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Thread: What Democrats Should Do

  1. #1

    Thumbs up What Democrats Should Do

    Here's what needs to happen. It's so obvious that I wonder why I am the only one who can see it.

    1. Biden should cancel his upcoming interview with George Stephanopoulos and announce that he will deliver a national address next week. The anticipation and speculation will drive the ratings to record levels.

    2. In the address, he should explain that he believed he could continue to serve but his age is affecting him more than he thought it would. He can reminisce about the successes he's had a President. He can announce that he is withdrawing from the presidential race immediately and that he will resign from the presidency on a certain date in the near future, perhaps August 1. That very human confession will instantly endear him to millions of Americans. People will be able to relate to it. He'll be the second coming of George Washington. His approval rating will skyrocket. Some of his increased approval will redound to the candidate who succeeds him.

    3. Party leaders will quickly coalesce around Harris as the nominee. She's about to become President, after all.

    4. Harris will be sworn in as President at the beginning of August. Americans always give a new President a honeymoon period.

    Aging is not a sin. It's not a failure. Even after Biden's poor debate performance, the latest poll shows him tied with Trump. Voters are eager -- fervently yearning -- for an alternative to Trump. The plan outlined above will give Harris a very, very good chance of winning. The plan requires Biden to have the self-awareness to realize that he cannot serve another four years. But he can still perform a noble service for his country.

    Nothing could go wrong. Just one small flaw. Hardly worth mentioning. Smaller than a thermal exhaust port on a death star. But you have to tend to details. It's the matter of Hunter Biden. President Biden said he will not pardon his son. Instead, he intends to commute his son's prison sentence if Hunter is sentenced to jail following his gun conviction or his upcoming trail for filing his tax return late. I'm not sure if a President can commute a sentence in advance. He could pardon in advance, but he has said he will not do that. He certainly cannot, under any circumstance, make a deal with Harris to use her powers as President to grant clemency. President Biden has to find a way to do it himself before he leaves office. That is the issue that people who want Biden to drop out should be considering. It's what could hold Biden back from doing what is needed.
    There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.

  2. #2


    There is only one GIANT flaw in your plan. Jill Biden.

    She is not ready to not be first lady any more, and Joe be damned.

  3. #3


    Friendly reminder to direct replies to the special thread created just for ClydeRetard's 97427826394 new attention whore threads because his parents got denied when asking if they could retractively abort him because he won't move out of their house:
    Discord: 3PiecesOfToast
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  4. #4


    I watched Stephanopoulos interview Biden. Not terrible. Not great. My plan remains the surest path to defeat Trump.

    Biden says he's been talking with many party leaders, all of whom tell him he is awesome and should stay in the race. It's hard to speak truth to power. Party leaders should stop being fawners.

    Full interview at

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