Who's fault is the border again? ROFL
"Turkey builds a wall to keep out Afghan refugees"
LOL.. guess walls work now?
Good job setting this chaos in motion Uncle Joe!
The really important part is at 12:30... because all those "Russia-gate! Russia-gate!" repetitive morons, who still to this day think Trump actually conspired with Russia... are fucking idiots.
And here's another link for you fucking Democrat Party starfish lickers... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...es/3266050002/
I'll even link the important part because I know it's real hard for you all to admit you all got played like fucking idiots... "After a nearly two-year investigation, Attorney General William Barr announced Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller did not uncover any evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with Russians to influence the 2016 election."
You'll say "but, but, but people were indicted!"... BUT... not for collusion... because there was none.
I'm sure you'll go after the Clintons and DNC for their lies also, right? LOL
Four years of your all's batshit insanity based on lies... how does it feel knowing you have strings that you just dance too, when they wiggle them?
Last edited by Shaps; 09-24-2021 at 01:32 AM.
The GOP's own retarded "audit" of Arizona's election, by the so-called "Cyber Ninjas," showed that Trump lost by an even greater degree, finding that hundreds of votes that went to Trump should have gone to Biden.
Except as Attorneys General, William Barr mistated multiple conclusion brought by the Mueller Investigation, lied to congress about the DOJs impartiality and absolutely stole any bit of credibility that agency had. We now know that William Barr lied, that he as AG drafted a memo declaring Trump to be innocent and succinctly interpreted the exact opposite of what the Mueller Investigation concluded. A fact I'll remind you that Mr Mueller publicly stated.
This memo, circulated between the DOJ and the White House, concluded extra judicially that Trump was innocent before the Mueller Report was read. William Barr then drafted a 4 page public statement lying about the Mueller Investigation, stating it exonerated Trump, when in fact we know Mueller stated he couldn't say one way or the other whether Trump committed a crime due precisely by William Barr's secret memo.
We're not half a year since Judge Amy Berman Jackson publicly exposed William Barr's lies and you're already trying to rewrite history. Noice.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
― George Orwell, 1984
“The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
I'm really looking forward to John Durham's report. It's been two years since he started investigating and we've seen one analyst at the FBI get probation for an email, and now an indictment against a private attorney for allegedly lying. That's it, a massive nothing burger that was supposed to be Trump's massive October Surprise. Whoopsy.
After seeing all of his cronies locked up as part of Robert Mueller's investigation, I guess Trump thought he could appoint his own special prosecutor through William Barr to backup his 2016 lies. A pity it's not panned out.