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Thread: 7x 20cer dagger

  1. Default 7x 20cer dagger

    CB:60m Sthrockmorton SOLD!

    an oak-handled faenor misericord

    As you recall Budroux's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the faenor misericord in your hand, and you learn something about it...

    It imparts a bonus of +35 more than usual.
    It is a small item, under a pound.
    It is estimated to be worth about 2,850,000 silvers.
    It is masterfully weighted to inflict more critical wounds than a normal weapon of its type.
    It is predominantly crafted of faenor.
    It is temporarily blessed against the undead with holy water flares.
    It may be enchanted up to a bonus of 35 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Azriall.
    It is an intricate project (506 difficulty) for an adventurer to modify.
    It has a temporarily unlocked loresong by Budroux for 5 days, 23 hours and 56 minutes.

    You carefully inspect your faenor misericord.

    After a careful inspection you determine that an oak-handled faenor misericord is a dagger and requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively.

    It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of faenor.

    You assess the misericord for structural weaknesses and strengths.

    Careful examination indicates the faenor misericord has a base strength of 33 and a base durability of 240. You also determine the current integrity of the faenor misericord to be at 100.0%.

    Checking out the misericord, it looks like it is masterfully weighted to inflict more critical blows than a normal weapon of its type.

    [An oak-handled faenor misericord has a combat effectiveness rating of 20 points of Critical weighting. It has 0 of 100 services towards the next full rank of combat effectiveness.]
    Last edited by Dylanus; 07-25-2023 at 06:50 PM. Reason: bid update

  2. #2


    Oof. I'll do 50m

  3. #3


    You swing a vultite claidhmore at a black forest ogre!
    AS: +401 vs DS: +258 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +76 = +251
    ... and hit for 147 points of damage!
    Terrible slash to the black forest ogre's side!
    Entrails spill out, onto the ground!
    Death can be SO messy.
    The light in a black forest ogre's eyes goes out as she collapses and finally dies.

  4. Default

    ~Kontii Slie'phox

    PM me here, or find me in game or the GSIV Discord as Kontii

  5. Default

    Nice weighting

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

  6. Default

    Last call! get your bid in before it's too late.

  7. Default


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