All sold. Leaving the post up for inventory purposes
Characters and Currency
100 BG Bard ($500)
9.5m experience (no ascension)
Adept at all instruments
Voln (3.4M favor)
comes with one of those debuffing bracelet thingies; otherwise nekkid
205m silvers ($2.75 per in 10M blocks, discounts for bulk)
25 Giantman Empath (F) ($800)
account takeover; $310 of GOA; 900 simucoins; 5x/day Lumnis brooch
Magic Items
3. a white ora cross (7m each; have two of these)
1x a day Prayer of Protection (303)
+10 DS
4. an ebon quartz-adorned baldric inset with silvery flames (4m)
Tier 4 quartz baldric
5. some gnarled glowbark bark (1m)
1x a day Barkskin (605)
6. a camouflage-patterned crossbow mounted with a glowing green-lensed scope (150m)
+45, 6lbs, T3 dispel, T5 ensorcelled, fully unlocked Animalistic (grapple), 7 CER sighting (105 services, clean window), 975 item difficulty
160K BS to buy OTS and unlock, 90K BS for Dispel
7. some suede-palmed leather gloves with vultite knuckles (80m)
+30, < 1lb, T1 dispel, T5 ensorcelled, 4 CER crit, 1/5 Savage Power with everything else unlocked Animalistic (Grapple), 4 CER crit (clean window), 660 item difficulty
120K BS to buy OTS and unlock, 30K BS for Dispel
8. a wyrwood heavy crossbow (3m)
+34, 6lbs, 335 item difficulty, temp 12 CER sighting
9. a silvery white vultite star (PENDING)
+35, 4 lbs, 121 item difficulty
10. a runic golvern morningstar (1m)
+25, 4 lbs, 5 CER crit, 93 item difficulty
11. a heavy orase runestaff (free)
+20, 6 lbs, 5 INF bonus
12. a suede-gripped golvern gaizaz incised with geometric patterns (free)
+25, 6 lbs, 68 item difficulty
13. a well-balanced lor runestaff (500k)
+26, 2 lbs, +15 AS/+9 CS flares, 8 PF Bonus, 138 item difficulty
15. a zorchar-edged vultite buckler painted with a murder of glossy crows (150m)
+35, 3 lbs, fully unlocked Lightning Energy shield, 191 item difficulty
280K BS to buy OTS and unlock
17. some imflass augmented chain (1m)
+24, 16 lbs, disintegration flares, 12% slash resistant
18. some mithril augmented chain (free)
+5, 21 lbs, 5 CER damage padding, +7 TD
19. some vultite brigandine armor (1m)
+20, 13 lbs, fairly crit padded (3 CER? 4 CER? can't remember, so assume 3), 6 Ambush Ranks, 4 Ranged Weapon Ranks
20. some blackened spiked imflass greaves (free)
Steam flares, spiked
21. a bronze-toned mithril mesh bag (1m)
2lbs, holds 60lbs, Alchemy bag, belt worn
22. a floor-length teal jacquard kimono sashed with snow white silk (2m)
5 lbs, holds 180lbs, Alchemy bag
23. a glossy ebon cordovan rucksack clasped with a prism of fluorite (2m)
5 lbs, holds 180lbs, Alchemy bag
24. a pewter velvet backpack with a mercury-filled glass bubble clasp (2m)
5 lbs, holds 180 lbs, Alchemy bag
25. a tone-on-tone flyrsilk cloak stitched with wheeled starlings (2m)
5 lbs, holds 180 lbs, Alchemy bag
26. an azure reticule cleverly framed in ivory dagger hilts (500k)
2 lbs, holds 20 lbs, Smuggling Sack
27. a lute-shaped leather case edged in gilded accents (500k)
2 lbs, holds 20 lbs, Smuggling Sack
29. a crimson and sable cloak (free)
5 lbs, holds 160 lbs
30. a flowing spidersilk cloak (PENDING)
4 lbs, holds 100 lbs
31. a garnet-paneled eisenruck with a brass gear-embossed lid (500k)
5 lbs, holds 100 lbs, T0 OTS gem eater
32. a gear-studded garnet leather toolbelt (free)
Gnomish repair belt
33. a riveted thick leather knapsack
5 lbs, holds 140 lbs, unlocked once, no clue what it is
34. a large treasure sack with a blood crystal clasp (190m)
You analyze your treasure sack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."
The creator has also provided the following information:
This sack is a Bag of Holding (major) reward from the Bank Heist at Duskruin Arena. Items stored inside will count only as one item (the container). The current properties of this sack are as follows:
Unique Item Capacity: 99 items -- carrying 47 total items, 47 unique items (a material swatch)
Per-Item Capacity: Up to 100 of the same item (a slender wooden rod)
Max Encum of Container: 200 pounds: currently carrying 179 pounds (a handful of sparkling dust)
Weight Reduction: 100% (a strand of veniom thread)
Despite any messages below, this item cannot be lightened or deepened.
USAGE: DROP/PUT, POKE, PULL (to remove focused item), PUSH, RAISE, RUB, TOUCH, TURN (to set focus on an item to remove), WHISPER (to set focus based on a description).
Important Note: GET will not work with this container.