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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #12931


    Quote Originally Posted by Suppressed Poet View Post
    She did not receive it directly from the Pope. Try again.
    When the Pope is performing communion, Nancy is in attendance at the Vatican's express invitation, then she is receiving communion from the Pope. Try a little harder next time.

  2. #12932


    Quote Originally Posted by Neveragain View Post
    I'm sure this will placate pro-choice supporters that watched Nancy squander her 35 years in office.

    I'm happy that you found Jesus though.

    Why would Nancy care about people who are mentally deficient enough to think she squandered 35 years in office? She's not seeking Christian republicans to vote for her.

  3. #12933


    What's more amusing, members of this Catholic Church in an attempt to bring back the Dark Ages, legitimately tried to blackmail the Speaker of the House into changing her vote by denying her salvation. Anyone who understands the Bible knows priests have absolutely no authority with which to grant the final judgment. Yet it didn't stop a truly evil, despotic man to try and manipulate a politician of faith.

    No wonder no one under the age of thirty respects the Catholic Church anymore.

  4. #12934
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    yo mama


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    When the Pope is performing communion, Nancy is in attendance at the Vatican's express invitation, then she is receiving communion from the Pope. Try a little harder next time.

    A witness said the speaker, a Catholic who is visiting Rome, received communion from a priest in a section of St. Peter's Basilica during a papal Mass on the feast of St. Peter and Paul. The pope does not give communion himself at such ceremonies.

    Francis has no control over who receives communion during papal Masses and it was not clear if he was aware that Pelosi was in the church.

    Anyone who wishes to take the sacrament merely approaches one of the dozens of priests who fan out through the huge basilica.

    Seran in your ignorance you spread more disinformation than Russia.
    Last edited by Suppressed Poet; 06-30-2022 at 01:11 AM.

  5. #12935
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    She's not seeking Christian republicans to vote for her.
    And this is why Democrats are bleeding supporters.

    Politics isn't that difficult, sport.

    "80% of Americans identify as Christian. Lets go on a 15 year campaign of bashing Christians, that will win the support of the electorate." ~ Serans political strategy

    Loses 3 seats in the supreme court, losing at the state level, converts 1 million registered Democrats to registered Republicans.
    Last edited by Neveragain; 06-30-2022 at 01:34 AM.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  6. #12936
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    Sep 2010
    yo mama


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    What's more amusing, members of this Catholic Church in an attempt to bring back the Dark Ages, legitimately tried to blackmail the Speaker of the House into changing her vote by denying her salvation. Anyone who understands the Bible knows priests have absolutely no authority with which to grant the final judgment. Yet it didn't stop a truly evil, despotic man to try and manipulate a politician of faith.

    No wonder no one under the age of thirty respects the Catholic Church anymore.
    The Catholic Church has made it abundantly clear their position on abortion, and that position hasn’t changed. Once again you have no idea what you are talking about.

  7. #12937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    No wonder no one under the age of thirty respects the Catholic Church anymore.
    People under 30 have the worst voter turn out than any other age group.

    You should stick to smoking crack, you're a political retard.
    Last edited by Neveragain; 06-30-2022 at 01:56 AM.

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  8. #12938


    Our Forefathers have got to be spinning in their graves. Risking a transatlantic voyage to flee religion tyranny of the Catholic church for the freedom to express and now hundreds of years later, that same tyrannical Catholicism is trying to uproot our freedom.

  9. #12939


    Pretty soon the Christian Right is going to be putting women in burka"s, repealing the fourteenth amendment and beating their children for not selling their souls to the great flying spaghetti monster.

  10. #12940


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    Our Forefathers have got to be spinning in their graves. Risking a transatlantic voyage to flee religion tyranny of the Islamic Caliphate for the freedom to express and now hundreds of years later, that same tyrannical Islamic dogma is trying to uproot our freedom.
    Your statements are bigoted... understand how?

    Of course not... you don't understand the double standard of hate that you are expressing.

    Who knew you hated Islam. Racist.
    Last edited by Shaps; 06-30-2022 at 09:21 AM.

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