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Thread: Steve Bannon

  1. #1

    Unhappy Steve Bannon

    Steve Bannon, White House Chief Strategist during a few months of Trump's first year in office, was ordered to report to jail on July 1, 2024. He was convicted in July of 2022 of contempt of Congress and has been appealing that conviction ever since.

    More interestingly, Bannon has a criminal trial scheduled in New York in September. The September trial relates to fundraising Bannon did in 2018 through 2020 to raise money to build the wall along the Mexican border. He was investigated by Trump's DOJ, which charged him and three others with staling the money. Shortly before midnight on January 19, 2021, the day before Biden's inauguration, Trump pardoned Bannon prior to his trial. The State of New York continued the work begun by Trump's DOJ. These are serious charges likely to carry significant jail time if he is convicted.

    I will be interested in hearing the evidence to find out how much, if any, of the money went to Trump's businesses.

    Bannon claimed the charges were politically motivated, and—invoking a common right-wing conspiracy theory—somehow linked the charges to financier George Soros.[312] Bannon said that he and Trump would not "stop fighting" and "they will have to kill me first".[312] He surrendered to authorities on September 8.[311]

    Trump did not pardon the other people whom the DOJ charged along with Bannon. Those others were convicted in federal courts.
    They took the credit for your second symphony
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  2. #2
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    Nov 2010
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    So, with contempt of Congress, this means Hillary can be prosecuted for contempt and perjury to Congress, right?
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  3. Default

    Manufactured crimes. Same as all the rest. The Southern District of the State of New York is the modern day King George.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    So, with contempt of Congress, this means Hillary can be prosecuted for contempt and perjury to Congress, right?
    Bannon, like Peter Navarro, refused to respond to a subpoena from Congress. When you get a subpoena from Congress, you have to show up. If you want to claim executive privilege or the Fifth Amendment, you have to do it in person, suffering the humiliation of repeating over and over that you are invoking privilege. When someone just ignores a subpoena -- or in this case brags in public that they are ignoring it -- then it is exceedingly easy for a prosecutor to prove that a crime was committed. Perjury? That's a much harder crime to prove.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Furryrat View Post
    Manufactured crimes. Same as all the rest. The Southern District of the State of New York is the modern day King George.

    If that is so, then why did Trump pardon only Bannon and not the below described triple amputee Iraq War veteran who was indicted with Bannon in the same scheme and accused of stealing less money than Bannon?

    In April 2023, he was sentenced to four years and three months in prison, and ordered to pay $25 million in restitution. In July 2023, he was imprisoned at Federal Medical Center Rochester (Rochester, Minnesota) where he is serving his sentence and is due to be released in November 2027.

    The Federal Medical Center Rochester sounds much nicer than any New York state prison.

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