Wondering how well hand crossbows work at cap? Their DF is super low so I assume hunting non-corp undead is tedious?
Wondering how well hand crossbows work at cap? Their DF is super low so I assume hunting non-corp undead is tedious?
~ Peppwyn
Absolutely. I made it work fantastically as a rogue using a hand crossbow and shield. However, if you don’t have an extreme AS, it will suck 100%. I had 10x, T3 briars, all the spells, scroll portfolio, maxed 425, zelnorn, maxed out bard slave, maxed every enhancive, etc. Was super fun, and very effective, but very expensive.
"Wait...you complain how your life sucks to your masseuse?"
One time I farted on the set of Blue Lagoon...<slap>