This game is amazing. Prepare to lose track of time as you trade your real world cares in for your video game cares.
This game is amazing. Prepare to lose track of time as you trade your real world cares in for your video game cares.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Here are some of the glowing comments about the game!!
Got beat up in the Tavern...then got beat up by a guy named Tomcat in a duel(multiple times)... After admitting defeat to Tomcat I ventured off. Tried to pet a dog and that also beat me up.
I played for 6 hours up to now.
All I managed was to get beaten in a tavern, publicly shamed, made two shitty horse shoes at a forge and walked 1h between two village, where I was mugged and lost the money of the horse shoes.
I am now naked, sleep deprieved, hungry and still poor... I am having the time of my life!
Yop, I was hungry, so I ate some apples before going to bed to save previous 2 hours progress. The time skip window told me that my health will be going down and not up and that I’ll be dead before morning, that’s when I realized that the apples I ate were spoiled. So I had to run to Troskovitz in the middle of the night and fight for my life at the alchemy bench and brew a marigold decoction (I didn’t have a recipe for an antidote) while my screen was getting gradually redder and redder. I was lucky to brew a strong one so the healing was faster then poisoning. I Had like 2 HP before I drank the decoction. Best game ever
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Looks like a pretty awesome game. I might get it.