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Thread: Lots of PP

  1. #1

    Default Lots of PP

    A solid block of 8200 PP.

    NOTE: I'm leaning toward using this myself. That is, I'm not taking offers on it in silvers or cash. However, I might entertain a ridiculous amount of bloodscrip.
    Discord: Aramund on GSIV server

  2. #2


    What would the BS value be on this number of points?

  3. #3


    If there's some agreement on the estimate in silvers, we could do a conversion within accepted range.
    Discord: Aramund on GSIV server

  4. Default

    I’d guess 100m, give or take 10%

    So that would be about 110-120k BS, same variance.
    ~Kontii Slie'phox

    PM me here, or find me in game or the GSIV Discord as Kontii

  5. Default

    I've always seen them sold around $0.05 per point. Convert as you wish.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Lavastene View Post
    I've always seen them sold around $0.05 per point. Convert as you wish.
    That seems reasonable. For broader discussion though, I'm curious why pricing for PPs isn't more dynamic. To me, it seems like larger blocks should be more valuable than smaller blocks since you can't transfer PPs-- a block of 8200 could buy a very expensive enchant.
    Discord: Aramund on GSIV server

  7. #7


    Just a guess, but a lot of the more expensive services are also offered at HESS, so there's a mitigating factor there. Not that the 150k BS for a +5 breaks even on most gear, but for the very high end stuff, it can just be cheaper to buy the cert. And then there's the +skill potions that make jobs easier, so I'm sure a decent number of people also go that route.

  8. Default

    You're spot on. It is more dynamic. I've been keeping a sharp eye on them over the last 6 months, as I've been purchasing some up (with actual purchases to verify, not just hypotheticals).

    1500-3500ish points typically go for 1m per 100 points from what I've been able to purchase and have watched be purchased.

    Once you creep up to 4k-7k points it's usually closer to like 1.25-1.5m per 100 points.

    Above 7k, it starts to vary, but there aren't too many jobs people look to get done that require 7k points or higher. (I'm NOT saying those don't exist, they're just few and far between).
    Last edited by Sthrockmorton; 01-27-2024 at 02:12 PM. Reason: Edited per 100 points, not 1k!
    ~Kontii Slie'phox

    PM me here, or find me in game or the GSIV Discord as Kontii

  9. #9


    Yeah, that logic makes sense about larger blocks hitting a ceiling because of HESS availability and the lack of projects that require large blocks of PP.

    Also, I think you mean "per 100", Kontii.
    Discord: Aramund on GSIV server

  10. #10


    And just as we ponder this topic:

    [Merchant]-GSIV:Glaves: "looking for a 10900 block of premium points"
    Discord: Aramund on GSIV server

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