You must be confused, this forum isn't a democracy and this isn't a lobbyist meet and greet.
The fact you focused on the abortion, when I didn't even say anything about abortion, says a lot... I was talking about the rape of an innocent child by an illegal immigrant - who by default was allowed to stay in the US, because of the policies of the current administration.
Pretty sick that you would support illegal immigrants, or anyone, raping children.
Last edited by Shaps; 07-17-2022 at 07:17 PM.
"NJ transgender woman transferred from women’s only prison after impregnating 2 inmates, report says"
ROFL... but, but... what about her rights??? Putting a "female" in prison with males!
"Since Roe was overturned, more Americans are moving to states that better match their political and social beliefs"
HOLY SHIT! A Constitutional Republic working as intended?? Say it ain't so!
I really lament the fact the majority of people in the US don't understand, that the above is how the US was designed. As if this is suddenly some amazing concept to them. They've dumbed down the public so much, people actually think this is something special.
Hopefully more people realize this, and realize it's okay to have varying thoughts on how/where someone wishes to live - and lives there - instead of forcing everyone else around them to conform.
"Confused by abortion laws, anxious about intimacy? The answer is clear: We must ban sex."
"“In the wake of Roe's overturning, sex therapists say they've observed a dramatic increase in anxiety when it comes to sex – and for some people, this anxiety has forced them to reconsider how they approach sex, dating and relationships altogether.”
HOLY SHIT! Imagine actually thinking before you go fucking a stranger! WOW!
You mean people might have to actually act responsibly for their actions??? Instead of just bang, bang, banging away and just saying "fuck it - I can cut it out, no sweat!"
I personally don't care if people fuck all day or don't... I do care if people believe they are not responsible for the consequences. The fact this decision has made people actually stop and think for a moment before dropping loads - or spreading legs - all over the place is astounding.
Fucking crazy world we've created.
"University of Pennsylvania nominates trans swimmer Lia Thomas for 2022 NCAA Woman of the Year Award"
ROFL... real women, you all suck so much - men are now winning your own awards. This reminds me when Jenner won ESPNs Woman of the Year award, 1 year after becoming a woman. LOL...
People are fucking crazy. I feel for the real women that are affected by such insanity.