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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #14241


    "People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study"

    "and insurance companies might base changes to insurance policies on vaccination data, the authors suggest."

    Let that sink in... that's for CAR insurance.

    Anything for control/power.

    The morons are winning.
    Last edited by Shaps; 12-13-2022 at 11:56 PM.

  2. #14242


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post

    "It's Time to Wear a Mask Again, Health Experts Say"

    Now... let this next statement sink in... that they try to use for justification...

    "One paper published in 2020 by researchers in Hong Kong showed that people sick with either COVID-19 or the flu breathed out fewer viral particles when they were wearing a surgical mask. (Masks were found not to be as effective for the rhinovirus, though, which causes the common cold.)"

    Really think about that one...
    Indeed, let's think about how effective masks were in halting the progression of the pandemic before vaccinations became widely available. They were.

    Masks work by filtering out both the tiny aerosol particles through which the coronavirus is primarily spread and the larger droplets that are thought to be responsible for most influenza and RSV transmission. They also stop you from touching your face in case you picked up virus particles on your hands from a doorknob or subway pole. And while masks are most effective at stopping the spread of these viruses when the infected person is wearing one, masking to protect yourself from disease is still beneficial, particularly if you’re using a high-quality version like N95, KN95 or KF94.

    “The basic truth is that masks work,” said Syra Madad, senior director of the systemwide special pathogens program at New York City Health + Hospitals. “Whether you’re talking about COVID-19 or other respiratory viruses like RSV and flu, wearing a mask will help protect you against all these respiratory viral illnesses.”

  3. #14243


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    Indeed, let's think about how effective masks were in halting the progression of the pandemic before vaccinations became widely available. They were.
    Just when I thought it wasn't possible for Seran to be any dumber. Even though I should know better by now.

    How often do you wear a mask in your daily life Seran?
    Last edited by Methais; 12-14-2022 at 09:00 AM.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  4. #14244


    "Jack Dorsey apologizes for his Twitter-moderation choices, saying he did the 'wrong thing for the internet and society' despite calling his decisions the 'right thing' at the time"

    ""As I've said before, we did the right thing for the public company business at the time, but the wrong thing for the internet and society," Dorsey wrote."

    Oops.. Sorry!

    Elon is playing 4 dimensional chess on these fuckers. Now that he has the information and can prove it, everyone is running for cover.

    Sadly, it won't matter... because those in power will not follow up, nothing will happen, there will be no repercussions, and the morons (who outnumber the rational) won't care because their partisan viewpoints override any semblance of logic.

  5. #14245


    "Nearly half of young adults in the US are living at home with their parents, and all that saved rent is fueling a luxury boom"

    LOL... on cue... if you don't get where this is headed, you just don't get it.

  6. #14246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post

    "Nearly half of young adults in the US are living at home with their parents, and all that saved rent is fueling a luxury boom"

    LOL... on cue... if you don't get where this is headed, you just don't get it.
    I don't have any problem with that style of family unit, as long as the children are providing for the parents at a point. That being the societal standard is probably an older practice than kicking the kids out at 18.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  7. #14247


    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    I don't have any problem with that style of family unit, as long as the children are providing for the parents at a point. That being the societal standard is probably an older practice than kicking the kids out at 18.
    The title isn't "Nearly half of young adults in the US are living at home with their parents, and all that saved money is helping build family stability and legacy".

  8. #14248


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post

    "Jack Dorsey apologizes for his Twitter-moderation choices, saying he did the 'wrong thing for the internet and society' despite calling his decisions the 'right thing' at the time"

    ""As I've said before, we did the right thing for the public company business at the time, but the wrong thing for the internet and society," Dorsey wrote."

    Oops.. Sorry!

    Elon is playing 4 dimensional chess on these fuckers. Now that he has the information and can prove it, everyone is running for cover.

    Sadly, it won't matter... because those in power will not follow up, nothing will happen, there will be no repercussions, and the morons (who outnumber the rational) won't care because their partisan viewpoints override any semblance of logic.
    Elon Musk spent tens of billions of dollars to play gotcha, with zero long term impact on policy and the law. Well played? Sorry to hear your fortune has tanked because you're a nut job and your companies are crashing as a result of your mania! Except no, I'm not sorry, jk.

  9. #14249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    I don't have any problem with that style of family unit, as long as the children are providing for the parents at a point. That being the societal standard is probably an older practice than kicking the kids out at 18.
    Politics aside on this one as it’s an independent choice of the young adult and/or parents, but my thoughts… Living that way past lets say early 20s is a disservice for both the parent & young adult (child of parent). The young adult really isn’t grownup until they leave the house & experience the world for themselves. The parent(s) also needs to grow and experience the inevitable life without your child living with you. Perhaps this trend among others is why each generation is becoming weaker, softer, more immature, and entitled.

    I have an 18 year old in out of state college and another going to college locally (had children as a young adult). My thoughts / rules as a father & the man of my house… I co-rule with my wife as a benevolent dictator. As long as my child lives in my home it’s our rules. To live with me you must be going to school full-time and do what I tell them. My oldest child (19) also has a part time job and has been saving for her own place. We agreed I would pay half her rent, but she has to pay the down payment & pay her half while going to school. I’m fortunate to be in a good financial position where I can afford to give them a head start / advantage in life. I pay their tuition and basic living expenses right now. When they finish college I expect them to start their careers and establish their own permanent residence. I will help with that, as well as buying their first home when the time comes & situation is right.
    Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 12-14-2022 at 03:15 PM.

  10. #14250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    Elon Musk spent tens of billions of dollars to play gotcha, with zero long term impact on policy and the law. Well played? Sorry to hear your fortune has tanked because you're a nut job and your companies are crashing as a result of your mania! Except no, I'm not sorry, jk.
    Your ass must be on fire today with all that butt-hurt.

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