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Thread: Sanctification Service

  1. #1

    Default Sanctification Service

    Two capped clerics (both can do S6):

    Note: If you're interested in an S6 (holy fire), please make a reservation, otherwise I will be trying to sell before reaching 200k devotion!

    Cleric #1
    Bonus: 761 (894 with 2 fixskills or 8m silvers)
    Price: 4m/week (BS/$$ rates negotiable)
    Current status: Reserved
    Suffusion available: 1
    Lumnis Starts: Thursday

    Cleric #2
    Bonus: 889
    Price: 5.5m/week (BS/$$ rates negotiable)
    Current status: 125k Available (up to S4)
    Suffusion Available: 5
    Lumnis Starts: Thursday

    Reservations available! <---------------

    Sanctify Info:
    Click here for the GSWiki page.

    Sanctify costs by tier:
    S1 = 50k devotion
    S2 = 75k devotion
    S3 = 100k devotion
    S4 = 125k devotion
    S5 = 150k devotion

    A cleric may earn a maximum of 50,000 devotion per week.

    I also have ensorcelling & enchanting services available!

    Feel free to contact me on Discord for the fastest response: jeffee83#9612
    Last edited by Tsalin; 06-30-2024 at 08:11 AM.

  2. #2


    able to do Holy Fire (S6)?

  3. #3


    Discord: jeffee83 | In-game: message Zugzugg

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