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Thread: Leftist Hypocrisy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    In amazement

    Default Leftist Hypocrisy

    We always knew Leftists are massive, pervasive and fundamentally hypocritical, well, here is a nice article with a video from the New York Times, that bastion of conservative media [/sarcasm] put together about Leftist showing Leftist hypocrisy. Enjoy.

    Harris teamed up with Times editorial board writer Binyamin Appelbaum to examine why famously liberal states — such as New York, California, and Washington — struggle to advance the progressive policies despite little to no Republican opposition.

    They focused on three core initiatives of the Democratic Party platform: affordable housing, economic equality, and educational opportunity. And in the end, they discovered that "liberal hypocrisy," not Republican opposition, "is fueling American inequality" and that things are actually much worse in blue states than they are in red.

    "In key respects, many blue states are actually doing worse than red states," the journalists noted in a written report accompanying the video. "It is in the blue states where affordable housing is often hardest to find, there are some of the most acute disparities in education funding and economic inequality is increasing most quickly."

    "Blue states are the problem," Applebaum, who covers economics and business for the Times, exclaimed.

    "Blue states are where the housing crisis is located. Blue states are where the disparities in education funding are the most dramatic. Blue states are the places where tens of thousands of homeless people are living on the streets. Blue states are the places where economic inequality is increasing most quickly in this country. This is not a problem of not doing well enough; it is a situation where blue states are the problem," he added.

    At one point, Harris noted that "affluent liberals tend to be really good at showing up at the marches and talking about how they love equality, [and] at putting signs in their lawns saying, 'All are welcome here.'"

    "But by their actions," he continued, "What they are actually saying is, 'Yes, we believe in these ideals, just not in my backyard.'"
    Here is the source article:

    Here is the video on it's own:

    Last edited by ~Rocktar~; 11-26-2021 at 10:06 PM.
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  2. #2


    Harris is not a leftist. You do not know the meaning of the word leftist, please stop using it.

    The VIDEO YOU LINKED says LIBERAL RIGHT IN THE TITLE. You changed it from LIBERAL HYPOCRISY to LEFTIST for your title because you don't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Flap View Post
    Harris is not a leftist. You do not know the meaning of the word leftist, please stop using it.

    The VIDEO YOU LINKED says LIBERAL RIGHT IN THE TITLE. You changed it from LIBERAL HYPOCRISY to LEFTIST for your title because you don't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist.
    Most of the conservatives on this forum don't know the difference between liberals and leftists. These idiots think liberal Democrats, who support capitalism and are just as bought and paid for by the rich and the big corporations as the Republicans, are somehow leftists. Capitalists are not leftists. The actual left begins with anti-capitalism, and actual leftists in this country (socialists and communists) don't vote for Democrats or Republicans.
    I'm one of those few weirdos who doesn't use Lich.

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  4. #4


    I'd offer to buy a book for rocktard to read to learn the differences between a leftist and a liberal, but he'd just end up eating it.
    Anonymous is an Idea - not a group.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyulen View Post
    Most of the conservatives on this forum don't know the difference between liberals and leftists. These idiots think liberal Democrats, who support capitalism and are just as bought and paid for by the rich and the big corporations as the Republicans, are somehow leftists. Capitalists are not leftists. The actual left begins with anti-capitalism, and actual leftists in this country (socialists and communists) don't vote for Democrats or Republicans.
    Yep. They're stuck in this sad little bubble where they're not allowed to believe in other things. It's heart-wrenching, honestly.

    I've been called Bernie Bro so many times by liberals. Conservatives don't even know the correct insults to use.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyulen View Post
    Most of the conservatives on this forum don't know the difference between liberals and leftists. These idiots think liberal Democrats, who support capitalism and are just as bought and paid for by the rich and the big corporations as the Republicans, are somehow leftists. Capitalists are not leftists. The actual left begins with anti-capitalism, and actual leftists in this country (socialists and communists) don't vote for Democrats or Republicans.
    You're really just arguing against common colloquial terms here.

    In US politics Democrats are considered to be "the left" and Republicans are considered to be "the right." In other countries Democrats would be considered to be pretty much in the middle these days, a few years ago you could argue they would be center right, but they are quickly moving further and further left that I'm sure in a few years even you'll be happily voting Democrat.

    Democrats want more government control over our lives, Republicans want less control, there are other differences obviously but it's these differences that make Democrats more left and Republicans more right.

    Just like Democrats have glommed onto the word "liberal" even though in most of the rest of the world a "liberal" is someone who values individual freedom and Democrats are anything but that these days, but when you hear "liberal" in the US you think of a Democrat because that's a word that has been associated with them.

    Just like Republicans and Conservatives are very much different but the two terms are used interchangeably in the US, hell you did it in this post I quoted of yours.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 11-27-2021 at 09:36 AM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    You're really just arguing against common colloquial terms here.

    In US politics Democrats are considered to be "the left" and Republicans are considered to be "the right." In other countries Democrats would be considered to be pretty much in the middle these days, a few years ago you could argue they would be center right, but they are quickly moving further and further left that I'm sure in a few years even you'll be happily voting Democrat.

    Democrats want more government control over our lives, Republicans want less control, there are other differences obviously but it's these differences that make Democrats more left and Republicans more right.

    Just like Democrats have glommed onto the word "liberal" even though in most of the rest of the world a "liberal" is someone who values individual freedom and Democrats are anything but that these days, but when you hear "liberal" in the US you think of a Democrat because that's a word that has been associated with them.

    Just like Republicans and Conservatives are very much different but the two terms are used interchangeably in the US, hell you did it in this post I quoted of yours.
    You're SO close. But still wrong. There is a HUGE number of real Leftists in this country that support entry-level leftist policies like Medicare for All and student debt forgiveness. See the term Bernie Bro for more info. There are also a lot of moderate Leftists that support policies even further left like Universal Basic Income and expanding unions. There's also a handful of actual far-left people who support things like full-blown Communism and guillotines. I'll let you guess where I fall on that scale.

    That's just in THIS country. EU leftists make our leftists look like pathetic little worms by comparison.

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