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Thread: auto 1040?

  1. #1

    Question auto 1040?

    Any script out there that auto 1040s when you are prone and have enough mana?


  2. #2


    If not this is a pretty simple script that will do it:

    	wait_until{ !standing? }
    	fput "shout 1040" if checkmana(40)
    	sleep 1

  3. #3


    OK that is pretty easy. Thanks. Will try that.

  4. #4


    I'm also using ;stand. I think this would potentially shout 1040 when not standing before stand has a chance. Also, would this activate when i'm swimming, as technically i'm not standing. so it might try to shout while swimming to nelemar?

    How do i add something for the case of swimming and maybe a pause to give ;stand a chance to work? or is there something better than !standing ie. prone conidition or stunned or something?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by nocturnix View Post
    I'm also using ;stand. I think this would potentially shout 1040 when not standing before stand has a chance. Also, would this activate when i'm swimming, as technically i'm not standing. so it might try to shout while swimming to nelemar?

    How do i add something for the case of swimming and maybe a pause to give ;stand a chance to work? or is there something better than !standing ie. prone conidition or stunned or something?
    rooms_not_to_use_1040_in = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
    	wait_until{ !standing? }
    	if !rooms_not_to_use_1040_in.include?(
    		fput "stand"
    		sleep 1
    		fput "shout 1040" if checkmana(40) && !standing?
    	sleep 1
    This will try to stand first then wait 1 second before attempting to use 1040. You can increase the wait time if you want.

    Also replace numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with the room numbers you don't want to use 1040 in.

  6. #6

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