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Thread: a dusk blue tome - T5 Thaumaturge Tome

  1. #1

    Default a dusk blue tome - T5 Thaumaturge Tome

    Hi all. This was a legendary find. There are four of these tomes with this level of unlock in existence. Two at the great auction for roughly 1b silvers per and then two found in the legendary treasure drops.

    I am going to keep this open for a few days so that people have a chance to see that it is available. I'd like BS for it.
    MB: 250k BS.

    CB: 350k BS Greng SOLD

    BuyOut: 1,000,000 Bloodscrip

    Additional info:
    You raise your blue tome before you, walking forward as you stare at the writing on its pages. Larger and larger the writing seems to loom in your vision as a stiff wind smelling of preservatives and old paper consumes you. There is a rustle of parchment all around you, the dry susurrus becoming all that you can hear. And then there is silence. You look around and see that your surroundings have changed.
    [11:11 AM]
    [The Library, Altheren's Study - ] (u12100101)
    The small chamber is gently illuminated by the strange stormlight filtering through wide hexagonal windows of leaded glass that look out upon an alien plateau. Along the walls, shelves hold old books that season the air with the the tang of old leather, the bite of preservatives, and the dry undercurrent of aged parchment. Silhouetted against the windows' illumination, a writing desk stands, replete with quills and ink.
    [11:13 AM]
    You open your soul to the lesser spirits in the room in an attempt to find a Minor Sanctuary. Nothing stands out to you.

    Utilizing your familiarity with the divine, you sense no prevalent spiritual influence in the room.
    [11:13 AM]
    Be at peace my child, there is no need for spells of war in here.
    [11:16 AM]
    I'll add, that I was able to take 9 people inside. Not sure on an upper limit.
    Last edited by Altheren; 07-13-2024 at 10:15 PM.

  2. #2


    Alright then. Greng 250k Going once!

  3. #3


    Greng going twice!

  4. #4


    going twice again!

  5. #5


    Greng bid 350k on Discord. Updated

  6. #6


    updated Going twice again

  7. #7


    Third and Sold

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