it would take quite a bit more than that. every action would have to have a randomized pause or delay. Even then, a quick check will find someone on auto.
It's very easy to add randomness to all commands by passing them all through a humanizing function that mimics human behavior and speed, and no, it wouldn't at all be easy to tell apart who's a human and who isn't so not sure what you mean by a "quick check". If this was quick and easy online MMOs wouldn't all be overrun by thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of bots.
I meant a quick check by a GM in the same way they do script checks now.
that being said, would you manually play in an area such as this if the rewards were greater as stated?
So can warriors berserk in this area?
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You're aware that this:
a) Would require a ton of resources from Simu to both implement and monitor/enforce
b) Would get abused as fuck by some of the mentally ill staff members who have a permanent a boner for banning people
c) Would be remarkably unfun for people who use combat and/or movement (i.e. ;wander) scripts for QoL reasons and not to automate their hunting
d) Wouldn't be worth the hassle no matter how good the loot or exp is.
e) Would piss off the entire playerbase
f) Would eventually get "beaten" by some nerd anyway
Last edited by Methais; 02-21-2023 at 08:44 AM.
It's doable if Simu wanted to do it. Creatures with random names, random objects flagged as monsterbold, heavy script checks, more severe punishments, etc.
That said, I wouldn't play it unless the rewards were massive. If you got 10x exp/loot and no loot cap then maybe?
The appeal to GS today is the automation. It's a game I can play while I work. The game is way too slow and the world way too big to play manually.