Taking offers on my fully unlocked gnomish bracer with the trap detection. Please message me with any offers. If the right offer were to come along I would be interested in selling it.

anal my vamb
You analyze your mithril vambrace and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
| -=Gnomish Mech Locksmith Bracer=- |
| These items can only be altered within very specific guidelines. |
| No shows or long descriptions. Only the 15/15/15 may be changed. |
| Approved nouns: bracer, vambrace, arm-guard. |
| |
| Only the following can be customized: |
| Gears - Must be a metal |
| Casings - Must be a metal |
| Arms/Banding - Must be a metal |
| Button - May be a color/wood/metal/gemstone |
| Gemstone - Must be a translucent gemstone, nothing opaque. |
| |
| It is completely unlocked and holds up to 20 lockpicks. |
Gears = iron
Casings = silver
Metal Arms/Bands = rolaren
Button = mithril
Gemstone = diamond

The vambrace cannot be deepened.

>look my vam
Intricate gnomish craftsmanship is plainly evident in the design of this mithril vambrace, with tiny iron gears and cogs inlaid within its entire structure. Small silver casings line the interior of the vambrace, while leather-wrapped bands of rolaren are attached to tiny hinges allowing the vambrace to be secured about the arm. A small mithril button is inserted into the underside of the vambrace with a large diamond imbedded into the back of the wrist.

You glance down to see a scrollworked mithril vambrace in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.