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Thread: a floppy felt hat stuck with a blue cockatrice feather - Scripted Head-Worn Container

  1. #1

    Default a floppy felt hat stuck with a blue cockatrice feather - Scripted Head-Worn Container

    Auction will go ONCE, TWICE, SOLD. Delivery available to Solhaven, Landing, Icemule, River's Rest, Elven Nations, and FWI. Please keep bids in thread.

    a floppy felt hat stuck with a blue cockatrice feather - Somewhat Small (12lbs) for a couple of items.

    WAVE: You bow deeply and remove your hat with a flourish.
    TAP: You bow slightly and tip your hat.
    TOUCH: You run your hand along your hat.

    MB: 2m BO: 15m
    Discord: Kyaloria#0165

  2. Default

    Any alteration restrictions so one doesn’t have to look like smurf Robinhood?
    Last edited by hamsquatch; 09-05-2021 at 08:44 PM.

  3. #3


    You analyze your felt hat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

    The creator has also provided the following information:
    This hat can be altered by a talented merchant.

    Try to WAVE, TOUCH, or TAP the hat!

    You can tell that the hat is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
    Discord: Kyaloria#0165

  4. #4


    Discord: Kyaloria#0165

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