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Thread: Starfield

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
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    Default Starfield

    Anyone messing around with this? Trying it out with the 9.99 sub and am hopeful it plays as good as it looks
    Discord - Arrolus#0270

    Follow my farm - Cool Story Farm on facebook and Instagram!

    Arrolus - Monk
    Aromos - Cleric

  2. Default

    its on game pass so downloading now. pretty excited!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Dylanus View Post
    its on game pass so downloading now. pretty excited!
    I started the download off gamepass last night - 149GB.

    7 hours later when I got up - the game should have taken 3-4 hours to download - I was expecting it to be done when I got up this morning. Nope, the download failed at 101GB with some error. Clicking on "help with this error" brought me to a page with basic things to try. None of them worked. I stopped the download, thinking I could restart it and see if that fixes the problem....nope. Apparently if you cancel/stop the download their install/download process is unable to pickup from where it left off, meaning I have to try and redownload the entire 149GB.

    Fuck that.

    MS - your gamepass servers suck ass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    yo mama


    Hopefully Bethesda can now get to work on Elder Scrolls VI.

  5. Default

    You had me worried because I did the same. To my surprise my connection actually held through the night and I have a playable copy on my xbox. Not sure when i will actually get into it though

  6. #6
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    Two hours of gameplay in and I am enjoying it. Found a ship and outpost on kreet instead of doing the mission. Terrormorphs don’t fuck around
    Discord - Arrolus#0270

    Follow my farm - Cool Story Farm on facebook and Instagram!

    Arrolus - Monk
    Aromos - Cleric

  7. #7


    Starfield is a good game. Kind of bleak though.

    I have always preferred fantasy over scifi.
    [Focused] Nalbon asks, "What part of I want zero interaction from you did your ignorant, trollish mind not understand?"undefined

    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    Yo mama says he had giantman sized balls and have hips that thrust like the Great Western Sea.
    [Focused] Peggyanne thinks, "I think i explained it rather clearly.... you are just an ignorant assclown who doesnt listen."

    [Focused] Nikolaii thinks, "Don't make me break my promise not to kill you."

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