YEAR?

    The fact that literally no country in the world has ever done something like this (other than countries whose economies totally went to shit and they suffered hyperinflation) should be proof enough that there is indeed a problem when a government just basically prints money. It is completely unsustainable without fucking over every citizen, in the case of the US it would most likely fuck over most of the world if the US economy crashed and the US dollar became worthless. Why do you hate the world so much?
    Last edited by Tgo01; 02-24-2025 at 07:44 AM.

  8. #118


    What a pleasant surprise to have you actually engage in discussion this morning. Serious!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Honest question for YOU: do you really think there is nothing wrong with the government spending seemingly as much money as it wants? I mean why stop at 36 trillion dollars in debt or whatever we are up to? Why not spend 36 trillion dollars EVERY YEAR?
    I don't think you'd find any American who would not be for making government more efficient so we had less taxes and better services. Having a billionaire tear down the longest running, most successful, and prosperous government in world history is reckless at best and deliberate at worst.

    Every administration changes staff but there are ways to do it that are fair without putting our country and its citizens at risk. All the people being fired/asked to resign are citizens with families they have to support just like everyone else. All the agencies and departments are there to serve the American people so when those go away we are less served by our tax dollars/government.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    The fact that literally no country in the world has ever done something like this (other than countries whose economies totally went to shit and they suffered hyperinflation) should be proof enough that there is indeed a problem when a government just basically prints money. It is completely unsustainable without fucking over every citizen, in the case of the US it would most likely fuck over most of the world if the US economy crashed and the US dollar became worthless. Why do you hate the world so much?
    So you see this hack and slash as saving ourselves and the rest of the world from a big market crash? Crashes happen. We navigate them. What did we learn from the pandemic of 2020? We are capable of propping up the economy when we need to without hurting one little hair on a billionaire in the process. In fact, everyone came out of that even richer. I'm not buying the economic doom and gloom scare tactics.

    I really don't think all these cuts are for "we the people".

  9. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    So you see this hack and slash as saving ourselves and the rest of the world from a big market crash? Crashes happen. We navigate them. What did we learn from the pandemic of 2020? We are capable of propping up the economy when we need to without hurting one little hair on a billionaire in the process. In fact, everyone came out of that even richer. I'm not buying the economic doom and gloom scare tactics.

    I really don't think all these cuts are for "we the people".
    You make it super obvious that you have no stock or retirement (401k / IRA) investments of any kind.

    In the Great Recession, the stock market fell by roughly 50% from 2007 - 2009. Millions of people lost their jobs, their homes, and all of their assets. It took many years to recover. 2020 was a self inflicted wound, but many people also suffered. The average Joe is way worse off today than they were prior to the pandemic due to inflation over wage growth. The rich who rode the waves of recovery growth in the stock market did make a lot of money (as they always do).

    For you to suggest that it’s no big deal when we have a serious downturn in our economy & that the government can just borrow our way out of any mess without hardship to the working & middle class is just pure ignorance.
    Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 02-24-2025 at 11:23 AM.

  10. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    You make it super obvious that you have no stock or retirement (401k / IRA) investments of any kind.
    Selling the American people on 401K for their retirement is an entire other issue. I never thought that putting pensions into the pockets of corporations was a sound retirement plan for the fact that the corporations benefit from all that hard earned employee capitol and because there is risk in the market.

    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    In the Great Recession, the stock market fell by roughly 50% from 2007 - 2009. Millions of people lost their jobs, their homes, and all of their assets. It took many years to recover. 2020 was a self inflicted wound, but many people also suffered. The average Joe is way worse off today than they were prior to the pandemic due to inflation over wage growth. The rich who rode the waves of recovery growth in the stock market did make a lot of money (as they always do).
    Lets be real though... there was a pandemic. 1.1 million Americans and over 7 million people died world wide. We can second guess ourselves but we did the best with what we knew at the time. Measures were taken for safety not some diabolical scheme of political punishment. I think less Americans might have died if there was less misinformation being thrown around at the time.

    And yep. After the pandemic the rich came out ahead (as they always do) and we got stuck with higher prices for everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    For you to suggest that it’s no big deal when we have a serious downturn in our economy & that the government can just borrow our way out of any mess without hardship to the working & middle class is just pure ignorance.
    I'm suggesting this: If there is a financial crisis of any kind that is one of the things our government is here to protect US from. I mean citizens and corporations. Its up to the government to come up with a solution. I do not think that cutting services to all Americans should be the solution when corporations and billionaires are taking in record profits. In fact I see it as the corporations and billionaires taking in record profits are the real cause of any economic problems of the average American.

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