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Thread: Official ;tpick changes and discussion

  1. Default

    I usually have the messages suppressed - I was fried when it didn't loresing. I waited until I wasn't fried and now it loresings.

    Turns out I had use Vaalin when fried checked and that must override the loresinging setting. I unchecked and now it loresings when fried too. Thanks for looking into it.

  2. #312


    Quote Originally Posted by ButterBacon View Post
    I usually have the messages suppressed - I was fried when it didn't loresing. I waited until I wasn't fried and now it loresings.

    Turns out I had use Vaalin when fried checked and that must override the loresinging setting. I unchecked and now it loresings when fried too. Thanks for looking into it.
    Woot woot!

  3. Default

    Maybe I'm misinterpreting how the settings work? It's attempting to open this box even though the adjusted Lock difficulty is showing as higher than the calculated lock skill.

    It looks like it also had a problem turning the box in and reattempted the same one from the beginning.

    You sense the item has some sort of magic resistance. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the trunk is as a container of some kind with a maximum interior capacity of 200 pounds with room for up to nine items. It has an intricate lock on it (between -800 and -835 in thief-lingo difficulty ranking).
    Roundtime: 6 sec.

    You have lock buffer set to 50, going to assume this lock is +50 higher at -885
    [tpick]>speak common
    You are now speaking Common.

    Recommended lock pick: Vaalin with a modifier of 2.5
    Recommend 403: Yes
    Your calculated lockpicking skill: 231
    Your calculated lockpicking lore: 119
    Your total picking skill for this attempt is: 875
    Lock difficulty: 885
    [tpick]>get #243832683
    You remove a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick from in your locksmith's pouch.

    Attempting to pick lock.
    [tpick]>pick #245998543
    You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
    You make a miserable attempt (d100=11).
    You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
    Roundtime: 20 sec.

    You rolled: 11, your Vaalin Lock Roll setting: 60. Trying same pick again

    Attempting to pick lock.
    [tpick]>pick #245998543
    You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
    You make a competent attempt (d100=64).
    You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
    Roundtime: 20 sec.

    You rolled: 64, your Vaalin Lock Roll setting: 60. You are already using 403. According to your Vaalin Lock Roll setting you should stop trying to use lockpicks.

    [tpick]>put #243832683 in #243832682
    You put a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick in your locksmith's pouch.

    I can't use 407 on this box because it has a glyph trap.

    Couldn't open this box.
    [tpick]>ask #69423 to check
    Starling Swiftwhistle says, "You should finish the trunk first. If you want to give up, ASK me to CHECK it again within 30 seconds."
    [tpick]>ask #69423 for job
    Starling Swiftwhistle says, "You should finish the job you're working on first. If you're done, ask me to CHECK it for you."
    [tpick]>look on #-514028
    On the trestle table you see an enruned Larston's trunk.

    Found your box/plinite!
    Name: trunk, ID: 245998543, tip: , Critter name: decaying Citadel guardsman, Critter level: 60

    Attempting to disarm trap.
    [tpick]>incant 404
    You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Disarm Enhancement spell...
    Your spell is ready.
    You gesture.
    You become calm and focused.
    Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

    According to your settings you want to stop 404 when it's not needed to disarm a trap.
    [tpick]>stop 404
    With a moment's concentration, you terminate the Disarm Enhancement spell.
    The focused look leaves you.
    [tpick]>disarm #245998543
    You carefully begin to examine an enruned Larston's trunk for traps...

    You notice some spiderweb-like scratches on the lock plate which seem, after some bit of scrutiny, too organized to be just wear and tear -- it might be some type of glyph spell, but some of the markings have been altered. This may prevent any magical nature they have from manifesting itself.

    Glyph trap has already been disarmed.

    Loresinging to box to find out lock difficulty.
    [tpick]>speak bard
    You are now speaking Guildspeak.
    [tpick]>loresing ::Larston trunk on table:: trunk that looks like a clock;What's the purpose of your lock?
    You sing in Guildspeak to an enruned Larston's trunk:

    "Trunk that looks like a clock
    What's the purpose of your lock?"

    Your music surrounds the trunk, but it simply resonates with what you previously learned.
    >;pause tpick
    --- Lich: tpick paused.

  4. Default

    > Maybe I'm misinterpreting how the settings work? It's attempting to open this box even though the adjusted Lock difficulty is showing as higher than the calculated lock skill.

    I don't think that's a bug anymore - I think it's because I had max roll with Vaalin at 60 and max roll in general at 50 and there was only 10 difference that accounted for it.

    I think it still displayed lock calc with the general setting, but used the Vaalin one to proceed. I set the Vaalin roll to 50 to match - so it should turn down the -800 and -835 range now. I'll post again if it doesn't.

  5. Default

    Update: it did attempt to pick the next -800 to -835 range box.

    Maybe I'm just misinterpreting how it's supposed to work. I'm thinking the reroll setting probably comes into play after the 1st attempt and with a roll higher, and it's the max lock setting that's being used.

    I adjusted by setting the max lock setting to 800 directly instead of using a negative there. That should do it. Thanks for looking.
    Last edited by ButterBacon; 08-04-2024 at 02:40 PM.

  6. #316


    Does it matter that I have several settings that show up as red no matter what I set them to? The script seems to be running fine, I guess I am just weird about seeing stuff in red.

    Actually it seems it was not running fine, for some reason it did not import the setting to use lmaster focus and it broke 4 vaalin picks before I caught it, good thing it is only monopoly money.
    Last edited by kutter; 08-04-2024 at 03:26 PM.

  7. #317


    Quote Originally Posted by ButterBacon View Post
    Update: it did attempt to pick the next -800 to -835 range box.

    Maybe I'm just misinterpreting how it's supposed to work. I'm thinking the reroll setting probably comes into play after the 1st attempt and with a roll higher, and it's the max lock setting that's being used.

    I adjusted by setting the max lock setting to 800 directly instead of using a negative there. That should do it. Thanks for looking.
    The lock roll setting just determines when you move to a higher lock pick. If you have it set to 50 for example, and you roll a 60 (which is higher than 50), then the script will move on to a higher lock pick.

    If you want to turn down boxes based on lock difficulty you should use the Max Lock setting.

  8. #318


    Quote Originally Posted by kutter View Post
    Does it matter that I have several settings that show up as red no matter what I set them to? The script seems to be running fine, I guess I am just weird about seeing stuff in red.

    Actually it seems it was not running fine, for some reason it did not import the setting to use lmaster focus and it broke 4 vaalin picks before I caught it, good thing it is only monopoly money.
    Red settings just mean those settings have to be filled out for the script to work properly. They are always in red.

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