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Thread: Any wizards out there with redux?

  1. #71


    Level 65 or so Paladin will allow you to get enough ranks in Armor to have 5 ranks of Armor Fluidity, which will reduce the spell failure by 50%, truncated.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN

    Default was November when I last leveled my reduxmage.

    Health verb shows this as my Redux (no enhancives) as of level 57:
    You seem to be in one piece.

    Maximum Health Points: 174
    Remaining Health Points: 174

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 7

    Maximum Stamina Points: 111
    Remaining Stamina Points: 111

    Physical Damage Reduction: 10.31%

    Here's level 58.
    You seem to be in one piece.

    Maximum Health Points: 174
    Remaining Health Points: 174

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 8

    Maximum Stamina Points: 112
    Remaining Stamina Points: 112

    Physical Damage Reduction: 10.73%

    Here he is with all his enhancives:
    You seem to be in one piece.

    Maximum Health Points: 192
    Remaining Health Points: 174
    You are feeling pretty good.

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 8

    Maximum Stamina Points: 120
    Remaining Stamina Points: 112

    Physical Damage Reduction: 14.04%

    His studded leather has 4 CER of damage padding and 2 CER of crit padding. He's still running around the blighted forest from time to time and holds his own well.

    Ascension points so far are applied here and his current exp is split 45/55 (regular and ascension):
    Skill name ----- Mnemonic ----- Ranks
    Armor Use ----- armoruse ----- 5
    Edged Weapons ----- edgedweapons ----- 1
    Physical Fitness ----- physicalfitness ----- 2

    Right now the only real downside for him is the DS pushdown when there are multiple creatures in the room. His offensive DS of 310 or so drops rapidly into the mid 200s when 3 or 4 creatures are in the room. I might need to contemplate getting his MOC up to at least 10 ranks to help negate some of that FoF....but that sounds like a lot of work for a mage with the cost being 15/10 for TPs or spending a total of 15 ATPs to get MOC up to 10 ranks (that's 750,000 ascension exp).

    I'm still pissed with the whole adjustment to SMRv2 defense getting adjusted down. He went from only having about a 15% chance (outside of an open roll) for a viper to hit him with spit to having a nearly 40% chance to getting hit with viper spit. I used to hunt the vipers as part of the hunting routine - go through, kill about a dozen creatures to fill his mind and go rest. Now I avoid 1/3 of the creatures and it can take a bit longer to finish a hunt. The viper spit itself isn't the main issue, it's when a few of them spit and hit him at the same time the poison stacks hard and it also reduces your AS/DS for an awful long duration of 1-2 minutes. It pretty much ends a hunt. After a few hunts like this it just deters me from playing him and he sits unplayed for a week or two until I want to try again....then only to be reminded after a few hunts of the SMRv2 low defense changes that make viper spit overly irritating so I pack him away for a week or two and repeat things again and again. I guess that's the real reason why I haven't been playing him much.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by drumpel View Post was November when I last leveled my reduxmage.

    Health verb shows this as my Redux (no enhancives) as of level 57:
    You seem to be in one piece.

    Maximum Health Points: 174
    Remaining Health Points: 174

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 7

    Maximum Stamina Points: 111
    Remaining Stamina Points: 111

    Physical Damage Reduction: 10.31%

    Here's level 58.
    You seem to be in one piece.

    Maximum Health Points: 174
    Remaining Health Points: 174

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 8

    Maximum Stamina Points: 112
    Remaining Stamina Points: 112

    Physical Damage Reduction: 10.73%

    Here he is with all his enhancives:
    You seem to be in one piece.

    Maximum Health Points: 192
    Remaining Health Points: 174
    You are feeling pretty good.

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 8

    Maximum Stamina Points: 120
    Remaining Stamina Points: 112

    Physical Damage Reduction: 14.04%

    His studded leather has 4 CER of damage padding and 2 CER of crit padding. He's still running around the blighted forest from time to time and holds his own well.

    Ascension points so far are applied here and his current exp is split 45/55 (regular and ascension):
    Skill name ----- Mnemonic ----- Ranks
    Armor Use ----- armoruse ----- 5
    Edged Weapons ----- edgedweapons ----- 1
    Physical Fitness ----- physicalfitness ----- 2

    Right now the only real downside for him is the DS pushdown when there are multiple creatures in the room. His offensive DS of 310 or so drops rapidly into the mid 200s when 3 or 4 creatures are in the room. I might need to contemplate getting his MOC up to at least 10 ranks to help negate some of that FoF....but that sounds like a lot of work for a mage with the cost being 15/10 for TPs or spending a total of 15 ATPs to get MOC up to 10 ranks (that's 750,000 ascension exp).

    I'm still pissed with the whole adjustment to SMRv2 defense getting adjusted down. He went from only having about a 15% chance (outside of an open roll) for a viper to hit him with spit to having a nearly 40% chance to getting hit with viper spit. I used to hunt the vipers as part of the hunting routine - go through, kill about a dozen creatures to fill his mind and go rest. Now I avoid 1/3 of the creatures and it can take a bit longer to finish a hunt. The viper spit itself isn't the main issue, it's when a few of them spit and hit him at the same time the poison stacks hard and it also reduces your AS/DS for an awful long duration of 1-2 minutes. It pretty much ends a hunt. After a few hunts like this it just deters me from playing him and he sits unplayed for a week or two until I want to try again....then only to be reminded after a few hunts of the SMRv2 low defense changes that make viper spit overly irritating so I pack him away for a week or two and repeat things again and again. I guess that's the real reason why I haven't been playing him much.
    You may want to try Wind Wraiths if you can get a bless. I feel like you may be able to mow them through
    Discord - Arrolus#0270

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  4. #74


    I don't know about that, with boss/pack mobs you end up with 4-5 wraiths in a room pretty often and that will be a problem for their DS without MOC.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    I was bored, decided to let the critters knock me around.

    Total of 7 CER crit padding and 4 CER damage padding. Scale armor - studded leather.

    With all my skills and wearing all my enhancives, here's my redux:
    Physical Damage Reduction: 14.04%

    Decided to laydown and see how things would transpire. I do heal up between each round of hits.

    A black forest ogre raises his heel high, attempting to footstomp you!
    [SMR result: 115 (Open d100: 15, Bonus: 25)]
    A black forest ogre brings his foot down solidly on you!
    You are distracted by the pain!
    Roundtime: 5 sec.
    You no longer feel painfully distracted.
    A black forest ogre swings a rust-covered dhara at you!
      AS: +324 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +67 = +210
       ... and hits for 19 points of damage!
       Blow raises a welt on your right arm.
    A black forest ogre swings a rust-covered dhara at you!
      AS: +324 vs DS: +211 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +64 = +208
       ... and hits for 14 points of damage!
       Torn muscle in your left leg!
    A black forest ogre swings a rust-covered dhara at you!
      AS: +324 vs DS: +209 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +1 = +147
       ... and hits for 8 points of damage!
       Blow raises a welt on your left arm.
    You yawn.
    A black forest ogre's eyes take on a red tinge and foam begins to drip from his mouth.
    A black forest ogre swings a rust-covered dhara at you!
      AS: +374 vs DS: +208 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +41 = +238
       ... and hits for 25 points of damage!
       Blow raises a welt on your left arm.
    Yawn. The ogre is kind of a wimp, so I went and found a boar to try and maul me.

    A massive black boar tries to bite you!
      AS: +340 vs DS: +211 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +82 = +237
       ... and hits for 55 points of damage!
       You are knocked sideways several feet by a blow to the back.
       You are stunned for 3 rounds!
    A massive black boar charges at you with its tusk!
    The energy surrounding you condenses into hard stone, softening the blow!
      AS: +340 vs DS: +207 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +48 = +210
       ... and hits for 28 points of damage!
       Solid blow gouges a chunk out of your right leg.
    You stand back up.
    A massive black boar charges at you with its tusk!
      AS: +340 vs DS: +256 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +30 = +143
       ... and hits for 7 points of damage!
       A nice bruise on your neck!
    A massive black boar charges at you with its tusk!
      AS: +340 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +36 = +193
       ... and hits for 21 points of damage!
       Minor puncture to the abdomen.
    A massive black boar tries to bite you!
      AS: +340 vs DS: +212 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +93 = +247
       ... and hits for 49 points of damage!
       Hard slash to belly severs a few nerve endings.
       You are stunned for 3 rounds!
    A massive black boar charges at you with its tusk!
    The energy surrounding you condenses into hard stone, softening the blow!
      AS: +340 vs DS: +208 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +76 = +237
       ... and hits for 41 points of damage!
       Loud *crack* as your sternum breaks!
    You laugh out loud!
    >stance d
    You are now in a defensive stance.
    A massive black boar charges at you!
      AS: +350 vs DS: +345 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +41 = +83
       A clean miss.
    Last edited by drumpel; 05-21-2021 at 09:01 PM.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Got the gumption to move up a level on this guy, now he's at level 59:

    You have an old battle scar across your back.

    Maximum Health Points: 174
    Remaining Health Points: 174

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 9

    Maximum Stamina Points: 112
    Remaining Stamina Points: 112

    Physical Damage Reduction: 11.20%
    Last edited by drumpel; 08-05-2021 at 03:52 PM.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Takes a bit of time with just a hunt or two here and there with my exp being split 41/59% (normal/ASC, which will now be 40/60 since I hit level 60).

    I dropped my last two ATPs into physical fitness to help bolster my redux. Here's where he sits without any of his enhancives being used.

    You have an old battle scar across your abdominal area.

    Maximum Health Points: 175
    Remaining Health Points: 175

    Maximum Spirit Points: 9
    Remaining Spirit Points: 9

    Maximum Stamina Points: 115
    Remaining Stamina Points: 115

    Physical Damage Reduction: 12.14%
    Last edited by drumpel; 12-15-2021 at 09:39 AM.

  8. #78


    I use 1202 and with 140 transformation lore (postcap) can get AsG 13. If we are talking about reducing the damage based on training this could be an alternative way of training "redux" as a wizard. Using robes as a metric and a claw attack returns a 22% reduction in DF.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Minneapolis, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Red View Post
    I use 1202 and with 140 transformation lore (postcap) can get AsG 13. If we are talking about reducing the damage based on training this could be an alternative way of training "redux" as a wizard. Using robes as a metric and a claw attack returns a 22% reduction in DF.
    To my knowledge, 1202 doesn't help with CvA, though (if this isn't the case, please correct me). I thought about this route since I have an (I forget what they're called, not a mage rechargeable but an item that can hold a lot of charges) that has 1202 and can take up to 800some charges before it goes bad. But after reading up on 1202, you only gain the benefit of AsG and not CvA.

    My reduxmage doesn't have the benefit of 425 or 430, and never will, so his DS will be a bit low - but that can be overcome without much of an issue. His TD on the other hand is going to be low and that's where the lower CvA from having a higher AsG comes in handy. He's in enchanted studded leather and that's got a CvA of 3, plus with having a T2 ensorcell on it (might be 3, I can't remember without checking) and a shield that also has a T2 (could be T3), his CvA is -7.

    Unfortunately he needs the help of a lower CvA to help offset the loss of TD from spell 430.

    I'll eventually get him into brig and possibly chainmail (this is a post cap goal) as time goes on, but it also depends on what the second and third levels of ascension bring to the table.

  10. #80


    Fair point. The goal is to mitigate the weakness inherent in the class, which in the case of a wizard (pure) is the glass cannon effect. This is a lot easier done today than it was years ago as the gear floor has come up so much. Average wizard is now wearing at 5 CER crit padded armor with Mage armor and has HCP at minimum. Extra padding through skill (520) and WPS are also easily obtained.

    I guess the bottom line is a wizard weakness is not in their TD or honestly getting hit, it is surviving getting hit which there are ways to avoid. In my opinion the 1202 route is the best one for a wizard as it has a lot of PROs and the biggest CON is finding a sustainable way to cast the spell.

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