Oh ok, so the answer is that you seriously are that fucking stupid, just as everyone already knew. Good job trying to project that because you're literally too fucking stupid to read or understand anything and still don't understand how forums work after all these years. Too bad you failed at it just like you fail at literally everything else in your miserable life that's centered around sucking on strange cocks for a living.
"gUyS i CaNt FiGuRe OuT hOw QuOtEs WoRk BuT iTs EvErYoNe ElSe ThAtS sTuPid!!!!!!! iM aLsO tOtAlLy NoT mAcGuYvEr!!!!!"
This is 1 of roughly 9947248204 reasons why everyone thinks you're a massively retarded piece of dog shit who just gets laughed at and made fun of 24/7 over how retarded and full of shit you are while you're like "i ToTaLlY dUnKeD oN yOu!!!!!" after you post rage cringe. Good job making Seran seem smart by comparison.
Thanks for doubling down on how fucking stupid you are lmfao project some more, you retarded low IQ dick drinker with the attention span worse than that of a goldfish.
Fun fact: Sucking cock for money like you do doesn't make you not an incel, no matter how hard you wish it were the case. But keep projecting, watching you project your self loathing everywhere is never not hilarious.
Fucking dumbass
go suck some more strange cocks. Hit a treadmill too, fucking loser.