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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #10371


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Clearly the amount of money a state receives should be determined by what percentage of the state's representatives vote for said legislation, but the states should still 100% fund these programs. Except Democrat states of course, they get 100% funding no matter what.
    And why shouldn't a state only benefit from legislation that their duly elected representatives support? We look at the Covid emergency bills and see how states with ten people and a pair of horses wound up with billions of dollars, where high population states saw a fraction of the funding on a per capita basis.

    I know you think you're being a slap happy partisan, but you do understand that states don't have political affiliations. That's left up to whom they elect.

  2. #10372


    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    And why shouldn't a state only benefit from legislation that their duly elected representatives support?
    Christ almighty. I was being facetious but apparently that’s democracy in action for you.

    Remember the fake news you fell for that Trump demanded Comey’s loyalty? Remember how you thought that proved Trump was a tyrant? What’s the difference between that and demanding elected officials vote how Democrats want them to vote otherwise their citizens will suffer?

  3. #10373



    You lefties figure it out yet? Dumbasses.

  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post

    All you need to know about those in media (well some)...

    Climate change!! Reeeeee! - Drives a Raptor.
    Covid!! Reeeeeee! - No mask what so ever - Put yours on though.
    Lockdowns to stop the spread!! Reeeeee! - No worries, go boating.

    I personally don't care what he was doing, it's the hypocrisy.

    Be smart, live your lives, respect others... don't fall for the bullshit sanctimony of the jackasses telling you what you're supposed to be doing - because they're doing whatever they want.
    This is a classic logical fallacy. You're attacking the message by attacking the messanger.

    What's ironic is that you're completely leaving out the decades conservatives spent lying and pretending climate change wasn't real. We could have stepped in a lot sooner, but the GOP blocked it at every turn.

    And you're ignoring the way Republicans have consistently lied and convinced people COVID is no big deal. We could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if the people you have mindlessly supported had been more interested in saving lives than in profiting off of skepticism and death.

    Just look at the Delta outbreak. 40% of the new cases come from Florida and Texas.

    So on behalf of reality and responsible adults- sit down, shut up, and get a clue before you people do even more damage than you've already done.

  5. #10375
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    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    This is a classic logical fallacy. You're attacking the message by attacking the messanger.

    What's ironic is that you're completely leaving out the decades conservatives spent lying and pretending climate change wasn't real. We could have stepped in a lot sooner, but the GOP blocked it at every turn.

    And you're ignoring the way Republicans have consistently lied and convinced people COVID is no big deal. We could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if the people you have mindlessly supported had been more interested in saving lives than in profiting off of skepticism and death.

    Just look at the Delta outbreak. 40% of the new cases come from Florida and Texas.

    So on behalf of reality and responsible adults- sit down, shut up, and get a clue before you people do even more damage than you've already done.
    Still waiting for you to play your part in solving climate change. Didn't you just recently use air travel?

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  6. #10376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seran View Post
    Reduced funding, or funding by district in terms of House representatives. Senators are elected by statewide ballot, so if legislation is opposed and passes anyway there should be repercussions in terms of funding bills. Shaps talks about forcing compromise, what better way than by requiring parties to meet in the middle or be left out in the dark.
    Does that work the same way if a Rep. votes against a new tax bill but the bill passes anyway, their district doesn't have to pay the new tax?

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius
    “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

    “The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.”
    ― George Orwell, 1984

  7. #10377
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    If it is a defense bill, does that district or state get no defense by the Armed Forces? Asking for clarification.
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  8. #10378


    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    This is a classic logical fallacy. You're attacking the message by attacking the messanger.

    What's ironic is that you're completely leaving out the decades conservatives spent lying and pretending climate change wasn't real. We could have stepped in a lot sooner, but the GOP blocked it at every turn.

    And you're ignoring the way Republicans have consistently lied and convinced people COVID is no big deal. We could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if the people you have mindlessly supported had been more interested in saving lives than in profiting off of skepticism and death.

    Just look at the Delta outbreak. 40% of the new cases come from Florida and Texas.

    So on behalf of reality and responsible adults- sit down, shut up, and get a clue before you people do even more damage than you've already done.
    ROFL - I think you, and those that think like you, have done more damage than anyone else.

    BTW - Say thank you to the Republican that got the vaccine developed in record time... even though your Democrat idiots were saying how they didn't trust it. Fucking Anti-vaxxers. Didn't help anyone that Fauci was wrapped up and supposedly the lead advisor for this whole debacle either... that guy is full of shit.

    You really are self-delusional. Realized why took a break from these boards.. because dealing with delusional fucks like you isn't worth the effort.
    Last edited by Shaps; 08-15-2021 at 01:10 AM.

  9. #10379


    This shit is just funny... mainly because of this portion... “Also for everyone gonna say ‘just put it up for adoption,’ it’s not that easy and coming from someone who was in the foster care system TRUST me, foster care system is broken and it’s TOUGH, especially on the kids & young adults who age out.”

    She's advocating that she should have been aborted? I guess so... /shrug.

    It's the lack of logic in her statement/justification for abortion that makes me laugh. She should have never existed by her standards.
    Last edited by Shaps; 08-15-2021 at 01:53 AM.

  10. #10380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaps View Post

    This shit is just funny... mainly because of this portion... “Also for everyone gonna say ‘just put it up for adoption,’ it’s not that easy and coming from someone who was in the foster care system TRUST me, foster care system is broken and it’s TOUGH, especially on the kids & young adults who age out.”

    She's advocating that she should have been aborted? I guess so... /shrug.

    It's the lack of logic in her statement/justification for abortion that makes me laugh. She should have never existed by her standards.
    I have to agree adoption is far too difficult. As to the "aging out" well, that means you turned 18 and guess what, SUPRISE your an adult. As to the rest, well, just uggg.
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