I asked for neither your Opinion,
your Acceptance
nor your Permission.
"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri 3
"It took 2000 mules to install one Jackass." Diamond and Silk Watch the Movie
You know what time4fun got wrong? Besides the entire post? Mike Pence is a closet fag.
They’re eating the babies!
Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 10-31-2024 at 09:25 PM.
What the actual fuck is a grown man, the President no less, putting his mouth on another persons child for... fucking disgusting.
Last edited by Shaps; 11-02-2024 at 08:57 PM.
Trump: I'm going to protect women whether the women want me to or not.
Harris: That's sexist! Women have agency and have the ability to make decisions about their own lives and their bodies!
The fuck? So Trump saying as president he wants to protect women from getting raped (which is literally what he was referring to) and dipshit Kamala says that's bad because women should be able to "make decisions about their own bodies" about whether or not they want to be raped?
Somehow Harris has started to sound even dumber than Seran, and that in itself is quite the accomplishment.
Selzer has Harris up 3 in Iowa lol
Bovada had Harris +170 4 days ago and now it’s +110
This is gonna be glorious. Landslide victory for Harris.
I can’t tell who is dumber: Seran for believing the media lies that Trump called for Liz Cheney to be executed via firing squad, or Shaft who believed the media lies that Harris is going to outperform Biden in Iowa by over 12 points.