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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #12811


    Quote Originally Posted by joeyb View Post
    lol at this strawman bullshit. no one said that killing a person negligently wasn't a crime.
    This is what you said, word for word:

    under what conditions did he kill a person? did he kill them intentionally or due to his own negligence?
    Why the fuck did you give these two options if what you really thought was it was option number 3?

    Dude, you're a fucking idiot, it was pointed out how you made yourself look like a fucking idiot, and now you are peddling backwards so fast you might hit the year 1800 soon enough.

  2. #12812


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    This is what you said, word for word:

    Why the fuck did you give these two options if what you really thought was it was option number 3?

    Dude, you're a fucking idiot, it was pointed out how you made yourself look like a fucking idiot, and now you are peddling backwards so fast you might hit the year 1800 soon enough.
    i was asking you to qualify your statement. you said he belongs in jail, i was asking why you think he belongs in jail and what crime he committed.

    again, you're a moron who can't even argue his own points so all you do is strawman and deflect. stop engaging in discussion if you can't engage

  3. #12813


    Well, joeyb, as much fun as it has been making you look like a complete idiot, I'm gonna have to go ahead and stop responding to you for now.

    Let me know the next time you're making an ass out of yourself.

  4. #12814
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post

    "Top SF high school sees record spike in failing grades after dropping merit-based admission system"

    "San Francisco’s Lowell High School, regarded as one of the best in the nation, is seeing a record spike in Ds and Fs among its first batch of students admitted in fall 2021 through a new lottery system instead of its decades-long merit-based admissions."

    I mean... who could see that coming! Right? ROFL... fucking what happens when push feelings over facts... great job Lefties... more ignorant masses for you to control.

    Even made the principal resign... ROFL...

    "Principal Joe Ryan Dominguez attributed the rise in failing grades to “too many variables.” Last month, Dominguez announced his resignation from the school district..."

    And now it's POC vs POC apparently? LOL... wait until they start grouping Asians with the Whites...

    "Proponents of the new system argue that the merit-based system was racist as it resulted in an underrepresentation of Black and Hispanic students, while opponents say it would harm Asian students..."

    This is what happens when you base things on race, as opposed to merit... Keep on keeping on Lefties! Doing great!

    My district's school system changed their grading system last's a fucking joke now.

    It was, as I remember it being when I was in school:
    As = 100-90%
    Bs = 89-80%
    Cs = 79-70%
    Ds = 69-60%
    F = 59% and down

    Now it's:
    A = 100-85%
    A- = 84-80%
    B+ = 79-75%
    B = 74-65%
    B- = 64-60%
    C+ = 59-55%
    C = 54-45%
    C- = 44-40%
    D+ = 39-35%
    D = 34-25%
    D- = 24-20%
    NI = 19-0%
    *NI stands for Needs Improvement

    Their rationalizing of the change is that every 20% out of 100% represents a grade. A is 100-80, B is 79-60, C is 59-40, D is 39-20 and NI is 19-0. So when you get a test and it's 20 points and you get 10 out of 20, you're grade on it is 50%, that is now a C.

    You can now basically go to school, do very little and still get a passing grade. Our school systems are teaching kids that little effort is good enough and you wonder why kids these days are coming out of school and seem dumb as hell or fucking lazy as hell.

    The schools also are okay with letting students turn in assignments late and only dock one or two points off....and they accept late work up until the last week of the quarter. You can literally do nothing for a quarter, turn in all your work the last week and still get an A with how they grade things now. Kids are learning that it's okay to procrastinate and do things whenever they want. My daughter get's pissed at her mom and me because we're constantly on her about getting work done and handed in on time because if we don't she let's about half her work slide for weeks, turns it in late and only gets 1 or 2 points deducted for being late. I told her if she does that again, I'll be in each of her teacher's room letting them know not to grade her late work and mark it as a zero; if she fails her classes then she'll be in summer school to make them up or she'll have to be held back and repeat the grade again. My daughter hasn't given me an opportunity to talk to her teachers since she now gets all her work in on time.

    The only way to actually fail in my school district is if you don't turn in your work or don't show up, otherwise you're guaranteed a passing grade.

    Sounds like this Lowell High School needs to adopt the new grading system my school district thought up......

  5. #12815


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    Now it's:
    A = 100-85%
    A- = 84-80%
    B+ = 79-75%
    B = 74-65%
    B- = 64-60%
    C+ = 59-55%
    C = 54-45%
    C- = 44-40%
    D+ = 39-35%
    D = 34-25%
    D- = 24-20%
    NI = 19-0%
    40% is a C? What an absolute joke.

  6. #12816


    Quote Originally Posted by joeyb View Post
    under what conditions did he kill a person? did he kill them intentionally or due to his own negligence?

    Yes, because anyone who knows anything at all about guns and gun safety knows that you check the gun yourself no matter what, and otherwise assume it's loaded, doesn't matter who handed it to you.

    Was it murder? No. Was it a death caused by negligence? Yes.
    Last edited by Methais; 05-27-2022 at 12:07 PM.
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  7. #12817
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post
    My district's school system changed their grading system last's a fucking joke now.

    It was, as I remember it being when I was in school:
    As = 100-90%
    Bs = 89-80%
    Cs = 79-70%
    Ds = 69-60%
    F = 59% and down

    Now it's:
    A = 100-85%
    A- = 84-80%
    B+ = 79-75%
    B = 74-65%
    B- = 64-60%
    C+ = 59-55%
    C = 54-45%
    C- = 44-40%
    D+ = 39-35%
    D = 34-25%
    D- = 24-20%
    NI = 19-0%
    *NI stands for Needs Improvement

    Their rationalizing of the change is that every 20% out of 100% represents a grade. A is 100-80, B is 79-60, C is 59-40, D is 39-20 and NI is 19-0. So when you get a test and it's 20 points and you get 10 out of 20, you're grade on it is 50%, that is now a C.

    You can now basically go to school, do very little and still get a passing grade. Our school systems are teaching kids that little effort is good enough and you wonder why kids these days are coming out of school and seem dumb as hell or fucking lazy as hell.

    The schools also are okay with letting students turn in assignments late and only dock one or two points off....and they accept late work up until the last week of the quarter. You can literally do nothing for a quarter, turn in all your work the last week and still get an A with how they grade things now. Kids are learning that it's okay to procrastinate and do things whenever they want. My daughter get's pissed at her mom and me because we're constantly on her about getting work done and handed in on time because if we don't she let's about half her work slide for weeks, turns it in late and only gets 1 or 2 points deducted for being late. I told her if she does that again, I'll be in each of her teacher's room letting them know not to grade her late work and mark it as a zero; if she fails her classes then she'll be in summer school to make them up or she'll have to be held back and repeat the grade again. My daughter hasn't given me an opportunity to talk to her teachers since she now gets all her work in on time.

    The only way to actually fail in my school district is if you don't turn in your work or don't show up, otherwise you're guaranteed a passing grade.

    Sounds like this Lowell High School needs to adopt the new grading system my school district thought up......
    We have the old scale where 65 and lower is an F and 93 and above is an A with the other grades in the middle. In elementary they only have like 4 graded classes though. The other stuff uses S or NS and don't matter anyways.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

  8. #12818


    Watching this.. I realized something.. Elon Musk is Bruce Wayne.. He pulled a Batman on Twitter...

  9. #12819


    "Just needed a closer look at their books" LOL

  10. #12820



    Michael Sussmann found not guilty of lying to FBI in Durham investigation

    Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted Tuesday of lying to the FBI, in the first trial of special counsel John Durham's investigation.

    The verdict is a major defeat for Durham and his Justice Department prosecutors, who have spent three years looking for wrongdoing in the Trump-Russia probe. He claimed Sussmann lied during a 2016 meeting in which he passed a tip to the FBI about Donald Trump and Russia.

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