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Thread: attune

  1. #1

    Default attune

    Any recommendations on the best element to attune to?

  2. #2


    the old wisdom was RP, because there was little mechanical benefit. But, things may have changed.
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  3. #3


    There is still very little mechanical advantage for ATTUNE for sorcerers. The primary reason to mess with attunement is to control spells to be of a specific flavor.

    That being said, when I finally bothered to attune my sorcerer it was in his 40s when he was hunting trolls in Marsh Keep, and I needed a good disable. 415 was good in those days, and fire 415 was extra good vs the marsh keep trolls if cast with the fire variety. Thus, he's attuned fire for the very niche mechanical benefit of controlling very specific spells to ensure fire damage.

    Lightning could be better in general if you wanted to use eblade flares, or 435, regularly, as lightning has some of the best crits for common elemental flares.

    So if you have any reason to bother with trolls (i.e. grimswarm) and want a good fire-based damage spell for either single target or AE attacks, you can use attune fire giving you 415, 435 and tell animate explode are fire-type damage for troll swarms. Otherwise it's more flavor than anything else, and lightning is mechanically superior if you plan to use any of the spells that default to the element when you set your attunement.

    710 is really the only sorcerer spell that attunement factors into for any mechanical edge, and the Lightning attunement w/ the appropriate air lore, can actually boost the lightning attacks from 710, which are generally the ones that land the hardest crit kills.
    Last edited by Maerit; 10-22-2021 at 06:38 PM.

  4. #4


    Appreciate your insight. Thanks.

  5. #5


    I’m fire and I think I agree that lightning is better. But I haven’t had a problem at all by being fire. Maybe fire will be better with the new hunting ground up by the rift.

    You may want to check with OTF, if lighting will mess with you in the far north, where the champs are. I don’t know if lightning 435 or 710 lightning attack will back fire there. DC doesn’t.
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