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This right here is why this whole Roe v. Wade situation, for the past 40+ years, is solely a political football to anger idiots during election cycles - just as race is used every election cycle, then forgot about by the politicians....
90% of the country thinks it would be a reasonable compromise to pass a law that allows abortions up to "viability". I define "viability" as the youngest child ever born, to survive - currently 21 weeks or there about. Past this date, abortions to save the mother's life.
Instead of just making a law, passing it in Congress, and settling this annoying as fuck political talking point, they don't do anything. Problem is, the Left will never allow it to be resolved - because again... they do not create, they only complain... and they need "problems" to exist, to incite the victim mentality in people, and retain power.
It's disgusting that it's done, and it's disgusting that people fall for it.