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Thread: 10x Animalistic Katar Set (One 9x, poured to 10x) T5/S6 & T4/S5

  1. Default 10x Animalistic Katar Set (One 9x, poured to 10x) T5/S6 & T4/S5

    I'm selling my set of Animalistic Katars. Honestly, I haven't gotten a solid answer on their value, so here's how these are priced. If it's wrong for some reason, let me know:

    175k Bloodscrip price each to create at +20, enchantable to +50. 30k for uncommon flare on one katar.

    1000/Bloodscrip = 1 million silvers.

    1 million silvers = $2.30

    175k Bloodscrip + 30k = (175 million silvers * 2.30) + (30k *2.30) = $402.50 + $471.50 (Katar with flare change)

    Katars have been enchanted to +50 and +40 since then. Additionally, one katar is T4/S5, and the other is T5/S6.

    ASKING PRICE: $750 for the set. This represents the Bloodscrip cost. All enchants, ensorcells, and sanctification are offered for free. Details on the weapons are below.
    I will also accept silvers bids at $2.20/million.
    Don't like the price? Make me an offer. Like I said, I haven't gotten a solid answer. I'm in best guess territory.

    Basics are here, details below:

    Both Katars are fully unlocked minus savage power because I hate pushing buttons.

    a razor-sharp vultite slasher etched with hedgehogs: +50, T4/S5, Blue Hedgehogs, disintegrate flares
    a razor-sharp vultite slasher etched with penguins: +40 (unlocked to +50), T5/S6, grapple flares, green penguins


    As you recall Venatrix's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the vultite slasher in your hand, and you learn something about it...

    It imparts a bonus of +50 more than usual.
    It appears to weigh about 2 pounds.
    It is estimated to be worth about 660,100,000 silvers.
    It is predominantly crafted of vultite.
    It has been ensorcelled 4 times.
    It has been sanctified 5 times.
    It may be enchanted up to a bonus of 50 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Flonkerton.
    It is a sophisticated project (756 difficulty) for an adventurer to modify.
    It has some unknown (scripted) benefit.
    It has a permanently unlocked loresong by Venatrix.

    It imparts a bonus of +40 more than usual.
    It appears to weigh about 2 pounds.
    It is estimated to be worth about 143,100,000 silvers.
    It is predominantly crafted of vultite.
    It has been ensorcelled 5 times.
    It has been sanctified 5 times. It has permanent Holy Fire flares.
    It has been bound to Wonkus via Weapon Bonding.
    It may be enchanted up to a bonus of 50 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Telsir.
    It is a sophisticated project (760 difficulty) for an adventurer to modify.
    It has some unknown (scripted) benefit.
    It has a permanently unlocked loresong by Venatrix.

    You analyze the vultite slasher and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
    ---- Animalistic Spirit Weapons ----
    =General Script Information=
    This is a weapon with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.
    The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing it against like-level foes (successful hits), as well as successful parries (melee/runestaves) or evades (UCS/ranged) from like-level foes during combat.
    If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.
    Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.
    When striking, there is a chance the spirit will unleash Animalistic Fury flares.
    =Alteration Guidelines=
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this weapon are fine.
    * Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.
    NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.
    As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.
    * Animalistic Fury Flares (Tier 4 of 4)
    The spirit within lashes out with a stampede. (Damage Type: Disintegrate)
    Flares are currently: ON [RUB to toggle]
    * Revenge Flares = Unlocked
    On a successful parry (melee/runestaves) or evade (UCS/ranged), there is a chance to unleash Animalistic Fury flares. You must be in a forward or greater stance and be an active combatant in combat for the spirit to react.
    NOTE: Power of this ability is tied to the Flare tier.
    * Wild Backlash = Unlocked
    When Animalistic Fury flares hit, the spirit within lashes out with its untamed anger, causing a momentary reduction in the target's DS and TD.
    NOTE: Power of this ability is tied to the Flare tier.
    * Savage Power = Locked
    Once an hour, draw on the power of the spirit within your weapon for an increase in AS, CS and critical padding by CLENCHING the slasher.
    * Flavor Actions (Tier 2 of 3)
    At this tier, this weapon captures the following: GET, DROP, RUB (Flares On/Off), WHISTLE, TURN (targeted/untargeted), RAISE, POINT (targeted/untargeted), CLEAN.
    * Tameness/Affinity
    Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.
    Only one person can have allegiance to this weapon's spirit at a time.
    The feeling of this spirit toward you is tame (Level 12 of 12).
    NOTE: To fully tame this weapon, you must damage like-level creatures with it or successfully parrying (melee/runestaff) or evading (UCS/ranged) attacks from a like-level foe while in active combat.
    =Current Settings=
    * Spirit: hedgehog (Type: Armored)
    Available nouns for this type are: armadillo, pangolin, hedgehog, porcupine, echidna.
    * Spirit Descriptor: pudgy
    * Spirit Color: sapphire blue
    * Spirit Call: snort
    * Spirit Group: band

    You can tell that the slasher is as light as it can get.

    You analyze the vultite slasher and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
    ---- Animalistic Spirit Weapons ----
    =General Script Information=
    This is a weapon with the spirit of an animal trapped within it.
    The spirit is wild and must be tamed by unleashing it against like-level foes (successful hits), as well as successful parries (melee/runestaves) or evades (UCS/ranged) from like-level foes during combat.
    If not fully tame, the spirit within can backlash upon the owner.
    Allegiance can be changed, but the new owner must work off the trust gained by the previous owner.
    When striking, there is a chance the spirit will unleash Animalistic Fury flares.
    =Alteration Guidelines=
    * Alterations to the 15/15/15, long and show of this weapon are fine.
    * Some merchants can change the spirit color, spirit call, spirit group, or how the spirit looks.
    NOTE: You cannot change the general type of animal, such as changing a large feline to be a canine, except using certificates.
    As well, each spirit type only has certain pre-approved nouns allowed.
    * Animalistic Fury Flares (Tier 4 of 4)
    The spirit within lashes out with a stampede. (Damage Type: Grapple)
    Flares are currently: ON [RUB to toggle]
    * Revenge Flares = Unlocked
    On a successful parry (melee/runestaves) or evade (UCS/ranged), there is a chance to unleash Animalistic Fury flares. You must be in a forward or greater stance and be an active combatant in combat for the spirit to react.
    NOTE: Power of this ability is tied to the Flare tier.
    * Wild Backlash = Unlocked
    When Animalistic Fury flares hit, the spirit within lashes out with its untamed anger, causing a momentary reduction in the target's DS and TD.
    NOTE: Power of this ability is tied to the Flare tier.
    * Savage Power = Locked
    Once an hour, draw on the power of the spirit within your weapon for an increase in AS, CS and critical padding by CLENCHING the slasher.
    * Flavor Actions (Tier 3 of 3)
    At this tier, this weapon captures the following: GET, DROP, RUB (Flares On/Off), WHISTLE, TURN (targeted/untargeted), RAISE, POINT (targeted/untargeted), CLEAN, PRAY, BOW (targeted/untargeted), EXHALE, WAVE (targeted/untargeted).
    * Tameness/Affinity
    Tame the spirit to prevent it enacting its rage upon you.
    Only one person can have allegiance to this weapon's spirit at a time.
    The feeling of this spirit toward you is tame (Level 12 of 12).
    NOTE: To fully tame this weapon, you must damage like-level creatures with it or successfully parrying (melee/runestaff) or evading (UCS/ranged) attacks from a like-level foe while in active combat.
    =Current Settings=
    * Spirit: penguin (Type: Avian (Aquatic))
    Available nouns for this type are: penguin, emperor penguin, rockhopper penguin, puffin, auk.
    * Spirit Descriptor: pudgy
    * Spirit Color: emerald green
    * Spirit Call: squawk
    * Spirit Group: flock
    Last edited by Frimpleton; 10-24-2024 at 10:00 AM.

  2. Default

    Can't see anyone investing in these since they are not perfect and animal script add price was reduced to 50k

  3. Default

    Yes, they seem clearly valueless now that it only costs $250 to add them to different 10x S6/T5 weapons.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Frimpleton View Post
    Yes, they seem clearly valueless now that it only costs $250 to add them to different 10x S6/T5 weapons.
    How much does it cost to add perfect forging to these?

  5. Default

    I have no idea and I don't really care. They're not perfect weapons.

  6. Default

    Price lowered $100.

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